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]Vo fli cc o !fí v í-clran i T}] K. S turnen! i. y tllé pnír.'íi. n;n.í bl.thoilo' r;.'C( Vfd i II lj)V s ;,,,., '.;, ■ ,, n mullí Ol 'lilOil lulSIIU'i-í-. Wl! lili . , rti '. opeh siorc ■ .,.,■ 1 liy (u-o. (:!rii íüc. l]onuu: orí Jluroi) ,'! svnli lia'ii ufbciii s_ior_t Cor n . t he' iH' k(:(':' :1L :ili times i l'uü atsuri;ihmU 01 Dry .Goo(h. lh)olxy 8{ Stoes Carpclr lís, Cajis, Vuper [Ja?gii;s, VJi't'p', Cracker! bij llic C?7e, Hardware, and G'ücertes, y,.-. 0 m ill of vvlin.-h wiilbe sold on :is cocui termsasa' 'iny [loiiu tliis side o) "jV'cw York Cuy. .;,„,.,,,, -f6 T'.: .Uju-vviijo!., 9 ;nmy lemcdlí'Miiv i),; i.uiíici al 1 vn vnu's I)i i Sio'-c iii Ann Ai!.ur. 'noiic wifi be sotd i kmwi: tu ie oí ihcbryt kinci au ti no .■om, .,-:. ü ..rucie ii.'c mkI. p.-ncr.i mecUcjiif hVari íiretf'ol itïe órigi.h I invqnior' or roL".il;i: íu( ccs.-.i ■ I nmd-1 smtild be. á r,d; wl'ltoiit l.'tëk of (■(;:, [( ííC. whicli wii sl'op i! 1 1 rnlüno o'ü'i! r ruslore non bald pac-es; md on children inaW R íirow rnpicHr. or on dioso who Imv; lost tholiair Trota ony causeé ,i.L VMK.Mis i'jiuiiilps: liie í nf chü,!icn j: ïc'.i pis, .:w: tc (jineil. or I;iücl i' ;r íiíce! Fínl ij-.'c'nnráe ol C'OMSTOCK Oa n .irn-vi-r ny n. .'; rinlirr t!is n!)cays. !M LES. etc. JTTWl ;uf wiioilyproventrd, -'rovcrned ftlie a'.fncl h;iw i.Dint' mi. ií ■oi isa (lio !' 1 H.vys' I, ín i-.,ir. fróm QointpcT; ík Cü -MI SQRE. md ('vory v.rj relievf-d hy tí (Há'l p.dmilá oTaii outwaitlíipplicütion. J.t actslike a cluuni. Use '"r'IKHMATIPIí AXf) LAMF.NFSSpositivc!y c:i!T(l; aiísKWellefl iiuiscl'-s and iinhpirr itsi;"!. in. i lie oíd or viMincTj '"y me fndinn Vesi'tnMc i'Ji' ir tmiI'Xc.rre nid Buhc LlvintciU - 'i:; ;iover without the lamo of Conislock & Co. on KOLiVrPTOfK'S V!"RMrFUGE wiH erndi■:l VOíí.'.Sin childrcnor adults wiü) n ci ' ' quite nsronisliing. aíí-iflií 'I'ODTlí DTíOpS. Ki !M,s- cures efi'eeiunlly Ann Arbor. Fcb. 5, KÍ44Í 41WS&ICSHt'S clZetlír.aiel JPiistcr, spread for inrmcdiate use. pr'tce oñly o.m;, in order to place THEJi u iTiiix t;ii-: ivihans of all. IN slight aijménu, or herethe patiënt preters (Wliui.-ivc ihan llit' ','AlHi-in1 iniai.i: y nHii IHi' ■mnu'ic l'íiscr," ihesewillb ío'ind Iliiriily "bcneficinl. BÍBg already sproad for ii,!! ai!lic;u!nn, they wiü bc iound vciy cpnvoni'e'fit for WLOAK BACKS, P;iin or Vc?.Uno:--s in the Siiio' Brr-nst. Stoumch. beween the Shaulders, or whcrever ilicrc is Pain. whcre a Piaster is nceded. 'I'hey may be rei I moro servicêabfè ly past mg a pioce oi uii ffre b:-.''k of thent beibré iliey are appücd. Rjultiiudcs'havobcen reliévedoi'-pain and sqftcrina by diese Ciieap Plnsters. For S;t)o nt Viosely's l)ooi;siorc. nnd by J. T. StockiiTg,Travèl!ir:g Agent for Michigan. Hi-ly W II O h K 's A L i'i ,,4j5 ' ]1 E T A I L . JÍ. :r farra jv. B08KSEttEB If SÏAÏiOHEB, SM, HITS BLOCK. t7 J KFI-T. ÜS O - AVKMIK, DETROIT" K'.'eps (■.■.nst,in;ly forsaie a tompleie nssornnent Of .Miáccüajico'.is. School and C'laLSical ijiioks: L-'Ticrand (.'ap Paper. Aun and I. QuiHs. Ink. SeaHni VVax, Cuiiery. Wrapping Pap:r. Printng l'aper, oi all stzts; and Boóli', News and Canis(er Ink. oi various kinds. Fulland hall bound. oí eveiy vanety of Ruling M KMO RA N DU .M BOOKS. &c. To .IMercbants. Teachers, and others. buying in quañtitíeéj, n [ar ge discoiMit vnatin. SAB8ATH SGHÖOL & B1BLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-t f.HARTFORD Fire'-'ïii swpaitce Coimpanyïnèórpnraled in 1810- Charter perpetual - Capital, o 150,000, willi powc-r to i n crease il to !$350j00tt. T'.JIS widi Uiiowii and long establihed Institn.iun. witli amula cash capiial. have cstabltsbed ari agency m Anïï Ar'or, and offer to insure Dwellings, Fnmimre. Stores. Merchanlieb, Mills. YVheat. Flour. &c, on very favwaIjLeiterjms. TjjLp inh cnaracier of this-company is wel! Riiówn, and'iis extensie business is conduered on the mop! just and honorable princi oles. Ovvn.írsoíproperty in Aun Ar';or and fat cinity who vvish to insure it agaiust loss and rlain:in-n by t:o. ré iivitccJ to cali clirecilv on ibe yuhscnbtr, ai !)is Slore in Ann Arbor. who is authoïlzed to issue polinies without delay. F. .1. B. CRANE, Agent. Vi nArbor. Jan. 1. 18 39-Gm. c'ÊOTH! CLÖf HÍ'! THE Subscrihera wonld inlbnn ihe Public ihat they will coniinue to manufacture good H ih !:hiir..ictory. two and a half miles west oï.Aiin Albor, oifihe Hurün, on the ibllowing TER MS. Utuil die (rst day oí November; AOD. 1844.; the )nce will be 37 cents per yard. oi hall the ■jio'inho !"oSl wül maRe. From tfie hi ol Nombci to the JOthof ivlay, 18 15, ihe prk-2 will bc 3) cents per yard, or uine iwentieiUs of the ■:nih :he wool will inukc, thatis. 4i yards out oí iiO maniiiüciurcd. The vdoi will be nianulac ik nirii íá í-i may como into the lactory, us maf as may be wiiii reference to the diliereni n.iüii.:',. Any püi.son who will funiish one o , -oi.-. ■ i, . oi'vvoo] fróm'cü t'o )!)0 pounds oj mu: qnalüy can havoit nianufactured by itselt. i Vool will be rece ved at fcjci. Woo"l sent 'y Itailroad willbe uttentied toin the saine mannor as ifúwownei wcre to come it - U should lio c:r.:!n!ly markod. We have nanuraciureticloth dariim the past yoar lor a very Inrge uumber of customers. to hom we b.elieve. we have given very general satisfacüon nh tlisSfe'AiCtR and be advaniacs ofi'ered by the low pr e at whieh wo oíier to manufacture cloth, wt i )i)cíor a larée sboRe uf patronrir. S AMtilOl, Vv'. FOS'I'ER & CO. Sclo, Washton?iu Co.. Jnly 25. 3-ti TBie JBirncy Portraits. TIJK Subsigribers have on hand a quantity o fíee'é largó and spjendid ngravíngábeoutifu]y execnted on pieel nn excellent artist. írom a paintingby E.. :W. Goodvvin Et-q..of Albany, N. Y. They are a striking ikeness oI'thf Man, and malie an elegant ornament i'oj the For fiaie. wliolesale and reiail. at. per dozen or &1.00 each. by A. McKarren. Bookseller Detrqtt' '! by HKCKLKY & FOSTK1Í . Ann Arbor. Ñov. )-, 1844. '28 if OF (iist rate quality for sala by ihe pound o buivl;ed weiÍH ivfiuaiiiittcb to &uit pureha pfis. ïnoy bc Ibnnirat ' RA V MO 1 ■)' S CASH STO R f1,. ' tf 1 !9 Jcficrioii, Avi'. Delriot.POOR HTAM'S PSLfcS, A n exteilmit vegetable jannly IVÏétliciiVe, in cajl $e$ ol Indigestión. Dyspepsin. Li ver Coniliuints or Jaundiei;. Ague ;md Kever. ('o.-iU'd Tongiie. Sickness at the Ston.hèh, Wiek B-adiche. Romiitani ried I mei miitenf Fevers.Coiih?. Culds. Caturrli, Ac. iVo. Kiuirdy vegetable. tn v arè enVplnn'ciillv 'JYATVHIV & FR 1JEJ%J9 i'i)i)fi:u:iim i honltli and eounteiaciinï (isc.ise by puiii'yiny ihe blood, clcansing iho systcm ot' vitjntcd fiuinors. jcniovinr cbstnictious. siimuitiiiir 'iIk; or;ans olsccrciíoii. rnínfing withtho lood nul actniy cvtiy uay ia harniony witli the ysnin. Por fniiamatoiy (Üsenpos u-od in r-inneciion with ihe ■Rheumatie I'lastor" thcy uill be fotind ii'a'iy to lid in the icmoval of ciisenses for wlaich the Piaster is abovc recomnicndcd. and p.-u i r'rulin ly r.;" '!" caicnhüed for all deroiigein'-nti! of 'the Dijtsi.i' nnd iYditnv Orszans. fhe ininiary oiiüin oía ïiiuii-titdi; ot' dise;:ocs. rric - 25 cents and óO cruis a Jx. Kor sale kt Mosciy'-s SóWslVre. and by J. T. ötoc!;ing. Travelling Ageiu for Michigan. L ,.„ 1 (- 1 y Wuoj STOCK. Lk.vavv;;!-. Co.. { '-O. lV4 ''■ ' Fui twelvo !its I hac lucn ironbled wuh a iiirf nimio ailcci inii in my b.acl. so iliat ] have llfiTi ly p er bcc-n li ve fVonipnii) (ïiuintr tlio v.hole timt and uiibin iwclve hmirp ader 1 bndappliecsome ol Wriüln'a R heumnlic Piaster. 1 was neiit 1 1 v easy, and have bad m pain -ince. HTKIMIKN CARY. Jackson Co.. Ci.imtiua, ( Aug. 2), 1.844. l This niny erriil'y thaf Í kave uscd Wright's. 'il Is in iny lainils' in violent altaeks ofchill and iiilions [ever. and havo found theni to be the cst l'ilts thai J ever nsed. and vvould recomnend c:ery lamily tokorp tbetn on hand. JAMES A WART OUT. TliOSi: So.. GF.AfGA Co.. OlllO. ) April 2.Stb. 1814. ' $ . Thi'p niay certiy that 1 have usr(I Wrights' 'oor Man's Pilis and Rhemnatic Piaster in my prnctice. and would sny to (hè public tlini thcy an rely upon t hei r recojnmenclation with the itmost confidence; in short, thcy only need tryag to reconunend themselve?. KF-V. It. R. SCOTT. M. D. Louaink Co.. Grkkn'. May 16. 1843. Tliis tuay certiiy thot 1 'iave u&ed Wrfght's 'oor Man's Pilis in my pmetice, and rind theni o bf; onë' of. ifrio; jntircly. te best pills nowin isc: and wcmld rceommend evciy family to ieep theni on hand. especinlly thosewhölive ïear low.Tnarsh'y Jar.d, or mili ponds, or in an inheallhy clunatr'.JOSHUA BASCÓME, M. D. Wíiliont nddíng -ïimre tcptimony of the efficacy ftiie above mentïoned medicine, we'do not hesiiio u say tlint we are not araid 10 have its virucs li's'tedby the sido of an'y otïier of the kind h;it ever )ms been oilered to au American pnbic, ii 1 1 d we wiil let ji, stand upon itsown merits. For late at Mosley's Bookstore. Ann Arbor. By Kellogg & Brothers, VVhiie Pigeon. R. Williams, Jr.i & Co., ■ Stiivges Prairie Simeón Gngel, Quincy, Branch councy. A.'K. Hall. ' 5 ■ VV. A. Bliss, Jnmcstown, Ind. EJjslyi Stoer, Angola, il Chcster Moes. Albio'n, Michigan. A. 1'. Mnnn & R. Sibïey, Marshall, Mich. A. Callender. ' " " E. Packer, Battle Creek, . 'l C. W. Vinihg, Galesbiirgh, ' Capt. Brown, Prairieville, " D. H. Medwoocl, Adrián, " Quackenbo8s, & More, Tecumseh " S. A. Howicy, Joncsville, il. Oilbert. Manchesier. " W. H. Patierson. Saline. Iiarmon fc Cook. Brooklyn, w Pierre Teller, Whoiesnle Agent ior Detroit. Gco. P. Wriyht & Co., sole proprietors for tiin United Stntep, nif Upper and Lower Crnadn. All orders and business leners lor ihe present, iti'ay bc dirtclrd to G'0. P. Wrightj Colunibia P. O., Jaeksón Co., Mich. It is for sale ".a] so at Monroe, Mt. Clemens. (:tiu;i. Pontiac, and hy Dubois & Wright. Jetïerson'. Agenfs'fiir the Sinte of Michigan. Kir. co uk. Carrol Co.. O.. Jan. 25, 1841. Te years.since, I was taken with theScrolula, so tiiut I had no relief day or niglit, my liaibs being mucli swelled and covered wiih Ulcess, nay breast and back in grentpain, and nerves much shatiered. I npplied to diftient Physicinns, all of vvhom said ihere was no hol p for me, and all the remedie? I tried proved unávaiHng muil J indfi use of Wriglu's Anti Inflam. and Rheuñi. Piaster, which rcduced the iullamation, liealed the nlcers. brought the skin to its natural colox, and relievcd ihe pain. I would recommend it to all similarly aiïlicted, and am eure they will be satisfien after givincr it a fairírial. CATMARINE ALLENSWORTH. Tiiomfsón. Geaupa Co., Ohio. ? '. April 20, Í84:í. ' S f certify that my littlc boy put hls anns into boiling waier, nearly to the elboAV. so that when the dress was taken o il' the skin came with it; ni ter applyincr severa! remedies to no ptirposn - the ann becoming much swollen and the child in great pain. I appüed '"Wfight's Anti Inflammatory and Rheumatic Piaster." and within two honrs iic was perfect ly easy, and went to sleep. Afipr to or thrce diiys I removed the piaster, and ippliei another, and when i0aj was removed the orm was healed, êi?ccpt a place ('ie size of a shilLio-íí which was soon well. Ibelieve it to be the )cst artiele fora burn thut cun be proriuced, and would recommend all to keep it on hand in case of accidénts. ELTZABETH BROUGHTON. NERVOU8 D1SEASES are greatly benefit (cd by lbo use oí these pills; - asNervous Hadache, Tic Doloroux, St. Vitus' Dance. &c. ihoir tehdency be-ing to soothe the irrit;.bility of the system. allay pain, and induce quiet and repose. Those aihicted with Coughs, Colds, Inlluenzn, &.c-, will luid ixlief from the use of these pills. Exposure to gold doses ihe pores of the heskin, checks jierspiration, retards the circ"ation, and produces varions inflammatory Does any one percetve a cold comina u'pon liim? Let imn on going to bed, take suflicient to opérate sinartly, and then cvery nih t. tnke (q produce a mild operation till the disfiase abales. In case of Worms let a tea oí [Jink be laken freely lor 12 hours. and then ndntiuisier Pills suflicient to produce a brisk.cathartic operation. '0-ly.W: ösüöod's ■"" INDIA 0HOJ.AGOGUE. AMU.VG Ene nipsi vaiuabïe qualities oí ihis medicine, is its restoring influence upon cuasi Lutions iinpaiied and injured by previous tttackso! billious (ever, or fever and agüe; oí ij' a long rèsifJéiice in those climates whicli proJuce tliem. Thcrc are niany constitutions whic;h bccomc rrudually uiHieimiucd by a vúasinal iníñehce, wiilxnu even u day's actual conlirtcment. tri such enses, the Cholagyguc acis l!ke a cliíirin - iheö!lloy complexión, loss o( -Innguor, weariness and depression of spisits, wiiL qtlier unpleasant symptonis which render I i íe a biinkn. all yield to thisremedy when faithnilly .:t. ácc&fdi'ng to Üiedirectiöïisöf 'thcocornpanyitiir pnmphlet. Il is emiroly a vegetable prep nrati'in, and m;;y bc tnken wuh periect st-fuiy unrler all circnmptnnccs of the systcni. Yur sale li' 3G W. S. J. W. .MA YNAIID. solí; Aeni. (V.r Anti Arbornnd vicinity.


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