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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Anti-slavery In F...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Anti-slavery In F... image
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At a meeting of the fiiencis of the Slavs at 'ranklin, on tae evening of the 21st inst - } lenry Tripp was caüed to tlie chair, and J. ; I. Biirrcnvs was appointed Secrelary. An ddresa was delivered by Rev. Mr. Sullivan of Wolf Creek, showing the horrors of 6Íavery - otir connection with it, and the retnetfy, in higidy inieresling and lucid manner. The bllowing prenmbles and Resolmiong were nanimously edopted after discnssion. Wliercas, elftvery, as a systcm, isa high - innded usurpation by man of God's prcculiar rerogatives: and is the most fingrant violaion of all the Ihws 'vhich God has giveu to eguktö Maii'á intercourse with mail, Thcreore, Kesolved, Th'it all those who sustnin thi ystem, however ignorantly or indirectJy, vioate obliga! ions of vital importancc m a social, ivil and reügious point of. view. Whereae, this great systetn of intolrrame, )igoiry and despotism, fiuds its strong hold - ts most imponetrable bulwark - in Jlio professd church of Jcsus Ciirist - Thereforc, Resolved, T hnt it is the obvious duty of evcry followerand true lnvor of Dim ihat was anointed to proclaim liberty to the captive ind tlie opening of the prison to tliem thaí are jound," to lift iris voice, loud wuhimpassioned warning1,. rebuke nnd entrealy againsl this sin. Whereas, there are individual churches in all the leading iienomir.ationsi, as well as sotne entire eects, that opposetlie nffitation of this subject by any of tbeir member, Therefore, Resolved, That we deern it an intolerable violation of christian Iiberty for nny church to exercise such censorship over the consejences of ts members: and that the attompt onthe part of a ehureh, tocrush the discusión of this momentoud subject, io a jiut ground of complaint on the ptrt of the aggrieved member of inembers, and if pcrsisled o, will justify o final withdiavvsl frora ita comnmnion. Whereas, thero ore memberd of dineren chnrche?, who are ghating the subject o withdrawal irom the communioti of slaveholders and the supporters of slarery, in thei own minds, and when their conscience, true lo God's word, says "come out of her, come out of her, my peoplo, that je be not pariakers of her plagues' ihey are stili overawed by popular clamor and neg'ect the s í II smoll voice of God, There'ore, Resolved, That the christiau courage nnd magnanimity of tho?e who in the fuce of popular opinión, under the lash and frowns of ihe pulpit and the presf, dare withdraw from slavery 6jpnrting churches, and ihas show thnt ihey will cbey God rather ihan man, - excite our admiristration - demand and ehall receive our sympathy and support Resolved, Thai cny cl]iirch where God's elfirnal truth is not declared respecting tliis íum of all vülainie?, and where this giant sin may not be fuithfully rebuked without ír'wging down chureh censure, on ihe heatj oí ihe faithful rcbüker, is a èlavery sopporting clmrch. On ruoiion, voted that we organizo r Anti slavery Society. Messrs. Barrows, Masonand Hubbard, wereappointed a commiltee to draft a constilulion. On motion, voled Lhat the offices consis'injr of President, Vice President, and Secretnry, be elected now, vyberèiipon, Henry Tnpp wos c'hdöep President, S. A. Hubbard, Vice President, and Jultus Keyes Secretary. Voted, that the proceedings be published in the Sijrnal.


Signal of Liberty
Old News