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Ohio Legislature. - The Ohio States, man publishe a statement of the ñames and places of nativity of the members of the Legislature of that State, from which we learn that 29 of them are lrom the State of Ohio, 21 from Pennsylvania, 14 from New York, 9 from Virginia, 9 from Connecticut, 7 from Vermont, 5 from Maryland, 4 from Kentucky, 2 from Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Ireland each, andone from Germany and Holland each. The following. are theprofessions of the members: - Farmers 62, afforniesSl, merchants 6, physicians f 5, printer 1, e&tor 1, &rd otber various l branches of mechanical cmplöyments. - There are seven single men among the j number, one kandred and two married, j and one set down engaged, I t T. W. Dorr.- The Legislatare of Rhode Island at ks present session, passed I ar act to release Mr, Dorr from imprisonment on the condition that he would swear allegiance to the present government. - ( This humiliating condition, art act that is , not required of any other citizen, Gov. Dorr will not accept: prefernng to remain in a dungeon rather than comprotnit bis honor. Under these circumstances ' Gov. Dorr's father has pethioned ihe ' legislature to ailow him to visit his son occasionally, and also to permit his family physician ta attend upon the prisoner. Gov. Dorr is suffering extremely from ill health, and cannot live long in his present condition. - Jacfcson Patriot. The tvife of the President of Mexico. - The wile of Gen. Ferrera, who now presides over Mexico, (in place of Santa Ann deposedj was formerly a "factory ffirl," in Dorchester, Mass. Her nrn dea name was Irene Nichols, and, four yearsago, she was induced to go to Mexico, in cotnpany with eight others, to es tablUb a Factory. Whiie there she becarae acquainted with Ferrera, the present revdting and successful General, with w hom she con tracted marriage. Sbe made a visit to her friends in Slainc, last eummor, during1 wliicl s!e received frequent letters Trom Ferrera. She left here in July or August bet, for Mexco, via New York, where ehe obtaiued a licensp, and was united in nwrriage to GenFerrera, by nis representatie, the General not being a ble to lea ve Mexico- a step rendered necessary, as the partjes were Protestants, and nol be married in Mexico, & Catholic country. Ferrera is now President of Mexico ha ving hi Iicad q'iurtcrsnt the Naional Pulacc in the city, and this Kennebec ' 'Factory Girl," now "reveis ia the Halls of the Mnntczumss." Geo. Ferrera is of Germán extrction.-.Lftf ger.Mr. Miller rebuking tke Disciples. - The following is an extract of a letter from Mr. Miller, published in the Advent Herald. We will not express an opinión concerning all the grounds of complaint, but only say that the charge of sectarianism is undoubtedl y true. Under the pretence of opposing all sects, they have worked themselves into a sect: The causes which required God's chastizing hand upon us, were in my humble opinión, Pride, Fanaticism, and Sectarianism. Pride worked in many ways. We ascribe our conquest in argument over our opponents to ourselves. We were seeking the honors or applause of men more than God. We were some of us seeking to be leaders, ñatead of being servants: boasting too mucfi of our doings. Fanaticism: I know our enemies accused us of thisbeforewe were guilty: but this did not excuse us for running into it. A thousund e.xpressions were used very irreverently, such as 'God bless,' &c. I was afraid it was done in very many cases to the appeárance of outward piety: rather than as the hidden manna of the heart. Sometimes our meetings were distinguished by noise and confusión, and forgive me, brethren, if I express myself too strongly, it appeared to me more like Babel, than a solemn assemblage of penitents bowing in humble reverence before a holy God. I have often obtained more evidence of inward piety from a kindling eye, a wet cheek, and a choaked uterance, than from all the noise in christendom. - Sectarianism: this isways produced by some private opinión of man rather than the plain declaration of God's holy word. For years after I began to proglaim this blessed truth of Christ at the door, I never, if possible to avoid it, even alluded to secarían principies: and the firt objection my Baptist brethren brought against me, was I mixed with and preached unto all denominations, even to the Unitarians, fcc. But we have recently, my brethren, been guilty of raisiag up a sect of our own; lor the very things which our fathers did when they became sects, we have been doing. We have, like them, cried Babyion! Babyion!! Babyion!!! against all but Adventist. We have proclaimed and discussed, "pro et con" many sectarian dogmas, which has nothing to do with our message, may God forgive us. And now brethren, we have need of patience, that after we have done the will of God we may receive the promise. Yoursas ever, WM. MILLER. Low Hampton, Dec. 3, 1844.The Tractarian controvers in the chorch of England , rages witb increaning violence There is awfül shedding of ink amonpr tbe bishops, on the important quesrions of wearing eurplices, Jcc. which seemed likely to lend to more serious consequence?. T&e Treaty negofiated by Mr. Cushingr with China eecures to Americans the privilege of erecting hoapitals and temples of worship al each of thefive free porta- and indülgence never before'allowed to foreigners, and and a most honorable expression front the Cninese inr favor of our mission. Property of Women - A bííl has been introduced into the Aïissouri Legislatnre, to secure more effectually the property of married women, o as to gnard the same from bcing improvidently conveyed awoy by their husbands, or levied on for debts contraeted by the latte?.The A'abama State Journal feeommends the pas.-age of a few iiirposing a heavy penalty in dollars and cents, with imprisonment at hard labor in the State pnson until the penalty be paid, on any agent, altorney, or any pereon who may visit that Si ale on the smwe business that took Mr. Boar to South Caro lina! Tbc Legislature of Penosylvanw has paxsed a law providing for the payrrrent of all the interest on tho State bonds. The interest on the funded dtbt is $873, b 16. And the treae urer shows that the re will be fonds applicable under the above law to the payment of interest on the fírst of Feb. , to the cmount oi 9902,398. Very good. Trnth Stranger than Fiction.- A poor country girl traveled frotn Gee Gross, near Manchester, to Loudo, durkig the troables in the time of Charles the First, to find a place as Bervant.- - Faihng n tbis object of her umbition, ehe engageó hereelf as, what wac called, tub woman to a brewer, tbat is, ehe carried out the beer from the brew house. Pleased with her healihy, handöome face, the brewer raised her to the position oí his eervant - then to that of bis wife- Snally, ta that ot a widow, with a handtjoune dowry. She engaged Mr. Hyde, then celebraled as a clever lawyer, to settle some puzzüng nioney matters ibr her} and as his own money mat.ers hppene to be rml only puzzling, but in a hope lesa 6tate jnst then, tra proposed to the rich widow, and raarried her. Mr. Hyde breaine Lord Chancellor, and Earl of Glarendon. The only daoghler of the manriage being wife of James II. ad mother to the Princesses Mary and Aan. And so the poor tub -woman ended her life as the Counter of Clarendon, wife to the Lord Chancellor of England, and mother to one a&d grandniother to two Qucena of England.The coat oj Stipt. of War and of Religión. -The wbole amouvt eays the Puntan, expended in oiwsïoos to the Sandwich falande - by which a whoie people have bew civilized- i npt ejal to th cjtpem of one yei' cwieA Curious Idea. - "In order to preserve, as far as possible, the equilibrium n the Senate, the rule has heretofore been, to admit a slaveholding and nonslaveholding State at the same time. - Express. It is a strange work for freemen to seek to preserve an equilibrium between slavery and liberty. As well might God form a new devil every time he creates an angel, lo preserve an equillibrium between good and evil in his kingdom. - True Wesleyan. Büpfalo, Jan.SS, 1345. Th first ice visible in the Jake this winter is floaling past the Iighthou6e to-day, on iis way to the Ftlls. ït was not from the centre or deep portio.1 of the lake, but was formed alocg the margin and broug-lit by the southwest wind of yestcrday. With this exception, the lake is os free of obstrucüons as at roidsummer. - Com. Adv. Grtat CattU Sale in South Carolina Mr. Birrcey and all abolilionitlt are tnvited to attend. We are requested to give notice that the one hundred and fifty rice field negroes, beloning to the estáte of Isaac Ball,to be sold at auction, on Friday, the IOlh inst., by Alonzo J. White, auctioneer, and broker, have arrived ',a th city and re ready for inspection.- Charleston Mercury, Jan. 8. Another Duel. - The Cincinnati Enquirer of the 14th inst., says: An affair of honor carne off yeslerday morning about seven o'clock, across the river. - The parties were Lieut. Duralde of the 'iavy, and Dr. Mosby of Virginia - the weapons, shot guns, distance, thirty paces - seconds, Mr. Bouche of New Orleans, and Capt. Howard of this city. Two shots were fired without nny damage being done to eithcr of the principáis. We believe that the conditions were that after the second fire the seconds should determine whether there should be another. They decided ihat there should not, and so the matter ended. The quarrel, we were informed, grew out of an insuit offered to Mr. Duralde, who was the challenging party.Preserving Fruit. - Fruits maybepre served in bottles, without sugar, foran indefinito time. Put them in with waier cause it to boil, and while boiling cork tightly and then secure the cork with air tight cement. Green corn, green peas, ase. may be had in winter in absolute freshness and perfection by this process. Those who have never seen it will be surprised to be told that roast meats and soups may be had in perfection five years after their cooking. But such is the fact. - Bost. thron. Botton Mayoralty. - Tho eleciion Tor May or has failed for i he fifth time. At the last trial twoAldermen (natives) were elected, so that a quorum is secured in the Board. Did you e?er see any of the popular novels?"' aaid a city dame to a country cousin. - ♦'No, mo'am, but 1 have seen poplar trtes."


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