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The foüowing particnlars respecting the admission of Florida and Iowa are froin the Baltimore American. The report well exlubits the tnckery, insolence and bullymgr by which the Slaveholders atempt to intimídate and manage the Northern members. In the House, ?eb 13, the committee resnmeilthe consideración of the bill for the admisión of the Territorios of losva and Florida int the Union asnew States. The question recurred on the amendment moved by Mr. Morsk, of Maine, on the llih instant, (when the bill was last under ; eration,)proposing to add to the third 6ection the followmg proviso: "Provided, hotcever, That eo far ns relates to Florida this net ehall not toke effect until after a convention of delègntes, elëcted by the qualified voters of Florida, sha 11 have so altor j ed tiie Constitution adopted by the convention of delegates on the l'Uh Jknuary, 1330, os to j strike article Wth in said Constilution thejrsi and third sections in the following words, namcly, 'Sec. lst. The General A.s'B.embly shallhave no power to paas laws tbr the emancipation of 6laves.' 'Sec. 9d. The General Assembly shall have power to pass luwe to prevent free negroos, mulflttoes, or other persona of color froin immigrating to ;thÍ8State),or'froiboiníí discbargexl fron onfird any vessel n any of the porte of Florida.' als id nothing eontained in the 6ame, in vo nee or principie, shnll be inserted in place ' reof, or ay other partsofsaid Constitución v soon as the alterations herein required shall pr( vo been made, and proof thereof laid before s President of the U. States, he shall Joi unce the same by proclamation, and qm on, and without bxïv further proceedings on coi ; part of Congress, the admission of eaid am ate of Florida into the Union as one of the wa litcd States of America shall be considerad complete." ed l]r. Da vis of Ia. ofFered a Resolution to int mínate all debate npon the Iowa and tin 1 Bil! in twenty minutes after the House be int into Commiuec. The time was 12 irds extended to two hours, and the previous estiun mov3d. to Mr. Adams hoped, as the bil! was an imporit ene, and there was no occasion for so Se ]ch haste, that.the day would be given to tic 2 consideraron of the bill. sp The friend8 of the bilí being inflexible, Mr. bei lams moved to lay the tnotion upon the table, Tl d called for the yeas and nays. The vote re' is ayes 00, noes 94. ur The previous queslion was now carried and oti s Reso'.uuon was adopted. ed Mr. Davis of Indiana was called to the tK iair and the debate went on upon the nt proposed by Mr. Morse of Maine, 8a irinff that the act admitting Florida into the ta lion, should not take effect until the 14th ar-_ y :1e was stiuck from the proposed Florida i: mstitution, which forever prohibited the m' i Legislaturc from abolishing Slavery, and Pc lich in another clause prohibited any free 'n lord citizen from landing in either of the rts of FloridaPc Mr. Bailey of Virginia look the floor, and bl once comenced a personal assault upon the e(i ntleman who had introduced the a ent. He spoke of him sneeringly as the l" ntleman from a corner of the North Eastern - ;ate of the Union,'' and further, as one "not uch distinguished for his Statesmanship,who s= asintermeddling with what he did not unrstand, and with what he had no right to ui insider." p? In the mid8t of this personal tirade, w Mr. Adams called Mie gentleman from Virnia to order. The gentleman was making a A rsonal attack upon a member of the House, P' id he thought the Chair should preserve tÉ ïr. -A The Chair did not regard the' remarks of ie gentleman from Va. as out of order. Mr. Weller canie to tbe rescue of Mr. c )y, and said the remarks were not out of e er. a Mr. Adams asked the gentleman from " ), if he would not regard the remarks of the ' entleman from Virginia as insulting if they c ad been applied to himself. ' Mr. Weller was understood to answer that t e should not have regarded it as an insult if c ppüed to the gentleman from Massachusetts. L The Chair now called to order. 6 Mr. Bailey went on to speak of the "bold e ssumption and unqualified arrogance of the t ïember from Maine,' and to speak c )gly of "the member from Massachusetts," a mphasizing the word member with a sneer, ieaving personalitie6, Mr. B. oposed ihe z lendment as . u violation of the Constituiion t f the United States. S Mr. Morse of Me. said he had intended to a ave said nothing upon the subject, but the l emurks of the gentleman from Va. called for & ome reply. - He made no prelensions to fatemanship, but he had rights here which he ( hould rtot yiold. The gentleman from Va. ' night himself be a very greal statesman, but ( f hi' was, theConstitution gave him no more f ights than were enjoyed by any other memier. ' Mr. M'. said lie had acted under a sense of ' luty in offering the amendment he had sub nittcd, and with a senee of his rsspönsibility 1 o his cónstitüents. He was here as the repespntative of nina thousand free white male ' nhabitants, and had as good aüthority, ' 'ore, to spealr;and lo act as the distinguished ' Stateman from Virginia. The clause he had isked to bestruck from the Constitution was n direct violation of the 'Constitution of thp Jt.ited States. It prohibited a portion of the 'ree citizen? of Maine from landing at any of .he ports of Florida as in South Carolina. Ilere Mr. Burt, of S. C. asfeed leave td ex plain, and was permitted . He said tbat' the iet of South Carolina was no more gainst the landing of the colored persons of Maine and Massachusetts thaT those of Virginia and North Carolina. Mr. Morse said the diffèrencewas great,for, in h s State freè colored persons were regarded as citizèns, and enjoyed the rights of citzens, but in Virginia and North Carolina they were not so regarded. Mr. Morse then defended his amendment, and was replied lo by Mr. Clingriiah of N. C. who thonght that a State had a right to adopt what form of Constitution it chose to, if it was Republican in its character. It could not be called antirepublican because it tolerated slavery any more than the Constitution of Maine conld, becuuse it restricted the privileges of persons there. Mr. Üouglass did not like the articles in the Constitution of Florida, and thought some of them monstrous and somo of them absurd; but f Florida was willing tortako them ve had no right to complain. Mr. Adams wiahed to know if Flornla had a right to incorpórate ín its on constitution a provisión contrary to tlie Constitution of the United States. Mr. Dbuglnse said it wou 1(1 be riuÜ and void it this was done. Mr. Adams answeiett that this was precisely what Florida had done. Mr. Duuglass responded that he should not ■heed any unconstitutional provisión. Mr. Lev}', tlie Delégate from'Florida, closed the debate in a warm and excited speech against the nmendment. The amendn:ent of Mr. Morse coming up to the vote, Mr. Black of Gm. nvwed-an amendment refusing the admission of Iowa unlil that Territory should strike out the clause from its constitution which prohibited slavery. Tuis was rejectcd nearly, unanimous'yand0, Mr. Morse's amendmeni by tellers by a íe of 87 to 76. fir rhe committee rose bel ween 2 and 3 o'clock, fo len a score of members rose to move the gr ivious question. ofl Plie honor was conferred pon Mr. Cave "C inson. There was a second, and the main ed jstion, when the amendments agreed to in pr nmittee on Tuesday were aeted on The sa endment Hiniting the square mileg of Iowa sil s agreed to as we'l as áll othefe. yu A división and the yea6 and nays were cali up upon the provisions for dividing Florida o two States. The House concurred with : conimitteo in declaring that there should bot one State jnstead of two by a vote of 3 to 77. The bill was then passed by a vote of 145 34. At the latest dates from Washington, Ilie nate were still debating the Joint Resolun on Texas, at the rate of one or two ;echesaday. Mr. Choate, of . ts, made an eloquent speech ngainst it. - ie hopes of tiie Annexationi&ts wo'e greatly nved, and they expected to carry the meas " 3. as oiie Whig Senator was absent, and an w ïer Whig, Merrick, of Marylond, had oi his detennination to vole for the w n, and it was also reported that Gov. T 'right, of New York, had written letters je ving it was bet'er that Annexation should ie place than that the party should be split " opposing it: and last, but not least, the inenceofMr. Polkin its favor, with theimïnse patronage of the Government at his ftsal, has been effèctually rxerted. These se luences combined may be successful . oi It is 6aid that the passage of the Senate e' stage bilí through the House is not 0; 1, and thus the whole matter may be a1 anotlier year. Should this be the case, gJ simultaneons cry should resound through e nation for Two Cknts postage.


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