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Orkoon-.- Un thR II. of R. Bec. 23.1 the ConuniMee on Territories reported 8' bilí to organiae the Territoria! goverr.mënt of OVe1 eon, inclnding i.lte coiin'ry west of tiie unmit of the Rocky Mountain?, -bol latitudes 42, nnd 44' dogrees and 49 minutes north. The iri)vefnmnt to fonsi-t' of-n logi ti deparinienf,, cin;o8eiJ of five, and ' A.sseoiWyof nit more than tiftw meuiber. - A írovernor to bo npiotntd, and' to net UB In fian A'jjeiM - a Secretary of Terntory- a ! jiKÍjre- Attoniey Goneral'aníl'ftftnihnl. The Coiinctl to be lect?d by tle HotiBCof Rep1 r'í?entatv;-: and Rfepresnt'itives, one to each 500 nhnbiïants, to be e!ectel by tfwse who have bpn ci:izes of ihr United State, ox of some Teirilory, or aciunl reaidents thereietc. CuwGnKs=. - Th proceedings of Congres, (luring the season of the holiday,-8r as usui.l, ratlier Barren of interest. The variou propoáíion in reference to tile annejflition of Tvxas, submitted fucces6i-eiy by Mr. WeDtiffloand 8nton of ihe Sisnac nd ïhjersol) and' VVeller of Hoti,.were' 't th last dates undiipoeed of. The Senate iewlutions ar in the of the eomwftwon Foreif.-n Relntíon- those in the House wwit tohe committeeof the Wholeon th Btate of the Union. The proposition' ate in-rubstancf, as folio ws: 1 . McDuffieV in the Senate, ibcorporating theTreaty of Mr. Tyler, and ■fflrming-it u tbe law of the laad.


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