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Tl f US C BUFFINGTON woiiKlrespeeiiui' 1V1 ly inform.hcLndicsorAnnArl.orn.Hl.iP vicun-y tbnt shc has rcccived the Inll and winter lasiiions. BUFFÍNGTON. Nov. 14. 1S44. . , .3tf. FÍaí Waiitcd ! : Tai! Siiscribcr w'ill pny OiN'K DOl.LAH in èiièli lor ?ood-F]nxSccc! deliverfid ;ii ihr M.ire ot ' Hct-klcy A llicksin Aun Arbor, or Q ( '. VaV(ïo at Pontiac. f. L. LA-TOURKTTr,. Fcb. Let. t&tè. lrftnTHE MJSSES CLAllKS' Youhí; I;itlies Semiiiary? ANX ARI5OII; MICHIGAN. MARY II. CLARK, Principal, CI1LOEA. CLARK, Vice Principal. M. L. WALTER. Teacher of ÏHusic on the l'mno. EMMY BEURMANN, Toucher oi' Germán nnd the 'Guitiir. RHÜBY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenilc Deparanent. - F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematica und ocal M iisic. . Í. F. SCHOFF, Toucher of French and Classics. THIS lnstitu'.ion has heen . in oper.ation since November 18, 1839. Thescholnstic yenr embrnciim fony-ei:hi weeks, iwo ternis. eonipnaing ivoqnnrierseach- iwelveweueksin a qnaiter_a pcnoral e.xnminatiön ut the close of each term - in February and Autiust. 'i'he Inst iiuarter of the present term cora menced November 25. of Tuitiox. - For the Knslrsh brnnches. $2v50 to $5 per (juarter. No red uciion made lor aba-ncec.vcept inkcase of sicknoss. nnd no pupil laken for legslhan a quirter. Extra charles are made for niusic on the Piano, whh i lic use o' the instrument, $80() French, 'A{]0 Latin, -y Drawinff nnd Painting. i" Fancv Wo.rk-, -%0i) Board, incfudiné washing. liglits. &c. $1.75 per week if yaid in advance, or 2.00 per week if paid at the close of the quarier. Pnrents and minrdians are invited to visit the school everv Friday. whon the studies oi' the week are revicwed-also semi-monthly on Wednesday afieinoon, at readinof the weekly compositions. Having purchased. a healihy nndcommodions buildinsrin a pleasnnt and convenient part of the villngc, no pains or expense shall bc spared to facilítate the studies and render the sititation of the voung ladies profi'.ahle and agreeable. Young ladies desirous of entering the school and pursuing the regular cours of study, Avould do well to coitimence at the begining of the (jiïrtfl'éf. Belonging to .the echoot are a Library of herween three and four hundred volumes, ond Pliiosophical Apprtratu?, Electrical Machine, Globes, &c Scientilic lectures ar delivcred before the school at proper intervals. The Misses Clark wilt eniienvor. Jiof only to proinote the intellectu! culture of thei-r pupils but will attend strictly to their moral depot tment.Wiih a doepsense oF religious responsibility. thev would give snoh a tone to cliaraeter, as shall renderit practically iitted for every station- yielding todutybut hrm to principié. Among tlie books used in the school ore, Abercrombie on the Intellectual and Moral Power? - Kune's Eleincnts. of Cruidsm - WaylamPs Moral Science - Newinnn's Rhctoric - Hedge's Logic - Pnlev's Natural Thcology and Evidences of Christianity- Comstock's Chemistry and Natural Philosophy - Combe's Physiology - Mrs. Lincoln's Botnny - EatonJs Manual of BotanyBurritt's Geography of the Henvens- First. Sec ond and 'Tlurd Books of History- Mis. Wil liard's Republic of America - Phelps' Legal Classics - Playfair's Euclid, and Dovie's Algebra iind Arithniêtic - Park er' s Natural Plnlosophy. The Misses CJark have taught a Yownfr Ladies School for se vera 1 yenrsin Ci;y of Nfijv York, and are furnished wiih testimoniáis fr'om Ftt. Rev. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D.. and John M. Griscon.M. 1)., of New Yak, Rev. J L. Blake. of Bróoklyn. and Mis. Enima Wilhinl, ot Troy. N. Y. ; also. referrnce ia made. by pern-.iesion. to the following cen.tleraen : Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskry. D. D.. Rohert Riimsey ;ind .L. B. Misner. Esqrs., Rev. Isnac S. Ketchani. Centreville.; Rev. J. fJudson. 'hite Pigeon , Rev. J. P. Cleveland, nnd G'co. Ketchiim, Marshall ; Horu Win. Delond. Jackson: Paul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. IL Wina.; Adiian: Daniel Hix.son. Clinton: Gürrline. Wheelcr. M. D.. -Howcll: Rev. F. IL Cumin?, Grand Rapids; Rev. H. Colelnzer. Rev. A. M. Fitch. S. Dentón. M. D;. P. gnghám, M. D.. ■Hon.'Wm. A. Fleicher. llon. Wm. R. Thompson, E. Mundy. E?q.. John Allen. Esq.. Guo. VV. Jewett. Esq.. Col. Thomas Mosely, Cant. ,T. Perkins. Thomas M. Lndd, F. Sawyer. Jr., F.sq. late Superintendent of Public Instrtiction. Professors Whitinp. "Williams and lïoughton. of the Univevsity of Michigan. Ann Arbor : James Birdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint; Amos Moad. Esq., Farniington. Tlie following gentlemen, Rev II. Colclazer' Rev. O. C. Comstock. Rev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtiss. Professors Whiring nnd Williams. of the Univer8ity of Michigan, and. F. Sawyer. Jr.. late Superintendent of Public Instrnction. liave conseriied to act asa visiting conmiittee o; the school tobe present vvhen the vveekly studies are reviewed; hut especially to attend during the semi-annual examinations. August 9. 1844. S4tfWRIGHTS ANTI-INFLAMMATQRY AND RHEUMAT1C PLASTER, AN efficiënt remedy for Rheumatism. Fevei Sores. White Swellings, Felona, P.-'in oi weakness in ilie Back, Biénst. Side or Lnnbs Burns. Bruisep, Cmmps. Chilblnins. Liver nru Lung afiections. Indolent Tumors. Spinal nilectiosn. Inflnmed Eyes, &c. &. 'il is unsuspassce in all Inflammatory diseases. cither Chionic o Acute, asit operatesby retine ivg lnflamation. allaying Pain, Sweating th( parts allected, and by its stiengihening and Ano dyne proporties givingspccdy relief. Also inval uableasan mti-inercurinl plnster. Price ?5 cents per Box.- For furtlipr particuInhs. see circulating Pamphlet.) For sale n loscley's Bookstore. Ann Aibor. and J. T Stocking, travelling gent for Michigr.n. 16-1 yTHE TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR SAS. VW WHICH cures likea charni all J3URNS by fire or water, and every e.xiernsl SOKE. PAJN. IKFLAMMATION ACBEor ITC1ILG ever yet found upon the human fnniily. t which it has been onplied, must ;ilwnysbe souht genuine from Comstock and Co., of New Yoik, or their aulhomed agcnts. All a.e cautioned against any spurious articlcs, which may alwaye bc avoided by knowing the one you buy. comes from Comstock & Co . who are now ihe Oiily proprietors and manufactnrers. Inquire for -Con - iiel's. which is warranied 10 do all i'. ever would ■when icalletl by any oiher name, or tlie pricc-shall be relundcd in nny caee if it does not please. To place it within reach of all. the price Jias been reduced more than four fold. and is now sold f'or 25 cents, the formerprice b'eing too exorbitant. The ÍÍ0 cent size now coniains foi times tis much as the ionner, and the $1 siz ncar ten timos as much. No family that hns any title to humanity, wi fail to have CoNNKf-'s Pain Extractor Ointmei always at hand, (o save life, allscars. and reduc ill a'gony from any burn in tive mntites. prov ded They hnve seen it used, ör wül believe those whc liavc ased it. COMSTOCK & -CO.. 21. Courtland Street Orr Besure, therefore. and oek foi Connw.'s as ourplate wilh Dalley's nan.e on u has been siolen. and the spunons may appenr tl ut n!lnieonit. Know therefore. that.t comes d.rectly from ; 2fi Agent for Ann Arbor. Estraf. TAKEN up by ihesnhscriber. on the 25ih o' September last, in the town of Northficlda small chesnut colored mare, of the poney breed, with n star in the forehead, snpposed to beabout8 or 9 yeaisold, branded A. C. on th slioulder. The" owner is requested lo prov property, pay charge? and take her awnv. NATMANIEL SMITH. Northfiel.l. Nov. 1, .1844. . 20-6w DRABBROAD CLOTH for cnrvmge trin mine. Corda and Tassels lor windnw ehnde lor sale .y W. A. ]IAYMOND, 32 tf 143 Jellei-Kon Avenue, Detroit. " wooi'T wó'od i ! WE wnnt som from eubscribers imincdiatcly Oct 1-2. 184New Goods! New Gcods ! ' TUK undersigned hasjusr recejved ,j8 supply ofFallCoods from'N. Y. Ciy. Beskleèu pust rui'} oBborimem of Shectings, Cotton Yaj'n Fulled Cloths. I3rtmd Clpt.lis, nfid oiher Sioiilé Goods. c is just opening n sp'Icridid lot oí' Ricli, WoósieclD;irrtask Sh;ivvle, lst (juality, Broclia, i!o do Knbyl, do du Cnfhiuero. do Fashionahlc Cravjiip. Ricli Jlonnet Ribbons. " Fá'shibnabie hè'od trifnniirgs, Vel vet " AJ.SO. A UK AUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OI-' ÍJHJiSS STMFFs MJCH-AÍ Ciishmere D'Ecosso. Muslin JJcLaine, Pnrissennes. Robioy Plaid, ' Prints of evcry descripiion. . Plain, black ÁJapacii, figiuccl, black Alapnerf, Pluin. colorod Alapaca, ficurcd, col'd AlupocaV Plaid, and Ghangeirbie Álapnca. The iindersigned lias in iddiiion to n firsf rate bfsortment of S(ap!c and Fahcy Diy Goods' a choice lot of Teas ana Coílce. tor (amily ujc! Also, a large lot of Gec&e Feathers, Paper Hang ings and Travelling Baskets. H'is Slork is well suiied to bodi city and cóíi'rrt'y nade. Coiiniiy people are nviicd to cali anc? look and satisiy tbeiysefveg tl.uu bis srock wilj : coinpiiiisnn ciiber in q'ilalify or price wifh uny othcr the wcsirrn ei untiy. , aai W. A. KAYMOKD. . ] 48 Jefl'er.s'oii Avenue. Detroit. Oct. M, 1814. ö4tfAL WATS OJ;.MAWD. l SíSj npiJE suliscí bw; hnj rc63 X moved his Sbop to JVIajn , -aO Sireet oppos'ue íi. SeckfrP Jfs Blick Slfrí!í Whéíré Hf (te ís w)jIll 'ie '1!í1' c )lind ready.i oAV I jTviÊéi Wil'1 UP" n lnat niny.givo SSlnfer Jlaving ju8t rcceivad dct írom iNcw York nn clcíinnt s'tóc.k of JEWBLEY, nd Fíincy Anieles, which he mionds fo sel ower tluin hnsever been soid west oí Buííblo or Hendí Voy Ouhj. Among v i ch mny bo 'aurid n good assoiiinont ol' Goírl nnd Oi.nnr.on Vaich Keys, Goid Finger Riñes nnd Boeorn ins, Gnnrd Clinins. Silvcr Tea :md Tnble spoons. Sugar Tongs. Butter Knives. Silvéicnoil enses, Silver and Conmion Tliimbles, Süer Opectíides. Gerrtinnj do. Steel, do. Hair rusbes, Cintiles, do. Tooih. do. Lnther, do. rine Razors nná Potket Knives, Fine Shcnrs nd Scissors, Ivütber Boxcs, Razor Strops, WalettP. Purses. Vioüns nnd Bowë. Pintes. Violin nd Bas3 Viol St'ings. Claronet Rc.o'ds, Percuaon Cíips. Pocket Pistols. Brittannia Candleicks. AYatchep. Letter Strunp's. Steel Pens nnd 'weezcis. StiuíV and Tobáceo Boxes, Fine Comfis, Dressing, do. Side, do. Back. do, SholL o. Ncedle's ' nnd Cns-es, Yator Faints, 7'oy Vaiehes. Kid Dolls, n groni vütietyof' Toys too timeroits to íuention. Bead.í, Necklacee, Funcy 3oxcs, -A'c. &e. Ci.ihk.s ond Watohx of pyery deseriptiftn epaired and warraiued; n'so. Jeweljy repaicedon hort notice. CALVIN I3USS. N. B. Cash iwid foh OLD GOLD AD SILVER. C. K Ann Arbor. Oct. 94. I8J4. 28-tf. K. & .1. J. OATIBSON. FTAVIC nüv onl hand i conípleté assurtment of ?ALL AjVD WINTER DRY GOODÜ, GROCE ÏÏIÊ8, 'HJlBDIVjlRE, ij-C. j-C. vhioh they will sell'ohcnp Cor rrady pay. The lighost market jrice paid at uil times fpr íuk and !1 other kitíds of produce. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Nov. 20. 1844. 31 Wcslcyan ÏBooïis! ' 1 1 II E Subsormeis have just received n good J snpply ol Wesleyan Bo'oks íiom tlie D.t-lository atNew York. Tbose wishing to pur:ha?e wifl pienso' cal! and exmnine Ibr tliemseives. BECKLKY & HICKS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town Dec. (i. 1844. 3U)W NÍE W BOOT,SHOE AJYD LEA TlíFAl STORE, Ann Arbor ■, Lon-cr Town. Sn FELCM has removed Í3 lus establishment fruni the Upper to the Lower Village. Ño. 4. Hurón Block, j&-= whéfe he holds hinisell jn Og re.'KÜnc-ss to 'dress tlie 4ítnflar.-Unding?" oí every Man, v Woinori and Child wbo will É give bim a the neatestf and best mannertlnU can be dono in Michigan. JLEATJÍER and FINDJNGtí of uil kind constantly orí hand. WANTKD. Casi and Hidesf.'n nny qunntities. Ibr which the hialiest pjrices will be gv"'; TLct none' purchnse ui! :il tliey have calleu at Felch's. IS'o. 4. Duron Block. Ann Arbor, May 4. 1,844. Z-lYReady Made Clothingüí TH (É LAllGLST and best assortn-ierit ot ready ináde'cíothing Ser before ofiered in this State iww opening: and for mie, Wholesale or Retail, at the Cloihing Emporinin ot i lesuDBcnbërs' eonsisting in pari oï nlatn and iancy Beávcr. Pilot. Broad Cloths and other atyles oí Tweed CaU'inere, Beavrr, I'ilot. Domctüc Gloth, Ünion Costinierc end Satinetl f rock and Bn.sincsB Coai8. _, % Fine f'lain and Fnncy Caesimere, Blue nnd Black Broad Cloih, Tweede and other etyles of pSand fancy Silk nn.l Silk Veivet, Woolcn Velvct Merino. Satín :A Cnssimerc Vests. &C. Scd. &c. loether wRH a very Inrge stock ot conimon lowpriccd "ver Coats. Bus.ness Conw Pantaloons nnd Vcsis. eiipl as blue and bket Flushing, Satinet', Kcniucky Jenn, Commo Tweedsf &c. &c. Mso aef XrclS" "S?i tiMfoiï Dro.vcrs ,n# SI ï Cnñ Or,crs. Gloves, fee. &c allof wh.oh; SS!,'" ,ó ají ná .xirni. iheir oVbr Diirpliasino-dsewhere, osit has been seicct-ed witu greöt care in the Katern markeis, and manufac.edin,helatS;,yl..-- Corner óf Jofïerson and Avenues " Wetroir. Oct. JO. 1S44. 5ÍL GRAND R1VER TLL probnbly bc "'MS STOPJO. Nviierc the inhabitnntsofMiobiga" ononow be suppiied wftn . Dry-Goods, Groceries, Medicines, Bootr iShocs. Bats, CaUnet Ware, MillSïones, 'Èolling-Clöth, Fatèwt Snuit Machines, Bristol Sarsaparilhty 20,000 boxes olPraU's Pilis, single box ƒ hil lings, Life Bitters, 50 ets. jjer Bottfer linfcahoicelotorEiiEESE. ninde in Western New ]Je pledgcs Iiímselí to uell as hvffh us apy m iril-All kinds of Country Produce l hB:.bL,nn,o;Wrd;bo;r-Hi3 ly IICre ol wild l""d 1 k .alo. _ lhe Adnnt.nnce No. , BJ.ojtti ll"ck' Tliver. JnéKson. Mi'h. 3_tf Nov. 81, ie 11.


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