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Sugar Coated, Or "improved Indian Vegetable" Pills

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For lntermiftentjRemiuent, Büíoub and fnflnm mntory Fevcrs; Headacho; Dv," pesia; Heonburn; Perverted Appetite' Co tivcness: Diarrhoca; Dysentery; Bilioua'ColÏM Worms; Pain in the Head, Side, Fo 1 Stomuch: Scrofula, Scurvy, or any Jmpuritiea of the Blood; Obstrucuons, and Feniale Com plnints generally. " rpHERE has ncver oppeared a mH;,;„ I which. Wh;ie t con do no harm. sLft ?ed to do so much good. They excite a healthiuí n spiration, and open all the natural drains of t) L systcm. The obstruction of Ihsknsjble Pv.p bation is the cause of a great proportion of h man suffering. These pills pesscss the vo in nn extraordmary degree, of removi all hl structions, and I restoring a hcalthful circulation They must undoubiedly superccde all other nuri gative medicines, as they have a fourlold action - viz: a discharge by the bovels, lungs, kulnevi and shin. Cmii.dbkn will nothesitnteto takethehv anrf they may be relied on, beyond any other remedias nn effectual and snfe medicine for WORMs and all complaints incidrnt to children. Mo children havo been cured in New York the nies' ent year, by the use of Dr. Smitji's Pills thoti1 all oiher medicines combined-as ihere'is noneed ol forcing tfiem down, like other medi ■ eines. One important advantage tn taking these" pille is, they do not Lri.e, nor produce nausea nor any o her unplensant sensntion. Piü8 knv"'. in thousands ot instances, producod Piles an? other consequences f ar icorse ihan the disease for which they were administered. This is var ticularly guarded agaittst in the combinstion o? the many ingredienis of wbich Dr. Sniiih"8 mik are composed- thus rendering them HARM-' These pills ore made of the pubest material-' and wc have the satisfaction of having proved' vVtues y' thCV PSSeSS IIDS The directions and treatment of dieeasrs aó companying eveiy box, in a circular of Voupages. No SUGAR COATED PILLS" can bê Vithout the s'gnmure of the soie inventer "G BENJAMIN SMITH, M. D., Presi dent of the N. Y. College of Health," upon cve-ry box. r Office devoied cr.clvsively fo the sale of thia medicine, 179 Grenwich street, New York, and No. 2, Water street, Boston. CERTIFICATES. We are not in want of certificates of a hiah character, coming from tbe moet respectable sources. [From a Nephew of the late Judge Thompson.} r. o r , Ni;v York, May 15, 1844. Dr. Smith s 'Improved Indian Vegetable Pilla have proven y vnluable to mvself aid fumily, n the cure of violent hf.abache. pain in the side1 and stomach. For children, no better medicine can be produced. In the case of our linie pirl two years old, the most happy efTectshave resulted ironi their i;se. I have nt-ver known a medicine which I could so conlidentlv recommeiid &a these plus. R. THOMPSUN, 5G Northmore St. The following lady is too wel! known in New York for her intelligence and philanthropy to be Joubted: [From the Matron of the U. S Naval Hospi - rAL:] Accustomed as I am to administer to the eick, í can apprecinte a valunbie medicine. If therebe ï medicine adapted to die numemus ailments of mankind, it is Dr. Smith's Sugnr Pilis. 1 have jsed them and seen them used with the most asonishing results. in several insrances within my nowledge. restoring the pnt.ent from extreme lowness and'èufTering to sirength and liealth.- For ladies during pregnancy, these pills are o wvcrñgn halm. 1 recommend them to all as a valuable family mkdicine. SARAH A. GOÜLD, Matron of the tl. S. Naval Hospital. Brooklyn. June lüth, 1844. [From the Deputy Sheriff of New York.] Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indian Vegetable PüIf" fiave been used in tho Eldrigde-St. Debtors' Pnson with uncommon eatisfaction. 1 have never lieard a medicine spoken of with more interest jy the sick who have taken these pills. JAS. J. BEVINS, Depuiy Sherif [AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE.] I have to record an i nata nee of unparalleldd si' fering. which must hnve terminated my exist tencc. had not Dr. Smith's ''Sugared India! Vegeinble Pilis" come to my rescue. In thefal af 1843, I had n scrolulous iffectior, which nearlx' covered my body with sores, and rendered me unfit for life. In the course of two months I was atiacked with ever, which raged wiih great violence. I tt ok mnny prescription6, but without relief. Mv euffering was great. Mrs. Gould' (whom I shall ev!r reniembcr with esteem) adv3ed me lo use these Sugared pills, which I took in large doses a few dnys, when the fever and pain abated. I continued these pills in small do Bes, about five weeks, when my fever and scro-' fula were cured, my blood compleiely purifitd, nnd niy general heahh improved. I"am certairi" f owe my life. under Providence, to the uee of these pills. E. M. PARK. New York. [From Jas. M. Turner, Esq., late of the U. S. Navy.] I have been nfflicted several yeors with n weakness in the breast, costiveness and a difficulty of breathing. I was lately more ihan ever lroubledr though 1 had ttiken many presciibed remediré - Through (he advice of a friend, ] proenred Dr. Smith's Patent Sugared Pills. which I veed. and they have not only relieved, hut eniirely cured my complaints. My wife has also used them with the most happy erTects, I believe them the best medicine in the world. JAMES M. TURNER, 581 Greenwich St.. N. Y. Refers to Hon. Silas Wright, U. S. Senate, PERFECT CURE OF WORMS. Our little girl, 6 years old. hns euffered all the' worst stages of worms; and we have never found an cffectual cure, until we administered Doet. Smjth's Silgar Pilis, which our little girl took without the least resistance, in doses of two at o time; nnd we nevrr witnessed such va change in so short a time. The pills brought awaya maer of worme, and she at once improved. She is now in joyous liealth. We have oleo found the greatest benefit from their use. JACOB CARLOCK, SStaple st., N. Y. Wo have many certificates of cures in case efWORMS. [From o lady well known in New York. J Ihave been troubied for years withfdizzineBB' and pain in the head, nttended with depression, dimnessof sight, &c, which have been entirely cured by Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indian Vegetable Pillu." I prize thismedicine aboveall other. SARAH DOUGLASS, Coner ol Ludlow and Walker-St. [The foilowing is from one of'the oldest and most respectable larmers in Madison Co., N. Y.] Cazknovia - , Jnly 28th, J844. I hnve used 40 boxes Brandreth's Piils. and as many more of difierrnt kinds, and I have' never found that benefit from the U6e of ther wholo, that I hnve from tbe use of two boxes o . Dr. Smith's "Improved Ijídian Vfgetabí-i" PlI.LS. They eeem to strike at the foundation of my' disease, which is of a bilions character. IRA ALVORD. [Mr. Alvord tfns. with nndther, the nrat set-" tier of the beautifuí fillage of Cazenovia, about 50 years ago.] OLD MEN nnd YOUNG MEN have, without number, given their tistimonia's foi theeo excellent family jiills. And MOTHERS ! we wish we could lay before the world all the expressions of npprobation which ive hnve from them in New York. Théy would alone flll this" pnge. The fatít ia, tHere never was such a medicine for ihe complaints of ChildiuTíí . For salo by G. & J. G. Hill, Detroit; f hösv May, Jr., Plymouth: Perriri & Hall, Northville; Lund & McCollum, F. J. B. Crane, and W. S. & J. W. Maynard,arid'G. Gréuville, Ann Arbór; also in Ypsilanti, Dexter, and throughouit the United States. Office devoted èxcltisively to' these Pills, 19 Greenwicih-St., Nf w Ydrk. CAUTION.- Bewar of imitatione. 50-iy


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