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Tñe Legislntúre conVened'at Xhé Capítol n íüonday the 61 h. In the Senate Iit. G-v. Richardsoniook? he Chroir, uiid-the outli of offíwrwax adininistered tu t!ie Senaten1 by Jiidge VVhipple. Senator Hweli,' of' 'Livingston, wes4 nnanimously lected Presi-fent pro tempore. S T.-Bnidhead; of Wyne. wae elcted Seeve'ary- N. B; Ëlürêcïgë, of íinpRer en rolling Cíérk- und M. Hawlí-, of Ai egan. Sereantat-arm8. The GovernorV Annual Mtessogc wáí recfejud, anti 6ÓÖ"cop:es ordered to lie priirted . Jn the Iiónse, Mr. Prntt of Oakl.ind, was cHosen ifpeakrr p téms-nC', . Ma-on, oí MaCDttib, Sergrtnt-Ht-arms p'o trtn.-'uu] A. W. Hnvey, (l OaRftnd. t&tetk'jfÚ Irni:- Themfttibers eletít oppéare'ií, nnd the oath of of&ca was aminiafe-èd by the Chief Ju.stice.- Mr. A. fid llíinjcomv of Oikland, was elacfed Sppak&r- and WiHinms, of W&yne, Clcrfi . The Mefisafe of the öovèrnor wí tranetititted to the House, and on bcing tem], 8,0)' cpies wére ordrfcd pubHèhed in EngIiih. 500 irt tKc Frcnch',artd 500 in the Gèrntjun lanyuages. On the secood day, G. K Madison, wae elected 8e.geant-at arrn nnd G: W. Jewett, of livingston, Enrollinp, EñgroseMijfiand Re cnrding Clerk. Jan. 7tb. The Senerte wd Hdow met djoint Gonvention to carvass the votes on the amendment to the Constituí ion changing the time of holding the general èlection from the Monday n Nov. and the day folio wing, to the ñrst Tuesday in Nov. Upon ennvnseing the votes, it ras ascertained that 31,045 hod beun bast in its favor, an' 641 agoinst ii, whrreuport the amendment wasdeclared to he adopted. In Senate, San. 8, Mr. Patterson introducec n joint resolution for instrticiing our Senators and rr-questing our Representaties to u?e rheireffirts tö reduce fhc rites o? Postnge an amrnd ihe fmnkim privilege. On the 9th, M.'. Demon moVed an amendment, to the efffcl that the salaries of tht principal clerks in post offices should be reiluced, and the offices let to the lovvest bidder, by contrnct. Reftf red to select oom. On the loih, Mr. Patterson from the ma - jurity of the com. appointed to considcr the joint reolution and amendmenlinatructinar our Seat"r in Cngresa to use their effoita for a rt duel dn of pöstage, tac, reported back the original resoluiion, without araendment. Accfpted. Dr. Denion, from tninority f said com. rpported thp amendment, respecting rcduction ot' Salaries-, tic. Accepted. A debüle then arose on adopting the minoriiy report as an amendment to the majority report. Mr. Masón moved an amendment for the nho'ilion of the franking privilege. This was ndvocated by him and Dr. Dentón on account of the abuse of the privilege, ihe exclusivenoss of it. and the necessity of destroying ev ery vestige of it, or it would soon grow agaio :o its present dimensims. It was a la.x on the people for the benefit of politicianF. Mr. Patterpon opposud the abolishment of 'he fronking privilogo becauíe he thought a ?real amount of useful inforimtion was di-eminnted througli the free documente and correspondence, and bccause the piivilege romposed a large ehnre of the compciuaiion f country post maaters.Mr. Allen moved thHt the resolution shouM renet ♦■mmlily or abolith' instcad of abolisb,'? liich W08 ngreed to. Dr. Dentón moved a reconsideraron of the voteby wliich tlie mendment of ihe minority of the cotn. had been rej?cted. He tpoke of' the nceesity of having reforma und ihnt none rould be had nnless demanded snecifically y thr people. He advocated ih lettiny of ihe Post offices to the loweM bidnep, in the sami! nvinner t'io cairying of thn rmila is n'W let. Thre were 14,000 Postmnsterf, the iliries of rmmy of who :i co'ild be reduced from $1,000 to L100 or $200, if let by contract. - VU polatirs of the principal clerks at Wsuhingtoii shoulii be rednced. They varied from )?l,'00 to $1,500 n year - more than was paid t Senalor?,or some Governors, fur mere boyV work. The amendment was voled d"vn, 4 beintr tor it, and 18 ngninst it. The origin! preain bie Jinii resolution were ntlopted. In the House, Jan . 10, Mr. Pratt asked and obtnined leave to introduce a bilí to incorpórate the Michigan Rail Road Company, and luüiorize the sale of the public works. In ihe House, Jan. IS, Mr. Swortz gavr of a bilí to provide for taking the cetimis in 1845. In Ihe Senite, on the 15'h, the incorporatinn nf the Ann Arbor Female Seminary was diícused. Mr. Sniitli rffered a preamblc and resolution to the offect that tho practice of payin out of ihe State Ireasury for postage of ciiminunicaiiiins sent toor fotwarded by 'Tietnliers if both House?, was irnprnper and pernicious, ond ought to be rejected. Laid on the 'uU!e, In tlie Motisp, Jat. 15, Mr. ffnys ofTered n p (jninble ond jiint re6olutiun, iiiilrnctirii our 'etw ors and reqtiesting our Representative-; in GongrefiP, to u.-e n!l proper rxertionb for the immediate aiinexation of Texas tothe Unittd State. The rfsolution was taken up in com. ol the whole, Mr. Stevens in the chair. Mr. Carter moved tt add to the word innexation, which was carried. Mr. Vickery moved to insert the word "prevent," so thai our Senators and Representatives be instructed to use all proper exertions to prevent the annexation of Texas" to the United States. Mr. V. said he ofTered'the amendment for the purpose ofdrawing'out some 'information on the subject frbm the gentleman who ofiered the rësölutiön. Mr. Bancróft moved that the committee rise and report the resolution back to the House, which was adopted, and on rhotion of Mr. Carter, laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Severa I petitions were presented on different days for altering the License aws, and for abolishing militia'tfïinings


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