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A Mngnetic Telegraph is in progress irt the city of New York, according to thê correspondent of the National Intelligencer, who says: Workmen arenow busy arrnnging the Wires for a mognetic telcgrojih between the "up-town" and "down-town" people. The wires are to pnss through Broadway, and the "down-lown" depot is to be at the Clay Committee-room, in the Express buildings, near the hond of Wall streel. The "up-town" terminus will be for the present at the rooms of the Lyceum of Natural Hiitory; in Broadway near Prince street. One object is to establish a communicütion for the convenience of gentlemen wliose places of business are far distan l from their homes. Er rand boys are to be in attendance to carry messages. A gentleman, for instance, wishes to send word to his wife that he will bring home a friend to dine with him. By the ordinary modes of conveynce, it would take an hour at least to fcpprize her of the fact. By the telegroph, the important communication may be riiade in less than five minutes. - Again, Mrs. Srnith, from her "up-town" abode, wishes tö inform her liege lord, who is as far down town as the Bowling Green, that the baby is sick, and ihat he must come home immediately. - The accommodating telograph commuinunicales the mándate with lighting-like celerity; and in five minutes from the time she sent the summons, Mrs. Smith receives the assu ranee that Mr. Smith ia "on his way up." Indeed, it will be oifficult to imagine all the advantages of this establishment. If Mr. Smith has any thing to detain him from his dinner, insteadof leaving his wife to fret over his absence, and imagine that he has been run over by an omnibus, he sends a laconic message like this: "Unavoidably detained; shall dine at Delmonico'sj don't vait."A Boy ofQ years Drunk and Dead. - We learn by the Jersey City Advertiré r that Martin O'Donnell, a lad of only eight years, died suddenly on Sund;iy morning n cunsequence of 'being excesivcly intoxicated the day previous, causing convulsión and exposures!' Such was the verdict of the Coroner's inquest at the office of S. P. Luikins, Esq. It is spoken of as anotber instance of the effect of unlicensed rum-sellmg, which exïsts, it is said, to an alarming extent along Newark Avenue. Odd Fellowship. - The great success which atfends these admirable associattons, among our male fellnw citizens, has prompted similar combinatinns wiih the same philnnthropic views among the female portion of theconirnunity. They hold regular meetings atui admit members of good standing, bot h married and single, at a fee of $2. Strict temperancë is a fundamental requirement. They are calculated to be of vast benefit to our hard worked but poorly paid femaie population, in the hour of need - N. Y. Morning News. Wálking Variely and Provisión Store. - An old ladvj npparently obout fifty years of age, genteelly dressed, with cloak and muff was recenily brought ino the New York pólice office, upon a charge of attempting to steal an umbrel]a. Upon searching her, the following articles wece found secreted in her muff, viz: two ladies' caps, one hat feather, one tv'or.sted hood, tWo pairs aï worsted mits, one dozen spools catton, one gentleman's glove, one waryted cuff, two cut glass tumblers, and four business cards. Tied to her waisfj beneath her dress, were foür Iarge pockets, within which were found three Iarge oysters, one boüed crab, one steak of fresh eodfish, seven Iarge red onfons, two ver y ífirge fiat Dutch turnips) one orange, one poiatoe, three Iarge pieces of tañVí four doughnuts, two muffins. two fancy poundcakes, and a copy of Bishop Onderdonk's triaLLegislalive Joke - A Cavtion (o Sleepivg Membert.-- Goodjoke is reialecíof' a muñir ber of the Letrisluture of JSla6sachusotts from one F the country towns, wlio was m the hiibit of sleepiug at his post. There wu6one bill, relaiing to the físheries, on which he was very desirotig lo mnke n 6peech. AecoTfJiiiIv he got his next. neighbor to wake bim tip, whenever the bill was called for. It ea happened that a bill to pnn.ish Ihe crimes of adültery and fornicutinn had just been read, wfien, ly accident or otherwisp, eome one trod on the toe of the leepinjr meinber, vvho sprjngmg to hh feetrbegan, "Mr. Spenker, 1 have a word )o say on that subject, for more tlian half of my eotstituents get their living by it." Tht Mother of Grncchi. - Oíd Virginia is generally calkd by patriota in th''ir frofiCf, the "fnother of the Gracchk" We railier think she ia nlo, byeeennd ma-rrifigo, "mo! lier of he office benrcjars." According to rocent date., more one huif ef the office bolcters Jit Washington are Virginins.- JY. Y. Hcmld. Farewell Ball. - President Tyler gave a fareweU Buil on the evening: of the J9ih ült., which wne nUrndRd by over 2,000 persons. - The Póreig-n MiiiiHtera and a grent nlimbei of the Army nd Navy officers nttended in full uniform;, nnd it is eatd that the oldest Government officials took part in the danco.In the United Service Magazine (No. 183,) there is an article devoted to the doingsoi' the ent - ihe wcapon with which Madame Glory rebukes her naughty children: 'Men have declared to me,' snys nn officer,' Hliat the sensation experienced at ench lash, was as though the talons of a Hawk were tearing the flesh off their bon es.' Hear General Sir Charles Napier on ihe ca'. - the real streamers of the Recruiting ! ■; i ií: "I have seen many hundreds of men fiogged, and have observed ihnt when the skin is thorcughly cut vp or jlayed off, the great pain subsides; and they bear ihe remainder without a groan. They will often lie as without life, and the Drummers appear to be fiogging a lunip of dead raio Jlesh. The faces of the spectators (soldiers) assumed a lok of disgust. There was a whiVpering sound, scarcely audible, issuing f rom theapparently stern and silent ranks; a sound arising from lips that spoke not, but that sound was produced by hearts that feit deeply. The low sound sometimes resembled what may be called snijfmg, and mayie occasioned by an increased flow of tears into the nostrils."Arts of Beggars in New York.-- A writer in this city, to a New Haven paper, alludes lo 'Hwo wretched looking wotnen, with emaciated ïnfants in their arms, begging bread," neara fashionoble jeweller's shop, in Broadway, where the rich were making libera) purchases. In relation to this nllusion, the Tribune has a correspondent who tells this story: "A few months since, aclergymnn in this city was frequently visited by a fernale, who uniformly brought in her arms an in fan t clothed in rags, andso poorand emaciated that apparently the little sufferer's existence could not be many days prolonged. After suitable relief had been furnished to the child, in the way oíclotbing, the clergyman went to another house lo make a cali, and there he found the "living skeleton," again, he had just relieved. This time it was in the hands of another mot her, clolhed in rags as before. "Me investigated the matter, and round that the child was slarved for the purpose of being used as capital in begging - ihat four different lemales used it for this purpose, each using different streets to exhibit inj and all claimed it as their own. They cleared by the operation about six dollars per week." - V. Y. Express. Foiti-nc. - Mr. Willinm H. Grnbnm. our fellow puffe:er by the late fie, yeterd'iy recoven d fren ilift roins the roll of' moripy and ukl wuicli wbicn he left under hU pilluw in Htó set-ond story back rOoru when hé jumped troin tlie back wii;dow to escape ilie mintr element. IJ i wascli s prohnbly used up as a watch,, liamis, Sic. gonc, ni)(i the rer-idue looking likea badly baked lumip; but ihe {rold is the'e slill. n'id the workf inay pot be uttcrlv wor hless . Bsit ihe recuv cry ofliis money is liltle sliort of rininjlous. It w;ie dnubiless envere?, at nn eurly stnge dfthe firo, y n fnlling' w.ill or otiier hav) body, nntl th'oiih scorched mand blacketied tn ilmt nmch of, it must be retnrned to the issu;n? banks, it is there, ($413 ont -fí3i475,) nno is mnney still. The out side bilis were burn; ..ff, wi'h the piH6fï which contamed the whole. We do not lenow wlirrn an extraurdinruy fitreak of gooi luck could have p'.erced the roulds of misforti') ne more entirely to our mimi tlian in this particular, ca&e. - A. Y. Tribune.The present cnlloquies of ihe leading Whigs, rnn aftfr this sort. as we opine: Judge Jï . - This is toe bid: we h;ive borno nnd foroone, buMhe South 'is insathble. We t.mst have a pnrty to reeene the governmeiH Ironi the grnsp of ihe tOuveholdets. Hou. M' 2?.- That is very true. ■ We hhiiKiPirri n nomina ting Cay. Mr. Webster was right. t wish we had nominated hii and stpod by liirn. Col. C. - That cnu't be helped now. And we b-lunderod flgain in siarting tltis nativism. It is (iiaying the' miscliief with us. Alt this proves to mv mind thal we want a great priuciple lo mlly on. Judge Jl. - Just so. We must have a party opposed to ilie slave power. That h, after all, the great quesïion of this repubüc. 1 have made up my mind fully to such a party. fían. Mr. B. - But wbnt eliall we do wilh the Liberty party? I woukl lake that giound if it liud not heen spoiled. Cul. C- Ves, Judge, the Liberty men ar righ:, but they nro an impracticable set. To j'iin them woiifd be letting ourselves do u. - And to ftup short of thcir posiiion would be ridiculons. There is not room elewhero to forma party. I wish they were out of the woy ! - Bost. Chron . It is said that Cfrpf. Tyler's Lady President is atrended on reoeption days, by iwelve mnids of honor, six on eitlier side, cffessed nll alike; nnd that her Serene Lovliness 'receives,' upon a raised platform, with a head-dress forrneü of birgles, and resembling a crown. Such npingof royalty would be conterrrptiWe under any othcradministratron than the present. The Randól-plt Will Case has gone in favor of the freedom of sla ves, three hundred in number, who are to have besides, $30,000 and a year's woges. It is said lands will be purchasod for them in Texa3.Mahommcdan Views on American Politice. 'he New OrJeans Picayune sets tlie following snw'' in mofion, purporling to be a frve transfition from a Constantinople paper of on artile iipon the 6iibject of the lntc Presidential epction. There is no doubt Umt the translasjree enough, and t certainly is amusing: - 'Of three candiilates,' says lije Constantino !e editor, ■ now seeking to be Califfof Amecn, 1vo nre mpn of remftrkable endowmenis nd' iho oiher is naturally popular n the nut hern Stniee. In the north, where there re few people of color, the strugle will b a lose one be'ween Mr. Klni and Mr. Polk ; ut in thepouth Mr. Birner, he beinjr a black inn, wil! of conrse carry evfrv thinp befor? ijijri. Shonld eithor of thetn bechosen,it is nderetood that the friei.ds of the otlier will ancf thempr-lves in order to escape procsripnn - a sppcips of guillotine very much dreaded by pfiliticions and said to be an improvRment to the bowstrinr. In case Mr. Bshould rinniph, there appeirs no doubt that the vhole white popula' ion will be put to tbe word. Of course tbc? snecess of either of the irst nnmed gentlemen will onsnre the decaptation of the negroe, and produce a foreign wnr, nsGrent Bn'ni.n hns Fworn to protect o ace of people from wbich she gathers so much wool to pull over other people's eyea.5'The population of Missouri aceordinjj to he Slíiie census tnken last yonr is 511,987, of vhich 70,300, nr nbout eme seventh,areslves. til l,f)51 free portons of color. The city of St. Louis is reported ns having a ppnlation of 34.140, a nomber that eeemsalmost incredible, even with a knowledge of the astomshing growth of tbat town. A Washineton letter to the Newark Adveriser snys- "The American Flng floats to day over the Washington slave pen! the jail for mprisonmont of slaves- -in honor of the expecied arrival of the Pre-ident elect- James Í. Polk! Truly, a proud spectacle!" The Pardoning Power. - Tke extent to which Governor Porter, of Penn., hae abuecd tli8 power is eadly exhibited in a report to ihe Legislature, by the Secretary of that Commonwealth. According to that document, the mmber of Pnrdons and remissrons of punisiiment. diifin the admin'stration of Porter, is bout Eight Hundred! As nunrly as can bei. ui luiiicij, iiicir. hciu, iiiiniiiii wiai uuinucr 175 remissions of fines and fwfeitures, nnd 325 pnjdonK - of vvhicli fijtyfioe toert, granted 'irore t-tal! Of the permms tlins pnrdontd, 35 were convic'ed of Murder; 25 of Man■laujihter; 27 of Burglary; 22 oF passing Counterfeit nioney; HnfArson; 10 of Rape; nnd the rest of less flagrant crimes! It is the most fhnrtieful buee of thnt power which appears on recoid. - Oakland Gazelte. The Slavfry Sentiment. - Fora time tl)is new power was treated with ridicule; nnd afler that, wilh pqually ónwise vioicnce Bnd f'urv. Bu't ngainst bo:h, it kept on its way, trronin in magnitude and strength - !ess, however, by its oiva encrgiea than by xhc misjuilged efforts of its oppnnpnts; and now the people of the South can perceive tliat il hns asumed n form and posision which will command from thern, and frorn all who love hfe Uniot', Uieir wiseat and most prudent endeavore. Anti slnvery csnnot be 'nughed down; nor can it be crushed by in'emperaie force. It must be met by reason. patrioiism. and an parnest deMre to avert the eviU which it hreatens, ns wel! as those of whicli it com()lain. Ann thi? truih is beginniiig1 io dawn Min the miiifl8 of the epleof the Suuih. - JYew York True Sun.Oregon. - In the petition f rwarded U Congríes bv Mr. Whiney, of New York pmving for a grant nf land. 60 miles n widih. and 2160 in lengih, from Luke Michigan tt the Piieific, to sid liim in the conetruclion of ii Ruil Road thrmigh the grant; and for a sur vey of the route at the public expense, the distances are ihvis given: New York lo Lake Michigan 84o miles. Lake Michigan 10 the Pacific L,160 " Total from N. Y. to the Pncific 3,000 ♦ Tbence to the Sandwich Islonds 2,100 " Sandwich Islands to Anioy, Chino 4,100 " Total from New York to Amoy, 9,200 " Distnnce by the present route, 17,000 " The estimated distance '.o' Japan r 600 miles le.8. Time rrquired on the new rnntf - 8 dnys from New York to Pucifir, 22 day thence to Amoy - m all 30 duys from New Yrk t o Cbina. Tlie esiimated cost of the road is $65,000,000. According to a Frenrh paper, two Judies ofquniity in Paris, lately hntí asevere 6trug ge fir the glass which the celebralpd pianitü Lipzt, had tooched with his lips. The vic torious me "clnsped convulsively the preciou relie, searching, in her inexpressibfe d'eliriiim. to find with her lips, place where the celebrated arlist had plaeed his. The Boston Chronicle rather feefingiy remark?, that "the race of fools is not likely to become r.vnnct if these ladees are to become tnothrrs."Very Good. - An anti-"Twenty-one year's" argument was employed by an Irishmnn, in NeW York. the otherday: - "And does'nt Professor Bush say that the matter that makes up our bodies changes onst n siven years? Well, it is more nor nine years since I come toAmeriky! Whatifíhad an Irish carease then - I must have a Native one by this time, made on the soil." Young, OHe of the Bïormon'smtS,has wrUten n teiter to the elders of Urot beautifu) clnitch cnntnining the follovinj c1oice nnd onostuüc counsel:-- "Elders who go abroni Jind borrow horpes or money anti" ruri away with ii, wil! bc ent off from the church without cïirrmony: and they need not look foríkat lenrty rthidi they have had heretojore.n In a recent trial for slander at Öaltinïore whereihe damages were laid at $100,000 the jury bron jht in a verdict of leent dam ages.Keep il before the people. - That the edifors of the Kennebec Journal published that forged letter against Mr. Birney THREE TIMES withiu ten days, and sent it all over the State prior to the presidential election. with Mr. Birney's positive denial of nearly every essential slatement in it in their possession. That they have never vet published the letter which Mr. Birney did write to Garland, on account of which he was so villainously abuaed. What do the people of Maine say to this conduct? - Liberty Standard. The Fire. - The ruine are slill smoking. Tl-e Iron Safe beiongmg to the office of the New York Tribune, containing account books? and other valuable papers, was on the secoud floor, and was set n to descend when the builing feil, in n state of white heat. It Iny mid the buming ruina for thirty hourp, near v, or quite all the time red liot, ond yetit was aken nut, ond on opening il, n 11 wizltin was ound in a perfect state of preservation. This s surely a highly rpcommendulion of the arcicle.'' - True Wesleyan. A Shghl Mistakc. - A young lady out West who wished to hnvethe one room of a tigr-honse appenr to the best odvat)te on a certain occasion, Jtad some trouble n keeping a large dog outside the door. After havintf turned hitn out for the third or fourth time, sle heard a sltght tap upon the door wliich sho suppoped to be the rtog's paw ond cried out. "Bofe, yon old dog, you niay rap os long as you're a mind to, but I wout let you in." Ii was the clergymnn, vho had jijst commenced paying his addresses to her!Power of Freemasonry .-Mr . Work, one of the Mission Instilute etndeiits, s?ntenced br twelve yeara to the pcnitenLiary oF Missouri, for aidinr slaves to escape, and Jutely initioned, alter i bree years confiuement, issa-d to be a freemason - and it is further stated that this fact, witíi tbe influence oftiiat order, procured hi release. l' freemasonry ís stroner than tlavery, it must indeed possess must formidable power. - Cin. Her. The D'ifference. - Kentucky renders a man who sball aid a slave peacefully to ncquire his liberty by flight, ünble to impriaonment in tbe penitentinry fortwenty years; while Ohio subjccta a pereon who reduces to perpetual slavery a fret tuk, to impnsomnent in the penitent iary for a term not exceeding seven years.1 - Cin. Her.Oí? An English paper, says there are now no fewer than 1540 stntutes iu force, - and of 376 more supposed to be re pealed, or obsolete, there are 142, o which no man can cerfainly say wbether they are repealed or not. Yet we are all supposed to know the law. Goliak Engxnes. - Fonrof the largeet locomotive engines ever constrncied are about to be built for the Sheffield and Manchester Railway. The cylinders are to be 9 inches, the stroke 5 feet, the wheele, six of thrm, 4 feet diameter, nnd el il six coupled. The weibiof the enorine alone is 24 mn. Ií h calcula ted ihat on a level tbey will draw from 1000 to L000 (ons. Fifteen hundred Germans had arrived in Texas dnring1 the last three or fourmonlh?, nd it is stated that many Gennin vesseis are niiher on tlieir way, or making preparRtions to sail, with more emigrants.Horrible! - A liqnor dealer in Nnshville, Tenn., on the 29: h nlt., caosed two liltle boys, brolhers, to drink raw whi.-key fora tri fling wager, the conseq'iences of which were tlie dealh of one, and the 6tuperfaction of íhe oí her on the spot! - Chron. Mr. Polk's Respect for the Sttbbnth. - On lénring Cincinnati, Mr. Pulk romarked llmt heiotended to epend the following Sabbaih ii Wheeline; for, said he, "it wiü noither com port with my convpnience, nnr inclinntion, to iravel, orto receive compnny, on that day.' Ai Wheí'lmg u crowd nssembled nbont the hotel, and were urgent to see Mr. P., bnt lie eenï word that it was not convenient for hun tosee thJpm on that day. fSundny but that he would see thetn on the next day. Her Mnjesty's iricome is 8}d. per secont more than the income f His Royul Hihues.-. PiinCe Albprt. Hr Mnjesiy's income prodticen SJd. for every fecond of time, and that of Hiá Royal Highnesa on! Jd línn. Mr. Maiigum, Presidpnt of theTJ. S. Spiiate, hs bpen initi-itpd into íhe mysteries, of the Oreer of the Odd FeJiowí, at Washington. There wi9 a large nttendnnce of members of tho Order, froni all parts of the Union, on the occasion. There are eighty-seven railronds in the United Stnte9 in a state of completion, the "ffgregate length of which is 4,7h2 milos, - The average cost per miíe haa been aboul #20,000. and consequentfy the capitaï invest ed is 8f75jSl)O,OOO. Jonathnn Wnlker, confined in the Peneocoln Jail for negro stenlingr, came very nenr makine his escape on the 5th inst. He had contri ver to get the door open. The Fensacola Gazeltesftysí "ít is a ptibjct of po little wonder here, that the zenl and benevolpnce of W's. nbolition fner.ds abrond, have not yet led to his beinp supplied whJr fmids necessöfy to his rehönse "' The unconditionnf überatToii of D'orr is to be the watclnvord of thn Dorrites in the coming contest in Rhode feiand. Mr. Pairbnnk, we are informed by a gen - Heman from Oberlin, wtfs warm Vfh'tg during the iast canvass, and an active niemb of the Clay Club' in that píaee Cin. Henttd. (E= Mr. WrtóiNF, ex-Secrelary of War, hns been norriinated as Xudge of the S'jpreme ourt in ploc. of Ju'dgc Ba towir?, dekeneed.Jíppropriale Welcomc. - On the dny of James K. Polk's orrival nt Washington, the American Flog was displayed in hu honor, on the Liberty P0I3 ercried in front of U10 Slavk the city of Washington. Whatever mny be thouorhf or said louchir.g the other incidents of Mr. Polk's reception t Wash ington thrre cm be 110 difference of opinión as to the fitness of tb is ceremony. WJint more nntural thnn those enpsgcd in the piirchftfc and s.ilc of liuman flosli and blood slioii'd exnli at the approachinp naugtiralion of n President whose admioi.traton is to be conducied npon iht; "one idea:! of extenclmgr the liniits and perpet at ing the exislence of Human SlavKryI We)!, tlieiï, mny the proproprietors of the N'itih:il Slave Pen isplay the "flaj of the froe" from their Head Qunrlers, nnd rpjoice t know'ihat "enltirging the area of JreeAoM' will open new markels, and ereate ndditional dpmand for the humnn merchandizft in which tbey traffic- Albany Journal. The President e!ect ilrnnk nothing but water on hts way to Washington.


Signal of Liberty
Old News