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Will bepublished every Monday uiorning, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, FOR TUK MlCHIGAff STATE AkTI-SlaVERÏ Socttrr. TEKMS. Oï Dollar a year, in advance: if not paid, 5n advance, Two Dollars wili be iisvarialy requircd. (□ Old subscribera ctn have their paper at One Dollar a year, by forwarding that amount, ad payin; arrearagc?. All aubscribera will be expeoted to py within Wie year. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For each line of brevier, (the mallest type,) tor the firat inserüon, 3 cent. For each subsequrnt insertion, 1 cent. For three moruha, 7 cenia. For aix montht, 10 cent. For one year, 15 cent. Orders by mail will ba ptomptly atlended to. Legal Advertiaing by the lolio. VDT Manufacturara, fiooksellers, Machiniats, Wholesale Merchants, and all othera doing an ; txtensive buaine, who with to advertiae, will" find the Signnlthebeat possible medium of comtnunication in tbe State, 03" All Remittancea and Communications chould be addreased, Post paid, CSignai. of Libkrtt: Ann Arbor, Mich-XD


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