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The "Martyr Fund."

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J. C. Fuller has snggested the ctab!{h. mfint of a fund for the support of the wires and children of Abolitionists who nre now or may be imprisoned by Slaveholders for thatr oboütion acts or sentiment. Airs. Genit Smit h ha. contributed iwenty lollare, and proposes to renev her sub.ccription yearir. ff?" On the Joint Resolntion for annex Texas, the Represemative from Michigan weredivided. Mr. Lyon voted for it. We expected nothing beller from him. Mir. l'unt nnd McCJelInnd voted sgainst it. Thtt wns right, bnt we cannot very hlghly coni mend the act, while the opology appear for them in the Free Prese," the State paper, tbat fhey voted so becauae they prelerred eome other schemc of Annexation. How fr thw migfht be the real reason,or bow for theitronf inti-slavery feelin of tlieir diatricts may hav operhted in inducing their action, we havo no means of knowin. It 'm fair to judge them by their worka. A fot Mr. Lyon, when ht comes home he mny explain to his eonxtituente, if he can. how mucii 'Democracy" ther was in binding Congress to receive mor Slave States into the Union, tkirty, forti, or Af1! yeara henee, a is provided by the reo luiion for whicl) he voted.CC5 Ou r readers will be gratified to learn that Alanson Work, one of th three abolitionists imprisoned in Missou. ri, has been pardoned by the Governor of that State, and has arrived at his home near Quincy, Illinois. Some of our readers will doubtless recollect Ihat we published a letter of Mrs. Work, a few months since, describing her necessitoua condition. The Quincy Whig says his return was tbe occasion of great joy to his family. Burrand Thompson remain in thePenitentiary. CT1 We have not yet been able to got any authentic account of Mr. Hubbard's mission to Louisiana. It wilt be recol. lected that he was ïppointed by the Governor of Massachusetts agent to that State ai the snme time that Hoar wa sent to South Carolina, and for a similar purpose. The papors state thnt he )eft New Orleans voluniarily, without being annoyed or threatened, and without aU temptfng to accomplish tb-eobjects of hi3 missioD.CQr Mr. Birney spoke at Ann Arbor on his way to Jackson, on the Annexatien of Texas, and its incidents. Not withstandingthe driving storm, theCourt House was fi lied. as ful! as it couJd well be by citizens of all polttical patties, wholistened tohis remarfts with attentión and interest. His. exposición of sham t) mocracy was to the purpose. Mr. Blectured at Pinckney nnd: FlVntom hi way home.


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