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Mdny of our readers are aware that a petition to Congress for the annexation of Canada to the United States has been ciróulfiting in Detroit and elsewherë in this State. It was presented to the Sennte by Mr. Porter. Mr. Dickenson, of New York, presented a similar one from that State. They were rcferred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Mr. Foster, of Tenn., opposed the reference, becaiise it wasdesigned tothrow contempt on a grent measure of which he was in favor. Mr. Porter defended the memorial, as a solemn remonstrance against the annexation of Texas. The bill to organize the Territorial Government of Oregon passed the House by a vote of 140 years to 59 nays - majority 81. The amendment prohibiting Slavery in Oregon was adopted yeas 131, nays 69. Is it not strange that 69 persons, calling themselves American Republican Statesmen could vote in 1845 for the establishment of Slavery in that vast and unsettled territory? For their vote on this occasion was equivalent to a vote for its establishment.The Postage bilí passed the Senate in a better shape than we had supposed. - On motion of Mr. Simmons, a uniform rate of Five Cents for all distances was established: Yeas 34, nays 14. The franking privilege was abolished, except for Ex-Presidents & their widows. On motion of Mr. Benton,the bill wasso amended that letters should be charged by weight, and not by pieces. Newspapers go free for ihirty miles. It now appears probable that the bilt may become a law at the present session unless defeated by tacking amendments to it in the House. Mr. Giddings, in a speech on the Indian Appropriation bill, incurred the wrath of the slaveholders by making some remarks about money paid for slaves, &c. and was assailed by Mr. Black, of Georgia, in a blackguard speech. To this Mr. G. replied and Mr. Black rushed towards him, aiming a blow at him with a cañe, but was seized and held by the outhern members, and taken out of the bar.The prospect of the passage through the Senate of the Joint Resolution for annexing Texas looks more discouraging. The Washington Correspondent of the Journal of Commerce affirms that there will be thirty one Senators against it. - Mr. Polk and his friends are very earnest that it should pass now, as in case it does not, the coming administration must choulder the twice defeatei project, under circumstances less favorable than those that now exist. Col. Benton has submitted a new proposition respecting annexation, which reads as follows: Be it enacted, 8fc. That a State, to be fornaed owt o( the present Repubiic of Texas, with suitable extent and boundarïes, a-od with two Representatives in Coagress until the next apporlionment of Representatives, shall be admitted into the Union by virtue of this act, on an equal fboting with the existing States, as soon as the terms and conditions of such admission, and the cession of the remainng Texas territory to the United Stotes, shall be agreed upon by the Governments of Texas and the United States. Sec. 2. And be it fttrtfier enacted, That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars be and the saine is hereby appropriated, ío defray the expenses of missions and negotiations to agree upon the terms of said adroission and cession, either by treaty to be submitted to the Senate, or by articles to be submitfed to the two houses-of Congress, as the next President Miny direct." Henee the influence of" Mr. Benton is counted again&t' the Joint Resolution no pending.


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