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State Legislature

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In the House, Mr. McLeorJ f rom the mrh to whorn was referred ihe petition of Heriry Gibb-, Jun.,finfl twenty-tlireoihery ii'lüibi'i.iri's of' the cotinty of Clinton, prayinp :hat tlie luws of the State of Mirhigan mhj be -'o simplified as to come within the knowlcd'e of every person and that every ntan ray be iidmitted to the bnr, mnde a roport thereon nccompnnied wii.h o bill to simplify the Iaw of' iht: State of Michigan ro ns to come wHhin thetinowledge of every pere?on nd to admit every roon to tho bar and tbr other purposes.The report of tflie committee was accrpted, the cummittee rf'ischargpd from the ftirtber considerntion of tmid' pe!ïfrorrnnd trie siM BiU read Ist and 2d time o nd: refierred' to the commiltee of the whole. On mot ion of Mr. Pratt, The report was laid on the tabie and otdfer ed to be prinfed, and On motior of Mr. Hnzleton, Five huiidredi copies of the report wee r dered. The bill to modify the license Lnw, pawed? the Señale and wnc amonded in the Houwon coming back to the Senaie was pased by ihat body- ayes 14, nay L, (Mees. Nil and Thnrber.) A difficulty bas arisen betwcen tÜe Sèntir and the U. S. District Couit, growwg 4 of a case of privilege. It eecma tbtt Mr. VVilliata-,. Senator from Snginaw, wrs cited .o appear before ihe U. S. Court at a witnr but refusedi on he ground of hia privilegiar a Senator. Wherenpon his Honor, Jlidjje' , Wükin?, 6ent an officer aftcr him, and arrested1 him his seat in the Sennte, for eontempt of court. Señóte, ntRíng dauntedj ent iheir sergeantat-armp, and arresled the Judp nn Cle'-k of the Court, and broupht tben befóle the Spna'e. but not beng rendy to trjr them, aareed to let them run at larget fronk Saturday to Mondny, provided tbey woul promise to be tlien on hnl for trial. Tbi Jndge Wilkins pósïliyeïy refused to do, kut he was not cotnmilïed to jai!. The flair not fettl'prf at or Intest dwte. The principie involved'iii thp controverey may be of im !por:nnce: bt it was net wise ter entee such a unnecessariliy. In tbo House, a bilí ws paseí mting tb Upper JVnimnïla inlo ex conniies. The bilí to incorpórate the People Bank of Miebignrv was lost ia ie Senate on U final pat-sage. The bilt to provide for takinjr the eensut of the State was disciwsed in the Senpte. The Legielature will probaWy djoV about the &Otb instant, perhapi JlttUJWlT' -


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