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Notice To Merchants. The Subscribers Encouraged By The P...

Notice To Merchants. The Subscribers Encouraged By The P... image
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Notïcc to OTcrchaiits. THE Stlbsciibcrs encourngcd by the pntron.-.jjfi the y have hitherto rueeived in the sviw.osiilc dcpuriuitjni oí their businübs. will tUí li-st dny of May nexl. open the sture now oecupicd by Geu. Grefiville, froYiting oh flurun sircet, nnd córméetíifg with their present store in ilie i-xclusi vel y lor a WHÓLS SALSS EOOM, wheré liiey will ktcp at all limes a lull assort'mcni ut' Dry Goorh. Boots, fy SJioes Carpditg- Ials, Cops, Paper 0ajigj#gS} Bomids, Cmckery by liic Lralc, Hardware and G'occries, SfC. 'C )X'. ll of vvnich wil] be söld on as good icrms asat :my point this side of New York City. G. D. 1I1LL 4& CO. Aun Albor. March 26, lb'44. 48tf. TUE Ibllowingmdispensablo tamily remctíic? mny be found at IMay.naiui's Druggisi Sidio. in Ann Aihor, slHJre will bc sohi unloss known to be of the best kind and río .ounterleit anido ever ofl'ercd. patent medicine nvariubly procured ol the origin il inventor 01 . his regular suceessor: Q.T vVö faviil'j shoutd bc a icccfc without ïicsc rem rdics. ,_ffl BALDNESS. Bal.m ot' Co'umliia. for the Huir, wliich wil stop it if falling out, or restore iton bnld p-'acesr ni(! on children make it grow rapidly. or on those wbo have lost ihelinir frótn nny cause. ALL VERMfiV thntinl'est the Jieads of chil■ Ircn in schools, ne prevented or killed by it a' once. Find s!-.c nnme of COMSTOCK"on tl or never try it. Hewcmbr.r iiis alicays. PILES, -fec. are wliolly prevented. or governed if the nMnck hns conic on, iíyou use the onij Inw Hays' Li.n ivk.vt. from Comstock & Co. All SORES, nnd every thing relieved by it that adinits of an outwardapplicalion. Jt aelslike a choj;n. Use it. RIIEUiTATTSM AND LAMENESS positivelyeured; nll shrivelled ninscles and limtipnrc rosii)red. in the old or yourjff, by the Jv (lian Vegi talilc Elixir and Nene and Bone Liniincnl - bui never without thenome of Comstock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE wulj radicate all WORMS in children or aduhs with c certainty quite astonisliinsr. TOOT H DROPS. Ki.inks- cures erTectunlly Ann Arbor. Feb. 5, 1844. 41 WRIGHT'S tietlieatCfZ Piaster ■, spreaü for immediate ttse. PUICE ONLY ONE SHILI.IN'G, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALL. IN slight ailment?, or wherethe patiënt prefers . a less expensive artiele than the 4iAnti-inflamatory and Rlieumalic Piaster," these will bc found highly benedcial. Beirig already spread for immodiate applicaron, they will be i'ound very conenient lor WEAK BACKS, Pain or Weakness in the Side. Breast. Stoninch, beiween llie Shoulders, or wherevei' there is Pain, or where a Piaster is needed. They may be rendered more serviceable by pasting a piece ol' cloth on the back of them before they are applied. Multitudes'have been relieved of pain and sufferinc by these CheapPIasierp. For bule at Mosely's Bookslore, and by J. T. Stockiñg, Travelling Agent for Michigan. 3 G-l yI,. 5. WALKSR'S PATEKT SMUT MACHINE. T I lilE Subscribers take this meihod of informX ing all such as are engaged in ilie Miiling business iu the State of Michigan, that tlicy are now nianufacturihg; in Ann Arbor, VVashtenavv Couniy, Michigan, L. B. Walker's Pafdiit mut Machine, wliich they would recommend to take the Snuit off of wheat as well or better than any otlier machine. This mnchine is a horizontal machine - iiretains all the friction of the wheat. and uníüng simplicity wiih durahility. it combines the beatinsr, scouring, and blqwing principies, dis charging the dust and smut as fast as separateci from the wheat. This machine is perfectly secure from fire, and runs much lighter tlmn anj oiher machnie in use. For l'wrther informntion, sce Inrge bilis. Shop in Lower Tovvn. Priceto agree with the times. All orders for Machines will be-promptly attended to. Address. E. O. & A. CRITTENDEiV. Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co.. Mich July 8.1344. IJ Cm The Bïrncy Portraïts. THE Subscribers have on hand a quant ity o these large and splendid engravings.bcantifully executed on steel an exceüentartist. irom n paintinby E. AVr. Gooihvin Esq..of Albany. N. Y. They are a striking likenessof tjik Man, and make an elegant ornament for the pa; lor. For sale, wholesale and retail, at $8 per dozen, or:l,0ü each. by A. McFairen. Bookspller. Detroit, and by 'BECKLEY & FOSTER. Ann Arbor, Nov. 1, 1344. 28 tfWOOX.! WOO2.! CLOTH! CLOTHÜ npHE Subscribers would inform the Public JL ihat tliey wjll continue to manufacture gooci gHliypUk O1LOÏ1PIB9 at ihcir Manufactory, iwo and a half miles weft oiAtin Arbor, on the Iluron, on ihe fullowing TER MS. Until the first day o November, A. D. 1844. the pnce will be 37 cents per ynrd, or half' the cloihthe A'ool will make. From the Jstol November tothe 15th of May, 1845, the price will be 3) cents per yard. or nine twentieths of the cloth the wool will mukc, thatis. 45 yards out of 1 00 matiufiiciured. The wool will be inanufaclured in turn 18 it may come into the (áctory, as near as may be with reference to the diíFerent qualities. Any person who will furnis}) one o) inore pareéis of wool from 80 to 100 pounds of one quality can have it manufactured by i.tself. V.'ool will be rece ved at Scio. Wool seni by Rnilroad will be attended to in the same nianii er as iftheowner were tocóme wi(.h it - it shoulcl be carcfully niarked. We have manufactured cloth during the past year for n very large nutnber of customers. to whom we believe wu liave given very general satisfaction Viili thse facts and the advantages oflered by the low price at which we offer to. manufacture cloth, wc h pefor a lurge $hare yt pair,on.-ige. SAMUEL W. FOSTER &-CO. Scio. Washtenaw Co., July 25; 1844. 3-tl Slewr Hat Store. JAMES G. CRANE would respectfully info rni the Public, that he has opened a fine tuck of Hals, Caps, Stocks, Cravafs, Scarfs, Collar s, XJmbr ellas and Gloves, at No. 105, JèrTerèon Avsnue, Detroit, nearly opposite the U. S. Court Room and Post OHlce. whcro he will be haopv to see his friends and supply them wiih as good au article iïi htsiinè ;qs can be procured, ei:hor lu;ie or at theeast. and as cfieap. Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a fírst rate lashionable article of Hals or Caps, can be supplied by jsending theirsize ur have any style furnished to order in a few hours. and icairavtaL Lu suit. Cali and see- t may save you a dollar. JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,. July 12 1844. 13-G.n 1900 lls. Créese Feathers ! OF firet rat quality ibr sale by the pound o hund'red wcigBt inquantities to suit purcha sers. inaybe found ot RAYMONÜ'S CASH STORE. 1 32-tf ?4S Jefleison, Ave. üotrioiWRIOHT'S POOR MAM'S PILkS, An exceilpiit vegetable family Medicine, in cases oí Indigestión, Dispepsia, Liver Comilyints or Jaundice, Ague and FV.ver, Coated rungue. Sickhëss ni líe Sïomaeh. 6íck lleadche; Remittniíi and lii'riniiitcni FeVe'rs'!Cóüg1i8 Colds. Caiarrh, &c. &ftj Entirely vegetable. Lev me eiiifli.Miionllv omíneme lo heulili and couiueracting riisenfe y purüying the blood, Heansing the syslem of vituitod liumors. roniovi(ir cbstruoiions. siimuitirig fliö orgnns pf secretion, mingling wiih ihfood and ncliug every woy in liarmony witli tlie lyetem. For Iníjnmatory dispases need in oonnoction wiili ihc '"Rhéürnátic Piaster" ihcy wil] lie foiuid gicfi'ly lo íiid in the removal óf disenses for whicli the Piaster is above recommouded. imd (Kiiiicularly are 'hey ealculr.iod t,r nlj derange-r monis ofihe Dis'fl.v, nnd ÍY-Uatn Orgnns, the pn:nriry orií;in oía n.'.ilimido cif discutes. Frice - 25 cents nnd 50 cents a Box. For sale at Mosely's Booksioro. nnd by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for JVlicliignñ. "iG-ly Certifícales. Wuoi.siucjc. Li:n,hvkk Co., ) Aoig. 20. t'XÚ. For twelve ycars I hrivo lioen tiouhM with n rhe. inntic aíleotion n iny bock. so tlint .1 have hífrJy overheen Irce froni pain during the whoje liini and wiihui i welve hours afier I hnd appliec same oí Wright's Rheunintic Piaster. 1 was perú :tly easy, and have had no pnin since. STEPHEN CARY. Jackson Co.. Cor.umniA. ( Aug. 2), 184-1. ' 5 This mny certify tliat 1 kave usnd Wrighi's Pilis in my famüy in violent nttacks ofehill nnd ibllious íever. and iiave fouud lliem to be ihe best Pil Ib that J ever tised. nnd would recommeiul every iiunily (o koop them on hnnd. JAMF.S AWARTOUT Thobii'S'ín, Gkai'gv Co.. Omo. ) April 28j; 1844. ' ] This rnay certrfy thnt ] hnvo rísM WVigfíté1 Poor IVian's Pilis and Rheunintic Piaster n my practico, and would say to the public thnt they can rely unon their recommendation wiih the utmost confidence; in short, they only nced trying to recommend theniselvcF. RLV. II. R. SCOTT. M. D.. Lor.unk Co., Gr.KKN. May 16. 1843. Th? niay certií'y tint 1 have used Wriaht's Poor Man's Pilis in my practice. and find Thetn to be one of. ifnot íntircly. the best pills nowin uso; and would recommend every fanuly to keep them on hand. especially ihose who live nenr low, marshy lar.d. or mili ponds, or in an unhcallhy cliniato, JOSHÜA BASCOMB. M. D. Without adding more testimony of the efíicaey ofthe above mentioned medicine, wedo not hesitaíe to gay that sve are notaí'raid to have its virtuos tcsled by the side of any other of the kind that ever has been offered to an American public, and wc will let i, stand upon its own merits. For salo at Mosley's Bookstore. Ann Arbor. By Kellogg & Brothera, VVbite Pigeon. R. Williarr.s, Jr.. & Co., Su.rges Prairie Simeón Gaget, Quincy, Branch couney. A. K. Hall, W. A. Bliss, Jamestown, Ind. Elisha Steer, Angola, " Chester Moss. Albion. Michigan. A. P. ÏVIann &R. Sibley, Marshall, JMich. A. Callender. . "' E. Packer, Battle Creek. " C. W. Víning. Galesburgh, Capt. Brown, Prnirieville, " D. H. Medwood, Adrián, " Qunckenboss, & More, Tecumseh {i S. A. Rowley, Jonesvillc, " Ií. Oilbert. Manchester. ( W. H. Pauerson, Saline. " Harmon & Cook, Brooklyn, li Pierre Teller, Whoiesale Agent íor Detroit. Gco. P. Wright & Co.. solé proprietors for the United Stdte?, and Upper and Lower Crnada. All orders ancl biu-iness lelters ior jhe present. fnay be directed to Geo. P. Wright3 Columbia P. Ó., Jackson Co... Mich. It is for sale also at Morjroe. Mt. Clomens, Utica, Pontiac, and by Dubois &■ Wright, Jeílerson. Agenta for ihe Siate of Michigan. Kh.oork. Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25, 1841. Ten years since, I was taken wiih theScrofula, so that I liad no relief day or night, my limbs beingmucb swelled and covered with Úlcess, my breast and back in grcui pain, ond ñervos niuch shatiered. 1 applied to diflfirent Physicians, all of whom said there was no help for me, and all the remedies I tried preved úhavailing unti! ] irnde use of Wright's Anti Inflam. and Rheum. Piaster, which reduced the inflamation, iealed the ulcers. brought the skin to i ta natural col: and relieved the pnin. I would recommend it to all similarly afflicted, and am sure they will be satisfien after givinsr it a fair írial. CATHARINE ALLENSWORTH. Thompson, Geauga Co.. Ohio. Apríl 20, ]'84:$. ' I certify that my little boy put hls arms into boiling water, nearly to the elboA. so that when ihe dress wa,í taken off the skin carne with it: ader applying several remedies to no purpoan - the arm becoming much sv.-ollen and the child in great pain. 1 applied '-Wriglu's Anti IriSammatory and Rhcumatic Piaster," and within two hours hc was perlectly easy, and went to sleep. After to or threc duys T removed the piaster, and applied another, and when tlini was removed the ami was healedy exce)t a place tlie size of a shilling which was soon well. ] believe it to be the best art iele for a burií that can be proriu'ced, and would recommend all to keep it on hand in case ofaccidents. ELTZABETII BROUGHTON. NERVOUS D]SEASESare greatly benefit ted by ihe use of these pills; - as Nervous Headache, Tic Doloroux, St. Vitus' Dance, &c, thcir tendency being to soothe the irritábility of the system', 'a'Utiy pain, and induce quiet and ?-epose. Thöse afflicted with Coughs, Colds, InHuenza, &c, will find relief from the use of these pills. Exposure to cojd closes the pores of the the skin, checks perspi ration, retards the circulation, and produces varions inílammatory diseases. Does any onc percetve a cold coming upon him? Let him on going to bed, take sufficieiu to opérate smartly, and then every night, take enotigh to ]rod'.ice a mild opcration till the dÍ8ease abates. In case of Worms, Iet a tea ol Pink be taken frcely for 12 hours, and then administer Pills sufficient to produce a brisk.cathartic operation. 20-7 v. DR. OSGOOD'8 INDIA CHOLAGOGUS, AMONG the most valuable qualitit-s oi this medicine, s its restoring influnice upon constitutions impaiied and injurcd by previous attacks ol billious ieyer, or fe'ver and agüe; oí 6y a long reeidence in those climates which produce There are many constitution& which jetóme gradually undermined by a mJ{ismul niluerlce. without even u day's actual con'Hnemcnt. (n such cases, the Cholagogue acts likc a charm - thesallow complexion: loss of appetitc, lansiuor, wearincss and depression o( spirits. witL Sther unpleasant symptoms which render life 0 jnrden, al! yiteld to this re.niedy when faithfully used accordiog to the directions of theaccompnnying pamphlet. Il is cntirely a vegetable prep iraii'm, and may be taken wuh perfect SLÍcty under all ciiciniisinnct'S of the system. For sale by 3G W. S. .Sr J. W. MAYNARD. sole Agent, for Ann Ar.bor a:id vicinity. síncláír&"chase7 JTTOBJYEYÜ APfh COUJVSELLOIiS AT LAW, (OFFTCE LOWKR TOWN, 4 N N ARBOR,) Will ttend 'o all business in ihcir proicasion svith afidelity and despatch. Paricular attention will be i'iven to collecting. ROBI-VUT I'. 8INCI.AIK, KT)VAB1 1?. CHASEMarüh20. 1844. AZ-y. M1ÍS C. BUFFINGTON would rcspectfully inform the Ladiesof Ann Arbor and .ts vicinity that she lias receivcd the fnll and win.erfasiiions. GTOJ. Nov. 14. 1814. 3l)tf. Flax Secd lVantël!.r THE Sibscriber will j.ay ONE DOLLAR in cash for good Flnx Seed delivcred at tin; store of Bccklcy t Hick ín Ann Arbor, or C C. Waldo at. Pontiac. D. L. LA-TOURETTE. Fcb. lst', 1845. 41-3:n'J'JJK MJSSÉS CL-ARKS' J Young Nadies' Seminary, ANN ARBOIt, MICHIGAN'. MARY H. CLARK, Principal. CI1LOR A. CLARK, Vice Principal. M. L. WALTER. Teacher o( Music on ihc Píán'o. CMMY BEUR M ANN, Teacher of Geïmnn and j the Guiinr. - RllOliYE. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenile De parnm-nt. F. MARKU, TêaeHeï of Mathcniaticsand Vocal t Musie. ' H. F. SCÏJOFF, Teacher of Fruncí) and Classics, f TIIIS Insütu'.ioti ha& been in opcration si nee , November IS. I Hoi). Thescholastic y car j, embraanu t-iülit weeks, tvvo tenrs. ■ sing tvo qurtpters eaeh - twelve weeeks in a qnarter - i genernl exuminaiion at the close of each temt - in Fcbruary and A neust. T-tib lnst (n.-u-ícr 61 tKë present tcrni cnm inencetl November 25. of Tuitio.w - For the Enalish branch os, 2,50 to 5 per quarter. No roduction made for alsrnce, except in case of sicknrss, and no pupil taken for Iets thau a qunrter. Extra eluir ges are made formuwio on the Piano, with the use o' the instrument, tLB,00 Frëncb, 3,0fi Lotin, S;ÖO Drnwihs and Painting. 5,00 Fancv Work, &ftë Board, includ'ing was-hing, Iighl:-. &c, $1.75 per week if ynicl ia advance. or $2,00 per weck t if paid ut the dose of the qnarter. . c Purents and guardians are invited to visit tlie school cverv Friday. wjiön tlie studies of the week riic rcyTéwed - a'so semi-monihly ón ' ncsday nfiemoon. at readingof the week!)' cortip'öéHi'ons. Having purcliasedn healthy and commodious building in a picasant and convenient pan of tlie villagc, no paiflg or expense shall be sparc-d ti (bcilitate the studies and render tlie situation of the voung ladies profitable and aaiccnl)!e. Yüimgladies desirous of enlering tlje school anti púrsuing" ihe regular cours-J of stndy. would do wcll lo conimence at the begining of the . qunrter. Belonging fo the school are a Libran' of herwee;n tliree and four hundred voiumes, and Phiosophicnl Apparatue. Electrical Machine, Globn.s, &c Sciejitific lectores are delivered before the school ut. proper intervals. The Misses Clark will endenvor, nut onlyto promote the inteüectusl culture of their pupils but will attend strictly to thcir moral tlepürtmcni. With a deepsense of religious rcsponsibility. they would give sueh a tone to characier, as shnll render it practically fiacd for every station- ing todutybut fnni to principie. , Arnong tlie books used in the school are. Abercrombic vn the Inteilcctuol and Moral Powet - Kane's Elements of Ciiricisir. - Wayland's Moral Scicnco - NéAvrnaii's Itheipnc - lledge's Logic - Palcy's Natural Theologyand Evidenccs of Christianity - Comsioek's Cheiüistty ind Natura] Philosophy - Combe's Physiology - Mis. Lincoln's Botany- Eaton's Manual of Botanyöurritt's Geogiapliy of the Heavens- First, tice . ond and Tlnrd Books of liisiory - Mis. Wil liard's Rcpublic of America. - Phdps' Legal Classics - Playfair's Euclid. and Davic's Algebra and Ariihnietic - Parker's Natural Philosophy. The Misses Clark have taujíht a Yoting Lailies School ibr sevcral years in the Ci;y of New York. and are furnished with testimonial from Ut. Itrv. Beïiiamiri Onderdonk. D.D. . and John M. Griscon, M. D.. of Nesv Yr ik, Rev. .1 L. Filako. of Brooklyn, and Mis. Km ma Willard, ol Troy, N. Y. ; aiso, reference. is made. by pernijssion. tp the followin;; genlenicji : Ut. Rev. S. A. McCóskry. D. ÍD'. Roh'erj Rurhsey and L. B. Misner. Esqrs., Rcv. Isíiac S. Ketchani. Centreville ; Rcv. .1. JJudson. White Pigeon , Rev. .1. P. Cleveland, nnd fieo. Ketchum. Marshall ; FFon. Wm. R. Deland. .Tnckson: Paul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. 11. Winan.. Adrián: Daniel FJixson. Cliníon: Gafdine. Wheeler. M. D.. Howell; Rev. F. H. Cuminir'. Grand Rápida; Rev. ïf. Colclnzer. Rev. A. M. FhcIk S. Den ton. M. D , P. Bnghain, M. D.. Hon. Wm. A. Fleicher, lion. Vm. R. Thomp .son, E. Mundy, Esq., John Alh;n. Esq.. Geo. W. Jewctt.Esq., Col. Thomas Mosely, Capt. J. Perkins. Thomas M. Ladd, F. ñ.iwyer. Jr.. Esq . late Superintendent of Public Instruction. Professors Whiting. Williams and Houchton. oí the Univcrsity of Michigan. Ann' Arbor: James Birdsall and Rcv. John Beach, Fünt; Amos Mead. Esq., Farmington. The Ibllowing entlenien, Rev H. Colclnzer' Rev. O. C. Comstock. Rev! A. M, Fitch. Kcv. Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whiting and Williams, of die University of Michig-.nn. and F. Sswvcr. Jr.. late Superintendent oi' Public Tnstnicnon. have conspnted to act asa visiting connnitteo ol the school to bé'present when the wceklv s:u iies are reviewed: but espccinliy to aucnd during the siiini-anr.unl cxaiiiinations. AugustO. 1844'. r,4tf ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ND RÍIEUMAT1C PLASTER, AN efficiënt remedy for Rheumatism. Fever Sores, White Swellings, Felons. Pain oi weakness ín ihe.Back, Breast. Side or Lunbs. Burns. Bruises, Crarhps, Chilblnins. fiver niu' 'Lung aftfcuons. Indolent Tumors. Spinal aflecliosn. lnfiamedEyes, Sec. &. It is unsuspassed in all Inflanimatory diseases. eithor Chronic or Acute, asit operatesby g and redirivr lnflamation, nllaying Pain. Sweating trc parts aH'ected, and by its stiengihening and Anodyne proporties givingspeedy relief. Also nvaluableasan anti-mercnrial piaster. Price i?5 cents per Box. - For further particulars, scp circulating P;nnphlet.) For sale ai Muscley's BookstoYe, Ann Aibor, and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigan. 16-1 y T1ÏËTRÏJË" PA 1 N WH1CH cureslikea eharni all BURNS by fire or water, and every externcl SORE. PAJN. INFLAMMATION, ACHE or 1TCHING ever yet.found npon the human family. l which it has been applied. must alwnysbc sougl t genuine from Cuinstock and Co., of New Yoik, or iheir authorized agents. All a,'e cautionid against any spuVious articles, which may alwyys bc avoided by knowing the one you buy con s from Comstock & Co , who are now the o.ily proprietors and manufacturers. Inquire for Ccnnel's, which is warranicd to do all i'. ever uoi:!d whencalled by any other name, or the pricoshall be refundcd in any case ï f ie does not picase. To place it within reach of all, the price haf been rcduced more than four fold, and is now sold for 25 cents, the former price being too c.oibitiint. The 50 cent size now contains four unies iis mlich as the lornier. and the $1 size near ten times as niucli. No tamily that has any tille to humanity, will fail to have Connei.'s Pain Extractor Ointment always at hand, to save life, allscars, and reduce nll agony from nny burn in five minutes, provided they have seen il used. or will believe thoso whc have used it. COMSTOCK & CO., 21, Counland Street IT Bcsure.thcrefore. and ask fo; Connbi's as our pi ite with Dalley's nnmc o it hns bepn stolen, and the spurioi.s. may appear wnh tint name on it. Know. therefore. that it comes directlv from Comstock & Co., or shun it. re i WM'. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. 'jq Acent for Ann Arbor. Estray. TAKEN un by 'he subscribcr, on the 2fih o' September last, in the town ol Northicld. n small chesnut colored mare, of the poney breed, with a star in the forehead, supposed to be aboui 8 or 9 yeais old, branded A. C. on the shoulder. The owner is requestcd lo prove nropeny, pay charges and takp her away. NATHANIEL SM1TII. Northf.eld. Nov. 1.1844. '9-8w DRAB BROAD CLOTH for carrjnge trimmino Cords and Tassels for winriow nhades, for rale by' W. A. RAYMOND, ?,2 tf 143 Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit. WÖOB ! V7ÖÖD ! f WE want some from subscribpre itnmcdiately Oct 18. 1844.&cw Goods ! New Go o ris ! ! ril E umWsigned I hos jusi received hm eupply ofFallCoods froinN . Y. C.y. BesidVea n8t rat nsbonment of Sheetings, Cotton Yarn ■illed Cloths. Broad Cloihs. md oiher Sianlé joods, he is just opening i splcndid lot of Jlich, Woosied Damask Shawls, Jst quality. Brocha, do do Kabyl. do do (.'as-lmiero, do Fushionablc C'iavuii. llicii Bonnet Ribbons, Fashionable head Irirntnings. Vclvct " ALSO. k r.EAtf'nitjr. assoutmekt ov JnHss'sTUFFS3úcn a-5 Cn slim ere D'Eeosse, Mu.slin DeLaineParissíüines. Robroy Plaid, Prints of ever,' des-xription. black Álapncn, figúió& black Alapnca1Plain. colored Alapaca, (iguied, col'd Aiap; Plaid, and Changeable Alapacn. The tindersifriu'd Jias in nddüion to á ñtsz' aio rnsonnxiu o( Staple and Fancy Diy Goodtf"ï choice lot of Teus ana Cofl'ee, for faniily use! Aha, a lar ge lol of GreeEc Feathers, Paper Hang ings and Travelling Baskets. IJ is Sioek is well süiiéd io both city and courw try mule. Country people are invited to cali and look and satisiy theniselves ihst his stock wil beur coinparison either in qunüty or price wit& any óther in tho wésiSrh C( tmtiy. W. A. RAYMOND. Ï'i8 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit'. Och 14. 18'. y4; ttt j3J nnHt; suhscriber has reQiSL K moved his Shop to Main C J Sueet opposite H. Beck'jWpv yl (Jrs lick Slorp, where ïflfo) is lira e nia)' bc foiind ready to kAV i c2íÍ vva'' WP.P.P pij that niay give tffr' int-f liavingjust reeeivtxl direct irom New York an oicgaQt siock oi' and Fancy Anieles, wliich he iiitends to se 1 loinnr thnn }ias ever beun sold wm ol' Buflhlo lor .Rund! Pa ij Ovhj. Aruonij wlich may bc fbuñd n goód tfssoruineni of Cn!d and CVimnon VVatch Koye, Gold Finger Rins and Boeom Pj.ns, (iuavd Cltnins. Silver Ten and Table Spoorts, Stigar Tongs. Bnilè'r Knives. Silver Beiteil cases. Silver and Conmion Tliimhles, Silver tinectacle. Ger:nan; do. Steel. do. Unir Brnslus. Clothcs. do. Tooi?), do. LathVr', do. Fine Razors nnd Poeket Knives. Fine s'hears and Seissnis, Inher Bo.ïcs. Razor Str.ops, Wallett?. Pnrses. Violins and Bows. FÍiites. Viulin and B;jss Viöl Stringrs. Claronet Reeds. Percus-" sion Caps. Pocket Pisiols". Britt.inn.ia Candiesiicks. Waicïies. Lener Stnmps, Sirel Pens and Tsvetzors, Hnuft' and Tobacco Boxes Ffne Cpnihs. Dressiiig, do. Side, do. Back. do, Slielí,do. A'eedics and Cases, Wuier Paints. To- Walches. Kid Dolis. a préat vnriety of Toys toe nunieions to mention, Beftdí, N eek faces, Fancy" ro.esr Are. &.c C'i.ix;k.s nnd Watcuks of evcry c!escri'prio;i rep'aifed and wanantod; afso. Jewelry repairedon slion no tice. CALVIN BÍ.ISS. N. B. Cash p.wd for OLD GOLD AN1 SILVER. c. B. Ann Arbor, Oet. 24. 1844. 28-tf. K. & J. IL. BAVIDSOÑ, HAVE novv on hand a completé assorirneiit of FALL-flND JUTTER DRY GOODS,, GROCERIES, SHELF-HABDHARE, 4-C. a w'nicli ihey wül sel i dieap for rendy pny. The' iííhcst niMilíci price pnid at all times íor Pork and all other kimls of produce. Aun Aibnr, Lower Town. Nov. 20. 184I . ."1 Westcyan Booksl TUF. Subscrüieis have just received a pood snppiy pi Weslcyan Uooks ii om ilie })tpository nt New York. Tbose wishinc to purcl;a-e will picase cali and examine for iheinselyes: BF.CKLEY & H1CKS. Ann Ai .?r. Lower Dec. ri. .18-1-1. M-fivt " c a m %r "bë""bëatT" jyk w b o o t, su o É iê]yr lea theh Ann Arbor. Lowcr Toicv. #r= Q FELCUbas removed ■"Ijj o bis establishment fruni pi - ƒ ihe Upper to ihe Luwer VilIfe I löge; Ño. 4: IJnron Block, .?_ j jJ&ZZ&. where he holds liinifiell in M sSí readiness to 'dress the "i.nWÊjgL thrïfrindhigs" ol every'Man, ' ' Woman and Child who wilf rtftj3 givo liim a cali. in the neatcst and best TTiannerthat enn be done in Michigan. LEATlIlül and FJNDJiNGS of uil -Kind constanily on hnnd. WANTKD, Cayhnnt] Uitleg in any qirami-' ties. lor whieh the hiyhcst piices will be given. ' (EJLet none purcha&e imiii ihcy have called' at Folch's. No. 4. Union Block. Ann Arbor. May 4. 1844. 3-Jy Beady Made Clothingü! TL1 E LA JiG i'.ST and best assortrnent ot ready made clothing 2 er before oflered in this State now and for rale. Wholesale or Retail, at the Clothing Einporiuni ot ihe subscribers, coiïsisting in pari of plain and fancy Beaver, Pilót. Broad Cloths and other siylcs ot Over Coats. Tweed Cossimere: Beover, Pilot. Domestic Cloth. ünion Cassimere und tíalinutt Froek andBusiness Coats. ., Fine, I'lain and Fancy Cassimere. Blue and Black Broad Cloih, Twecds and other styles ot Poninloon?. , Plain and fancy Silk nnd Silk Velvet, Woole Vclvct Merino. Sr.iin and Cassimere Vests, fco._ &c. &c. togethcr with a very large stock of conimon lowpriced Over Coats. Business Goal.l'nntaloous nnd Vests. ench as bluo and black Flushing, Saline!, Kentucky Jenne, ComrnouTweeds, &c. &c. Also; an eïtensiye assortn.entol Hosiery. Stocks, Scnrfs, Ilandkerdnef. . RtaiFam I.amb's Wool r.nd Meüitaö Drawers nnc Shirts. Comlbners. Gluve?, &c. &c . n 1 of wh.clr w libe sold very low for Cash. They wou J respectiully invite nll in want of ready made. aannents to cali and examine their stock bejorainirchasingclsewhcie. os it has been seleoted witi Ti-cat care in the Eastern markets, nnd manofacr Tuved in the laiest styles nnd most durable íminnari. IIALLOCK & RAYMOND, Corner of JetTerson and Avenues Detroit. Oct. 10. 1844. :im'2ur' GRATÍdIIVEE TTT7ILL probnbly be navigable witliir i fivoW years. as far south as J. T. PRA I TS S. STORE, where the inhabitants of Michigan can. now be supplied with ■Dry-Goodsy Groceries, Medicines, Bools 'SHbfri Hatsy Cabinet Ware, MiUStones. BolUng-Cloth, Palent SmtU Machines, Kristal's. Sarsaparilla.. 20.000 boxes of Prntt's Pilis, singlo box 2 jfciJt lings, Life Bitters, 50 cis perBoitlc,. ' a choicclot of CIIEESK.. . made in Western New York. The-propmtor .pledgeshimselflo aellas, as any Morohant inN.l:-AW kinds of Country Produce, lüinber. brick. lime, wood, bougbt or sold w n will snit customers best. A good farm and iorr ty acres ol wild land f r sale. . Admiitnnco JS'o. 1, Blau.'s block, ncar tno River. Jackson, Mich. q9 r . Nov. 2I: 1844. ""


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