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New Hampshire Militia Bill. - The bill jroviding for a volucteer militia 8y6tem, the whole mimber of soldiere not to exceed 9000, passed the House, Wednesday, Dec. 18. On the test vote the majority for the bilí was 136. The bill abolishes militia trainings except of Volunteer Companies, whose members are to be paid for their services, $3,00 per annum, each. It providea for an enrolment of all persons of an age to do military duty, on the lst of April in each year, of wlrch a return is to be made to the Adjutant General on the first of June ensuing. This bill, we regret to add, was lost in the Senate - 8 to 4. Oy Extract from the Frankfort Correspondence of the Lonisvüle Demucrat : 'Mis Delia Webster has been three days in the prison. She ie 6entenced for two yenrs, on a charge of aiding in the escape of runnway slaves. - I have not seen her, but I am told there is a growing eentioient in favor of her liberation nmong all who make themselves acquninted with her case. It is said that she has been convicted on testimony rath er vaguely cirucmstantial; and that she is o very intelligent young lady, and protests her innocence; and that her father, who is here, worn down with years and cares, is not an abolitionist. Hardlo Under stand. - "Wel], my lad that is small corn you are hoehig.' 'Yes, sir," eaid the boy, while he continued his labor, "we planted small cor.n" "But it )ooks ralher yellow." "Yes, sir, we planted the yellow kind," returned the boy, sratching awoy at tho hard stoney soil. "But I do not believé that you will have more than half a erop' continued the travel Ier. . "No, sir, we planted upon shares,"' hallooed the boy, as the stranger rode b.Curious Estímate and Curious Taxes. - j The State of Kenlucky has a curious way of fixing the order of the animal creitiou as d? termined by the tax bat. Ilere is the Asst83or"s enutnerttion for the county of Neison: Total white males over 21 yeara, 1,996 Totul slaves over 16, L,138 Total children between 5 and 1G, 1,640 Total studa, jacks anH bolls, (rates $6OJ 22 The order of the animal oreation in this jhilosphccal arrangement is: lat, white males, 2d, human slaves, 3d, children, 4tli, sinds. jacks and bulls! - It seeni3 the wonien have io place in this philosophy! Butthe mode of taxation is equally curious. [n Kentucky the tax on lands is very ligh t )iit look at the people who wear Bectacles. tf ere is the list for Neleon connty: Fax on 48 carriages and barouches, 43,00 Fax on 18 buggies, 9,00 Fax on 19 pianos, 19,00 Fax on 25 gold spectaclcs, 25,00 Fhx on 97 go!d watches, 97,00 Fax on 46 ailver watches, 23,00 Unhappy the man wlio has sbort sight in Kentucky! 25 spectacles are taxed more than a arge estáte in land! 25 gold spectaclea are ■üxed more than 19 pianos! Thoformer are ivorth$300; the latter $5,000 ! But the good aeople of Owsley mny rejoice. There the inly tax on articles in the list above, is, Tax on one gold watch, $100 [Cin. Chronicle. A bailiff, calling at the residence of a disiressed Quaker to serve a writ, was refused idmittance. He said to the servant, "your naster e at home, but he will not see me." 'He has seen thee. friend," replied Abigail, 'but does not like thy appearance." Payne of Alabama. - This chivairous gentleman, who wonld set the brand of Cain on il! abohtionists, has recently made a most blood thirsly speech in the House. He tays: "Whenever the question comes to be bteween nnconditional submissiou- that is between slavery end a dominant ond irresponeible body of interested men - I teil you we shall Resist, and for ought I know, o? care, Millions of Bwords may leap from their scabbards and drink deep, deep of blood. I for one shall do my duty.'1 Hope the fellow won"t hurt himself. He appeara to be nervous. - Essex- Transcript. 05a Our Griend Bates, late'of tbe Detroit Advertiser, whcih he has sold out, we are happy to hear, at a thumping price, has scttled hirnself as a merchant in St. Louis. Good luck to him. - St. Louis Reveille. Quick Business. - A Boston house eent an order to Glasgow for Scotch goods. and thirty-seven days thereaf Ler, had them open for sale in their shop. A cute cliap. - "Sam, how do you get your iving now a-days7" "In the old way; by being a friend to a fellow thatFghts." "How'tthat.?" (Why, you see, I holds their coat for 'em while they fight, and then 1 slope with iif' The Clcrgyman and Skeptic. - If we are to live affer dcath, wliy rion't we have eome certain knowledg of it?" said a skeptic to a clergyman. "Why didn't you know that you were going to live in this world before you came here? " was the quick reply. Capture of a Pírate. - Extract from a letter dated, Trieste, 30:h ofOct. 1844. "We have thenews of the capture of an extraordmarily large end well-equipped piratical bark , named the "Avenger." The vessel was taken into Trieste, and the disclosures of the hands on board made to the capturers were beyond conception. Their confessions are not fully known, but thismuch ís trua - The bark has been cruisiüg, pirat-ically, for the last two years, and in thai time have been committed by the crew no less ïhan 20q murders, nnd ten ships, three barques, one brig, and eleven 6chooners, taken and plundered. The amount of treasure found on board the veseel was immense. She is an English buik vessel, with tall raking mases, and of about 70o tons burthen, very sharp and deep. - JV. F. Tribune. HOW TO GROW RIGH.I'll lell you a plan for gaining wealtb, Better than banking, trading, or leases - Take a bnnk 'íote and fold it up, And then you'll findyour tnoney n creases. This wonderlul plan, without dangor or losa. Keepsyour cash in your hands, where nothing can trouble it; And every time that you fold it ncross, 'Tis as plain as the light of the day that you doublé it? Great Wts, Adv. Selling a Wife. - A man sold his wife on Monday last, in Bangor, for the paltry sum of ten dollars. The lady has highly respectableconnexions, and leaves in the care of her late lord two interesting childreo. The understanding between tlie parties was of the most amicabie characer. lïow look the laws of God and man opon such a beastly bargain? Item No. I. - Henry Clay emanctpated his servant Charles. Mr. Bitney sold his. - Bos. Transcript. - "There is no God."- Bible. "You solemnly sivear that you wil! give the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ."- Fonn of oath in Court ofJustict. ItemNo. 2. - In 18S4, Mr. Bimey emancipated six sla vos, 11 ho had; in 18á9,he emancipa ted ticentyone, 'he patrimony of his father, which he preferred to receive instead of otlier property he m'tght have inhented. In 1&42, when respectfully requested to emancípate his Jij ty or sixty elaves, Mr. Clay replied - "Go home and mind your business; my slavee ure fat and Bleek."- Bangor Gazelte 'I sayT stranger, you're drunk!' - kDrunk enough, and have been so these two years. My brother and I are engagea in the temperance cause - he goes about dolivering lectures, and I give samples of intemperance.'Liberty Vote in Virginia. - The Piitsburgh Spirit of Liberty gives the following letter, announcing the Libery vote in onc of the counties of old Virgina : Ouio Cpüsxr, Va, Dec. 9, 1844 - Mr. Editor, - The Liberty vote of this county, at the lateelection, was ninetepn. 1 would have written at an earlier period, but delayed in hope of being ab!e to send you the vote of Marshall and Brooke. As vet I have not got ihe returns. The vote of Marshll is believcd :obe larger than that of Oliio. N. B. -I enclosc you one dollar, to be credted lo my subscription to ihc Spirit of Liber-r :y; also, one of our tickets, endorscd as given n at the polls; you cnn preserve it as a merno'ial of the jirst strvggle of the Liberty party 'n a sluve State. Please to exhibit it to the lonvention to meet in your city on the 22d of Febuary. 1845. The election law of Virginia 'eqtures the voter to endorse his name to the ack of his ticket, and onnounce publicly the persons voted for president and vice president. Yours, with respectt John Gilmore. Ten Whigs and nineDemocrats. Jew name Jor Boots.- A Chinéese havng been introduced to an American who wore soots, reported that the gentleman sttod up n Uvo little lealher casks. The Ltiuisville Journal, 'n allusion to the aroposition of South Carolim, to send mesengers to all the slaveholding States, to nnite hem in a Disünion Conventton, thus renarks: 2"We hope she is not fno! enousrh to send i messeneer to Kentucky upon any snch ;reasonable buiine?s. He might be sent away is summarilyas Mc Hoar wasfmm Charles tm, unles8. perchsncp. (ie should get caught jy the limb of a tree." "The fool3 are not all dend yet." Read the following, Trom the N. Y. Herald: Fashionabh Intelligent. - Since the election of Polk, the polka ha? become the supreme movement in all the most fashionable circles. Kurpnnay the Ilungarian genius who first introdnced it in this country, is al most torn to pieces by those in quest of in6ti ttction. In Lhïs city alone he has npwardá of 200 pupils and some 50 or 60 in Philadelphia, to whom he goes by railway every other day to give them lessons. Besides these he has been waited on by a deputation from Washington and Baltimore, reqnesling him to visit those places, to instruct the most fashionable of the residen ts in the polka, previous to the inaugnration Ball in the former city. which takes place on the 4th of March. In compliance wiih this request, after giving a few balls at one of the private hotels in this city, be will proceed to Washington and Bai timore for that purpose.


Signal of Liberty
Old News