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Will be publiahed every Monday morning, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, For. tui Michigan State Anti-Slavery SocrJtTr. TERMS. Ons Dollak a year, in atlvance: if not paid, n advance, Two Dollars wiíl be ikvarubly required. ET Old subscribers can have their papers at One Dollar a year, by forwarding that amount, and payin arrearage?. All subscribers will be expected to pey wtthin th year. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For each line of brevier, (the amallest type,) fer the fust insertion, S cents. Tor each subsequent inaeruun, 1 cent. For three months, 7 cenis. or six months, 10 cents. For one yeai 15 cent. 'Order by mail will be piomptly attended to. Legal Advertising by the tolio. ÏEJ Manufaciurora, Booksellers, Machinists. Wholesale Merchante, and all oiliora doing on txtensive business, who wi&h to advertise, will find the Signal the best possible medium of comtnunication in the State. O All Remittances and Communications ■hould be addressed, Post paid, (EJ"StGNALOF Libertt; Ann Arbor, Mich.ji


Signal of Liberty
Old News