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No tice lo Merchante. rriHE Subscribers encouraged by the patronX .go thcy have hi'.herto received in thc who.esalo department of their businefcs, will thc rrst dny o f May next. open tho store now occupiod by Geo. Grenville, front ing oti Hurón strcet, íhkI cünnecting with tlieir present store in ilic rear. exclusively fr a WHOLE SALES ROOK, where tliey will keep at all times a f uil assonment oí Dry Goods. Bools, 8f Slioes Carptling Hals, Caps, Paper ffangingsf Bnnnels, Crockery by lite Crale, Hardware avd Goceries, 'fe. 8fC. tic. all of whierujvill be solcl on ns good termo as ni any poiut th'As eideofNew York Cuy. G. D. HILL & CO. Ann Arbor. March 20, 1844. 48tf. THE followingindispen6ab1e fomily remedies mny be found at Matnakd's Druggist Store, in Ana Albor, where none will be sóld unli'ss kr.own to be of the beet kind nnd no counterfeit article ever offered, patent medicine nvariably procured of tie origin 1 inventor or his regular successor: O No favñbj siould bc a week wiüiout these remedies. jr BALDNESS. Balm of Co'umlia, for tltt Hoir. which wil stop it if falling out, or restore iton bald places: and on children tnake it grow rapidly, or on (ho6e who havo lost thehair froni ny cause. ALL VERMIN that infest ihe héade of children in schools, aie prevented or killed by it at once. Find vfcc nnme of, COMSTOCK on it or never try it. Remember tliis alicays. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented, or governed ifthe attack hao come on, ií you nee the onlyirue IIays' LiniMent, from Comstock & Co All SORES, and every thing relieved by it that admita of nn outwardapplication. Itactslikea chajm. Use it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS positively cured; all shrivelled musclcs and limbsnre restored. in the oidor young, by thelndian Vegetable Elixir and fierre and Bone Liniment - bui never without the name of Comstock & Co. on 1 'KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE willeradi:ate nll WORMS in children or adulta with a jertainty quite nstoniehing. TOOTH DROPS. Klikes- cures effbctually Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1844. 41 WHIGHT'S tiïledicated Piaster, spread for immediate use. PRICE ONLY ONE SHILLING, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MBANS OF ALL. IN slight ailments, or where the patiënt preters a lees expen8ive article thnn the "Anti-inflamatory and Rh eumatic Piaster," these will be found highly benedcial. Being alieady sprend for immediate applicajion, they will be found very convenient for WEAK BACKS, Pain or Weakness in the Side. Breast, Stomach, between tho Shoulders, or wherever there. is Pain, or where a Piaster is needed. They may be rendered more servlceable by pasting a picce of cloth on the bsck of them before they are 8pplied. Multitude8'have been relieved of pain and íuflering by these Cheap Piasters. For bale at Mosely's Bookslore, and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. 16-ly L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. THE Subscribers tnke this mcihod of informin all such as are engaged in the Millinp l)usiness in the Stato of Michigan, that they are now manulacturing in Ann Arbor, Washtenuw County, Michigan. L. B. Walker's Patent Smut machine, which they would recommend to wke the Smut off oí wheat as well or better than any other machine. This machine is a horizontal machine - itretains all the fnciion of the wheat, and uniting simplicity with durahility, it combines the beating, scouring, and blowing principies. dSs charging the dust and smut as fast as separated froni the wheat. This machine is perfectly secure from fire, and runs much lighter than any oilier machnie in use. For further information. see large bilis. Shop in Lower Town. Prices to agree with the times. All orders for Machines wil! be promptly attended to. Address, E. O. & A. C'RTTTENDEN. Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co., Mich July 8.1844. 116m The Birney Portraits, THE Subscribers have on hand a quantity of these large and splendid engravings,beautifully executed on steel an excellent artisi. (rom a painttneby E. W. Göodwin Esq.. of Albany, N. Thcy are a striking likeness of the Man, and make an elegant ornament for the pailor. For sale, whpiesale and retail. at $8 per dozen, or$1.00 each, by A. McFnrren. Bookseller. Detroit, and by BECKLEY & FOSTER. Ann Arbor. Ñov. }. 1944. 28 tf wooi.; wooi.r CLOTHf CLOTHÜ THE Subscribers would inform the Publtc that they will continue to manufacture good at 'heir Mnnufnctory, two and a half miles wepl of Ann Arbor, on the Huron, on the following TER MS. Until tlie first day of November. A. D. 1844. the price will be 37 cents per yard, or half the cloih the vool will make. From the Ist of November to the lóth of Muy, ]845, the price will be 30 cents per yard. or nine twentieths of the cloth the wool will make, that is, 45 yards out of 100 tnanufactured. The wool will be manufactured in turn as it may come into the iactory, as near as may be with reference to the different qualities. Any person who will furnish one or more pareéis of wool from 80 to 100 pounds of one quality can have it manufactured by itself. Wool wil) be rece ved at Sen. VVool sent by Railroad willbe attended toin the same m;inncr as iftheowner were to come with it - it should be carelully ntarked. We have manufactured cloth during the past year for a yery lare number of cuatomers, to'whom we believe wc have given very general satisfaction With these facts and the advantages offered by the low price at which wc ofTer to manufacture cloth, we hope for a Inrge shnre of palroni'ge. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. .. Scio, Washtenaw Co.. July 25. 1844. 3- tl Ñew Hat Store. JAMES G. CR.ANE would respectfully inform thc Public, thnt he has opened a fine otwek of Hate, Caps, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, CottarSf XJmbrellas and Gloves, at No. J05, JefTer8on Avenue, Detroit, nearlj opposite the U. S. Court Room nnd Post Office whero he will be happy to see his friends on supply them with as good an artiele in his Hm ns can be procured, etthor hcre or at the east and as cheap: Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first rat fashionable article of Hata-or Eop8, can be sup plied by sending theirsize or have any style fur nished to order in a few hours, and tcarranted t suit. Cali and see- it nuiy save you a dollnr. I JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,, July 12 1844. 13-6:n DRAB BROAD CLOTH for carringe trirr itiing. Cords and Tassels for window shadei for .ale by' W. A: RAYMOND, 32 tf 148 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. WANTKD, any quantity of DEERSKIN by BKCKLEY & IIICK8. Ann Arbor, Kov. 29, I8U. . 3-lf


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