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DR. SM1 TH'S (SÜGAK CÖATED) "IM proved Jndian Vegetable Pilla," aredaily effecting some of the most nslonishing and wonlerful cures ihnt have ever been known, in Cvnequence of which they have now become a shinng mark ngainet which all the arrows of disapjointed hope, envy. and uncharitableness are evelled without disiinciion. The town and country are alike filled with ihcir praise. The wlace and poor-hou?e alike echo with thcir vir:ues. In all climates. under nll temperatures, they Biill retain their wonderful powers, and exert them unaltered by age or situation. They are simple in their preparation. mild in their actions, thorough in all their operaiions, and unrivalled in their results. They are anti-bilious, anti-dyspeptic. and nnti-mercurial; and they are peculiarly beneficial in the followmg complaints fever and ague, yellow and bilious fevers, dyspepsia. croup. liver complaint, sirk headache JHUndice, asthma, dropsy, spleen, pilus, colic obstructies, heartburn, furred tongue, and fou stomnch, nausea, diarrhoea, costiveness, Iobs o appetite. sallow complexion, colds, and in a cases of torpor of the bowels where a cathartic o an aperient is needed. N. ICFNo Snga Coated Pilis con be genuine unless every bo has on it the signature of G. BENJ'N SM1TH M. D. Sold 179 Greenwich st , and Rushtoi &,Co., 10 Astor House, and throughout the Uni ted States. 41-tfF1RE! F1REU FIREU! PROTECTION INSURANCE COM?A?ïV. HARTFORD, CONN. MHOWARD, AGENT, the Protec tion Insurance Company, of Hartford Conn., offers to insure Housea. Store3. Mills. Barns, and their contents, and all descripción of insurable property against loss or damage by fire. The rates of premium oflered nre as low 08 those of any other similar institution. end every man has now an opponunity for a trifling sum to protect himsel f against the ravages of this destructive element, which often. iíi a single hour, sweeps away theearnings ofmony years. The course the office pursues ín trarisacting their business, and in adiusiing ony payment oí losses, is prompt and liberal. For termsot insurnnce. application may be made to the above named agent, wlio is authorized to issue policies to applicants without delay. D. C. CLARK, Président. Wm. Conner, Sec'y. Persons ata distance wishing to get propejty insured, by sending their npplications by1 mail, will be promptly attended to. ErOffice directly opposite the ''Bank ofWashtenaw" Building. M. HOWARD. Ann Arbor, Nov. 25, 1844. 3wBKOWNSYILLE JUNÏATA ÍRON STORE, THfc SUBSCRIBER, ngent for the Mnnufaclurer, Pittsöurgh, Pa. has now on hand a large and wull assorted stock of JRON, NAILS, GLASS, &c, which ís offered to the public at the lowest cash pnces., comprising ïhe following: Com'n biriron, allsizes Plow slahs, Üandy tire " Plow wings, Horse shoe, " " Sheet iron, Nos. 13 Saddletree. " fi to 26. Round nnd Square " Nails, 3d to 9Öd, Band and hoop, " ' Spikes, al! eizes, Boiler iron " rí Railroad car axles, Nail rods " Carringe " Deck and spike rods, Carriage. Springs, Spades, shovels, &c, &c. , Together with evei'y otherarticle uaually manfactured at an Iron Establishment. The above anieles" are mnnufactured at the BrownBville Juniata Jron Works. Pittsburgh, l'a. by E. Hughes, nnd are of the best quality. WINDOW GLASS, of all 8izes. and of the best brands, conetantly on hand. or furnished to order. Merchants and others will findit to their ad vantoge to cal] and examine the subscriber's stock, as scell as the pribes. before going elsewhere. JNO. ROBINSON, Jr. Agent. No. 1, VVardeU's Block, corner of Woodward Avenue nnd Woüdbriflgc Street, Detroit. Dec. S, 1844. 38 The follo;ing papers' witl piense publish the above to the arnonnt ot two dollars, and send their bilis to this office: Pontinc. (Sszt-ue find JarkFonian, Ann Arbo Staie Argus and'Signal of Libertyr Juck-on, Gnzette ond Democrat; Marshall, Statesman und Expcflndèr.GRAND BI VER WILL probaMy bc navigable within five years, ns far eouth ae J. T. PRATTS'S STORE, where the inhaliit'ants oí Michigan can now bn supplied with &ry-Goods, Grocerres; Medicines, Boots, Shoes, ats, Cabinet Ware, MUIStones, Bolting-Cloth, Patent Smut Machines, BristoFs Sarsaparilla, 20,000 boxcs of Pratt's iJills, single box 2 shillings, Life Bitters, 50 cto per Bottle, a choice iot of CHEESE. made ín Western New York. The proprietor pledges biinself to sellas A igt as any Merchant in town. jV. B. - All kinds of Country Produce, lumbor, brick, lirrfe, wood-, bought or Bold just as will suii customer8 best. A good farm and forty acres oi wild land f jr sale. Admitmnce No. I, tíiáin's blot;k, near the River. Jackson, Mich. Nov. 21. 1844. 3S-tf 1 3O0 llbs. 6es Fearthers ! OTF firet rate quality for sale by the pound or ' hundred weight irrqïarttitic8 to'euit purchaeere. mav bc found ot 'RAYMOND'S CASH StORF. 32-tf 49 Jeffaeorij Avp. Det-ribt.ILLEBASl'S MEDICINES. 1HESE MEDICINES ARE effecüng such ostonishing cures n multitudes of oíd caaos long since abandonad by fhyaicians and Surgeonsas uttcrly hopelees, that 10 medicines, where ihese re known, stand o Jepcrvedly hich. They consist of THE BLACK, OR ALLEBASi'S &ALPE, PRIQE k5 CENTib. Which cures almost uníversally. Fcver Sorw, of he most mal gnani kind. Felona, Ulcers, Ab-' icesses, Tumors, Fracture, Cuta, Pum'turéé;urn, Scnlds, Sore Throat, Chilblains, Quiniey,Dropsey, Inflamniat.try Rheümatlsm, ínfltun nacione and swellins of every description, ÍSenld Fiead, Agüe in the Face, Nervouí Topth Ache,gue in the Brccst. Broken B ensiar, c. &c. ' ALLEBASI'S HEALTH PtÍLS, 25 ' These Pi Is hare acquired a populnrify witbirt he las' ycar or ttvo, which no öüier Pilla posicns. The rensons are obvious t6 all' vt'ho usé hem, and inay He learned from iho pamphlet thaf ícconipanies them. They cure Bilious, Scarlet ind otber Fevers, Fever and Agüe, Dyppepy,' Dropsy, Acid Siomach, Disordercd Bowels, or Stomach. Jaundice, Head Achc, Dizzinesa in thé Fíead, Wornta, Liver Complaint, Heart Burns, Dliolic, Bowel complaint, General Debility, Coaiveness, &c. &c. They purify the entire sy-' Tin, leave the bowelein a vigorous and healthy ;ondition, &c. See pamphlet. ALLEBASI'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS] PRICÉ 2t CENTS, WilT cure an ordinary case of Tooth Ache in from' three to ten minutes. For Nervous and oiher kinds of Tooih Ache, see ramphle:. ALLEBASI'S POOR MAN'S PLA8TER,PR1CE 12} CENTS, Are warranted to be superior to any other Piasters ín this or any other country, for pain or weakncBB in the Bnck. Sidf, Chest, Bowels, Loina, M úseles, and for Rheumaiism, LungandLiver Complainis, Coughs. Colds, Asihma, &c. See pamphlet. N. B. Please to ask the agent for a pamphlet which gives all the informaiion necessary respecting the uses of the medicines, the virtues they' possc88, etc. Please to follow directions in the use of the medicines, and you may rely típonr aíl that is promised. A liberal discount mide to merchante and oihers, who buy to stil a?ain. LYMAN W. GILBERT, Proprietor,: Wholesale Druggist, 214Fulton st. N. Y. Q_f For sale by the subscriber. who has been' ppointed general agent for the City of Detroit nd ks vicinity. Country dealers supplied oó iberai lerms. C. MORSE, Michigan Book Store. The above medicines are for sale at the" Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, Iñ Añfi Afbóï, Lower Village. December 9; 1845. 34-1 y.GOOD NEWS FROM NEW ENGLAND. Dr. Smük's Sugar Coated Improved ludían Vegetable Pilis, TEIUMPHANT FÖR CONSUMPTIONS, COLD8,RrtEUMATiëM, ÖYSPEPSIA AND FEVER8 ITOOKa severe cold; ihis fall, which settled ' in my linibs. and brought on the Rheumatism. accompunied with severe pains and a bad ■ cuugh, which obliged me to give up my buiiness. I (ried inany remedies without any relief, uniil I - -procured a bpaf if Dr. SmitbVSugar Coatisd ■ dian Vegetable Pilla, Whidi, íftm nnppy to say, - immcdiately relievcd me, and enabled me, in ' three days, to return to my business. I nm novr eniirely well".E. F'. ÍJILL.-Wíwlarygton k Boaton: Nov. 4, 1844!I have been cortsidered I in tlie ConsumpVion ! for nbout nine years. withi d severe cough every " fal!, which did riot Jeavé me till ihe next sprinp, - wiih an almost constant Headache; not being : able t o sleep many nights during the winters, : in conseqüencë of the 6evere fits ofcoughing. I have trie"d most of the cöugh remedies, with only temporary relief. Sïy usual' cough cdmmenced about fou'f weaks' since, with an increasing ■ ness to my ltfngs; and wns urged to try Dr. ■ Smith's Sugar Coated Pilis - which I did, but ' without any faith in their efficacy. I took foot Pilis before retiring; and, withirt forty-eighf hours, my covgh vfaa entirely broken up, which"' has no.tretnmëd} and'the s'evtfre turns of head- 'ache have le me. Tnevet have ' dy before that brought sa suddein relief. I do nöt: believe there is qdv ciire for' theConsumptiofif' ,but am satisfied, there is rio temporary relief' cqual to these Pilis. Í1 have' eince adminiírttffedí] them to mtífnb'eraof my1 family, for Colds"aütiu Cougbs, with the most happy result. H. E. WELLS, Bostodi' Having been affltcted for several years "Whli-a Weakness in the stomach and'Lungs, -w'iüi'CoisP tiveness, Headache, atfd Dépressibn of Spiirï thoughby jnariy .to bé in" a Consumpliónl nnd wa8"ob]ijed to give up my Krtsiness. Aiéthfyinga nrtmber of the varióos SareoparilláBahd Balsama, without any permanent reiiel, ijvíaí prevailed upöri tötry Dr. Smirh's Sugar Cfotfíííd Imprörèd Indiar. Vegetable Pilis; and, tó"rfty' astohishment, they imtrie'diateiy relievedme. and, ofter tnkinff a few dose'ï, am ehiirelyrécöT- ered, ann able to're'tum'tcTmy bnsines. JUSTUS 'ÖLAR'if.The dircctions" and tre'atment of the diiseJue, accompany evcry lox. PR1CE ?5"'CENT8 PER BOX, No "SUGAB. CQATF.D PILL." can be gni .uine without the signnture of the. sole inveritèfr."G. BENJAMIN SM1TH. M. D„ Presfdèht of the N. Y. College of Health," upón1 evérf box. Offices devofed to 'the sale'-of'ttíiií mébicine. 1?9 'GREHÍN'WJCrT STREET, Ne'York. No. 2 WATEft-STREEr, Boston. For sale in all thë villages and tówns in the New; Eogland States.', N. B. - No," tra veiling pedlars "are allowed to sell thee Pilis. (CTFor ?nleby VV: S. & J.' W. íAaynard, Lund& McCoIluro, F. J..B. Lrafrë.Ann Arbor; Perriñ & Hnll. Northvillet Thos. P. May, Jr., Pl'ymouth; D. Cf Whitwóod, Dexter; G. &. 3. G. Hil!, Detroit.


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