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New York Legislation

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The True Wesleyan says that the New York LegisJature have the following measuree betere them : A luw authorizing the eeveral Towns to vote directly on the questinn, whether or nol iicenses shall be given for the tale of spiritu - ous liquors. A law to punish seduction. A law to preserve the purity of elections. Thisbill provides as follows: Sec. 1. Declares unía wf ul all wagers made to depend on any election for a civil office - as wel! as all ngreements to pay money or property contingently upon the event oí' any such election. Sec. 2. Makes the offènco a misdemeanor - punishable by fine equal to the aniount of the wager, and by impnsonment in the county jiiil for not less than one or more than Uvelve months. Sec. 3. Makes every stake hulder liable in the same manner. Sec. 4. Stake holders may be examined as witneeses against the pirties to the wager. Sec. 5. Half the fine to go to thecotnplainant-the other half to the county treasury for the support of the poor.QíJ The Utica Daily Gazette has some remarks in favor of low postnge, and adds, "There is another reason for oblnining this reform immediately. The Liberty Party are emleavorir.g to appropriate it for a principie of their party. íf they should succeed in this new larceny, we may bid a long farewell to all hopes of a reducüon of postage. Arouse then, all hands, and prevent these miscliief makers from damning the postage reform as they have the cause of Liberty." The courteousness of this article is ahout equalled by its truth. What "laréeny" have ihe Liberty paily ever cornmitted on the Whigs? What "principie" has the Whig parly ever held tiiat would be worth etealing by Liberty men? The Liberty parly are unanimou for Two Ci;nt postago. Does the Gazette íílaim that as a Whig principie? -Nkw Libertï Pafbh. We are informed haf our frienda in Berrien County contémplate ssuing a Librrty pnper, to be pubüehed in th Ilng-e or Niles. The proposnl thus fnr has een favorably received. The editorial departmont is to be conducted by n Jady whoso ualifications fof that situation are favorably epresented to us. Tlie first nuinber is promsed in 8 few days. We mist that the friends of Libertv n that art of the Stafe wil! ns,e every exertion to ustnin the paper after it shall be commenced", nd müke it permanent. Our cause has neecí f local pnpers. Such will oflen be reaí vhere Ihose from a diátance conld not find ccess, and produce the happiesL effect upon ubscribers and their families. Local paper onght to multiply, os the Liberty party nreases. But they will be of little use, uñless hey can be well supported, and rpgulnrly i. ued. Henee our friends in that vicinity of both sexes will see the ncceesity of using sucb exertions as mll amply sustain their paper.- The Editor and the friends enyaged in the efterprise have our best wishes.


Signal of Liberty
Old News