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livè Cíeese Feathers, O F superior quality, for sale by BJECKLEY & HICKS. March 3, 1 ?45. 4.ri-3w C? Caution to All ! LET ALL THE WORLD TAKENOTJCE, and bk cakkfui, not to buv the (sugar oated) improvbd Indian Vïgztablk Pili.?, unless kvjcry box has orrit the wriiteii sigaature I the original inventor and paientee, G. BKNJAMíPf SMITH, M. D. These pleasant Pilis possees powers to opcn II the natural drnius of the sysiem - viz: tiic LUNGS, KIDNEYS, SKIN and BOWF.LS- útherto unknown in the practico of medicine: nd 80' complete has bec iheir truniph o'ver all ther miedicines, thar" many have been led to supose they contain some powerful mineral: bul ipon ertiimination by Dfs. Chilton. Randolph. -iüííTiíiGfoN, and others, thts eiipposition is at nce proved to be groundlesr. Sold'iti New York, at the principal Office, 179 Grcoywich street, also by Rufehtan & Co., Brondwny, corner J:ith meet. Pampnleis to be Jind of agent gratis. N. B. - Persons wil] also noiice on the top label an engraved; J-ndiatt figure, cióssed wkh fine red prirtt. Tha genuine may also be bought wuh safety at Dr. Guion's, córner1 of Bnwery nnd Grand stret. BfOoklyn.nnd at respectabl6 stofcs throughoMt rfté ÜJiitod Siiitc.i. 40.Sugar Coated Pilis, t. Bis ease- Ulore lüvidcnce. MR. HILL, of the ñrm ol Girley and Hill, Ifi9 Brondwiy, suys ihe Silgar Comed ndian Vegetable Pilis a e superior to any lie hns ïver taken. Hie wiíe has found ihem delightul and efficacious. Miss comer of Walker and Ludlow jtrccts, his lieen cnred uf poin in the litad, ditnness of sight, nnd dizzincss of long standing l hese Pilla. Mrs. Simons, of 9 Henry etreet, cured of jains anl mmipfi, oí eiífhi ye-ir oranriing. Mr. Atki.ns. of '63 Greenwich sueet. cured f dyspepsia, of seyen yeiirs stMiiding:. Mr. Caki.utk's dangíuer. 8 Staple street, cur:d of VYorms jfl iheir worst íorm. Rev. Mr. Burnktt. of Brooklyn, cured o! )ilmns complaints, weaknrss, Á'C. We íieed not add more. Evídrnce crowds ipon os from nll qunners. No Pilis ever before ccomplished so much, wilh so linio trouble and lisacreenbleness. os Dr. Smith's (Sugar Coated) Improved indinn Vegetable Pilis." Sold at juion's córner IJowery and Grand et. : Philip's :orper of Beekman of YVilliam streets, Everett'a. 3 Hudson st. ; Mrs. Hay'a, 119 Eulton street. Brooklvn; and 203 G-reenwich streut. Examine he label - lrok for Dr. Smith's wriiten tignaure. 45 C. BRINCKEUHOFF'S "T1HIS Medicine is a sure, safe and certain I Remedy in compluints of the Liver and ungs. Consumption, Liver Compl.aint, chronc and severe Coughs and Colds, are almost imnediaiely relievrd and ultimaiely cured byafatth'ul useof tbe Restorative. Dr. Chillón, the emilent practical chemiet and physicia of New ?ork, attaches his certifica' e stating its entire vegetable composition, after he had made a care"ul analysi8. le ts wholly devoid of any irmating sropeny. and manifests jo decided healing and urifying qualities as to quickly alleviate the moet aggravaitng cough and change :he expectoration. Pains in the cheat and sic'e, so ofien íttendant on Complainiö. aro eflectuully removed without the least inconveniencc. the seal of the difficuhy being roaclied inuch quicker thm by any exiernal application. From the reputation ofthis Medicine in New York, u'here it ias been aold forsome years-, ihe most indubitajle testiniony is eiven to iis merit. Certificates liavc been literalíy showered in on the proprietor Trom the best of source3, and stating the cases of persons raised even when given up by their physician. The foct of no one single insiance of dissatisfaction. known or expressed, is a s'rong guarantee of its merit. The following certifícate is from Dr Chilu.n, the well knuwn New Yorh chemist. ';í have anafyáed a bottle of medicine cnlled 'C. Brinckerhoff 's Ileohh Restorative;' and find that it doea not contain Mercury, or any other metnllic preparation. nor opium in any of its forms. It is composed of' vegetable matter en lirely." James R. Cuiltos, M. D.L C. BRINCKERHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y Principal Office 96 Hudson streot, New York Horoce Everett, U. S. Agent. 96 Hndson st. New Yo.k. has appoined W. S. & J. W. May nard. Druggists, agents for Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor. Februarjí X 18-í5. 41 4w DR. SM1 TH'S (SUGAR C()ATED) "IM proved Jndian Vegetable Pilis," are dail; efïecting some of the most astonishing aed won derful cures that have ever been known, in cunsequence ofwhich they have no%vbecomea shin ing mark against whicb all the aTrows of disop poimed hope, envy. and unchnritabreness are levelled without disiinciion. The tovCn anc country are alike fiüed with their praiae. The pnlace and poor-house altke with their virtues. In all climates. under all temperamres, they siill retain their woïrderfal powers, aml exert tliem unaltered by age or simation. They are simple in their prreparation. mild ín their acüons, thorough in nll tlieir operations, and unrivalled in their results. Tfiey are añti-bilioiis, anti-dyspëpn'c. ind anti-merrurinl: and tïiey are peculiarly beneficial in thë following complaints: fever and ague, yellow and bilious fevers, dyspepsia. cfOTip. liver sick headache, jnundice, nsthma, dropsy, spleen, piles, colic, heartburn. frred .to&gue, and fou stomnch, nause.'t, diarrhoea, costtveness, loss o appetife. sallow complexion, colds, and in al cases of torpor of the bowels where n cathart?c or an ap'erient is nceded. N. B. EFNo Sugar Coated Pilis can be germine uniess every box haso-n it the signare of G. BENJ'N SMITH M. 0. Sold f79 Greenwich st . and Rushton & Co., TO Aeíor Hoiíse. arídthroughotft the Uni ted Start es. 4l-tf BROWNSVILLE JfUtfIATA IROÑ STORE. TRl-L SUBSCRIBER. agent for the Manu facturcr, Pittsburgh, Pa. has now on han( a large and well assorted stock of ÍROH, NAILS, GLASS, cfecL, which is ofTered to the piïblic ot the loWest cash prices. comprising ihé following: Com'n íririron, allsizes I Plow slabs, Dandy tire i " Plow wings, Horse shöe. '' " Sheet iron, 13 Saddletree'. '; ' to -26. Round and Square i{ Nails, 3d to SOd, Band and hoop, " ' Spike6, all sizes. Boiler iron' fi : f Rail rond car axics, Nail rods " f Carriage " Deck and sjpüte rod?, Carriace. SpTingír, Spade?, shovels. &c. &c. , Togetfer with every otrerarticle usirally rrmnfacttrréd at au Iron Eartablishtnent. The above anieles are manufacturad nt the Brownsville .íuniata Jrorr Works. Pittsbutgh. Pa. by E-. Hughes, an are of the best quafity. WINDOW GLASS, of all sizea. and of the best branda, constantl on hand. or funiished fo order. Merchánts and others wül find it to iheir ailvantage to cnll and examine the subaeribér's stock, as tctll as the prices, béfore goiñg eJsewhere. JÍÍO. ROBTNSON, Jr. Agent. So. 1, WardW'B Biock, cornet of Woodward Avengo and Woodbridge Street, DeTíoit. Dec. 31, 1844. 38 The following papera wilí piense publish the ibove to the amount ot two ifollars, and send tlieir bilis 10 this ollicc: Pontiac. Grzetip ,'fid Jnrkponinn, Ann Arho State Journal, Argus nnd Sicnnl of Libertyr Inck'on. Gazette and Doniocrat; Marshall. Staiesman and Expounder.GRAND R1VER TT7ILL probübly be navigable within five VV years, asiarüouih ns J. T. PRATTS'S where the inhabitnnts oi Michigan can now bft supplied wiili Brp-Goods, Groceries, Medicines, Boots, Shoes-, Hals, Cahinet Ware, MiliStcmes, Bolting-Cloth, Patent Smut Machines, BpistoPs Sarsaparilla. 20,000 boxes of'Pratt's Pilis, single box 2 shilling, Life Bitters. 50 cis per Botlll-, a choiceiotorCHEEiE.made irt Western New York. The proprietor pledges-hiinself to sell as high any Merchani in town. iV. B -AH kinds of Country Producé, lumber, brick. linie, wood, bought or sold ju6t as will suit custoinersbest. A good' farm1 and forty acres oí VVildland fr sale. Adniiunnce No. 1, Blain's block, near the River. Ja'cksoiv. Mich. Nov. 21 . 1844. 32-tC ISOcTlbs. GecscTFcaiiiepsT VF first rnte quality for sflle by ihe pound or J hundiei weiglu in quaniitice to sun purchapere. mav hc. found at RAYMOXD'S CASH STORF. 32rfí ÍÜ Jcflfefeori, Ave. Detrinr.ALLEBASl'S MEDICINES. 1 HES E MEDICINES ARE effócting suchaetonishing cures in rauJ mudes of oíd caaes long since abandoned by Physicians and öargcoiisas ulicily hopeless, ihatno medicines, where iliese re known, stand a deservedly high. Tliey consist of THE BLACK, OR ALLEBA 31.' S a A LIE,. I' UVE i 5 CENT. Which ourca olmosi universally. Fever Sores,.of he IH081 tnal gnant kind. Felona, Ulcera, Abscesses, Turnors, Fractures, Cute, Puncfurca,. -urne, Scaldi Sore Throat, Chilblains, Quin-ey.Dropsey, rnfTámmat'iryiRheumatism, íi.flain-mations and sweNinos of evry deacription, Scald. íead, Agiie in the Face, NTvous-Tooih. Ache,. Agüe in the Brespt, Broken B.easta, &c. &c ALLEBASl'S HEALTH PILLS, $S Cents. These Pi Is have aequired o popuhrity wilhini ho last year or two, whieh no other Pilis posetsa. The reaeons are ohvious to all who use hem. and-moy he learned (rom he pnmphlet that ccompanics them. Ihey eure Biliou, Scarlet nd other Fevers, iever and Agüe, Dyppepsy, )ropsy, Acid Stomach, Di?ordereí Bowela, or Siomnch. Jaundice, Jleod Ache, Dizziness-rn tíís íead, Wonii, Liver Complaim. Henrt Burns, Cholic, Bowel complainl. General Debility, Co i vences, &c de. They purify the eutire sy u un. lenve the boweis in a vigorous and heolthy condiiion, &c. See pamphlet. iLLEBASfS TOOTH ACHE DROP f , PRICE 2b CF.lf.TS, Vill cure an ordinary case oí Tooth Aohe in írom hree to ten minute. For Nervous and oihon íinds o( Tooth Ache, see pamphle!. ALLEBASl'S POOR MAN'S PLASTErt. PRICE 12 è CENTS, Are be superior, to.any othor Plfca ers in th5 or any oiher country, for pain or weakness 'm the Back . Sido, Gheet Bowels, oins, Moscles, and for Rheumntiam. Lungani' Jver Complaints, Coughs. Colds, Ásiiima, &c. See pamphJet; N. B. Please to ask the agent for a pamphlefcvhich gives all the information necessary respectng the ases of the medicines, the virtues they possess, etc. Please to follow directiona in thise oí the medicines, and yon ir.ay rely upon all; bat is promised. A liberal discount mode tamerohants and othrs? who buy to sel I again. LYMAN VV. GÍLBERT, Proprietor,. Wholesale Druggisf,.21 4-Fulton st. N. Y. . ID For sale by the subscriben, who ho been; appointed general agent for the City of Detroit and lis vicinity. Country dealers suppliedionr, iberal lerms. C. MORSEr. Michigan Book Store.The atove medicines are for sale ai thar Book Store of wm. r. perry; Ín Ana Arborr Lower ViHage.. December 91, 1844. ' 34-4 yv GOOD NEWS FROM NEW ENGLANOS. Dr. Smittfs Silgar Coated Improveé' India ii Vegetable Pilis, TRIÜMPHANT FOR CONSUMPTIONS, COLDS. RHEÜMATISM, DYSPEPSIA AND F&VER.S..ITOOKa severe cold. ihis fall, whioh' settléd' in my Iimbs. and brought on the Rbeutna-cism. accompuuied' with severe pains nnd'a bad. cough, which obliged me to give up my buïinees,. I tried rnany remedies without any relief, uniil I procured a box ff Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Id- Vegetable Pilis, which, I am linppy to ajv immcdiiitely relieved me, and enaWed me, im three days, toretarn to my busiaesa. 1 am now,entirely welL E. F'. HILL, Washington tU Boston'. Npv. 4, 1844. I hnve been considcred n the Consumphon for obout nine Vears, with a eevere cough every fall, which dtdnot leave me till the next sp.rinp, with an almost constant Headache; not b'eing. nble to sleep msny nignfs during the winter in consequence of the severe fits ofcougbing; I! have tried most cf the cough remedies, withonly temporary relief. My Ususl cough commencedi about four wesks since, with an increasingsoreness to my Iiinga; and was urged te try DrSmith's Stignr Coated Pilis - which V didj. buf. wnhoutany faith in their efiicacy. Itook four Pilis before retiring; and, vithin' forty-eigrit' hours, my cough was entirely broken which' has not returned, and the severe turn? of head- ache have lett me. I never have found arememtly before ümt broaght so sudden relief: I' do no believe there is any cure for the Consumptionv but am eötigfied. there ie no temporary relief equal to these Pilis, f have since adminiaterod! them to members of my family, for andi Oough?, with the most happy result. H. E. WELLS. Bbstom Having been afflicted for severaí )fears wiili'aWeakness n the stomach and Lungs, with Cos tivenes8, Headache, and Depression of SpiHtbi thoughi by many tobe in a Consumptiort, and was obliged to give 6p my business. Aftwttying a number of (fee various SareapnriHba and Balsams, wiiliout any permonent relief, V wa prevaiíed Opon to fry Dr. Smith's Sügar Coattd Improvcd ïndxat Vegetable Pilis; and", rb'mv the.v immediately re1eed' ttie, nnd. after tnkïng a few doses, am erttkrel'y recovered, ann able ia return to my business. JUSTÜS CLAJU?. The tlirecrions and treattnent of fhe diseaw, accompan-y évery box. P"RICE L5 CESTff PÍ.Ú tiOX. No '-SUGAR COATED PÏLL.":can'bgenurne without ihe signatui-e of tlie sole inventer. "G. OEJÍ.IAMIN SMITrf. KÍ. fit. President of the N. Y. College of lïealth," uponr every box. Offices devoted 'exclusivefy tb the saleofthii mebicine. t?9 GREENWICK STREET, líe w York. No. 2 WATER-STREE P, Bostort". For sale in nll the villages and' töwns in the New England States. N. B. - No travelling" pedlars ar"tí allowed to sell these Pilis. {ETFor enie Sy W. S. & J. W. Maynard, Lund& jlcCoJ)um, F. X. ft'. Crane.Ann Arbor; Perrin & Halh Northville; Thos-. P. May, Jr.. Plymonth; D. C. Whitwood, Dexter; G. &J G. Hil!, Detroit.


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