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Postage, Cheaper Postage, Two Cents Postage

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Tí. o quesiion of pi's'ag.e reform wij] bc a?i !ued durifig ibesessiop pf Congress, a rul t'je í'rjends pf chenp posrnge onglu to be on the alerN.or vve sha!' lis ve aaoihrT m semble at - U'tn)t iopntch up an o'd, vrr. oye, inherent [y defectiva system. Amone" al' {.lio innecessHry íijiulipii lo which the pecple of :be Nortl; have bnen subje-fed, tliere is na one lem nhich bearsas heavily upon lpr as th- tG!' of l'oslogr-. T.-i!-." n fniiiily for iijjlanc 'ke (Hir Grandjalher's, havlüg n its ci:cl The failier nn;l moiher snd twenty six chdilrcn. Thfy Yfr& of !ie geraiip Ynukee. Ftork. ('rom BrrliMhire county. Tiie pnren:s died n Briks iiro, tiie twen!y-six clr.'.dren werp catlered over ihe (Vee Sfales - only one of iliem wem Soiuíi, we bdieve. Nnw !nol ;u th.e pin of inxniion. Tjhese t'.vciy avera(Ted llieir (Ji.-innces f:um cach o;!:er, so tliac in u-iiiii'ij fioiii pojflt ' poiiit a letfci p'ivFÍnt.r belwo n nny twn ;uid an ans'.vcr rt:íurning, wou!. i cusí 1 hirt y- sr-veíi nii! a hnlf c-'hts. One letter a ye-ir passing1 bf.wrpn thp whule iwe:iiy-s-i- woull bny o fíirm jn Wi - cuüsin iialf laríjí; epoqgh to uoport tlicii). - Tiie . rupture r fanif]y tics is hard en.mgh. the refusal of ihe GovernnienL to ndtipt a pian wliereby coire?poní,!f-jnce ntid ectsi inter-commiiniralion can be lept up amoug relaijorj?, í'ne.'ids and busioess nutracreous. Tbe Eng-ii?!) pystem is ii) i he hiii-tiile. It . es as it flows nnd os it ebbs. VVhnt n sliflme on onr pan' tiíat in many of tiie most inipor-í Uint niiiC'HoinihiMs n:l(ipícri for ;ha cnipffiot) benefir, Roinibüoan Gerii'ts lia? ío beiid to úp' spgap.ity.9f tbe Munarchist. Ín ?.?, theto-' :al mniberüf 'eUars wa? 7000,000 n (rroa Uritru;;. Id 1C4S, i' wns 2-iO,O'JO,UOÜ, makinjr a icvenue uf .; 8,000.000 er annum. Our syvStem nrbt án so likewise. We liave npn -sition inanifestcd, on !i;e parí ot'fone, tn chtap jío&it!-., yicaose T lie Pust Olfice w:1l not probübly sut:un iiself (or s-ome time, f lio dirige is made fiom ihe jviosont enonnoiií and uneqnal m;es. lo tlio simple pun oí' iivo cenia for half an ounce jor tll lUstuncfS. - Siippo.-e 1 lie Po! Oüico does not stistnin 1self! What oblicration iá there pecnlnilv restinnf on thal departmrnt to snsíaii) itc!l inore than otlior? lie vvoiild be thongbt silly i svbo slionld say one of nur y real )üTil b'uises doos not snsiain ii.-elí", theretnre Congrcss must mqke no approjiriations for it. Tiio Post Office systein rniml be alterod. Lnt tiie people arip. Leí. na hnve a moetin: 'w i l' ny. om disenss ilio malter. We j:o for lije tico cent yclietne. Whi's, Democnits, ', tives. Tiiberty mon - wliat say you all? Shalj


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