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ATTEiTIOí JlíáT réceívotl ut tho Goaeral Depot, íor t! fc g.iltí oí" Clothiors Stock, Madíiuej-y, Dye tüffs &.c. &c, No. i:iy. Jefferaun Avenue, DSííoiti tita loll.iwiug iarge, wcil aested, a. o járefuUy soiec:ed stock, viz: liW fcbJs. Se. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tone " ia Suck' IJíJ bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, . 5 Tona '; " , nSick, 50 bbís. Nic. Wood, Chipped, 60 ' Lima VVood, " SO Red U'ood, " 12.") Ground Cainvrood, 10 " iuorcitron 13ark, 600 Iba. Nutgolls. 10 ("Jases Extract of Logwood, 300 ibs. Loe Oye, 2 Ceroous Spanish índigo, &yj Ibs. Sumac Sícily, 3 Caslis M'iddcr, 3 Caaks Blúe Vitriol, 5j sks Aluin, 2 Dárrela Ited Tartar. 9 Dar.els Cream Tartnr, 3 Carboys Aqua Fortit, 6 m Oii Vtiriol, 3 " Mtíríjitic Acitl, Sflfl Ihs. Vir2iris, &j lilock Tin, Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettlo3, all sizes, Parson's Sheariug Machines, s Curtís' t M Scrcw3 and Press Platea, Cranks. Presa Paper, Stoel Reeds, Worsted Harneas, Temer Hüüktí, Enery, all No's., Oiive Olí, Clothíors' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, ClThiera' Brushes, Shuttles, Pie. ts. Card C'eanora, &c. &c. Tlic above. with a variety o( otlier nrticles betongini; to tha trade, have been purchnsed üvs „„„mor by the subscribors froni MnöufactuiWr an.l First ílnndsin the New York, riiilntielphio. an;l Ko3ton Markols. and every tlu'ng having res ceived his personal inspeclion. he can with thr utmost conridence üiíor them to purchasers as fk beít ahtl rnnsl compUte stoccin the country; md E3 U iu his fixed deterniination (by the low rates a: whipö he will sell) to Drevent the nccessity oí our Ciothiers and ManutV-urers leavmg the Stnte to mako theirpurchases, h. wouid mereh 8ay to the trade, CALL, cxnmine tho ?oods nnd aacertnin prices before you say you can buy ch-juper any where elae. „n vf, Ho s also prepared to contract tor GAKDuNU MACHINES made in flus Stato or Eaat. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jeffersoa Avenue, [17-tf.] Detroit.TO THE VÍCTOR BE LONG THE SPOILS" ALTIIOUGH many preparalion in the form oí "POPULAR MEDICINES," hnv beea before the public, claiming to give reüe and even cure the most invetérate diseases, yei non havo so well answered the purpose as Di SHERMAN'S MEDICATED LOZENGES Dr. Shennan'8 "COUGH LOZENGES" care the most obstinate cosee of Cough in n few hdur3. They have cured a lare number of persons who Iave been given up by their physicians and friends, and nir.ny who have been redueed to the vergc of the grave by spitting blood consumptiepand Hectic Fever, by their use have had the rose of heahly restored to the bag gard cheek. and now live to speak fortl the p'raisea of this invaluable medicine. Dr. Öherman'a "WORM LOZEJSGES" have been provedin more than 401'. 00O cases to be infallible. in fact, the only certain Worm de stroyiug medicine ever discovered. Childrett Yillenühetn whenthey cannot beiorced to take any other medicine, and the benefit derived froin ihB adminislration of medicine to them in thic foïm is greit beyond conception. They hav novè'r been Ic.iown 10 fail. Dr. Sherman'e CAMPÜOR LOZENGES." rcliere Headache. Nervous Sick-headache. Pal of the Heart, "and sickness in a ver) few minutes. Dr. Sherman's "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" ia acknowledged by all who have ever used it to be the best strengthening Piaster in the world. tmd a sovereign remedy for painsand weñk nee in the back, lotns, side, breast. neck, hmbs. joints, rhcumatism, lumbago, &c. Bo carefu' to procure the above and all other medicines of Haijnard's, and you wil! be snre there will be no mistake in quantitv or charge. W.S. & J. W. MAYNARD. AnnArbor, 5. 1844. 41 To Clothiers, ülanuftícíurers and Iflerchants. THE subscriber is now receiving at his storee, lod and 190 Jeffjison Avenue, Detroit, the foilowing carefully and well selected stock of Dte VVooüs, Dyk STüïTS-end Wqolen Man FACTÜRSr's MACniNERT. 55 tons Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico[and Carthagona. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, S.t Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 tons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut nnd-ground, 130 '♦ Fustic, u " 100 " Red Woods, " " 120 " Camwood, 4t 10 4 nerecitron Bark, 45 " Allum, 42 " Copperas, 30 Blue Vitriol, 30 " Madder, Ombre, and Dutch crop; 3 Cream Tarter, 2 " Nurgalls. 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua Uinaln, 2 ' Lac-Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 ' Grain Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris, 15 Carboys Oil Vifriól, Spirits Sea-Saltsand Nitric Acid. ÁLSO,Coppor Kettlea and Clothiers' Screwa, Tentei Mook.8. and Brushes, Presa Papers, Gard Cleauers, Weavers' Shears, Nippers nnd Burling Irons, Comb-p'aies, Pickers and Bobbins. Wfre. Worsted and Cotton Horness. Steel and Caue Reeds, Uroad Power, Hand Looms and Fly. Shuttles, Sieel and Copper Mails, Emery. &c. Pasons' Shenring Machines, 4, G. and 9 blades. Allen'B doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Cards, Leicester, The above goode have been recently purchas ei direciy from the importers and manufacturera, KXCi.UbivELT for CASiL, and will be sold a the New York jobber' prices, adding transportaron oniy; and in consequence of the decline orí niany of the American manufactured anieles, w.ll, in many cases, be sold at fifteen per cent less than FoiiMER pp.icES. Thirtcen years experience in tho Dye Wood business enables the 8abscriber to say to his cusiomera-that he is prepared at all times to wariunt his goodsof superior quality. THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wond and Dye Stuff Warehouse 133 and 190 Jeflerson Avenue. Detroit. The Arm Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentinel Pontiac Gazette, Flint Democrat, Adrián Expotuor, Marshall Statesman, Niles Courier an( Republican, Gazette. Michigan City (la.) and he Enquirer, London, (Canada,) will each pub lish ihc above notice insido. to the amnuni o tree dollars, and send copy of notice with bill to subseriber for payment. 17- tf. JEROME M. TREADWeEET" ATTORNEY ANÜ COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land' Agent, WILL attend to the salt and exchange of Lands, ptrpment of Taxes, and reeernp tion of Lnnds sold for Taxes in Tachson and adjolning counties, examination of Titlej, Conveyaticing. anti all business pertaining to Real Etate. OtTirtp in the Court House. Jacksoqwlichigan. 17-tf. CHARLES H. STEWART, JTOftNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT UW AND 80LIC1TOR IN CHANCERY. JHrrEIWO." AVESUK DETROIT. úDli. SMITH'S ■ ITOTVERSITIT PIIXS e Ú mHr?E PilNaro prepared by Wm. M. Smul,, M. D., late Profesar of Materia Medica n;ul I ni tt „,..;.;. „'1 ake Erio Übio. Dr. Smuh woud say to ilie publi:, tliui liálsf& r ha or :r bei0lc biu oue llm iS Mfe' ÍS .Ür . SS1 pÏÏnon, di.c.ed ,o the Pa tb K dins. "n3 of medicinal sultanes, and flieir ftdaPUUPn to ihe rcmovnl o f I mnladï o' whicl. flffh 's her. As res,!, of the. e laho.s, !,e ii ble to ,,ve to th.; ÏÏ on f medicinal vegetable subsáneos, .8 as „car pcrfect.on , o emean udy and dos" .„vesiïgauon. testend experiaujnis, can bring it. He would say to l'hysicmns K is pecina ) ii i r F d Aait Coi'g i, L ver Cowplalnis, Siclt Headacli. l'ieit money refundni. TESTIMONIALS IN FAVOR 01' DR. WM. M SMITH'S ÜNIVERSITY PÏLLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. Mököitei iMichijrnn, June 12, 1344. Dr Sm'th- Dnr Sir.- T tnkc much plcasnre in frvia$ niy lestjtnony in iiivor of your - vahiable ÜNIVERSITY PILLO. I most dieeriuïly rccommpiul them to the public as n e saË easy, and ca.liurtic (or most of thé penses incident io thïs reg.rfn of co.miry. - 1 hn'e made extensíve se of ll.em fur tour years ín my prnctice, an. I bel.eve iheAi to b'è theBlíSTAnti-bilioUáCutli.-.rUcür Aperient medicine &M&f& s e,ai bs8 Yours, Ite. GEORGE LAMJO, M. D. - TESI1M0NIAL OF DR. TKLLKR. ■Wasillo.', Oliio, May lst, 1344. Í Dr Smitii- Sir,- T tcke much ploasure n bearin? teiimony to ihe effiency oí" your ! Piüsmre.novingbilefrom the sternach, delergingr the L.vr a„,l !n a!l comphu.u, em.na5 tmgfromthatsüurce. , T , _ _ „,prJ: J' C' 1ELLLh' M' D' TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLi. 1 Watkukoo, Mieh., Rfhfcft 10, 1814. ' To Dn Smith- Sir- For tipnrds of xmanllis I was cruel.'y afflicted with Fever iiml A„c nnddorins tlint timecould ñná nothinglluU ?ovc me permanent rehcf; at longth huw' ever voor üoivereítv Pilis were lecom.nendcd to me by one of the best Pnysicians in líjese ond I m happy in bcing &ble to sny, that fro:n the use of one box I wns potltóhbiglj cured of my a'ue; si nee Ihen a numher of my family have been as signally benphUPd Ymirp, Rp.pecifn'Iv, v WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0VV. . MoMiOi-:, Miclí., June 1, 1344. I herebycertifv that Dr. Wm. M. SmiUi has been my Family Physician for Cour yeurs last tliathe'has used bis Universify Pilis in his practice in my fnraily with nnparal leled success; and I tiiïuk them prefernble lo anv pil) lor afiecdon ia theprid: ' PA NIEL GOODiS'OW. Innkeeper, Micomb-St. House. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSHALL. Fut, Mich., June 5, 1344. Dr Smith- 1 am hnppy laffif yon my cordial npproval of your UmversUy Pilis. I am able to keep off Fever mi1 Ajfiie, :nd Fevers to wliich all of us are subject in this Western Countrv, by the t.mely use ol your Univorsiry Pilis, Send an A pent ti.isy os soon asD'-ible'for we nrfi ollonr.. Ynnrs. &c. D. S. PARtoHALL. Pí TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYF1ELD. Wecertifv that we are and have been personally acquainted with Wm. M. Smith, M. D , and know that ho is a man ot emi.iprice in bis profesión- and, ihat for four years he filied the chair of Materia Médica and Pharmacy in the Willongliby üniversity of Lake Erie, with honor ío himself and satiffaction to the Trustees and Facnity, as ve!l as to the Studenis of the above üniversity. As for his Pilis, they ure 'par excellence ; CHARLKS NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 1844. B. F. FYFIELD. Monroe, Micn., TEsTIM0NIAL 0F RTAL B. CHASE. This I cert;fv, that in month of September last, I was attacked with Billions Fever fwhile a.wnv fröiJi home at. Owesso to build a water wlieel) and with one.dose of Smiih'sUniversity PÏ1I?, I broke it up; nnd as many uthers were sick at ihe timr, I admmistered these Pi!ls to them, and in all cases it bioke up their levers. I have used them many times since, and wilhgreat success. They are the best pills I ever used. & RIAL B. CHASE, -Militen glit. Shiawassee Town, Mich. June Ist, 1844. . ö TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C . WRTGHT. This raav cerlify, thatthree years ngo I was attacked with Liver.Complaint so severely that I couïcl scarcely turn myself in bed; I us-ed mnny specifics and remedies, snch as Brandreth's, Rppurrectin, Or-ental, and other pills. but with little or no eftèct. One year ago myfriend Hr. Sim'th called on me on his way to Boston, when he gave mea box of hís Universitv Pilis, which perfèctly restored me, and my health has nol agoi.. suffered from like cau'se. ■ ALIGAIL C. WRIOHT. Rochester, N. Y., No. 13, FrnnlUin Sireet, June 25, 1344. 5 TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. Dear Doctor- Jost ice requires me to state, thal I have sold your Üniversity Pilis for one and a huif years last past, and tha I can sell no others while I have them on hand. They have superseded the sale of all others- their effect is truly wonderful v JOHN VV. MILLER, Druggist. FoTS'ebJ.'HLÜND.LowerTown, and WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD Uppei Town, Ann Arbor. 1S' ö s f " 3 ui LJTN g O o L o, S ö 55 ■ f; rtüs a S & i-Ui II 11 - c PS feaa % 11" Jgf Q gU fasg -- lsVfiB -arq'L 2 Kl fcs3 kaeocri Sw! L"-:: S-"3 C =■ - Ülll s 1 ■ O H 5 o i -ap-fiíHííf i ? tó SIS f fl ff f H ? tel a Bi - - ■ i , t5 i LJ .__. sUsJS" O! foteJ G . ÍS"1 g:. p V2 H P W W B Ríiií"SJ bid S 133 s S s H cj ■ a s $ 1 1_ rJ. r k BIS SííJ}! 5m2 od o ís-s%í s s i a. r im Iftfjl S 5 S CL roe 2. 55" O S QO U_ , UibJ s-s5s =" m i, Pj ? iil a 8lotice lo JYScrcSiaiaís. rrifiF, Stilisciibos ericouraged by the patrónX Sgo they luive hufierto reecivotl n iv im.csuIc dopanmen: oftlicir busirioti. will ibi. . rsi dny af May nexi. open the stort; nuw occu;ied by] Goo. GiiMiville. íiontiiig on Hurón siree:, nnd cpnnqeg with tlieir pro&ent siurt n líie rear. exolnsively fór a ■WKQLJI. SÁLSS EOOM, vyhere tiiey wÜl kecp ai ull tunes a Jull assontneiu of Dry Goods. Boots, 8," Sioes Cafpeiiiig JfafSy Caps, Paper Í7a?gúg'y} Son net s, Croccerj hi Ihe Crale Hardware and Groceries, 4x S,-c. Sfc. all of whieh will be soldon as goor! terms as ai any poiut iliis StdeofNew York Cuy. G. D. IllLL & CO. Ann Arbor. Mnrch 2(5, 8%V. 4-Stf. TÍIE lollowngmdit?pen.sabe lanníy remedies rnnv be íouml at Maïsaud's Druggiei Store, in Ann Albor, where none wül be sold unless known to be of ihe best kind nnd no counieiíeit árdele ever ofiered. patent medicine nvariaMy procured al tiio inventor or hts regular successor; (Ef No family should bt a tocek without these remedies. L$ BALDNESS. Baba oí Co'uinhin, for Ule Huir, wliich wil stop it it fallino put. or restore üon bald places: 8fid on childreír moke it giow rapidly. or on th.iso wbo iiavo Jost the luiir irom any canse. ALL VHRMIN tliatiníest the liéads oi' ehü !ren in schools, ate p'réVeniê'd r killed by it ai once. Find Jke name of C0MS1 OCKon it or never try it. Kcmcmber this alwaijs. PILES, &c. are wholiy prevented, or iíoverned ifthe altnclt has come ön, iíyou use the nnlylnic Hays' Lini.MK.vr. írom Comstock & Co All SORKS. nnd every thing relieved by it thnl aduiits of nn ontward applicntion. Jt actslike a chajin. Use it. RllEUMATISM AND LAMENFSS positively cuied: all shnvelled nui$clrí and limhsnre restóred, in (be oidor youne, by ihelniíian Vegctalile Elixir and Nene und Bañe Liniment - bul never without the :jüjue of Comstock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMíFUGE .villoradicate all VVORMS in children or adulis with a certainty quiie astoni$hii!í. TOOTM DROl'S. Ki.ikks- cures eflectually Ann Albor. Feh. ", l'84Í'. 41 Jfledir.atefl Piaster spread, for itnnifiiliate use, FltrcE ONLY ONE SHILLINO, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEAXS OP ALL. IX slight ailmenrs, or vhero the patiënt preters a less expensive articlc iban ihe ''Anti-inlaniatory and Jllieumutic Piaster," these will be ound highiy benehcial. Bcing alreudy spreád or immediate applicoron. they will be íbund very convenient for WEAK BACKS, Pain or Weaknces n ihe Sido. Breast. Stomnch, between the Sliouldeis. or wherever tliero is Pain, r where a Plasier is needed. They may be renJèreil more serviceable by pasting a piece oí' filoth on the back of them befo re they are apIied. Muliitudes'bave been relieved of pain and sufferins by thse Chenp Plus'.ers. For balo at Motely's Bookstore. and by J. T. Slocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. I6-Iy SMUT MACHLE. THE Subscribers take this method of infor:nmg Wl such as nre engíiged in the Miiün; )usncss m the State-qf Michigan, that they are now nianufncturing n Ann Arbor, Washtenav. County, Michiaán, L. B. Walkei's Fatení Smut Machsne, which they would recüiinp.end to wke ihe Smut oíi 61 wheat as well or better than any other nachine. This machine is a horizsntal inachitu: - tl retains all the fnciípn of the wheat. and uniingsiniplicity wiih durahüity.. it combines -the benting, scouring, and blowing principies, ds charging the dnst and smut as fast as separated from the wheat. This machine is perfectly seenro from fire. and cuna m-uch lighter ihan any other roachnie in aze. For ftarther information. seo large bilis. Shop in Lower Town. Prices to agree with ihe times. All orders for Machines will-be promptly attended to. Address. " E.. O. & A. CR1TTFNDEN. Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co.. Mich __Ju!y 8.1844. .' . ii6m The Biriiey Portraits. THE Subscribers hnve on hand o quantity of these large and splendid engravings.beautifully executedon steel an exceüentartisi. í rom a paintingby E, V. Goonvvis Esq..of Albany. N. Y. They are a strikiñg likenessof thk Ma.v. and make an elegant ornament for thé parlo c. For sale, wholesale and retail, at $3 per dozen, or $1,00 each, by A. McFarren. Bookseller. Detroit, anti by BECKLEY & FOSTER. Ann Arbor, Nov. 1, 1844. 28 tf WOOl! WOOX.! CLOTH! CLOTHÜ HpHE Subscribers would inform the Public JL thnt they will continue to manufacture good it 'heir Manufactory. two ond a half miles wes-i of Auu Albor, on ihe Hurón, on the íolluwin TERMS. the first day oí November. A. D. 1844. ■ he príce will be 37 cents per yard, oi half the doihthe ivool will make. From thc Ist of Nov smber to the Lüíli of May, the price will bu .1,). cents per yard, or nine iwomieths oí the ;!oih thc woul will mako, thatis. 45 yards out of ! ;0 inaiiufactuied. The wool will be nianulacured in turn id ít may come Luto the iactory, as lear as may be wiih refeence to the dirlereni ualities. Any person who will furnisli one oí nore pareéis of wcjoI from BU lo 100 poundsol ■ne quality can have it nianufactured by-itself. 'Vool will be rece ved at Sc ■. Wool seni 'y Railroad will be áttencfed to in the same mnn íeras if tiie ovv'ner were to come with it - it shpuld be carelully marked. We hnve manu'actured cloth dtiring the past year for a very Inrge number of cuötonseis, to whom we believe wii have given very general satisfaciion With hese facía and the advantages oHered by the low prieent wliich we offer to manufacture cloth, we hope for a large share of pairon.-'gít. SAMUEL W. FOSTEK & CO. Scio, Washtenau Co., Jniy 35. 1844. -tl SiTevy Hat Store. JAMES G. CRATk wouíd rcspectfully inorm the Public, that he has ojiened a fint stoeV; of Hats, Caps, Stocks, Cravais, Scarfs, Collarsy XJmbrellas and Gloves, al No. J05, Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, nearlv opposite the U. S. Cotirt Room and Posi Office wbero he will be hnppy lo see his friends aiu sujjply them with as good an article n hislim as can be procuredi ci'.her hcie or at theeast and as cieap. ,- Gcntleinon in the interior, wiahing a first rate fashionable articlo of fíats or Caps, can be sup plied by sending (heirsize or have any style furnished to order in a few houra. and icarranted t suit. Callandsee- it may save yon n dollar. JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,, July 12 1844. ]3-6n DRABBROAD CLOTH for carnaje trin ming. Cords and Tnssels for windnw thades fórsnleby' ' W: A. UAYMOND, '32 tf 143 Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit. WANTED, any quantity of DEERSKIN, by BECKLEY & JIICKS. Ann A-rhor, Nov. 29, 1844. 32-ifWRI&UV?S PCOR M&WS PILLS, Ai) excellent ;;miily Medicine, in caXjL ees ol lridigestïori. Dyppèpein, Liver Cunilitinis or Jrumdice, Ague and Ft-ver. Coated mgue, Sickness ut the . Stotuacb,' Sick Headchu, Remitían', and Interniiitcnt Feveis.Cuughe, ;ólds, Catarrh, &.c. tScC. Éntirèly vegetable. Í ïey ürcemphniically JYJÊ TURW S MPR M.JEJVJO; l onducing to henlth and counteruciing disenso , y pui-iiying tho blood, iciea'nsing the syster oí iiintod humors. rc'moving c.bstruciions. . ting the organs of secreiion, mingling with the ;od and qcting eveiy way ín harmony with the . ystpni . For Inflnnmtory diseases used n conneciion vith tho -Rlieumalic Piaster" fhey will be found , reatly to aid in the removal of diseases for vhich t!ie Piaster s above reconimendcd. and rticulnrly ar ihey calculated for nl! C ïentsof tho DigtsUve nnd Iiiliary Orgahs, the f nmary oriam of a multitude of d'isenses. Pi ice- 25 cents and 50 cents a Box. For solo at Moeely's Bookstore. and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent ior Michigon. ' „ IÜ-ly Certïficates. WuoisiocK. Lknawkk Co., , Aug. 20. 141. J , Por twelve y?ars I have been troubled wiih a he. inatic aflection in niy back. 8o tbat 1 have ian.!y ever heen Iree fiom pain during the whole im( and wiilnn twelve hours ader I bad apüo( some oí Wriglu's Itheumatjc. Piaster. I was eri( itly easy, and have hnd nn pnin eince. STEPHEN CARY. , Jackson Co.. Cor.UMBiA, i Aug. 2,1), 1844. This may certify tlint I kave used Wrirlit's Pilis in niy fmtiily in violent nttneks of chilfnnd , bilious lever, nnd have lound ihem to he the t est Pilis duit I eveí1 nsed. and would lend every lainily to keep thein on bntul. JAMKS AVVARTOUT. ( THÖMrsoN-. Gkai.g.v Co.. Ohio. April 28ili, 18-14 ' I I his may eertify that I have used Wrikte' t Poor Ijnn's Pilla and Rheumatie Piaster 'n my . racticc, md would say to the public tbat thov r an rely noon rheir 'rccomtnendaiion with the tmost confidence; in short, thcy only need , )g io reconnnend themselvef. REV. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. , Loraink Co., Ghken, May 16. 1843". c This .jiay certify thiit 1 liave uted Wrighl's ' oor Man's Pilis in niy pvactice. and find them L o be one of, ïï not entirel}'. the best pills now in se; and would reconnnend every family to I ceep them on hand, especially those who live ear low. mnrshy land, or mili ponds, or in an ' nhealthy climate. JÜSHUABASCOMB, M. D. ■ Without adding moie (efetimoriy of the efficacy f f the above mentioned medicine, we do not ' ate to say that we are not afraid to have its virues tested by the stdo of any other of the kind ( ïat ever has been oflered to an American " c, and we will fet i stand upon itsown merits. For saie at Mosley's Bookstore. Ann Arbor. ' By Kellogg & Rrothers, White Pigeon. R. Wtlüams. .Tr.. &■ Co., Sturges Prairie : Simeón Gagct, Quincy, Branch councy. ' A. K. Hall. ' i W. A. Uliss, Jamestown, Ind. Elisha Steer, Anola. ;' Cheater Mos8. Albiori. Michigan. J A. P. Mnnn Sb R. Sibley, Marshall, Mich. A. Cnüender. ff E. Packer, Battlc Créele, f ! C. W. Vining. Galesburgh, ' Capt. Brown. Pr.iirieville, D H. Medwood, Adrián, " Quackenboss. & More, Tecumsch " ; S. A. Rowley. Jonesville, " H. Oilbert. Mancbesier. " ' W. II. Patterson. Saline. " ' Harmon & Cook, Brooklyn, " Pierre,.TeIler. Whoiesale A íor Detroit. ! Gco. P'. Wright & Co., sole proprietors for )p. United State?, nnd Upper and LowerCrnada. All orders and business lettere for the present, nay be directed to Geo. P. Wright, Colambia 3. O., Jackson Co.. Mich. It is for sale also at Monroe. Mc. Clomens. Jrica, Poniiac. and by Dubois & Wright, Jeflerun. A gen ts for the Sinte of Michigan. Kti.aonK. Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25. 1S-1I. Ten years I w.-is taken with theScroJna. so that I had no relief (biy or night. niy lifnbs eing mucb swelled and covered whh Úlcess. iny icast and back in, great pain, and nerves iriuch linttered. I applied to difïerent Physicians, all f whorn said there was no help for me, and all hc remedies I tried proved unavaiüng ] ude use of Wriglu's Anti Inflam. and Rheum. 'laster, whic-h reduced the ihflamation, euled ie ulcers. brought the skin to it; natural coló?, nd rcüevcd the pain. I would recommend il o all simiiarly afflicied. and ara sure they will ie satisfien afrer givins t n fair (rial. CATHARINE ALLENSWORTÏI. Thompson. Geauga Co.. Ohio, ? April 20, 1843. { I certify that my little boy put hls nrnis into oiling wa'er, nearly to the elboM. so that w-hen he dress waa taken off the skin come with it; (ter applying several remedies io no purposn - tie arm becoming mucb swollen and the child n great pain. I applied "Wright's Anti InHamdiatory and Rheumatie Piaster." and within two ïours hc was perfectly easy, and went to sleep. After to or three dnys I removed the piaster, nnd pphed another, and when :hai was removed the rm was healed, except a place the size of a shilïng which was soon well. Ibelieve it to be the est art cíe for a burn that cn be produced. and would recommend all to keep it on hand in case f accidents. ELTZABETH BROUGHTON. NERVOUS DISEASES are greatly benefit ed by the use of these pills; - as Ncrvous PJead che, Tic Dolorotix. St. Vitus' Dance. &c. . hcir tendency being to soothe the irrittbility of he eystem. allay jjuin. and induce quiet and re pose. Thpse nfflicted wjth Coughs, Colde. Inluenzo, &.c , will lind relief from the use of :hese )iils. Exposuu'. to cld cluaes the pores of the he skin, checks perspi ration, retarde the eireatton, and produces yorions inflarnmaiory dis ases. Does any one percetve a cold cominc ipon him? Let him on going to bed, take snffi cient to opérate smartly, and then every ni';ht. ake enoiigh to produce a mild operation till the lisense abates. In case of Worms let a tea o: íliU be aken y for 12 hours. and then adninisterPills suffitïent to produce a brisk entharic opeiation. 20-ly. DRrÖSGOOD'S INDIA CHOItAGGGUE. AiMONG the most valuable qunlttis ol this medicine, is its restoiivg injlutnce upon c jnsülutions impaired and injuied by previoue utacks ol billious fever, or fever and aguc; er y a long residence in those climates which proJuce them. Thore are niany constitutions which jcconie gradually undermined bj a miasmul tnfiuence. wiihotu even ii day's actual eunfmement. In such cases, the Cholagogue acts like a charm - thcsallow complexión, loss of appetitc, lonuor, weariness nnd depression ol spirits, with other unpleasant symptóms which render life a burden, aU yield to thisremedy when faithfully 4iscd according to tlie direciions of thenccompanyingpaniphlct. It is. ontirely a vegetable prep iration, and may be taken wulï perfect scfety under all circumstances of the system. For sale by 36 W. S. Al J. W. MAYNARD, sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinity. sinclaïr"&Tchase ■ J3TTORJVEYS AND COUNSELLORD AT 'LAfV, (office lower town, ann arbor,) Will ttend to all business in their professioi with afidelity and despatch. Paricular attention will be givcn to collect ing. ROBERTP. SINCr-AIR, KDWARD R. CHASE March20, 1844. 4B-ly. RS. C. BUFFINGTON would respectful ly inform the Ladies of Ann Arbor and it vicinity that she has received the foll and win ■ erfashiona. MRS a DUFFINGT0N. Nov. 14. 1844. 31) t f. 12 O 1. eese Feathers OF first rate quality for salo by the pound o hundred weight in quantitics to auit parcha sers, may be found ot RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 32-tf M8 JeíTcraon, Ave,. DeiroiTH F. MJSSES CLARKS' Young Nadies' Seiniiiary, ANN AHBOR, MICHIGAN. MARYIL CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. ï. L. VVALTER, Teacher of Music cm the Fin no. 2MMY BEURMANN, Teacher of Germán snd the Giiiiiir. tllülJY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenile Dcpnrinicm. MARS1I, Teacher of Mathematica and Vocnl Music. I. F. SCÍIOFF, Teacher of Frcnchand Claesics' THIS lhstitution bas heen in operntion sirice November 18. 183Ö. Thescholastic yean nibiacinK fony-eight weeks, two lerrrs. compriing ivo quarters ench - twelve wceck's in a qnarer- -a general e.xamirinticn at the close of cacii enn - in Februmy and August. 'Hie last (uarier of the present term com nenced November 25. Tki.m-s of Tuition. - For the English branches, S'2,50 to $5 per quarter. No reduction made br alscnce, exeept in case fsickriesg, and no nipil taken for lees than a quarier. Extra chnr res nre made for music on the Piano, with the jse o' the instrument, $8,00 Frenen i 3,00 Latin. 3,00 Dra-win c and Painting, 5,00 Fancv Work, 3.0ü Board, including wnehing, liglits. &.c, $1,75 )er week if ynid in advance, or $2,00 per week f paid at the close of the quarter. Pnrents and guardiang are nvited to visit the iclvool everv Friday, when the studies of the veek are reviewed - rUso semi-monthly on WedH'sdny nficnoon, at readingof the weekly comositions. Hoving purchasedn healthy and comruodious mldingin ;i pleasant and convenient part of the fillnge, no pains or expense shall be spnred to 'ncilitate the studies and renrler the siiuation of he voung ladies profitable and agiteable. Young ladies desirous of entering ihe schooi nu] púrsúing i he recular cpïirss ol'siudy, would lo well to cornmence at the bcgining of the quarier. Bclonging to the school are a Library of beween three and four hundred volumes, and Phi(sophical Apparatus. Electncal Machine, Globfïs, te Scieniific lecturesare delivcred before the chool at proper intervals. The Misses Clark will endenvor, not only to )romote the intellecluïl culture of iheir pupils ut will auend strictly to their moral deportnent. Wiih a deep sense of religious rcsponsibiliiy. hey would give snch a tone o character, as sluill enderit practically fitted for every station- yieldng toduty but firm to principie. Among the books used in the school are, Ab:rcrombie n the Intclleclual and Moral Powers - Kane's Eleinents of Criiicism - VVayland'f Woral Science - Newman's Rhetoric - Hedge's LiOgic - Paley's Natural Theologyand Evidences f Christianity - Comstock's Chemistry and STatural Philosophy - Conibe's Pliysiology - Mrs. l,inccln's Botany - Eatcn's Manual of ïiotanyBunitt's Geography ofthe Heavens- First, Sec nd and Third Books of Hisiory - Mrs. Wil iard'e Republic of America - Phelps' Legal Claslics - Playlair's Euclid, and Davie's Algebra and rithrnetic - Parker's Natural Philosophy. The Misses Clark have taught a Young LnIic8 School for several years in the Ci:y of New Sfork. and are furnished with testimoniáis froin [lt. Rnv. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D. . and John VI. Griscon, M. D., of New Yfrk, Rev. .1 L. filake, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Emnia Willard, ol Troy. N. Y. ; aiso, referencc is made, by perTiission. to the following gentlemen : Rt. Rcv. 3. A. McCoskry. D. D.. Robert Rumsey and L. B. Misner. Esqrs., Rev. Isaac S. Ketcham. Centreville ; Rev. J. JJudson, White Jigeon , Rev. .1. P. Cleveland, and Geo. Ketchm, Marshall ; Hon. Wm. R. üeland. Jnckson; nul B., Ring. Michigan Centre; E. II. Winan, drian:. Daniel 'fli.vson, Clinmn: Gardinê, Vheeler. M. D.. Howeil; Rev. F. TT. Cumine, Jrnnd Rapids: Rev. H, Colcluzer. Rev. A. M. tch. S. Dontfn. M. O P. Bngliam.. M. D-, Ion. Wm. A. Fleichcr. Mon. Win. R. Thompon, E. Mundy, Esq., Jhn Allen. Etq.. Geo. V. Jewctt. I'sq., Col. Thomns Mosely, Cap'. Perkins. Thomas M. Lndd, F. Sawyer, Jr.. Tsq . late Supeiintendent of Public Instruciion. 'rofpiaois Whiting. Williams nnd Hoiiühton, o( ie Univeisiiy of Michigan. Ann Arbor: Jaméf irdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint; Amo Mead. Esq., Farmington. The following gentlemen. Rev II. Colclnzfti' lev. O. C. Comstock. Rov. A. M. Fitch. Rev Ar. Cuniss, Professors Whiting and WilÏÏiiins. ( the Univershy.of Michignn. nnd F. Pawycr. r.. late Superintendent o)' Public Instruction. lave consenied toaot ns a visitinc commiitee ol ie school to be present when the weekly siudicf re reviewed; bul espccinlly to attend during tlu pmi-anrual ex.nminntions. August 9. 1844. 34tf WRIEÍHT'S ANTI-INFLAMMATORV AND RHEUMAT1C PLAÍSTER, A NerTicieñt remedy for Rhemnatism. Fevei jL. Sores, White Swellings. Felmis. Pain o veakness in ihe Back, Breast. Side or L'mbs. 5unisf Bruises, Cramps, Chilbhiins. Liver an' afftctions. Indolent Tumors. Ppinal afl'eciosn, Inflamed Eyes, $cc. &,. Tt ïs-unguepasseu n all Inflammatory diseases. either Chtönic or cute. asit opérales by covn i 'entcthi g and rcduc ver lnflamntion, nllaying Pain. weating t'r. parts aflecled, and by its strengihening and Ano Iynepropertie8 givingspeedy relief. Also inval uahleasan anti-mercurinl plnster. Price 95 cems per Bux. - For furtber particnnrs. see circulating Pamphlet.) For sale n Moseley's Bookstore, Ann Arbor, and J. T Stocking, travelling agent for Michigcn. 16-1 y THE TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR SAI.Vr WHICH cures liken charm all fire or water, and evcry exiernsl SORF PAJN. ÏJNFLAMA1ATION, ACHE or 1TCÜiG ever yet found upon the human family. t which il has been applied, must alwaysbesougl jjenuine from Conistock and Co., of New Yoik r their authonzed agente. All are cautione ngainst any spurious articles, which may alwty c avoided by knowing the one you buy come 'rom Comstock & Co , who are now ihe o. il jniprictors and nianufacturere. Jnquiie for Con nel's, which is warramed to do all it ever woul when callcd by any other name, or the pricosha e refundcd in uny cate i( it does not pleose. To place it within reach of all, the price ha )een rediiced more ihan four fold, and is no' sold for 25 cents, the forme i price being too ex rbitant. The 50 cent size now contains foi times us much as the tormer, and the $1 si? near ten times as mucii. No family thnt has any title to humanity, wi 'ail to have Connel's Pain Extractor Ointmen always at hand, to save life, allscars. and reduc all agony from any burn in five minutes, prov ded ihey have scen it used, or will believe thos who have used it. COMSTOCK &CO., 21, Courtland Stree [Cr Be sure, therefore. and ask foi Connel's as our pinte with Dalley's name on ii has bef stolen, and the spurious may appear wiih thn name on it. Know, therefore, that it comes d rectly from Comstock & Co., or 6hun it. WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, 36 Agent for Ann Arbor Estray. TAKEN ttp by 'he subscribcr, on the 25th o September last, in the town oí Northfiek a small chesnut colored mare, of' the pone breed, with a star in the forehead, supuosed t beaboutS or 9 years oíd, branded A. C. on tli shoulder. The owner 9 requestëd ld prov property, pay charges and takc her awny. NATHANÍEL SMITH. Northfield.Nov. J. 1844. 29-8w Black Salts, WANTED by . . BECKLEY&H1CKS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 26 WOOD! WOOD'! WE want 9ome from'subesribersimmediate OütlMe44.SUGAR COATED, OR ' "Improvcd Indian Vegetable" PILLS. For intermittent.RemiUent, Bilioua and Infiam niaiory Fevcrs; Headache; Indigestión; Dvspesia; Heanburn: Petvertcd Appetite' CoI tiveness: Diarrhwa; Dysentery; Bilious'Colifl YVornis; Pain in the Head, Side. Foul Btoniiich; Scrofula, Scurvy, or ony Impuritiei of the Blood: Obstructions, and Feniale Corn plaints generally. rpHKRE hns never appeared a medicine _L which, wlnle n pan do no harm. iscMculaledl io do. so niucli good. 1 hey excite u health lul ver epirniion. nnd open nll the natural draina of th systein. The n.bstruction of Insensible ViKsa kat. ion is i(-.e cause of' a grent prouortion of hu man suffer mp. These pills pcssess the poteer' in nn extraonhniiry dcgree, ot nmoving álUbstructions, and restoring a healihlül circuJntion They must undoubiedly supercedo all other purl galive medicines, nu they hnvea iburiold action-I viz: & discharge by ilie bouels, lungs, ktdns and skin. . " Childrkk will not hesiiateto takethem; and they may be relied on, beyond any other rprnedy as un effectual und safe medicine for W ORftlSand all coniplainis incident tochildren. Mor' chijdrëri have been cured in New York thepiegent year, by the use of Dr. Smiih's Puts, (ha ei 1 1 oiher medicines combined - as there is no' need oí forcing t.em doten, like other medicines. One important advantagetn taking thtao pulp is, they do not cri(e, nor produce nausea nor any o her unpleasant sensation. Pi)8 have'in thousands of instances, produced Pilks and other consf quences f ar vorst ihan the dieeaed lor which they were administered. This is particvlarly gvarded ngaivst in the, combination of the fnóivy ingredients of vtích Dr. Smith's pilhj1 are eomposed- thus rendering them HARMLiESS. These pil!s are made of the pdrest materia)k;; id we hnvc the satisfnetion of having piovetf ) the Medical Faculty, they poseess uncommo ttnee. The diiections and treatment of diseaseo, ncoinpanying evfry box, in a circular of fon: )apes. Ño "SUGAR COATED P1JJLS" can be eriuine without the gignnture of the sole invener "G BKNJAMJN SM1TH. M. D., Presient of iho N. Y. College of Health," upon evey box. Office devoted cxc.lvsivdy o the sale of thi edicine, 179 Grenwich etreet, New York, and STo. 2, Water street, Boston. CERTIFICATES. We are not in wum of cenificates of a high inmcter, coming from the most reepectable ources. Trom a Ncphew of the late Judge Thompson.) Ntw Yonx, May 15, 1844. Dr. Smitu's 'lmproved Indinn Vegetable PiU ïave proven invaluable to myself and family, ia ie cure ot' Tiolem hkadache. pain in the side nd stomach. For children, no better medicine an be produced. In the case of our liuJe girlf vo years old, the most happy effectshavo reEultd froni their use. i have never known a medine which I could so coniidenllv reconimcnd a ïese pills. R. THOMPSON, 56 Northmore Fi. The following lady is too well known in Netr rork for her intelligence and philanthropy to b oubted: From the Matron of the U. S Naval Hosrial:] Accustomed as I am to administer to thesick, can appiecinto a valunbie nifiiciue. If there te medicine adhpted to the nnmernns oilmcnt of ïankind, jt is Dr. Smith's Sugnr Pilis. I have sed ihem and seeh them ueed with the most sonishing resulis. in several instnnces within my nowledge. restoring the pat. ent froni extreme lowriess and su nering to strength and health. - For ladies during pregnancy, these pills are sovertign bjihu. 1 reconiineud them to all as & valuable Family medicimk. SARAH A. GOULD, Mntron of the U. S. Naval Hospital. Brooklyn. June lüth, 1844. ■ [Fvom the Dcputy Sheriff of New York.J Dr. mimi's li8ugnrecl Indian Vegetable PillV' have beeu used in tho Eldrigde-St. Debtors' Pnson with uTieommon patisfaction. 1 have nevel heard n medicine spokon of with more imcreti' by the sick who have taken these pills. JAS. J. BEVJNS, Dejuity Shertf [AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE.) T have to record an izisia cc of Mnparalllüd su lering, which must hnve terniinnted my exiet tence, had pot Dr. Snitm's "Sugared India.- VeeetabJe Pills" coine u ïny rescue. In the fnli of 1843, 1 bad a scro!lois affectior, which nearlv cover ed my body wi;h soice. and rendered me unfit Tor life. In tlie couise of iwo months I was attacked with fever. which rascd with great violence. I t ok many prc3criptioi)s, but without relief. Mv siiifeiing was great. Mre. GouUü (wliom I shall ever reniéinbtr wiih esteen) advtsed me to use these Sugated pills, which i took in Inrge d(sc8 a íew ánys. wheji the fever and' pain aha'ed. i continued ih'ctè pills in small du-st-s, about five weeks, when. my fcver and scrofula were cured, n;y blood completely purifitd, and my gcneml lie'nuji improved. I'am certaini I owe my life, under Providence, to the ure of these pills. E. M. PARK, New York. [From Jas. M. Turner, E6q., late of the U. 8 Navy.] I have been offlided several years with n weakness in the breost, costivcness and a difficulty of breathing. I was lately more than ever tronbled, though 1 had .tuken many prtsciibfd remedirs- Throueh the advice ot a (riend, ] proeured Dr. Smith's Patent Sugnied Pille, which I uted. and they have not onlv relievcd, but entirely ciired my complaints. My wiie bas also uscd thetn with the most happy effects, I believc them tho best medicine in the world. JAMES M. TURNER. 581 Greenwich St.. N. Y. Refere to Hon. Silas Wripht. U. S. Senate. PERFECT CURE OF WORMS. Our üttle jiirl, 6 yeais old, has sufTered a'l the worst stages of worms; and we have never found an ifFectual cure, umil wc administercd Doet. Smith's Sugar Pills, which our little girl took without the least resistonce, in dose of two at a time; and we nevf r witnessed such ,a chanpe iti so short a tune. The pills biought away n mnssof worme, and she at once improved. She is nuw in joyous health. We have also found thtf irreales! benefit from their U6e. JACOB CARLOCK, SStaple 6t., N. Y. We have many certificates of cure in case ofWORMS. [From a lady well known in New York.J' I have been troubled for year wiihfdtezincBr and pain in the head, attended with depreemoiv dimnessofsight, &c, which hnve been entirely' cured by Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indian Vegeta-I,1P piiu " I pnzeihie medicine aboveall otherslei V SARAH DOUGLASS, Coner o Ludlow and Walker-Üst. [The foi'owing is (rom one oí 'the oldest and' most respectable (armere in Madison Co., N. Y.]f Cazekovia- , July 28th, 1844. I have uscd 40 boxea Brandreth's Piils, imd7' as manv ri'ore of different kinds, and I have' never found that benefit from the use of ih wholc, that 1 have from the use of two boict o Dr. Smith'8 "Improvkd IkdiaN Vkcetablk" Piixs. They seem to strike at tbe foundation of my disease, which is of a bilione character. IRA AliVORD. [Mr. Alvord was, w-ith ariother, the ñr$ eitler of tho beaiuiful village of Cozenovia, ubouf 50 years ago.] OLD MEN and YOUNG MEN have, without number, given their ust.irhonia s fü) thesa excellent family pills. And MOTHERS ! wc wish we could loy before the woild all the eipressions of approbation which we bave ir-rti them in New York. They would alone ffll Jn page. The fnct is, there never was such í meaK cine for the complaints of CiuuvtlÉH' For sale by G. & J. G. Hill, ÖWit; tho. May, Jr.; Plymoutb: Perrin & i!ll, Nori.hville, Lund & McCollum, F. J. B. Craiie, and W. 8& J. W. Mnynard.ond G, Greuville Ann Attfor, nlsoin Ypsilanti,'Dexier, and tbroughouj the United States. Office deVotéd cxclnaively to theBe Pills, 179 Greenwicb-St., New York. : CAUTIOW.- Bewaro of imitatioHB.


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Old News