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On the 22d of January last,the dwelling house of Willinm Casfle of Salem, in this county, was burned to ashes together with one child, a little girl about 17 months old, and all the: furniture of the fnmily. WilUhe Rochester (N. Y.) papers pleasecopy. 05a" We find in the Livingston Courier, a notice of a public diVcussion to bc held in the Preeby ferian Chitrch at Howell, oh the 14th instant on this qnrotion; ''VVoiild the immcdinte Aholition of Slavcry, in the United States of America, be expedient- nnd is the pursned by the Abolitionists calculatcd to expedite its abolition?' E. F. Gay Esq., tnkes the affirmalive, nnd Charles P. Bush the negative. CC5 Some membere of churches are very unwilling ;o contribute funds for a missionory society thnt employs s'aveholders lo preach the Gospel to heathen . Bui why are nol slaveholders as fit to preach the Gospel toforeign healhen as to native AmericanB? (t3 The Natives run a separate ticket in Rochoster, N. Y. Their candjdiito for Mayor carne wiiiiin ex or eight vote6 of an election. 05 The State Journal (Whig) proposes to jpoil Texas as a Slavc-markot by abolishing the Internal Slave-trade. A very good idea. But how many ot'the Whigs will help do if Court them, neighbor, ond you will find that prnctically iterfering wilh slavery is no part of Whiggery. (X51 The Ohio American 'a the name of an able Liberty paper, published at Cleveland, Ohio. The proprietors have jnst issued proposals for a daily paper at five dollnrs a year. The location of' the paper prouuses a good support to a daily. It will make the second daily Liberty paper in Ohio. Ö In the recent slave case of Hoppes, at Cincinnati, Judfje Reed re-affirmed the former decisión of the Süpreme Court of Ohio, that a slaveholder who brings a slave into Ohio immediaiely loses all legal control over him and the slave may go where he pleaees - Slavery is a territorial regulation. If there hus been no escape, there can be no recaption. (t? No doubt you "are ae rauch opposed to Slavery as anybody;"' bot ain't yon more oppoáed to Abolition than you are to Slavery? Enlarged Philantiiropy. - Evangelizing the healhen ubroad, and htathenizing our brethren at home! QjO. C. Uomstock Jr. has been re-appointed Commissioner of Internal Improvements by the Governor and Senate. fllra Mahew, ofMonroe, has been appointed Superintendent of Public Instrucion in the place of O. C. Comstock, vhose term has expired. Ann Arbor, March21, 1845. The Wheat market remains as last week. Seventy five cents are ofFered for an article of good quality. Flour retails at ,$4,00. The weather bas greatly changed within a few óays. The warm and pleasent breezes of Spring have been exchanged for the rigor of winter. The ground bas again become frozen to a considerable depth.


Signal of Liberty
Old News