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LOST. FOX'S Bookof Mart y is liclonsfing to E.Priy was taken from the store of Bcckley Hicks.Ami Arbor. LowerTown, some year ago. Any person hoving knowledgc of the same wijl confer a favor by communicnung it to the subcriber. &. BKCKLEY. Jan. 8. 1845. 33 GOODS NEWS FROM ENGLA.ND. Dr. Stnith's Sugar Coated hrvproved ludían Vegetable Pilis, TRIUMPHANT FOR COXSUMPTION8, COLD8, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEP9IA AND PEVFK1?. LTOOK a severe coltl, this full, which seuled in my liuibs. and brought on the Rhuumatism, acconipunicd with severe pains nnd a bad otigh, whicli obliged me to give up roy business, tried many remedies without any relief, uniil I proeured a box if Dr. Smiih's Coated Vegetable Pilis, whicli, I ani hnppy to sny, mmcdiately relievtd me, and enabled me, iri three dnya, to return to my business. I am now entirely well. E. F. HILL, Washington st. Boston, Nov. 4, 1844. I have been considered in the Consumption for nbout nine years, with a severe cough evcry fall, which did not Jenve me lili the next sprinr, with au almost cnnstnnt Heada-lie; uot beirïg able to sleep innny niglus during the winters, in consequence of the severe fits ofcougbing. I have tried most of ihe c ugh remedies, with only temporary relief. My usu-1 cough. commenced aboutfour weeks since, with an inercaaingsoreness to iny lunes; and was urged to try Dr. Smiih's Sugnr Coated Pilis- wliich t did, b'ui without any faith in their c-fficacy. I took fnur Pilis beiure retiring; and, vvithtn forty-eigh' hours, my cough was entirely broken up. which has not returned, and the severe turns ót headnche hiive left me. J never have fmind a rememdy before that brouaht so sudden relief. 1 do noi Gelieve there is any cure for th Consumption; bat nm satigfied, there is no lompofary relief equnl to these Pilts. I have since ad.ninisiered ihem to tncmbers of my fa'iiily, for Colds and Joughs, with the most happy result. H. E. WELLS, Boston Having been afflicted for severa! yenrs with a Weakness in the stomnch and Lunus, with Cos tiveness, Headttchc, and Depression of Spi its. thoughi by many to be in a Consumpiion. and was obliged to give up my business. A (ter trying a number of tlje vnrious Sarsapartllis and Balsama, without any permanent relief, I wae prevailed opon totry Dr. Smith's Sugar Coaied linproved Indian Vegetable Pilis; and, to mv nstonishment, they immediately relieved me. nnd. nfier tnkins a few dosts. am entirely recovered, ann able 10 return 10 my business. JUSTUS CLARK. The directior.s and treatment of the disease?. accompany every box. PRICE '5 CENTS PER BOX. No "SUGAR COATED PILL." can be genurne without the signaiure of the solé inventor. :G. BENJAMIN SM1TH. M. D.. President of the N. Y. College oi Health," upon evcry box. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of :h:s mebicine. 179 GREENWJCH STREET, New York. No. 2 WATER-STREEi Boston. For sale in all the villages and" towns in the New England States. N. B. - No travelling pedlars are allo wed to sell these Pilis. BTFop sale by VV. S. & J. W. Maynard. Ann Arbor.HARTFORD Fire Insurance Coinpany. lncorporated in 1840 - Charter perpetual - Capital, $150.000, icith power to increase il to $250,000. TfHS we!l known and long estabüíhed Insli tution. with ampie cash capital, liave esmMished un ngency in Ann Arbor, and offer t.. usure üwellings, Fuiniture. Stores, Merchan use, Mills, Whent. Flour, Ac, on very (kvorfl !le terms. The luh character of this company is wel! kmiwn, and iis extensive business is con ducred on the inr6i just nud honorable princi pies. Owners of properiy in Howell and vi oimiy who wish to insure t ugainai lossnnd dnmMgp. by hre, are invited to cali d.rectly on the subscnber, ai his Store in Arbor, who is auihorzcd to issue policios without delay. F. J. B. CRAiNE, A?ent. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1, 1845. 39-6m. BRaWNSVILLE JVIVf A-TA IROIV STORE. THh SUBSCRIBIR, agent lor ihe Mnnufacturcr, Pitisourgh, Pa. has now on hand :i large and wll nssjrted stock of JffON, NAILS, GLASS, &c, whjcH is offered to the public at ihe lowest cash prices, conipriaing ihe iollowing: í'om'n bíiíiTort, all-sizes I Plow slabs, Landy tire " " Plow wings. Horsesltoe, "' " Sheet iron, 'Nos. 13 Saddle tree, U x to '26. Round and Sqóarö " Nails, 3d to 20d, Band and hoop-, '; ' Spikes, all sizes, Boiler iron " " Railrond car axlee, Nail rods il Carriage " Deck nnd 8pi1?e roífs, Carriage.. Springs, SpacFés, shovels. &c. &c. , Togethe'rWitfi every other article usually manraciured at nïi Iron Establishment. fhe abóve urticles'are mnnuliiciured at thtBrownsville Juniata Iron Works, Pittsburgh. Pa. by E. Iiughes. awl are oí the best quality. ViNBOW GLASS, ofall sizes.' and of the best brands, constantly on hand. or furnished to order. Murchant8 and oihers will findit to iheir ad vantage to cnll and examine the subscribcr'.siock, as teelt ds the' p: Les. before going elsewhere. JNO. ROBÍNSON. Jr. Agent. No. i; Waröeü's Block, corner oi Woodwarri Avenue and WoJidbriJge Street. Detroit. Der. 31 3 1844. 38 The rollofn pnérs will piense publish tinJiboveto the amouirt oi tfo dollars, and sene iheir bilis to this olficcr Fóji tiee, Gelle ti d Jnckeonifin, Ann Arbo Staio Journal, Argus ajid Signal of Libenyi lack-on, Glzètte and Dumocrat; Marshall. Statesman and Expou'ider. Liberty Alrtianacslbr 1815, F O a sale by BECKLEY & HICKS. Oei. 4. 1844. 24-4 w. JtassoLUTib:. HPHE Co-partnoii!iip hert'tofure existing beX tween' Huston & Dickinson is by mutual consent thie doydissolvcd. Ann ArborDec H, 144. w35 Ashes, Asiles! TO'any amóuu wanied by OËCKLKY & HÏCgS. Ann Arbo-, Lowcr Town. i2C Graas Secd! tiJT ANTED by V$! BECKLEY&HICS. Xni, tnrt LVf T6.W.-Í' 26ALI.EB 1 SI'S IIEBICIJE THESE MEDICINES ARE efFectiug euch astonishing curca in mul ntudesof old cases lang sinceabandoned bj Physicians and Surgconsas utierly hopeiess. tha nu medicines, where ihese are known, stand so descrvedly high. They consist uf THE BLACK, ORALLEBASI'S SALVE, PRICE 25 CENTS. Which cures almoat universally. Fever Sores, of he most mal gnant kind. Felons, Ulcera. Abscesses, Tumors, Fractures, Cuts, Pum-turts. urns, Scnlds. Sore Throat, Cbilblains, Quináoy.Dropscy. Inflnmmatiry Rheumntism, Infl unniaiion8 and 6wellin28 of evcry deseription. Scild Hearl, Ague in the Face, Nervous Tooth Ache, Ague in the Bre;.st. Broken B easis, &c. &c. ALLEBASVS HEALTH PILLS.ÏS Ctnts. These Pi Is have acquired n popnlarity wiihm ihe laar year or two. which no other Pilla possess The rensona are obvions to all wlio use hem, anl may be learned trom ihe pnmphlet thnt acc-nnpanies thern. They cure Biliouo, Scarlet 'ind other Fevers. Fever and Ague. Dyepepsy, Dropsy. Acid Stomacli. Disordered Bowels. or Sromnch. Jnundice, Hend Achc, Dizzineas in the Head, Worms, Liver Complnint. Heart iiurns, Cholic. Bowel complnint. General Dcbility, Cos tiveness, &c. Ac. They purify the entire syatenn. letve the boweisin a vigoroua and healthy condiiiou, &c. See pamphJet. ALLEBASI'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS, PRICE 20 CENTS, Will cure an ordinary case of Tooth Ache in frora hree to ten mimnes. For Nervous and other kinds of Tooth Ache, see'iamphle!. ALLEBASI'S POOR MAN S PLASTER. PRICE 12 CENTS, Arewarranted lo be superior to any other Plasters in tiiis or any other country for pain or wcakness in the Back. Side, Chcst, Bowels. Loins. Mu-sclea, and for Rheumatism. Lungand Liver Complaints, Coughs. Colds. Aathma, &c. Sec pamphlet. B. Pleasfl to ask theasent for a pamphiet which gives all the information necesaary respectng the uses of the medicines, the virtues they possess, etc. Pleaee to follow directions in the ïse of the medicines, and you may rely upon all nat is promised. A liberal discount tmde to merchants and others, who buy to sell aüain. LYMAN W. GfLBERT. Proprietor. Wholesale Druggist, 414 Fulton st. N. Y. ID For sale by the subscriber. who hos been appointed general ngent for the Ciiy of Detroii md tis vjcinity. Country dealers supplied on iberal terms. C. MORSE, Michigan Book Store. The above medicines are for sale at the Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9 1844. lvWHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. MFARRAX, 300KSELLEBAN STAT10NER. SMART' S BLOCK, 1S7 JEFFBRSOP AVESDE, DETROIT Keep8 constantly for sale a roniplete nssorin ei of Misccllaneous. School and Classical Buoks; Letternnd Cap Paper. plain and ruled. Quill8, Ink. Sealing Wax, Cudery. Wrapping Papor. Printmg Paper, af all eizes: and Book. News and Canister Ink. of vanous kinds. : BLANS B0Ö4Ö, Fullniu) holt bound. ofeveiy vnriety oí Ruling MEMORANDUM BOOKS. Sc. To Merchants. Teachers, nnd otliers, buying in qunntities. n Inrjrp rÜ8cnint Tinrlo. SABBATHSGHOOL&BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSÏTOP. ól-ti. FIRE! F1REH F1REU! PROTECT1ON INSURANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD, COiXN. MHOWARD.' AGENT, the Protec tion Insurnnce Company, of Hariforri onn., offers to insure Houaes. Stores. Mil!s. [inrns. and iheir contents. and all rie'schp'ion of nsurable property against loss or damage by fire. The rates of premium offered are ns low a& ■hose of any other similar und every rían has now an opportunity for a trifling sum tö protect himself airainst the ravages of this desrructive element, which ofien. in a single hour. sweeps away iheenrningsof mnny years. The cnurse the nfficé pursües in tmnsactinp their business, nnd in ndiusting nny pnyment of lnf.-sfs. is prompt nnd libera!. For terms ol inurnnce. applicanon may be made to the above naihed agent,' who is' nuthorizêd to issue policies (o applicanisXviihont delay. . D. C. CLARK, President. Wm. Conxek, Sey. Person? nt n diplnnce wisfiWè tb set propeity inpured. by s'endins their nppHcbtions by mail. will he prornptly attended to. . U-T' Office direcily opposífe the '"'Bank of Washenaw" Building. M. HOVVARD. . Ann Arhor, Nov. 25, 1?44. 33-3w OÊAND RÍVER WILL probably be navigablc wiUiin fivr years. ns far soui'h as"J. T. PRATTS'S STORE, wiiere the inhabitontsol'Michigan caij tiow be supplied wlth DripCfoóds' Groceries, Medicinas, Ioots, Swes, Hats, ■ Cahinet MittSlone, BqUing-Cloth. Patent Smut Machines, Bristotfs Sörsapafilia, 20, 000 toses ofPratt's Pilis, single box 2 ehilIings? Life Eftters, 50 ctsx per Bottle,' a choice iot o1' CHEESE, made in Western New York. Thé proprimor pledges himself to 'srell as ligh as any Merchani in town. JV. ii - "All kindsbf'Cou'ntry Produce, lum ier, brick, lime, Wbpd, bought or sold just as will suit istomers best. A good farm and forty acres oí wild lnn'd f jr pnle. Admittn'ncé Ni? 1, Blain's Llock, near tbc Rivcr. Jackson.MJch. Nov. 2L 1344. 32-tf DJ. SMITH'S (SUGAR COATED) "IM proved Jndian Vegetable Pilis," are daily söme of the most astonishing and won ïerJiicpree that have ever buen known, in cunsequenc ofvíhich they líiíVe now become a shin ing mark ngainst wliich all the arrows of disapsointé'd luipéi envy. and uncliaritibitness an; evellèd v1tltout dis'inciion. The town and country arL aüïkc ff led wifii their praise. The p'ilucé' and'p'iör'-hoa-e alike echo with their virlues. In all climntes. under all temperatures. they sili réinin thefr wonderful powors, and ex ert tliem uhaltered' by age or Bituation. They are simple in their p'eparntion. mild in their actionst,' t!)'oronii in oll their operaüons, and urin valled in'" their resülis. They are anü-bilrou's. iiKi-dyspepiiti". and nnu-mercurinl: and ihry nrè acculmriy beneficial in the followmg comploints: 'ever find ngüe. yèltów and bilious fevers. dysiepsia. cronp, liver complaint. sick neadnehë, 'lundi'ce. nsth"iTia. drópsv, spen. pile, colic. bstructjo'p, 'heartlmVn. furrua longue, and foul s;omach, uu;ie-i, diaVihtien, costiveness, loss o: i putite. sallow complexión, colds, nnd in all cises "of toipi5r of the bowtl whereacathartic ot in aperient ie nei-ded.' N. JJ QjNo Sugar oated Pilla enn l.e Rennihe' unless every box has on t the of C. BENJ'N SMITH. M. D. ,Soi(fl7!) Greehwich st , and Rushton & Co., 10 Asior House, añd throughout the l.Tn:eH States. 3w Ten Jtéward. LOS 1' on the Ilthinst prubaitly between Crne8 nnd Couns in iha vicinity of Piym -uih-i black Moroccio Pckot B-.f.k, connining about $50.0 bank noiês on Canadn.- Any person finding the' same and leaving ii ai he office of the Sgnalof Liberty shall receive üfo above letoard. H. R. EEAMKY. Antr Aibior Doe, 12, 184?. 3-35ISÊew Goods' Wew doods! ! THE undersigned hn,s jus; leccived his supply ofFalíGoods fren. Ñ. Y. City. Beaidtia first rat? caaonment of Shèètings, Cotton Yarn, Fulled Ciöihs, Broad Cioths, and oiher Staplè' Goode, he is just opening a sp'lcndid lol of Ricfi, Woosiéd Damask Shawls, lst quafity,', Brocha, do do Kabvl, d-j do Cashmere, do Fasbionable Cravuis. Rich Bonnet Ribbons. Fashionablc heud trimnnrgs, Vclvot " ALSO, A BEAUTIFUL. ASSORTMENT oV'ÓitESS ST&FFS iiCCIÏ AS Cashmere D'Ecnsfe. Ivfuslin DeLaine, Parissennes. Robroy Plaid, Printfl of èvery descfiptinn.' , . Plain, blnck Afap'dca, fignred, black A!apnca," Plain. colorad Alapncn, fiWred, col'd Alopaca, Plaid, and Changeable Alopaca. The undersigned has ín' orfduion to $ first rate asaortment óf Stapie and Fancy Dry Goods, a choice lot of Teas ano CuíTee. Cor farm'ly uso. Ah o, a large lot of Gees e Feathers, Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets. ii is 'Stock 13 weli auttell tó butli cuy jnid cuitnry trade. Country" pcople are nvited to mij and ook and satisfy tlien:selves ihst his stoot will ear compnrisOn either in qunliiy or pi ice ' Wiiix any other in the western c uniry. W. A. RAYMOND. 1 48 JèfTérsón Avenue. Detroit. Oct. 14. 1814. 24 tf ALTFAYS 0IV I! VD. o2 fTlHE subscribir' has .reS3. moved his Shop to Main y1 yj y'reet opposiie . Beckf[fe 'W&L tr'8 ''c! Store, where Ua t' ecfflö be may be lound reády to iV 'sjWEsik Wixn UP" oll ihat may'givó XtfidbaaSp Hafingjuöt feceivèd direct iroin N'evv York nn elegant stock of JfÉWÊLRY, and Fancy Anieles, whïch lie in'cnds to sël loietr thnn has ever been sold west of Buffalo ior Ready Pay O'nly. Amorjg whd) may bé found a good assonment of Gold and Ciirmn Waich Keyfy Gold Fmger Rings and Bosom Pins, Guard Cliains. Siker Ten and Tnble Spoons, Sugur Tongs. Butler Knives. Silvèt cases. Silver and Common Thimbles, Silver Spectatles, Gerriian. do. Sicel. do. Hnir Bruslies, Clothes. do. Tooth. do. Lather, do. Fine Ra2ors nnd Pocket Knives, Fine Shcara" and ScissorB, Ither Boxcs. Razor Strops, Walletts. Purs'?. Violins and Bowa. Flutes, Vioün and Bass Viol St;ing?. Claronet Reeds, Percus-" sion Caps. Pocket I'isiols. Briitinnin Candle-' siicks. Watchep. Lener Siamps. Steel Pens nnd Tweezcrs, Snuff and Tobacco Boxcs Fine Combs. Dressing, dó. Side, do. Bnck. do, Siu-Ü, do. Needies and Cases, Wiiier Pain!?. Toy" Watches. Kid Dolts. a crent varietv of Toys tod ' nutnerou8 to mention, Beadi, Necklaces, Faricys Boxee. ái.c. SlcClocks an'3 Waïc-hks of evcry oescription repaireci and warrantcj; also. Jewelry repairsdorT shoitnotice'. CALVIN BI. [SS. N. B. Ca3H paíd rm OLD GOLD ANÏJ" SILVER. d, n. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24. 1844. 28-tr. "SaWFBE BFÍATr JVEWDOOT, SHOEAJVD LEATHE& STORE, Ann Arbor, Lotver Towri. SO FELCH haa removed O his establishment fronT1 the Upner u ibe Lower'11'-' ktge, No. 4 Hurón Block'; J-here hé hulds" fijmselt'iá 4&&S readineas lo 'dres? ríie "yridersiandings" ov: svery Man, W Woman and Cliüd who'will give him a cali. in the neatèsti and besf mannerthat caji be done in Michigan. LEATHKR nnd FIND1NGS of a tl' kinds constantly on hnnd. WANTED. CasA.and HideJ, n r.ny "qüantilies. ior which ihe liiyhet-t pricerfwill be gtvép.. ILTLet none purchase n:il ihey hae cálleJ" at Felch'f. No. 4. Mtiron Block. Aun Arlxjr. May 4. IHii. 3-1 y Ready Made CïothingÜÏ THK L.-MiGËST and best as-soriinciit ot ready made clothing 5 er bèfore ofiercd n rhia Staie nnw opênirfg. aod for rale. Wl;o!esale or Rctail, at the' C}ihiñg Eii'póriurn of ihe subscribers, cbrïsisüng tri part' of püiín r.hd fancy Beaver. Pilot, Broad Clotbs ántí oïïier styles of Over Coats. Tweed Cassirnere. Benvèf, Pilot, Pöhiestic Cloth. Unon Cassi'mere und öalineti Frocü and Business Coats. Fine, Piain and Fancy Cassïrneré, Blue aTid Black Broad Clöih', Tweeds and" otheï style's of Pnnialoons. ' Plain nn'd fancy Silk and Sill Vclvet,, Woolen Vel vet MerhHó.Saiin and Cassi'mere Vests. &c. &.c. &c. tog'e'iiièr w.ijh n vèry large siock of common low priced Övor Coats.' Business Coats, Pintaloons and Vcs.s,. sneli as' blue and black Flushing, Saiinet, kcr.rueky Jeans, Common Tweeds, &c. &c. Also, an .exiensiye assortnient of Hosiery. Stocks, Sc.Trfs," Hundkerchiefí, Collars. Lamb'8 "VVoöl and Merino Drnvvers and Shirts, Com'brtsrs. G!nei. &c. &c. all of which will be sold very low for Cash. They would respectiully invite nll iri want of ready made sarmeits to cali and examine their sfeck befare purchasingclsewhere, úsíi asjiep selected wit'i great care in the Eastern niorkcis. cml inanufac tured in the lát'est siyléá'anlLmoat durable manner. ,11 ALLOCKA. RAYMOND, Corner of ;.TeíFersün 'and Avenues Detroit. Oct. T(j? 1S44. nmS5 R. -& "SyJj. DAVIBSOIV, TïAV l, nj'w'on hand a complete assortruent of FJTLlï.tTVD ÍVJJVTETi DÉY CÖODS, GROCERIEfÜ, SHELt-HARDirjlRE,$C. 4-C. vhich ihey w i II sel 1 thep for leatïy pnr. The ïighesfumiket price paid afallthuesior Pork and ïli oiher kinds of produce. Ann Arbr. Lo-.ver Town. Nov. 20. ÏS-14. 31 Wesleya Books! THE Subscribeis liave just rweived a good snpply of WesTeyèrr Büks " Oom the Öeository nt New Tboee wiiiiing to purchase will pl?ase cali and examine for ihemseives. BECKLEY & UICKS. Ann Arbor,Lower Town, Dfc. 6. 1814. S3 Gw ANN ARBOR OIL"-MÏLL. THK subscribers wöuld gixe noiice that they ' are engagsd i.T n.iinnfuc'tu'ring'; LINSEED OI.'j. an3 hie"prep:ired to finn:sh oil of the best' qunlity uS mer'.hants' and pninterp. chetfp as it' can be'obiiimeti 'frorii thé Easr. Óil exchanged" or Flax seeil ni the raie ofo gil!on of oil for a bushei oí Flux seed. Cash ai all times paid for ?hx sé"ed. ptJIClPHE'it & JÜDSON Ann AVbdr, Lower Villagc,) Sept. 6, 18441 0-1 y. SAIi-ËRATlJS, WHOLESALE AM) Rh'l AJL hy bt.cklf;y &., ïiicks. Ann ArÜDr, LovièV TowY. Dec 30, 644. 36 FIRST' rate Tm. Sügai ad at tLo' lowest market prifp, nt RAY.MOND'S'CASÍT StOR'S', 1?43 Jeff. Avenóe, Deuóit. Mav Of,. 4 C'LORED" CARPET VVARP. white Carp.t Warp, and Coii..n Yn n. Irom N"i 5 to 22, for B-ile t RAYMONP'S CASH STORE. B32-tf 143 Jeffcreoïi Ave., Detcoit'


Signal of Liberty
Old News