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C. IU{llNClvliUHOl'li"S nni] IS Medifcine is n sure, safe and ccitiin X Remedy in colnpLints öf the Liver anti Lungs. Consumption. Lh-cr Complaint, chronic and severe Coughs artd Colds, nrc nl'nost iiamediately relievcd and uhimntely curcd byahmhful use of the Restor.itive. Dr. Chillón, the eminent practical chernist and physician of New York, attaches lus cenifica'e siming its enüre vegetable eoniposiiion. aiïcr ho had made a ca. eful annlysis. lt i? wholly deVoid of any irt'.iaung properiy. and maiiil'esta o decided henling and purifying quaütie as to quiekly alleviate the most aggravating cougii and change he expectoraiioñ. Pains in the chest and eföe. so of:en attendant on ÏAing Conipl.iinis. are ereemaüy removed without ilic least inconvonience. the seat of the dtfftculiy being rcached muuh quicker tbaii I')' nl)y èïternal apiication. Frum the reputation oftliis Medicine ?n New Yurk, where u h.'is been sold forsome yenis, the most ndntitable testimony is civen to it6 inerit. Ceitificates have been lilerally sliowered in on the pron.riotur froin the best of and stiiing the cases o( persons rnisedeven vtheri given up by their physician. Tlie fiict of no one single instance o dissatisfactiön, known or expressed. is n s'rong guarartlee of lts mei il. The following certificüe is from Dr Chiitom the well known New Yorli clicmist. lil have analyzed a bottle of medicine cilleil ■C Brtnckerhoff'8 Heaith Restorative;' and f.m1 that it does ot contain Merclify. or any other metallic preparali n. nor opium in any of its fornis. it is composed öfvcetohle niatier entirely." Jambs R Chii.ton. IW-.T).1 C. BRINC.KERHOFF, Propiicior. N Y. Trincipal Office 96 Hudson etret. New York. Hornee Evefeit. ü. S. Agent. 9G Hmlson st.. New Yo . hnè appoined W. tí. Sc 3. W. May nard. Dnisrebt". adonis for Ann Arbor. Anti Albor. February 3, 184S. 41 Aw Flax Sccd IVantcd ! ! T'iE Sibscriber will })!y NE DOLLAR in ensh for èrtod FlnxSeed delivered at the ore of Becklcy"&. Hicks in Ann Ar'oor. or C C. Waldo at Pontiac. D. L. LA TOÜRF.TTE. let. Veló. 41-3;uGRAND RIVER "TTTILL probrttily le nnvigable witiiin five V ycnrs, nsfnrsomli ne J. T. PKATTS'S STOflK. where ihe iithuüituuts oi ftliciiigun ca iiow be supplied with Dry-Goods, Grocerics, Medicines, liools, Shocs, Hats, Cab'mel Ware, MUU 8loies, Clolh, Palent Smul Machines, lirisloi's Sarsajparilla. 20,000 Soxcs of Prntc's IMIs. single box 2 shillinga, Jit'e Biitera, 50 eis per BoiiK', n clmice iot of CHluESK. :nade in Western New York. Tlic trpririor pledges liihiedf to sc'l as high as any Siuichani in town. Ar. B - All ki:iris of Country Produce, lumber. brick. linie, wood, bougljt r suld jnst as will snii custumprs besi. A good fsirm and iorty ores o wild land i r Role. Adniiiiniice Nd. l, JUluiii's block, nenr the Rivor. J.'ickson, Mich. Nov. 21. riAA. n-2-lf. GRAND KIVEjf " INSTITUTION. TUIS Institution for colnred people and uil otliers is now open lo rrceive al) dnsses oi' stilden 18, irresj:cciive of coloror caste. A firpt rato teacher is engaiicd. Uoaidonc dullur per week. Htudents can pay by iheir laborThe siiuaiion is very heahby. nnd the school house wurm oud ple'isnnt. Colored frienda are invited ti senA. A petition with about tvvo huncred signers frorn this Couniy for a cliarter is before ihe Ienialmure. llouscs on the spot can he rrnted by families wlio wish to suttle and send to s?liool. Tuition $2 per qnartor, unless those sending are very mdigent. when it will be wuhout charge. Those wilüng lo contrilö-'e lor ihtsupp-irt of this IiiStitiuion cm send thuir dona'tonsto V. FOUT EB. Agent. Grand líiver Insiitution dno, Woodstnck, LeimwceCo.. Jan. 18-15, L w'w BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IROrV STORE. TUK, SUBïSCRIKKR, nciu lor ihe Mntiufncturer, Pnisburjili, Pa. hns now on hand a lurge and well nssortcd stock uf IRON, NAiLS, GLASS. &c, wliich is ofTered lo the public nt the lowest casli iriccs, conijrÍ8Íng ihe iullowing: om'u biriron, allsizcs 1 Plovv slnls, 'and y tire " Piow winga, lorse slioe, i; " Sheet iron, Noa. 1T uddle tree, " ' lo L6. Lound and Square ; Nails, 3d to 20d, land and hoop. J ' Spikes, 11 sizes, oiler iron 4i fi Railroad car axles, ail rodd " I Carringe " )eck and spike rode, Carriage. Springs,Spndes, shovels, &.c, &-c. , Together with every othcrarticle usually manictured at au Irori Establishment. l'he above anieles are mnnufactured at tluJrownBville Juniata lron Works, Pittsburgh. 'a. by E. linghes. and oro of the best quality. VVINDOW GLASS, f all sizes. nirl of the besi brands, constamry on mud. or turnishcd to order. Mcrchanis and others will find it to their ád vanuige to cali íind examine the subscriber't stock, as iccll as the p i:cs. before going elsewhere. .1NO. ROBTNSON, Jr. Agent. No. l-Wardell's lilock, corner or Woodward Avenue and Woudbridge Street. Detroit. Dec. 31, 1844. 38 The folloving papers will piense publish the nbove to the amount oí iwö dultitrfrj and sead the'tr bilis to this oíficc: IYi.tino. Gizetu ; i'dJr.tkff nirn, AnnArbo State Journal, Argus nul Signal of Libertyr Jack -on. Giizette and Democrat; Marshall. Statesman and Expoundi.'r. FIRE! F1REH F1REH! PROTECTIOX INSURANCE COMFA.NY. I LA JITFOR D. CONN. MUOWARD. AGENT, the Protec tion Insurance Corupnny, of Hartford Conn., offers to insure Ilouses. Stores, Mills. Bnrns, and their contents, and uil descnp'ion of tnsurable property agninst loss or damage by fire. The rates of premium oil'ered are as low as those of any other similar institution. and every man has now an opportunity for a triflingsumto protect himself against the ravages of this destructive element, which ofien, in a single hour, sweeps away the earnings of many years. The C'iurse the office pursucs in traneacting their bUïififss. nnd in adjastinj any payment oí losses, is prompt and liberal, for tenns ol insurance, application may be made to tlie above natned agent, who is amhorizied to issue polieict to applicants without delay. D. C. CLARK. President. YVm. Co.nkbr, See'y. Persons ata distanre wishin to set propeity insured, by sending their npplicatioiis by mail. will be prompily attendcd to. ETOtTiee direcily opposite the i;Bank of Washtenaw" Building. M. IIOVVARD. Ann Arhor, Nov. 25, I.= 41. 'Si-Zw CAKñTBE BEAT! EW BOOT, SHOEjYD LÉATHEH STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Town. tQ FELCH haa removed 13 his establiehmcnt from the Upper to the .Lower Vilbge, Ño. 4 Hurón Block. JJggjjWhere he holds himsell in wSBsjg readiness lo 'dress the "i-n fnrítrntiings'" ol every Man. Woniun and Cliild who will ■9& give !iim a cali. in the neatcet. and best mnnnerthÉÍÍ can be dnne in Michigan LKATHER and FLND1NGS of all kinde constantly on hnnd.. WANTKD, Cash nnd Hi(e. in nny quantities. or vhicii the highest ])ttces will be givcn. HTLet none jmrehase uniil they have callcd at Felcli's. PsTo. 4. Huron Block, Ann Arbor, Mny 4. IS 44. 3-ly Ready Made Clothingü! TH K LA RG LST and best nsfioriinent rf rcady made lothing 2 er bffore oflered in ihis Stutc now opening, and for í ule, VV'hok'sale or Retail, al ilie Cl.jthing Etnpoiiuin of ihe cubscribers. cnnsisiing in part of plain and fiincy Beaver. Piiot. Broad Cloths and othcr siyks of Over Coa is. Tweed Cnjrsiincre, Èeaver, Pilot, Donicsttc Cloth. Union Cassimere oud öatiney Frock and Business Coats. Fine, Plnin nnd Fmicy Cnseimcrc, Bine and Black Broad Cloth, Twccdd and olher styles of Ptirttalfions. P.'aih trtd faticy SiH; nnrl SiPi VelvéÈ', Woolcn Vetíet Merino. Smíü and Cussi.nere Ves;s. &c. Sc. &C. togeflier wi'h a veit larg? stock o' c'ommon low pfriced Over Coats. BusiQfisn Coais. Pantalooni md 'cse. siich as blue órid black Flnshing. Sofinet, Kemueky Jeans, Comninii Twecds, &t. &c. Aiso. jin (Xterisive assortment ol íloeiery. Stocks, Scrf, Hnndkerchïéfej C'ullars. lütiife's Wöol and Merino Drawers nd Shirts. Comf'orters. (ïluvee, &c. nll of which will be sold very lotf for Cash. They would resppcttuÜy invite fiil in want of rendy made ai nunts lo cnll and c.vnmine their stock bofnre purehasing elsgwherej ïs i; hasbec-n scit-cicd wit'i roüi rrii: tn t tic Kusuni mnrët'e. tint! inaniffafj liirèd in the -tfs stvlts nnd most durable munner. ÍJALLOCK & II A Y MOND, Cornrr ol 3c(Tersoh a;id Avenues Deirotf. Oei. lö 1844. -N.25 SAÏER ATIIS, . WilOLllÖALi: AM) RKTA1L by JÍÍ-.CKLKV & I1ÏCKS. Ann Arb r, Lower Town. Dec 30, 1H4-1. Ii6 r7&.'" i"."ö ATÍwéoríT" TTAVK now üu hand ;t cnnplete assortiiicnt ot FAFÍjsAwb WINTER DRY GOODS, GROCEfilES, HAHDware, (j-a y-c. which they Will sell chtxip for ready pny. The iiichcst niarket price pnid at all times lar Pork and all othcr kihde of produre. Ann Atbif. Low-t Town. Nov. ÜQ, Idli. 'M'J H ES E M tJJJCJXES ARE eflVctin: Éucli n?roisliin'g rurr ín mu!-1 (iludes ol'ult! eies !");, siMr-?-;ii;Tiidon-'d l. PltysicHvas and Sur-ít-oiistis une) y hope!css; tbnt no ruodiui.H's. wlmrc iheso rao kwowiiy stand so deseivedly. hiffhi Tiiev consist u' THE JiLACÍÍ. Olí Al.LEfiASr'X SALTE, rain: vó ci:.Th. Whicli cures ;:Iri:is( utiiveu-íillyrFever SorC'F, oí: i lie rr.ofli nml gn;ini kiiid. KtJcns, Ulcere, Ál s, . l'iniiüis. Fmciuicp. ('iifat Puiiciurcs, uríÍ3, "Scnlck, Bor Thrjia, CliilItUiins, Quinsej'. Drops y. inHunr.i.íit íy Hfieumutiem; ïi.fliminaiions and tvelli;ii.'s of cvny desciipiion. Sea Id Head, Aim n ih Fce. Nt'vofjs Tuoih Ache, Aguein ihc Brers'. JiroKci) i cu.sts, &c. &c. A LLEBASrS IIEALTH VJLLS, 15 CcnU. 'I'liose I'i )s hnve ■íicqnired a pfipul iriiy wjthin ilie las' ycar ur ivvo, wJiich no oiber Pilis possess. Tlie icisiyis are obvíous 10 all wlio use iheiii. n'nd mny (e Icarupcl fruiíi ihc pam)hlet thaí aëbompóniea them. Tliey cure Bilious. Scarlet and 01 lier Pcveie, Fc-tfer and Agne. Dyi=prpsy, Oropay, Acid Sioiniich, DisorderecJ Bowels, or Stomach. Jaundice. ilad Aflie, f-z2ne?ti in ihe Head, Wonns, Liver Conjflainf. Heait ií ií rus, Cliohc. Bowel comj;lani. Gi-nerol Dfbiliiy, Güh-. Úvcnoss, ce. Ac. They p:in!y (he emíre sY8te un. leave tlio böwlsin vigorous and bealihy condiiion, &c. See pnii![hlcc. ALLEBASí'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS'r PMCE 'I &ZUTS, Will cure nn ordinaryeasexif Tooih Ache in from throe lo len niimiles. Fcr Nervous afid oiher kínds of Tooth Ache, See famphle:: ALLEBASí'S POOR MAS 8 PLASTEE, PRIJE 12 J CENTS, Are wnrramed lo be superior tu any otlicr Pinisiers in tbis or any oihur country, for }ain or weakness in the Back. Sid, Chest. Bouels, Loins. Muscles, and for TUieumatism. Lungand Liver Cortiplaints, CoUghs-. tolds, Ásilnnu3 &c. See pampijlet. N. B. PleasRtb rrsli ihenjrenr for n pamphlet whicli prives all ihc inforiniílióln necessary respecting-the u-os üf tlie medicines, fhe virtues they posess, etc. Pla?c to follow directions n the use oí the medicines, and you inay rcly upon all ihat is-)ronii?ed. A liberal discount mide to merchanta nnd oihrs, who buy to scll a jain. LYMAN VV. GILHERT, Proprietor, Wh.)lesale üruggisr, '214 Fulton N. Y. ÏÏJT For 6ale hy the aubscriber. who hns been Dpoinred general ngent for the City of Detroit iid lis vicinity. Country dealers supplied on ibcral lernis. C. MORSE, Michigan Book Store. Tfie above medicines are-fórsalë at lh Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, Ín Ann Arbor, Lower Village;December 9. 1844. 34-1 y. ÍOOD NEWS FROM NEW ENGLAND. Dr. Smiti's Svgar Coated Improved Iiadian Vegetable Pillsf :RIÜMPHAXT POR CONSü.MPTIONS, COI.D3, RHEUMAT18M, DYSPEFSIA AND KEVERS. ITOÜK :s severe colü, this fall, wliich settled ín my limbs. and brought on ihe RheumalisiTi. accompuujed, witb severc pains and a b.l uough. vvhicii obliged me to give up my business. I irit-d innny remedies wiihout any rtlief, unlil 1 procured a box if Dr. Smiih's Sugar Cuaied In- Vegetable Pilld. whieb. I ain happy to íay, immediaiely reíiéVud me, and enabled me, in three days. to rciuru lo my business, iamnuw entirol' weíí. E. F. HILL, Washington t. Boston. Niv. 4, 1844. I Lave Leen coneidered in the ConumpMon for vbout nine years, wiih a er veré cuugh every fall, which (íid not leare me lill'ihe next spring witb on almost constant líeadijcke; not being . able to sleep many nigh-ts during the winters, n consequL'nce oí the severe fits of coug!iiíj. I have trioii most of ihe cóugh remedies, wilh only témpora ry relief. My usur:l cough commenefd abouifoor weefcs since, vrtt.fa an incrcaaingaoreness to my lungs; snd w;is uiged to try Dr. Smiffa's Súgar Conted Pilis - which I drrf, but wiihont any foith in their efficocy. I took four Pilis before retirinp; and. within forty-eigbí liours. my cough was enttrely broken tro, which has nol returned, oud the severe turns oí headache hnve let't me. I never linve found a rememdy bet'ore tiiat brought so sudden relief. 1 do not believe theie is any cure for llie Cunsumption; . but ani sotisfied, there is no temporary relief equal to tlteso Pilis. í have stneè adniinistered iheni to meniberáof niy family, for Cülds and iJoughsf witb the most bappy result. II. K.' WELLS, Boston. Ilaving been affiteted for sevcral years wilh a Weaknessin the stoiuaeh and Lungs, with Coaliveness, Ileadachc, und Dcpression oTSpi its, ihought by many to be in a Gonsumption, ond was obliged to give up my buainese. Alter trying a number of the various Sarpaparillas and Bnlsams. without any periDtmeiit relief, I wna prevailed upon tolry Dr. Smith's Sugar Coatéd In'.proved Indian Vegetable Piüs; nnd, to mv .■stonishment, ibéy iinmediately reiieved me, and. afier tnkins a few doses, nmcniirely recov- ered, annable to return to my ímsíncss. JUSTUS CLARK. The direction8 and treatmtnt of ahe diseasc, accompany every box. PRICF. '5 CKNTS PÍ'R BOX. No "SUGAR COATED PILLf" can be genuine without the sícnaturc of the solé invemer. ;G. BEN.'A.VIIN SM1TH. M. D., President of the N. Y. College of IJealth," upon every box. Offices devo'ted eclusively to the sale of tb ia mebicine. 179 GRRENWICH STRKF.T, New York. No. 2 STREK F, Boston. For sale in nll the villages and towns ín tho New F.ngland States. . N. B. - No travelling pedlars are allowed to sell these Pilis. ET For enleby W. S. & J. W. Mnynard, Luoddi McCollum, F. J. B. Crane.Ann Arbor; lrrin & Huil. Northville; Thns P. May, Jr, Plyiouth; D. C. Whitwood, Dexter; G. & J. G. HO; Detroit. 1844. WÖOLE'SALE & RETAIL." A. MFARRJ1JY. BOOKSELLiRÁNoSTÁTiOKEB, ■ SMART S BLOCK, 137 JErrBKS-ON avknub, dktroit Keeps ciistantly for sale n complete aesoiuiid.t of Misccllaiieous, School and Classieal Books; Letter and Cap Paper, plañí uad ruled, Quills. Ink. Sealing Woa, Curlery, Wrajping Paper. Priniinp Pnper. ai ail stzes: and Book, News and Cuiiister Ink T ot various kinds. ; BLAÏTS BOOSS, Full nnd half hóuniÜ. of evtii y variety o iiuling M EMO R A NDUAJ BOOK8; c. To Merchair?. Teachers, nnd oihers. buytng in qunnritiop. n Intfte. discount nint. SABBATH S6H0OL & BlBLE SOCIETY DEFGSITOR 5l-iC HARTFORD Fire ïiisïBrancc Company. Inccrporatcd in IHlQ--Charfer perpetual - Capita!, &15Ü.0OO, wil h poteer to inercase it to 6250.00U. THIS well bBówirnndlorinr csiablishod Institution. with Tpple. :;isii cHpitui. have estalilisheii aü nftrwy in Ann Arlr, ïnd ofier to insino Dwc!Hrt8, Ftufinuie. Siures, Mcrchan)sc, Mi'lflf. MT-beat;. RUturj cu n yety favoi.ihlé ternts. The l'iüh cliarncier of iliis eompany is well knowti. omJ M ftXtenwvë 'uncincs-s 3 concJiscTcil un the i-?! jñst ud iioiici.ibie principies. Otvnprs of prdptTiy in Aun Albor and vioinily wbti wiel) lE iu&uie il uuinst iui-sat.d dnui- iae liy htv., nro invire;! u i-l! ! ftfCily 'on 'h subiwnber, ;r, Uie Siwe ut Ain AiJ)ür, wh'is n, thoiizud lo solio pol cis wi ba:t i'elny. F. J. B. GK11JÍEÍ ApfenK Ann Arbor. .lun. I. Ic'ló, CQ-öai.


Signal of Liberty
Old News