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AliJLEOÚSl'S MEDICINES 1 II È $M MEDICINES ARIO "ífecting snelt istonis'iiuy cures in nuilliiuiioa ol uld enses long tice abandonad ly Pbysíoians iind Surgfcousns uttcrly hopdess. that nu motlici.ics, vvhtirei iliese .'ire known, smid so deservedly high. They conaist of IS E BLACK, OR Af. LEU ASI' S SALIE, PRIVE L'5 CEXTh. VVhich cares alinoat univcrsaliy, Fever Sore, of ihe Must mal gnant kind, Fdons, Ulcera, ALsötuspa, Tumors. Fractures, C.uts, Puw.jures, u a-i, Sc-tlds. Soie Throa;, Chilbl.-iins, Quih.spy.Dropái-y. loiliminat ry ithetunnustn, ti flünma'ionii iind swcllini's of evcry deanniption. Scild Hcai!, Apue in ihe Face. is'c;vous Tuoih Acht-. Aguein ilie Urosi. Brükcn Ii easis, &c. !tc. ALLEBASÏ8 HEALTH PILI.X, 85 Cc7ï. These JJi Is have ucQuire?ii a popiilnriry vviihin ihc lasi year or uvu, which no other Piüa pos soss. Fhü reñsüns are obvióos to alt whu usr thein, nn.i nmy !._ Iearned from the pnmphlet iliar accimpanics them. Tlic-y cmo Jülioua. Scarki rtnd other Fcvers, Fever nod Aguc. DypepSy, Drtiptfy. Acid Siomru-h, Dit-ordt-lcd Bowcli, ói SiouiHcit. Joundtce, Ue-jd Aehc, Diz-zinessin the ílenú. Wdiins, Livcr Cortij..Iaim, Ifart Bnuis. ("Taolio. Bow&l compfoim, Genera! Dt-bility, Cos liveucss, &c. ác. Tiiey purify ibe eniire sysenn, lefve the bowe!.-: in u vigoroua ajid heahhy condiiion, &c. See pnmphlei. ALLEBASI'H TOOTll ACHE DROPS, PRICE èC CLNTS, Will etire an ordinary case öf Tooth Ache intiom thrèé tó ten mituies. Fot N'ervous üüd oihei kinds of Tooi h Ache. sec (.aniphle:. ALLEBASI'S POOR MANS PLASTEIi. PRIJE 12 i CENTS, Are wrratied to be superior to :iny othor Plas ters in this or any oiher country, for pain or weaknnHs n the B.-.ek. Sidft, Clicet. Buweïs. L"ins. Musoles, and fbr Rheumatism, Lungond Li%er Complaims, GougiiS; Colds, Asihmti, &c See painjihlet. N. B. Plensfi to ask ilicapent for n p.imphlei which Hiveaall ihc nforihatjon necessnry respecting the u;es of ihfl medicines, the Virtues liiey Dossess, cíe. Piense to follow dtrections in the use cA the medicines, and you tnay rely upon ol! that ia promised. A liberal discount nmie to merebants and others, vvho buy to sel! anin. LY.MAN W. ntt.RERT.Proprietor. VVh-.lesule Druggist, 14 Fuhon st. f. Y. " (HF For sale by the subscriber. who hos lieen sppointed eenerü! ngent for i Jie Cuy uf Detroit nd i.s vicinity. Country dealers supplied on liberal ternis. C. MORSE, Michigan Book Store. The above medicines are for sale at the Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December Í). 1844. M-ly. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. BOOKSELLERANliSTATlOHER, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFEUSOli AVESÜE, DETROIT Keeps onnstantly for sale a omplett; nssorlinej of Misccllaneous, School and Claesicul Books; Lctterand Cap Paper, pla in and ruled, Quilla. Ink. Sealing VVax, Cuilery, Wrapping Paper. Piinling Paper, ül ntl stzès; and Book, News and Caniater Jnlc. of var:ous kinds. li L J.S fSL Wwm- Fullnnd lsaif bound. oí evet vvarielvo) Uuling M E M O R A N DU M BOOKS.'&c. To Merchnnts. Teachers, and others. buying rn qnnnrities. n Inr.rp li3cn.irt hririfff. SABBATH SGHCCL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEP03IT0P. 51- tf.h FIRE! FiREU FIREU! TROTECTION I.N'SüilAXCt COMPANY. IJARTFORD. CO.N. 3 HOWARD, AGENT,, the ProiecX 7-i non Insurance Company, of liartford Oonii.. oíTeis tu insure Houses. Stores. JViiHs. Barns. and their contenls. and all dtsenp'ion u! 'nsurüble pruperty agüinst loss or dasnááe by fiie. The ra tes of prértiiuni öffered' nre rs low n 'hose ofany oiher similar inrfilutinn. ond even man hns now an opportunity fofa trir5in? stiin lu - protect himself against the ravages of tliis destruetive element, which' iji.a single hour. e sweeps away theearnings ofranny veuis. r The course the office pursues in iransnctin; . tlieir busiucse, and in adiusiing any payment o; lo&ees. is prompt nid liberal. For terms oí ináurance. npplicnuon mny be made to the n(ove 11 narned atjeutj who is auihorized to issue policiet o applicania vvithon'. deiny. D.E. CLARK, President. _ f Wai. Co.vner, See'y. Persons at a distance wishing to pet propeit.v insured. by sending thcir applicaiiuiis by rnaii. ill be prompily attendcd to. C?Ofrn: direcily ojiposite tbé ';Bank of Wash■enaw:' Building. M. IIOWARI). l; Ann Arrior. Nov. 25, l?4i. 3iMw u . . GRAND RIVER 1 TTTILIj probably be navigable wkiiin fiv? r VV ycats. ns fnr soutli as J T. PRATTS'i STORE, where the inliubitaniö ui Michigan can ij now be supplied wilh y Dry-Goods, Groceiries, Medicines, Booís, Shoesl Hals, Cabivet Ware, Mi.llStones, Cloth, Patent Smut Machines, BrisloVsi tSarsaparilïa, i 20,000 boxes of Pnui's Pilïy, ai'ngle box 2 shilings, Life Bitters. 50 cia per Boule, n choiceioto' CHEE-;K. ■ made in Western New Vork. The propriatcu pledges bioiself rio aell os hih as any Mercüam - m lowti. N. B. - All kinds of Country Produce, luñvber, brick. linie, wood, bouglit or sold" jusl atwil] suit (iistfimers bes'. A good' farm and or : ty aert's o! wild Innd f r .nle. Adniitmuce No. l, Cluin's block, near tin Rivur. jnckson, Mich. Nov. 21, J-S44. S2-f Rcady Made Ólothiiigü! rjlHK L.-vüGLÜ 1' and best nssuriineJit oí reaJL dy made clotli'iig 5 er bcfore oflereH in ili iStnie iiinv opening, and for m!e. WRÖJèsale i Retai!, at :he Clwiliin Eíupoiiuin ot the sub SLTibc-is, consisting in pari of pliiin nnd ianc Boaver. Pilou Broad tiloths nnd otiicr stylts o Oviir ..Cuats. . ; Tweed Cr.saimf re. B?iivcr, Piiot, Doiuestic Ctith. Union Cassiinere und nuiieU Frock anci Biwinoss Cunis. Fine, Plriiñ nnd Fn'n'cy Cossjmore. Blue nnri I'l'ick Brpad Cloth, Tweeds anti oiher styles ol Pantnloons. Plain nnd tanèy Silk nnd SilR Velvet, Woolen Velvet Merino, Ösnn nnd Cassimerc Vfisds. &c. Sec. Sec. togeiher with n very Inrge stock o! co rn in on low pi eed Over Coats. Busm'esá Onts. lintai')ons nnd esis, such as blue arïtl black Flushing, Sniinet, Keniucky Jrans, Canimon I Tu-ceds, &o. &c. Alsp-.on c.xtüiistvc assoriment oiilosiery. Stocks. Scnrfs, Mandkeichiefs?. C'oilars. Ij'mh!s Wool and Mermo Drnwers nnrl ( Sluns. Cimrorter3. Gl ives. kc. etc. hU of whicb will be s)d vefj low f'r Cash. Tbey wouid respcctiully invite li in wnut of rendy rnadt ■ uarments to cali nnd theïr stock iiefore ptirchasing rlsevvbere. ysit h ispeen st'lpcterl h-U'i . irvat rare in the I'nsiern mnrkets. und manufnc turcd ín j!io lstest stvlcs and trtoat durable nriünner. , }fA!.LOCK &RAYMOND, Corner pi Jerfcison ond Avcnuts Deuoit. Oct. !0. 1S44. n25 J Ashes, Asïies! 'J TO any amoui.t wrintcl by BFCKLKY & HICKS. Ann Arbo-, Lqwer Town. 26 Círass Seed! WAÑTEDby J} BECKLEY& IIICKS. Ann Aíbor, Ley.'er Tovn. r !26 .1


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