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Will bepublished every Monday litorning, in Anu Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLETf & FOSTER, For the MicmoAS State Anti-Si.avery SoCIJETT. TERMS. Okb Dolcar a year, in advance: if not pnid, n advnnce, Trj DollaHs will be invaiuably required. O Old subjcribcra can have their papers r.t One Dollar a yoar, by forwarding that amount, tod payiti; arrc-nrngc?. AH subscribers will bo cxpected to pey within lbo year. TERMS OF ADVEIIT1SING. For cnch Jine of brevier, (the smallest type,) fbr the firat tnsertion, 3 cents. For ech subdequent insurtíon, I cent. For ihree jnontha, 7 cents. For six motith8, 10 cents. For ono year, 15 cente. Ordeis by mail wül be promptly attended tü. Lejjal Advertising by the toiio, O Manufacturera, Booksellers, Macliinists. Wholesale Mercliants, and all oihers doing an ziirtitre business, who wish to advertise, will find the Signnl the best possiblo medium of communieation in the State. (ET All Remitt;inco8 and Communications hould ba addressed, Post pnid, CTSuiKALOF Libkrty: Ann Arbor, Mich.rj


Signal of Liberty
Old News