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CIiOTHIBRS! -rooi rdcd.vedyiue lieiïirw iJcpui, lor iiji J s.le üf Clohiers títoek, Mahiuery, I'." biiiffi, &c, bc, !'J!i. Jcfforson Avenue Lh..jii, me tolluwiiig large,. wwl as'iod, aiic jtireJuily seiecied stock, viz: - li):) obla St:lotiiJgJ Logwood. Cui, 5 Tona - - aSticH, 150 bbls. Cuba Fu&tic, Cur, 5 Tons " " ,„. , inSupJi, 5;) bbls. Nic. Wood. Chippcd, 50 ' Lima VVuótl, : 3;) Red Wood, ': 32) ♦ Ground Camwood, t) " Qr.flrein-Jn i3ar!t, 501 lis. Nutgollft, 10 Cnsos Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lac Oye. J Ceroons Spahiih Iüd:go 300 liis. Su-nac Sicily, ï CasK8 Madder, 3 Casks Blue Vuriol, 5 - si8 Alum, 2 Barrelu tted Tartor. 2 Bar.-cls Cream Tartsr, 3 C-irboys Aqua Fonie, 5 .' O.I Viiriol, 5 Mariatic Acid, g0f 15s. Virdigiia, 53 " B1ock Tin, Tüiso's, Twinc, Copper Kotties, all sizos, Parson'e Sha-ring Jiachinuc, Cai-tia' " 4i" Screwa and Prcas Píate?, Crmks. Press P.iper. Sieel ReeJa, Worsied H jrness, Tenter Hook, Enery, all NTjV, Olive Oil, Cloihiors' Jnclis, Sattinott Warp, Cloihiera' Bmslies, Shuntes, Vickers. Cnrd Cieanars. &c. &c. TIn: ,tbt).ve. witii á v.irieiy oi' oth'cr ameles be tonin;,' to the irade. Inve been ptirchased thi hv tlie subscrihnrs from Manufneniroi ati.l F-ri ttrrirlsín ilie New York, t hii.-idelphia en: !ïsron Mnrkets. anti overy thing haring re ca'ived hii perion)l insDeciion. hf enn wiih rh ir irsr c .nhMonce off :r ihtíiu (O purchnaers as tk bestand mrs' ro ;:l -te stoel; n the country; ;;nr as"it is iiis fixeri deWni notion (hy Mie low raict n w'nich 'm wil! sel!) Drevent ihe necessi'y oi out C!ihiv-rs ind M-miün-ureiá leavme ihf State t.' ui ike tïieïr pürcnnses, h wouid merel} gay to the tra'le, CALÍ,, examina ths ?obls and as'-ertain pricVx before you say you can buy c ■ psr ny irkfi t%!se Tfe i nl'i prepared to c-ntmet Tor CAIlDi' M VCHINES made in r!ii.= S'arc or F.nsr. ' PIERRE THLLF.R, Sign oftho O:l.!en Morrnr, Í39, Jefferson Ave-riue, ri7-tf.] Detroit.TO THE VÍCTOR BELONG THE SPOÏLS" ALTMOUGH nnny p'epnratinn in théform. of 'POPULAR MEDICINES," hay,been before the public, cliiiin to ve relie a:d even cure ihs most invetérate dieeaees, yo none hnvfi ?o v.-e!l nnsweied ttie pmpoee ss D SfiERMAiTS MEDiCATED LOZENGEh Dr. Sherman's COUGH LOZENGES" cure the mosi obstinate cases of Cough in n few hiiirs. They have curéd a Isre nuiiiber o! per sor.8 wh lïavê been given u bv their physiciam ani trisnds. and mnny who have bi--n rtdiien to tiie verge of the grave ly apitiin? blo or.suniption and Hectic Kever, ly tlieir iis hnve had the rose ofhenlih resmred 10 the lm girti check, and now live 10 sprak forth tli praises of this invüluable medicine. Slierman s WORM LOZEAGES" hivehoeu pruvedtn more ifaau ■iüi'.Ui Ocnses te bc inr.ilülK in fct the oniy certain Vv'nrni He etroymg medicine ever discovered. Cbildrer. wille:uthem wlieniliey cnnnoi tak any oiher medicine, nnd tiie benefit derived irnn the .-xl'iimistnition of nieriicine to ihem in thi f.irm is greit bevond ennecpUQn. '! !iey hav no ver been k ïown :o fnil. Dr Sberman's f' MPOPR LOZÏ-'.iVGr.?.1' relieve Hendnche. Nerven? Sicli-hendüchc, P.i! pitaiio'n of ihe lleart. hik! siekness in a ven few minu'es. Dr. Sliern-an'e 'TOOIl iMAN'S FLASTFR" fg ncknowledced by al! wln lave ever tisprl it t be ihe hèe' strengi!ieninr Hasier in thé world. anda sayereign remrdy forpainsand wénknf in ïhe báclV, Iüips, sirle, breast. neek. limbs. joints, rheumatism. iumbnfro, &r. Ba crefn to procure :he nbove and al! other rrïe'dicinès o ST'iinnrd's. and yu willbe snreihere wiíí be n mistakein qnaniity or ciiniiie. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. ebjíárv .S. T4A. 4t To Clotliiers., Maiiufiscturers and merchants. THK sjniter ia n w icceiviiüi ai hissioree. !8S muí IHO JiLT-iS''a Avenue, Detron. lh fullouinir carfiíüy and weíl ?e!ected sioc1 of Dve VVoóos. Dyk Stufks end Woolk Man TFACTUSEn's M; c jiskry. 55 ons Kusüc, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico and Carthngenh. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Hoiidurns, 6 tons Nicaragua. Bonair, Coro, Hache and Linia, 3 tons Camwood, very choice, ]R() barrels Loijwood, cut and ground, ]3) " Fusiic. " " 100 " Red VVoods. L! " lííO " Camwood. " " 10 : Qnerecuron Bark, 45 " Allum, 42 " Copperns, 30 " Bhie Vnriol. 23 " Madder, Ombre, and Duich erop, 3 il Cream Turter, 2 " Nu'gaüs. 3 cases lndigu, Bengal, Manüla and Gua tunnla, 2 ' Lnc-Dye, 20 L' exi. Lóswood, 2 ' Gram Tin, 300 poundsi Vcrdisns. j-5 Carboys Uil VïfrioU Spirits Sea-Salisand Kiiiic AciiL ALSO. Copper Kettles and Cloihiers' Screvs. Tentei 1 o.k, Jacks and Brushog, Press Papers. Can. Cleaiiers, Weavers-1 Stiears. Nippers nid Iiur ling irons, Cojiib p'ates, Pickers and Bobbins. Virc. Worsied and Cöfttfft Bnmess. Steel an Caas Reeiis. Broad Power. Hand Loimiis anci Fly Shuttles j Siesl and Copper Mails,. Ernery. Pasons' Snftiiring Machines, ïf 6. and Dblades Allen's doublé and single Carding Machines. Míenme Carde. !wcfsíer, The abovö goods hnve been recently purcliag ed direc:iy from th tinporters and manufnciurera. kxci vtvin.i for cash, and will be aold n the New York jobbers' priecs. adding transporlation only; ani in t onïequenc of the decline on many of the American manufnciured nriiclee will. in mtny cises, e sold ui fiftekn pki. cent r.Kss th VN' fohmf.k pricks. Tliir'cen yp.nry ex:enence ui. the Dye Wond business enblesthe 8uhsCTÍber to sny to hip "UsiomerR dial he if prep-ired at n!l time to wiuukt his goods oí superior auariiy. TFIEO. n. F.ATON. Dye Wond and Pye StufiT Wareivouse 188 and 190 Jefferson Avenue. Detroit. The Aan Arbor Journal, Ypsilnnri Semine Fontiac Gnzeiie. Flint Democrat, Adrián Expo iior, Marshall Siatesüinn. Niles Conrier om Republican, Gnzette. Michigan City (Ia.) nnr vhe Enquirer, Londoa, (Cnnada.) will eneh pub Iiéh the above notice insidc, to the nmouni bree dollars, and aend copy of notice with bill to subscriber for pnyment. . J7-tf. JEROME M. TREADWEL L, ATTORNEY AXU COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General LandAgenty WILL attend to the silo nnd exchnngc o Linds. payment of Taxes. and redemp tion if Lnnds s.ilcl for Tnxes in ."ackson nmi ad jol.ning counties. examinntion of Tilles, Convey ancing. and nll business pertaining to Real Ee tate. OHtco in thn Court House. Jackson, Mlchican.. l-7tf. OU -ARLES H. STEWART, - -rrefftWEY AND COUNSELLOR AT UW AN 30LICIT0R IN CHANCERY. iETTSHoy avexsb ocTnorr. 4L-tij DR. SMITirS :IJNIT1]MSITT PIIX8 1 l' in "'„,7 Lk ñosfrun, Jwt w,ll by u's ímlWtJKg eifels 'S mn ,„!. snlu.ay and Sf ï „veMn, rcc.eá o the Pa Ho W..h Uay 0wWa5 2So mcHic-.nnl sut-s.nncs. mui meïf i&%tiah the rcuioya) ?, ïdv .'m,d d!ïï mvé.iicion, (fti nnd cr ""... can brfflg l. He would soy to i'hysicm rtta"VníJ lïï vinl -et of tho Sploon. f:ncrn,l"il Coüc-, Aclïïty of -h, ;:eín"nñun!o;ni.y Jijbo n,.y pu.chnsc thca,, that ,hey .hall have t'ioir inoney refuudtH. TESTIMONIALS IN FAVOR OF Ofef DR. WM'. M SMITH'S UNIVERSITY PILLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. tlo.NROE, Michignn. .Tune 12, 1344. . Dr Ss'TTn- Dtnr Sir.-T tnke much pleasure in givinfr my tPítjmony íñ favor nf yoiir valuableüMVÊRSITV PILLS. I most cheerfolly recommem) them to tlie pub'ic a? n safe eüsv '": efficiënt cuihartie for musí of the diseases mcirfent lo tbia rrgion ot country. I finve made pJtWivl nee. of Iheni föt four years in my practice, an.I Í believe ibtin W be .l.eBESTAuu-üiliouöCathn.ticor Auehent uieclicine eVívrív ÍSf " TES i 1M0NIAL PF DR. TÏÏLLKR. 11a(I-lo.n, Ohio, May Ist, IS4J. Dr Sspth- S;' -I teke much pleasnre in hennn fesliiriouy to the effieftcy of your Piik in rftnoying Lile fiotn thë etemacJ., detergí the L.vor „n.! In all mp"nims eniuüTESTIMONIAL OF, F. L. WELLS. Wateukoo, Micb., March 10. 18HTo Dn Smitii- Sin- Fcr upnrds of pixmanfhs I was cruel.'y afflicteri wilh Fcvor u Asne iindduEiiia ihn' tune.couíd ñn nor hing luu gave me permanent relief; at lenath höV ever voiir Univcritv R# .wep looimnrided to mt hy ono of the be.-r P lijrit'ïo h in thrsr and I Vn Wpv ïiTboin'sr ablp to s.iy, ht-A ffït.n lh"p nse ofone box I was pcmnnen'Jy cured üfmy aguc; since tlirn n nnniher of my fam:ly liave been as ?igii;tlly henpfit'cd. Yi-ni-, Ripecifu'ly, F. L. )V;ECLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DX0W. AIonkor. Midi., June I, 1844. I f)M-ely rerlify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith hns been my Family P.hysician for Gnur.yaarf lasl hathe ts usfd lys üiiivèreity Pilis in lus pruciice in my family wirl nnparal leled and I thinlc thein rire'inible lo nnv pil! fo' bi!i."i offtíclion in ;lie worH. ' PANMKL GOODNOW. Lmkeeper, M.icomb-St. House-. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S.' PARSHALL. Fut, Mieh., Juno 5, 1344. Dr. Fmitü- T nm happy to ?ive yon my cordial approval o!' your Univp.rsiiy Pil'-. 1 m ;o kerp iiff Fever ;.n Afne.':nfl Fcverp to vvhich all of us are subject in ibis West rn Ci'ii'Hrv hv ilie timely n?e of your Univoreity I'illö, Sead an Ap'n iliïs xvav "ns soon 8D 8-iblp."for wèSCtó aflo.-.r. " Yoms. &c 0. S. PARSHALL. ' "' TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NORLR AND FYF1ELD. 'Wpcertify tliat we ure arl have been perfr-nnnlly .aeqnninted witli Win. M. SmiMi, M. ).. and l-nowtlnthp isa man of eminn'.-e in hiá profesi' v. - and lljai for funr years he iileri thp rhair of Materia Mvlío:i and Pharmncy in the ' Willongliby Univo.'siiy of Lnke Crie, witli honor ro himself and saüffaotion to !he Trustees and Family: as we!) at, to the tudenis of the abovc University. As for his Pilis, they are 'par ex-lence." CHARLKS NOBLE. Monroc. Mich., June 19. 1541. Ü. F. FVFI13LÜ. monroc, TESTIMONIAL OF RÍAL B. CHASE. This I errt:fy, rbnt m the mnih of Sei.trmber ftst, I ivas attacked w'üh Billions Pevêr while aB.iv Oom home nf Cwnsso M bnild a waier vvhoef) and witli ono tro óf Smirh's V iiversiVy Piür. I teófeé 'U up: nntl as many i-thers wore ficlc nt ihe t:nic, I adminlstered thosc',U to'thrmi and in tril enfe? i: -b-ok." p 'heir fevors. I have used-lhem many limea since. nd wilh o-reat success. TJiey are the best piliti I ever used. Shiawafsee Town. Mich. J"vo ísi, 1344. b TESTIMONIAL OF MRS, ABIGAÏL C. WRIGHT. This raav certifv, thar. thrpn yrars aro I was nttacl'ed vih Livor Complaint so ecverely hat r coiiid Fcarcely tutti myfeTf iri berl: I (lféfi mnny spreifics and remreips. puch ns Brand rol i.'e. Rfnrrpcü'Mi, Oreiiiui, and other mWs, hut with linie or no elfect. One year yo. mv fru'nd IV. Smtth cnllcd on me on his uayto Boston, uben he gave mea x fl is öniversitv Piük, ivhjch perfcctly resu-red me, and my healrh .hns not njrain ?í%et! rom !;ko &fèe. AÍ3IUA1L C. WRIOrll i Rocliesíer N Y., No. 13, Fvárhklin Streef. Juno 25. 1344. K ' ' TESTIM'.)NIALOF JOHN VV. MÍLLER. Dear Doctor- jufI ice rrquirrs me tóAfó, that I have soM your bnivrrsïty Pilis for nnf ml n hülfvears last past. tmd thtW 1 can seU f.n olhers whil.e ! have t hom on hand. Tne Moproe, Mich., Xnne'l?, 1P44. ForPaÜ'hy J. II. LUND. Lower, and VVM. S. Ú J. W. MAYNARI), Uppe. Tow n, Aun Árb' r. , ' 3 lv'g s illl'lA á 1 1 5 f% = g w g y, 3 2 " -' ül - ' " ■ - Cfq 1-ÏSïSf 2 cS v A tÏ Sq$ I Wsi i í { M í ■ litlí il ! f s r = 4 fflJg S p p R3 I ilíln?! ' è 88 w s Ifiafi '-: L 9 w 5 g !I=í ? fes & P gJ1 fíiJÍfli. I feli .8K o2 w r3 wJ2 C o 2 s m so w mum t = s = r BgfIV o tice to UlercliaiilsT I M E Snbácríbers encournged by tiic pntronJL ■:,'- un.;, lia ve hühöri recti ved ir. ilu . 'iiw.csiilc d"pMiti))cnt oi iheír busi nt. wil! ili, ist ij.-iy of May ne.t. pen the sloro nuw o'ccuieI by Geo. Grenville.' írriniing on llíírui sirpe', nii'l eonticciin;,' wiíli i'heír prese ni stor i n íliii roair, dr ;i WEOLB SALIÓ ROOM, wlierj ilicy wiil kuepac ;ilJ times a iull assoj ihent ol ) Good:;. Boofs, $ Sfioes C(?rpciX Ua., Caps, Paper IIm:ii}s, lioiiiHis. Croché r by I lie ( rule, Hardware, and G'occrics, (-. 4 c. Sic. ill of w-liieh w he sold on na good terms as n ny puint this s,de of jVc-v Y'irlj Ci:y. G. D. I1ILL '&. CO. Aun Albor. Mnn-h 2f 1-O41. 4?lf. TUK iollowingindispensahto tnmily remedietnmy be fouiui at Matsard's Drnegio 3tcr. n Aun Albor, wheie nono wiü be sol' iinlriís kmwr to be o ihe hfsi kind md nc counterleit article ever ofFered. patent medifcini ■ nvnriahlv procured ot tilo origín 1 inventor oí hisjcgulin successor: . -.KT A"j 'ftnnil'! should be a xccek loilkout Ihcsi remedies. . J3ALDNESS. Buha O? Co'úmjña', for t.'ie Huir, which wil alop ir i' Wlïng om, or restore itiin bnld placVs mu) oq chiidren niakë it grow r.-tpicüy. or'.on tliost who hdvf! lost thehnir from !iny causo. ALL Ví-;RMhV ilint í'nlesl lile liñnds of chájen in schools, me pievemed or Idlieo by it ai once. Pnid s!-.e nanie of COMS'l'OCK on n or never iry it. Fcmmíer t'iis alicays. PILES, &c. re wbolly prevonict'. (ir iiovtrned ifthe aitncl'i:i3 comí' on. ii you use the onLy une Bijrs' Lik niK.NT. from Conietoek & Co .AII SORES, ond every tliine rd eved by it that ndmiis ofnn ontward Application. Jt actslikea chaim. Use it. RHEUMATISM A.D LAMENESS posittvelv i-urcd: nli Krivelled mtecicrand linrhsriie iosiokm!. in tlic ölil nr yöungyïy the Judian Vtgctü-lc Kdrb-nnd Nr.rre utid Bove Lhimcr.t-m never without thennme of Com.?tock & Co. on it. .'KOLMSTOCK'S VFRMIFUGE wjil cxku onte hl! WOUMS in chiidren or adulta with ;i cprt:)infv q-ii'e iistnnissftins. TiOTH !Inps. KL,KKS_cure8 eflectunlly Ann Ainir " !■■'. t. 4 tfledicfítcd Piaster, spreM for immetliate use, PRICE OXLY OE SHILLINO, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEiM WITHIN Tflli MEANS OP ALL. IN sliglit -vi!.ient, er w herotht, pntienl preterí ' a Iiïes -anide ihnn the 'Anii-inlMinatory nijd RliouimtJc Piaster," these will b: ouini hi-zhly lenfiei;i!, B&tng nlicadv sprwnd imniediate npiMicnr'n, i li fv wijl lie íDiinn' v-eiy cmveiiient for WfcAK BACKS. Pain ui Weiknf'fs in the .Side. Brenst. Ston ach. brweer ihc Shiuiiders. ur wherevcr thore is Pain. ir u-here n is neéded. They iny he ren lered more seryjcealije by pasting n 'pit cr tti cloth on the bnek of ihem before they aie opplied- -Muttiiude-8 hnveboen rclieved of pain nnii suffi-rinu by ih(j8e ('henp Plnsrers. For bale at Mobdy's Books'oie. .ind by J. T. Stpcking, Travelling Agent for Michignn. 16-ly ,SMUT MACHINE. ' np.'lK Suhsciihers tnke ibis moihod ofinürmL injill such as .mo ngtrèëd m ihe Millipi 'insun-ss in i fre Siatooi' Michfgfin. fhat tli'ey ;ir liKmüfnciurmg-in Ann Arbor, VVashlenav. Ooupty. Aiirhig-ai. L. B. VVnJker's : Patent Snuit Machine,' vv-Ivch they would.reconitnciiÜ t.. Ule Saint p l .whenr ,ns yell or better thnn atiy othjgr :.:icliine; Th;S üiácliiñe is :i horizsntnl macliino - iii-eiain? ;b the fnc:ion ol the u-heit, ;iml nni ino siniplicity wiili dnrnl.ihfy. it c.nnnincs th. 'entmg, scouting, and blowins.' principias, dis ■Mirg:ng the dist :nd snuit as fost r,s separate;' n m die whoaT. Tlfií machine 3, perfect Ty sf líuro rom ñre, iuní mu ci lighier ihnn air ?her íra.-hnie m Hgf. F.r (.nhnr nformntinñ. -t-R í:nre bilis. S!iop in Lowér Towri. Piicei agre w-.iiíp tb? mves. AU orders lor Ma 'pin'f! 'vi !1 bo inoii'pi'y atlondd tn, Address. E. O. & A. CRIT'PF.IVOF.N. ;Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co.. Mich ■ufyS. 1 944. ' ii6m Tlic 'Birney Portraits. TilK Snligcril)er6 havp on liaría a qiiuniitv r' ihepe larce nnd splendid engravings.heauti 'ully exrcniediin Ri.eel i'hies.!v in e.xceüentartisi. "o,n a paintmaby R. V. Gocdvim Ksq.. of Alnny. N. V. Thoy nre r strikinsr liknnessof thk VIan. and tnakc an elegüiu ornument for th pnrior. Fi-.r pn!e. wtiqiesníe and rcmil. nt ñ'3 per dnzen, ■ r.'v.-l.OO érfeit. by A. VTcFn-rcn." Booksller ÍXirott, an by "BKCKLF.Y & FOSTF.R. Aun Albor. Tov. ). 111. 28 (f WOOl! WCOL! CLOTH! CLOTHÜ THR Subcribers won!d inform the Pfifiïiï that ihev will continue to manufacture good ií 'lieir Manufactory. two and a half miles wen jf Ann Albor, on .he Hurón, on the ibllowinj. TERMS. Unlil tlie first day of November. A. D. 1844. he price wil! be 374 cents' per yard. or hnlt'tfu' .■loilithe voo) will nwike. Froin the Ist ol Nov Trnher to the lóih uf -May, 18-15. the price wil! b ; 3 ) cents per yard. or nine twontieihs of thi ■'o;h i he wool will niakc, thatiá. 45ynrdsout of ' 0 nnnnfactiKed. 'J'lie wonl will be manuíuc ured in tuin id ii muy come iiuo the íaotory. as iar es muy be wiih reference to the difieren! ;iialitief. Any person who. will furnish one oí .míe pareéis -f wool from 80 to 100 puundc oí ■ nc quality can have it inttnufnctured by iisdf Vool will be rece ved ai tíci ;. Wool sem y Railroad will lc attended íoin the sanie man icr as il'theowner were to C)nie with it - i should be nareluliy ninrked. We hnve ntanu;icnired clnth dnring the past year (or a ver vje nurpber of ciiAtomers. to whom we bclievc vé Irive ;iven verv LTioral satisfnciinn Wit!. iiese facis rind ibe advnniagi-s oHered by ihe Io .jriceni which we ofler lo manufacture cloth, w 'i"pcfor a iirnc: shme ot patrón ecSAMUF.I, VV. FOSTER & CO. Scio. Washtenaw Co.. Jnly 55. 1844. ?.-- Zifcw Hat Store. ES G. CRAiXh: would respectfullyinJl wm ihe Public, that he has o[iened a iiiu Hals, Caps, Socfcs} Cravafs, Scarfs, Collars, Umbrellas and Gloves, it No. 105. .leíforson Avenue, Detroit, riedrly pposite he U. S. Curt Room and Post Offlcf. -A'liero he will be lappy to see his frietKÍs ano -npply thcm with aa good an article iñ his línc ís can be procured, eithcr heie or at theeast. nd as clicap. Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first rate i'ashionable ariiclo of Unte or Caps, can be supne] by sendíng iheirsíze or have nny style furnished to order in a lew hours. and warruvtetl tt "uit. Cali and see- it niay snve vou a dollar. JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,. J-uly 12 1844. 13-6n DltABBROAD CLOTH lor carnage trim ming. Cords and Tnasels for winrinw Bhades, Irtr .ale by' W. A. RA Y MOND. 3Í tf 148 Jefier8on Avenue. Delroit. WANTfcD, nny qnnmity ol DF.ERSKINS by RRCKLF.Y & HICKS. Anr Atbor, Nov. 29, 18-14. 32-rf WRIGflT' S FOCR MAISÏ'S FÏLLS, Au excellent vegetable, amily fileilrcihtt, in ca ses ot Jndies{ion, Dyspcpsin. Liver Con:(ilüiir.s or j.inndicu, Agini md Vtivvr.. C;i ui Tongue. Siektfêss at the Sunnücli. Sick H'eiid ache, U mittant nnd In'ermittrnl Fcvr's.C"!.. Cülds, Cmórrh, &c. .Vc. Entirtly vegetable. tlicy 11 to o 1 1 1 1 f i = 1 1 ; 1 1 1 v JTtËTUHMi'S JRtMJEJVp conducjiig 'n liciiiili ;uw) cuú lüsciisv hy i'urílyíhg the b'lnod, efeaiising ilc sys.iein ' vitiaicd humors. ramoving ■ hstniei oiis. {timutring tlie orgrms ol secretion, niingling w;th tint"iod and aciiug every way in hannony with the systeni. For Inllninntoty dieeaprs npcd in 'nnncciioi; witlt the "Kheuniatie Plastei" tliey wil] h founr' !T'ênfy ío hid in ihe re.mcval ol' distases fo'i which the riasier is abovc reconnnended, am' panicularly nr 'bey calcutated for :.ll derantrrmentsoi ihe Digtsi-vi nnd BWnnj Orgnns, u primny ciriein ufa m-ilutude of d'iseiuic-s. Pi ice- 25 cents ftnd 00 cents n Box. For snie al Mosely's Bookstoro. nnd hy J. T Stocking, Travelling Agetn for Michigan. Certifícales. Wuoi s.cck. Lknawkk Co.. A. .. 20. l3; For twe!ve y? I have been trouhled wnh r, rhe matic nfiecüiín in iw bnck. ro tluit ] tinve har. y ever been Irec IrÓni pnin fiuiiiifribc wbolc umi and . wiilim twelve honre nf'ier I lnd npplie( somoo Wngb: s libeurnniir Pínsier. I wne peil". :iy aitey, and have hnd no pnin f-inra. STEPHFN CARY. Jackson Co.. Columpia. Aiig. 2j, 1844. S Tliia may cenify thnf Í have iifcd Wrirh:'s Pilis in my fninily in violent ntrncl of cliill nn ibilious iever. rid Hnvé found tbem tó bftijip bfifit Puls 'thiii Í ever usod. nnd wouid recommend cveiy Inniily to Urf p ilietn on hnnd. a wa urn ut -. v ■-.. Thomtson-, GKArci Co.. Ohio. ? ■ April '28tb. 18 4 Tliia mny cptfífy thjfr ;T íinve nsd Wriffhrp' Por IVlnn'e Pilis ml RIk unatfc Piaster n my )rnciicc, .md woiikl tny io ihc public tbar rhey enn rely uoon thoir rè'coinlnéndnllon wiilj tbc tnmosi confidence; in short, tlicy only need trying to recommend tlietusflyea. RKV. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. Loraxnk Co.. Gukkv, May 16. 1843. ,: Tbis .r.ny certily th:ji l have iitei! Wrigbt'f I oor Mnn's Pilis in my pinctice, and finii i hem ro bb'one of. ilnoi mirèly. tbe be?t p:l!s nou in use; nnd wou ld reconiiMMul every fnnnly to keep theni on hnrid. especil!y thoee who live near low. inarshy land1, or mili ponds, or in au anliealthy cliipnje JOSI(UA,BASCOMn. M. D. Without addine têfetiii-uny b'j the eflirn'cy f the nbove ii;eiuiiined nn-dicine. we do i;ot hesitnte to say f lint we are not ufriijd io have í is vir mes tested by the sufe ot' nny i.tíxr ol the kimi ihnt ever been oflered to n Anjeriean public, nnti we vvílí le! ii stand upon itsown n:erits. Fir8ale ai M.sle.y"s Bönkcfore. Ann Aibor. By Kellogjx & P.rothers, Wbiie Pigeon. R. Wi!li;:i! s. Jr . & Co.. Sn.r'êés Prairie Simeón Guget, Quincy. Branch councy. A. K,. Hall, j, iW. A. Blis8, Jainestown. Ind. Elisha S'teer, Anola. " Chearer M.ies. Albion. Michigan. A. P. iM.n.n &. R. Sibley, MarsTiaíI, Mich. A. Cal'mder. (i J E; Pncker, Batile Cr.eek, " C.'W. V'niin". Gnlesburgh, : (,'apt. Brown, J riineville, " D H. Me', Adrián, " Quackenboss. & More. Tecumseh " S. A. liowley. Jonesville, " H. Oilbert. Manchester, " W. H. Patierson. Saline. " Hnrmnn .V Cook. Brooklyn, . " Pierre 1'eller. VYhoiesale A pent íoj Detroit. Geo. P. Wiight & Co., sole proprietors foi ri:e Uniied Stntep, and Upper nnd LowerCmadv. .!1 ordeis 'ind btiaiueis et'eis ilie iioseiii, uiay bc dirtcted liv Gi'o. P. Wr"lH. Colunibia P. O., .lackson Co.. Mich. It ís lor she also at fYlonroe, Mr. Ck'rnrns. liiica. Pontiac. and by Dubois & tVgiit.'Jeflè'r.son. A gen f s lor the Siate of iM.ichifrair uk. Cnj-rol Co.. U'.. Jan. 5, T841. Tt p years sinco. 1 wrfe tiikcn with tlie Scrolt.-!a. so ibat I liad )u rc-iief d.iy r,r niglit, nty liinl 'eing naicb swelled atirPcoveicd vyiih Uk"ss. vy H.east and bnck in 'grèSi pnin. and neives rniic'ii h.-iiMred. I njjp! ied io ditli-ient Pbyiiciniis. ::i: of w-hom snid theie wns no help for i:e. and all ihe remedies I i ried pr ved unavaiünir umii 1 u irle use, f Wriulit's Anti Inflarn. and Rheiiü-. 'Mester, vhw h ïeduced the inflamaunn, lieaU-fi ;he ulcers brouüh' the skin to its natural Culo , 'iid eüeved the pain. I would recoinniend it ro fill 8iitnlaily afflictcd. and am sme they wil! ie saiisfien nfter givntir it a lair rial CATÍIARIXK ALLENSVVORTH. Tho.mis).n'. Geauga Co . Uhio. Apiil 10. 184:í f certify tlmt my little boy put hls anus int' ')oilnig w;:cr. nearly to the c!boA, so thni whei ihe dtess was lu'kor: off tl.e skin carne with it: ■liter applyin2 several remedieo to no. purposn - ho arm hecoming niuch swollen and the chïlfl in groat pnin. f npplied "Wright's Anti Inflarnnntory and ithenmatic Piaster." and within iwi hours hc was petfectly easy, and went to sWep. fter to or three duys 1 removed the piasier, fine ippliel anothcr.and wheri :hni was removed tlx irm was hesled, exeept a place the size of a sliil lin which wns soon well. 1 believe it to be tin 'est arricie fora burn that can be pronuced, atií' would recommend all to keep it on hand in cs of acciderus. ELTZABETH BROUGHTON. NKRVOUS DISEASES are greatly benefit ;ed by the nse o these pills; - ns tVervóus Head !che. Tic Doloroux. St. Vitue' Dnnce. &c. ihcir tendency bcing to soothe the irriti.bihtv f" ihe eystetn. alia? pain. and induce quiet and re pse. Thoee afflicted with Coughn. CoUIf, Influenza. &c, wiil find relief from the use of :hes' ji lis. Kxposure to cold c!"scs the poros of tin ■heskin, check s perspiration, re'ards.the eire" lation, and produces varirms inflamniniory dis cases. Does nny one perectve n cold coniin; npon bin? Let him on gcing to bed, take snffi ;ifiiH to 0]erate smnrtly, and then every ni'.'ht rake enoiich to produce a mild operation till ihi liscnse abates. In case of Wnrms let a tea ó Pink be 'aken fre Iv for 12 hours, and then nd ■ninister Puls suirii ijnt to produce a brisk cathar lic operation. 20-1 y. DR. OSGOOD'S ïi&IA CKOLAGOGÜE. A.ViU.sG tlie most valuabie qualiti'S ol tint . medicine, ia its restoring ïnjlvcnce iiu n c.aistitutions impaired ard injuied by previ us iitockB oi billious fever, or fever and aguo; ui ny n long residence in those climates whtch produce There are many constiiution.. which acornó gmdu.;lly undermined by a minswal tnrluence. without even a dny's actual cutilinemeni. (n sucli cases, the Cholagogue acts like a chaiYn - thcs.i'llow coinpleAiun, loss oí appütitc, Innucr, vvcariness and depression ol spirits, wiil. ither unpleasnnl syniprorns which tender lifc ; ïuiden. al1 yield to this remedy when faithfiilly itsed according to the direciiijns of theaccompanying pamphlet. It is ontirely a vegetable prep -iration, nnd'nmy bc taken wih peifect si fety tinder all circ::insianccs of the eysteni. For sale by 36 W. S. .Vr J. W. MAYNARD. flole Ageni. fur Ano Arborand vicinity. SINCLAIR &TCHASE, JTTOBjYEYS .1A'D LOUA'üELLORS J1T LAW, ■ (OFPTCE LOWER TOWN, ANN ARBOK,) VVnl rtoncl o all busi.nes.- in their pioteasioi wiih aljdelity and deepatch. Pancular attention wiil be givcn to collect ROBKRTP. 8INCI.AIR, KDWABD R. CHSZ MarchSO. 1844. ly. MKtí C. BUFFINGTON would respect lul ly inform tbc Lndicsof Ann Albor and in vicinity that she has received the fnll and win ter fashione. MRS. C. BUFFINGTON. Nov. M. 1844. 3'lif. lOoHTbs. Gcesc Featliersí OF fir8t rnte quality lor sale by ihe pound ot hundred weight inqnarnities to snit purchoscro, mny be fonnd at UAYMONiyS-CASH STORE. 32-tf 149 Jefrr-on, Ave. Detroit.THE MISSES CLARKS' IToting' Ladics' 'Seminar?, ANN ARBOR; MICHIGAN. MARY IL CLARK. Principal. CU LOE A. CLARK, Y ice Principal. M. L. VVALTEU, Teadicr 01 JYlusic ou liicIVillo. ÈMMY IJEURMANN, Teacher of Germnn nnci the Gniuir. RHüJiY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvcnile Dtpnrínierit. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mniliemnlics and Vocal M usic. M. F. SCJÜOFF, Teacher of French and Classics. npilIS Institución luis heen in oporniion sincr X Ñoyejnber )H. iFIif). Theseliolnetic yeni eiu!!aen forty-eieht '.vceks. ivu icrn s. compiiStng tro qnarters eai:h - i welvjB wtt-eks n a quaiter - n general e.nminun n t!ie el ose of caeli turnï - in Ftbiuaiy nuil n hu last qunrier of ilie presen t term oom menred November 25. Tei.mí of TunioN - For the Enylioh branch es. $,50 to 5 per qunrter io reduelion niu-'c Cor ni sence. except in ense ofsicknoss and no pupil; taken, for Ickh tlian a quar.ier. Extra íes are made for miisie on the Piano, wiih tlie u.-e o the nstrttn;ent, $H.0. Fiench, 3;00 Lntin. 3,(p Drawintr .ind Painting, &,0{i Fancv Work, 3 Ql Board, ncludinz wahingy liglit. &c., d.7f per week f ynid in advnnce. or $2.00 per week ifpnid sit the close of i he qunrier. Píirrnts nnd euardinns are inviied lo visit the school everv Friday, wlip.n the smdies ( tlie week ftie reviewed - a'ao semi-inonthly on Wedneeilny aftenoon. nt readingof the weekly compositioiib. Hnving puichnsedn bealthy .imi con;rnodiois limlinnin n plénenrit njicl converiient pnVt of the villngf, nn pr i nts or expense shall he sparod to , fncilitntt! the snidics .Mil ronder the siiuation o! the voung farfies prufitniíle anJ aaiccnhie. Youn: liidifB desirous o} eniering the sdiool and puieuiüír dio íetnlnr courss nl'smdy, woultl do wcü to cominence at iho begining of thc qiinrler. Beloning to the fciiool aic a Libiary of berweon tliree nml four bundred vo!un:es. :i,ñd Phi t8ophcal Apparnuif, Eléctrica! Machino, &ré Scientiíic li-í'tues are dc-liveied beloié the ncb.ool nt proper ntei víi'e. 'J'he Miese8 Clark wül enrienvor. nct on.'y to promete the nteileoiu"! culinre oftheir pnpilf but will atlend strictly to their moral depci:inent. With a deopsense of relig;ioii6 responsdili;y. thev would givo L=iich a tone to diameter, ns phal! rendorit iiiHcucnlly fined for every station- }iel ]Ui todutybui firm to principie. Among tlie hrnufre nseci in thesfhool are, Aíeicromhio m the Jntclleciunl nnd Moral d&Wets - Kane's EMe.jnents of Cri.ácjnj - Uayloni!'.Md;il ScíeVicé - Newmnii'e Rbennic - liége'í Logic - P.iley's NaiinalTIieolooy ind Evidencoíp Chrsii'inity - Coniyiooli's CheiüiFtiy and .Xatunil Pliilosc)hy - Combe's Phyeioloty - Mis. Lincfln's Botany - R.iton's Manual oT HotanyBn -riti' s Geogiapliy of the Heavens- Fitst. Scc ond and Third Books of liieiory - Mrs. Wil liard'8 Reiublic of Ám'erTcn - Ph-!ps' Leal Clapsírs - Playlair's Enclid. and Dnvie's Algebra barí An:liire'ic - Parker's Natural PbiJcerpliy. Thc Wisses Claik have taníii a Young Lidies School forfievernl yearsin the Ci:y ofKcw York, and are fn-nislied wiih tesiimonils fron IU Rev. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D , nnd John M. Gri.-cn. M. I)., of New Yi rkT Rey .1 L Mlake. ol Bionklyn, and Mis. Kfonffi Willard. o' 'l'roy. N, : aiso. roferonce is tunde, by perT.isRi')ii. i the lollowinH gentjem n : R.t. líev S. A. McCoskry. D. D.línbei t Ru'rrsey nrir' L. B. Miañe r. Fsqrs , Deiroii Hev Isñae S. Ketchaii!. ; IUv. .1. Jiudson. White Pigeon , R(y. J. P. Cleveland, miH Geó.' Keitb um. Marshall ; Ffon Wm. R. Deland. .Tnckson: ''■uil B. Rinir. Michignn Ceñiré; E. H. Winan. drian: Daniel Hi.-(,n, Clinin; Ganline Wheder. M. D . Hfovvëll: Rev. F. H. Cjí mirle". Ornnd Rnpids; Rov. Tí. Colcln?.or. Rcv A M. Ftch. S, Dtmon. M D, P. Bnghan-. M. D.. lion. Win. A. Fleichcr. Non. Wm. R. Thonpl on. E. Muntiy. Efq.. .T.'hn Alien. E?q.. Gf;-. W. Jewett. Fsq.. Col. Thonins Mosely, C'pi.1 Piikine. Tlioinns M. Ludí',. F. Riiwyer. Jr., '"sq . late Snp(MÍnttndM)i of Pnbür ínsirticUon. Picífr-ppors Whilir..'.'. 'Willinn-s nud Hoimhton. o( lie üníversuy ol Michignn. Aun Albor: Jnmef Hirds-ill and Rev. John Be;ich, Flint; Anio Mnd. E?q., Farnirngton. The follüwinjr gemlpmrn. ílcv H. Colc'azei ' ftftv. O. C. Conimock. Rev. A. M. FiVh. Rrv Mr. GrtÍ5s. Profesenrs 'liirinsr and Willúuns l the Univprsi'v oí Michin-in. ";ind F. Fawvor Tr.. latf Superinrendent of Pubíic Instrucucn ?:nve ponspnipd u-nct apa vieitinc cnniínit'pp c he school to be present wh'eñ the weekly fui'ínre reviewed: but vppreiülly to attend during !i ipini-anrunl exnrriinaiions. Auéúst 9. 1H44. 34tf WRIGIIT'S ANTI-INFLAMMATORV AND RIÏEU MATIC PLASTER, A !V efficiënt remedy fóV Rhenmatism. Feve JTX. Sores. Whne Swellins, F.'lons; Pain oí .veakness in the fJack. Breas'. Side or Liinlis. Btirtis. Bruisep, Cramps. Chilblains. Liver nm; LHrtg aíúctionp. Indolent Tumors, fr'pina! afTee:iosn. Inflamed Ey.PS. rfre. &. It is unsiis)asFcr in all Inflnmmatoiy disenses. eitlic Cluonic o; Acute, nsit opérales by coitv'ertir.livfr and redvr. 'nier lnflaniation, allayinf{ Pain. i-weaiins1 ti iart8 afíected. nnd hy its atreng-hening nnd Ano Irne proporties iTrirpé'fÍy relief. Also invf.l nableasnn anti-nierrinial plaster. Price 5 nen-s per B-ix. - For further particu';rí. spp circnlnting PaiTiph'et. ) For sale ín M.iscley's Bookstorc. Ann Albor, and J. T Stocking, travelling agent for n. 1f!-lv THE TRUE PAIN E2LTJRACÏOn SLVE Wi i Olí cuits like a clüiirn tul J;IKNS - fire or water, and every externó 1 S H . t'AN. LNFLAMiVlATION. ACHE or lTCIi1NG ever yet found upon i he hiininn Jamily. i whichit has been appüed. nuist alwnysbe puup! t 41-iHiine from Coinstock nnd Co.. oí' New , 'ir -'tapir auihorized tigents. All a:e cantioi ed ngainst nny epurious artíclcs, which mny nlwjys I)C avoided by knowing the one yon buy con e.r front Conistock & Co . wíio pow i he o 1) oroprietors and nianufoclnrcs. Inquire forConnel'8. which is warrnmed to do olí 1'. ever woul A'hencalled by nny óthéi name. 01 the price filiallie relnndcd in nny case il it does not pb-ase. To place it wittrin reach oí all. thc price bat iieen rednced more raa'íi four fold. and is novr -ild for 25 cents, the forme1 price being too e rbitanf . Tlie 50 cent si'ze now coniains foni ames as tnuch as tlie lormer, and the $1 sizt nenr ten times as niucb. No fdinily that has any title to humnniíy. wíü Tai! to have Coxnki.'s Pam Extractor Ointnien nlwnys at hnnd. lo save life, aüscnrs. and icducí illneroity fnm nny btirn in five nniuius. provi ded ihey hnve seen 1 used.or will believe thosf whc Imvc used it. COMSTOCK &- CO., 21. Cotirtland Stref . ITT Be 8tire. tlicrefore. and nsk fo) Connki.'s, 18 our plite wiih Daüey's ñame ni ii has bp. r. stolen, and ibe spurjoue mny nppeiir wiih th 1 nnme en it. Know. therefore, thaf it comes d - rf-ctly from Coinstock & Co.. or fehun ít. WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARU,--". H6 Airent for Ann Arhor. Estray. TAKEN up by he subsciiber. on (he 2L:h r' September las', in the town ol Norihfieh1 smatl chesnut colored mare, of the porie} breed, with a star in the forebend, surposed n ln nbotti 3 or 9 venís oíd. brandad A. C. on thi houlder. The owner 9 rrqnested 10 proví property, pay charges nnd inke hor nway. NA TH ANIEL SMÏTH. Northfield. Nov. I, I 44. 29-8w Black Salís, WANTED by BECKLEY&HÍCKS. Ann Arbor, LowerTown. l2ti WOODt WOOBM. WE want soine fromeubssríbcreimmeíJiately Oc 12. 1844.SUGAR COATErT OR "insproved ludían Vegetable" P1LLS. For Jnte.rmittent, Remiucni, Bihoup nnd Ir,flnm maiory Fcvms: llcadtchc; ' l)y$l pfcsk; Ifrnr !hi;ii; í'eiveiied Appetiie.' Coelivenese: Dtiirihciïn; Dyeenteiy; Uilious CohV Wornis; Pain in ihe HeifcJ, fcjide, pouj S.ljinch: Scmlula. Scuivy, or njiy luiiuritie of the Blood: Obsiructions, and Fcmale Com" plnints general y. npUKRE bas ncver nppenred a medicine, _L hilan can do poWm, 8ci.lci.I5 io doso mud) goud. I lif-y e'xcifg a licalihiul i.rr piraiioji; -niid open nll ihc hiilfrral íaífcs óf ïha sysiotn. The ol.s-truciiojj oí ltisi ami Pn,ïr', katio.n is ihecnusc of.n great propiinitjj Oj hu n, on suHVrintr. TlfèfepiHs ptèstss the pover in nn exircordinnry dtgree. of rrrnoving a v siruclions, nnd lestoiiign henlthlul ciitüintifin They must uud ubïèdly supenode all oiher purgniive medicines, as iliey have a Inurfold neitón-I viz: n dischaige by t,iie Ifiucis, Ivvgs, hdtttvs and shiii. Chii.ukkn will not hcsiiatp to lakoihem; and ihey m:y be relied on. .tif:yoj;d nny nn'-.fdv ;a jfi ciicctuiil and safe medicine for WOflMs' and nll comphiints incidni to childrrn. Mor' cliiKIren Imve. lieen cured in New Vork tlicpcg. entyenr, hy ilie use oí' Dr. Pmiih's p1Li.s lUñ nll oihcr lucdicina cojnbijicd - as iheic is no ntod ol forcivg tl cm down, like othr iiföfii eines. One imporuint dvnniage tn tnking ih pille is. th'ey do nol &r, e, nor produt c nausea nor nny o her unplensíint sensntion. Pilis have' in ihnusnmfc ol inslfmers, producctl Pn.:y, ond oiher consi ,r norse lhn the diseaac lor wliicli tliy werp adininisured. Tliis is var. tinddrly gvarded ogaivit in ihe conihinnnon of tlic n.nny ingirdinns ot wbich D;. Smiih'e pjl)3 compoecd- tlius rvb.dcring ilsein UARMTlifse pills nre made of ihe ruitr.rr matcrials and ye Iwivc il;e saiisnciion of Imving provetí to ihe Medica! Fácülty, they pottcss tuicotninon vimios. 'Ilie dirrciions and trentjin rf dieeaec, ie crun'iniying tvtry box, in a circular of four Xo '"SITGAR COATKD PJI.LS" can le e?rjuíñe vii!Mit the sign'ituie ol the 8oie invrnrcr '-G Pr■.]AMJ .SKIIH. M. D., Pim- dent of the N. Y. Colloe of Healtk," upon cvery Ii".v. Office deyqted rrluzirehj to the snle of thls medicInV, IT9 GremviYh üirret, Kow York, nd N'o. 2, AVmer street, Bopion. CERTIFICATES. Wc are nol in of cenificates of a high diameter, coming frc-ni the most respectable sources. Trom a Nepiiièw of ihe late Judgo Thompjon.) N) w Yoiik. Mny 15. IöW. Dr. PntiTit's 'hripuned Indir.n Vegetable Pilla mve proven i valualile to nnsdi aid lamily, io he cuie of violen! hkadache. pnin in tho'side md ètonincH For t-hüdicn, no hcuor medicine can be prodirced. In the case of our pil, wo yems old. the most hftppy. ellecifovo rcstiJied fi om ihcir .ec. I bnve neve'r known ïi mediine wliich ] could so contídenilv reconunend sb hese piüs. R. THOMFSUN. 5Í1 Nortlunore St. The follovvint? laily is too well knwn in New ï'oiU lor her nitcllig(nce and jiliüantlnopy io be ioubted: Trom the Matkon of the U. S Nval HosnrA.?] Accnstnnied ns I nm to ndminister to the irk, enn npprecinto Ejynjuobje nT''icine. li lhfict i ivedicine idfipicd to ilc ïuni.erruis nilnicnta of mnnkind. t is Dr. Pwifn's Sucir Pilla. ] hnvo them and sein trwm uted wiih ihe iiwh rünis(ung rcsnlis. n tevernl insínnees v.-)ih:n ny t"n.öjv"!ecig"pl restoring ihe pat. ent (rorn cxiTi-rti'e ownc-fs and suflciing to:Fuength and lciilih. - Pur lad'es during prpgnancy, . thefe pulsare a sove.rnjfn balm. l recomniend ihem to all as a valuable fa.vjly mki'Icink. SAU.AH A. GOrLD. R]:iiron of the l), S. Naval pepita!. Broriklyn. .Tune lOth, 1844. [From the Drputy Slu-rifrof New York.] Dr. Winti's "i-ngar'(l indinn Vcgrtnlile Pille" inve been used in lio Eldrigde-St. Dchtora' Pnnn with nnconuiion ntib(;ction. I liiivê nevei ie;ird n nudicine epojien of with nure in:eres' iy the sic'k who l:ave ia!; n ihtse pills. JAS. J. PTVINS, De)i)iy i'henf [AN EXTKAORDINARY CURE] I haye to record an insm nee ol nnpn;.-il!el()'l sv' fiMing. which must ferlri.pated ri.-y exift onct1. h;d not Dr. Snith's "í-'ucarí'd jndinr esftal'le Pillo"' ure io ir.y refcxue. In tho InJ' ol ÍH43 1 had n scroi.ulous iiffeciior;, which nenrlv f-veied my body wiili soice, nnd lehdered me unrit for lifo. Jn tho coirs ol iwo months 1 was Mtirickcd wilh 'evfi'. hich rnr-d siih icat violener. I ti ok inany prescripiion.s. !■ t without relief. M ' pííf!éíirig wns gieat. Mrs. Gould (whom I shall ever rëiiraiónbor wiih estfeni) advibcci me io uso tliete Suttared pills, which J took in large doses a fpw davs. whicn the fevcr ond pnin ftftn'fed. I cnntiniiüd ihete puls iii smnll doses, aboijt five weeks, w hen my fcvtr and ecrofiii.-i weie cuied. niy llool completely puriikd, md n:y gonnol henhh r'mpröyedi J sm ceitiiin I owe n-y life. under Providence, to the ure of rhesc pills. E. M. PARK. fiew York. [From Jus. M. Turner, Esq., late of the U. S. N.-.vy.J I havo been :iíTlicied several yenrs with a wenkness in the brcüst. cristiven'eee and n difilculiy of ircathing. I wns lately more than ever tronbled, iliouüh J lind tnken many preeciibrd rfmt!iH. - 'riuoiiiih the advice ol n int nd. 1 procurod Dr. Sjinu's P.-iicnt íuenied Pillf, whifch 1 uted. vu'd thoy have nut onlv relieved. but entirely cnred; my complüints. My xviie has aleo used ihem wiih the most happy eflects, I believe them ih best medicine in the woild. JAMTS M' TURNER. 581 Gieenwich St.. N. Y. Refers to Hon. filüs Wrieht. U. S. Senate. l'F.RÍ F.CT CUPE OF WORKS. Cur ütile girl, 6 yeais old. has eufiered all ihe voret süigfs of wortns; and we have never founü) mi (fFciunl ciire. unil we administered Doet. Smith"s Sugar Pilis, which our little girl took wiihout ihe least r is'; tav fe, in dotes of two at ir time; and wc nev r wimetsed uch a chnnpe itv s'n p'nort a time. The pills b'ought away n mae of worms, and she at once improved. She isnow in joyous hcidth. We have also found lhreates1, benefit !ïom their use. ' JACOB CAKLOCK, SStaple st., N. Y. We hnve tnany certiflcates of cures in case of VVORMS. [From a lady well known in New York.] I have been trouhled for yearn withrdizzinesaönd pnin in ihe head, attended with depression, dimnefBiifsighf, &c. wbich have been entirely cnred by Dr. Smitm's "Sngared Indian Vegeta ht " I tb is medicine nboveall oiliers. SARAH DOUGLASS Coner ol Ludlow nnd Walker-St. [The foi'owing is from one ol'the oldfil nndi most rcspeciable farmers in IWadison Co.. Pi. Y.Jt Cazzkowa--. .Ttily 2th. 1844. I have used 40 boxes Rrandieth's Pül adi ns many n ore of'diflenni kindp. and I' havom'ver found that benefit from the use o( tha whólèj ihat J have from ihe vte "f iwo xes o Dr. SMITH'6 '-IMPROVÏD IDIAK VKCr.TiBLï'" PlI.LS. They Bcem to strike at the foundation of my diseaee, which is of a biliuti? charnctpr. 1HA ALVORD. [Mr. Alvord wns, with rnother. the fitst w:t Oer of tho bonmiful village of Cnzenovja, about 50 y'è'ara' ;go.] OLD MEN' and YOt'NG MEN have. with-ur niiiiiber. "iven their t'piin'onin s lol thee excellent family pills. And M0TI1LRS ! wo wM) we eo-J'd hiy befvre the wo. ld all the ex-r nrrssions of npprohntion v.litch ve hnve irem ■ hem in New Yoik. They would alone fill t+ pae. Tbe fact is, there ncver ws pucb a mtúw cine for the complaints of Chii.1'HEs'' For enlc hy G. & J. G. Hilï. Detroit; Thop. May. J'r., Plynin.nhferrin & Wall, NorthHrtl Lund & McCnllurr?. F. J. B. tinne, and V. B. tSf J. W. Maynnrd.ff.nd G. Grcuville, Ann Atïoti nlso in YpHilsr.ti,' Dexter, and throtiflwuj tl United States. "Office devoted cxchienely K theee Pills, ï'9 J3recnwicb-St., Ntw YoíK. CAUTiON.-iBewtre of mistión.


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