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STOKEN, F ROM the Subscribir, bout íour week? sincc, i ölnck satín vest. It i eupposed to have bcm taken by nn intcmpcralo man, u stranger w-1" Wfls about hcie ai iliat time. und ia8 prob'f'ly pnwncU t eithcr for money or liqor. A)' onc wlio will gve nformaiion eonceni in" ir, at this office, is informeel tliat I wrll1 reje.ii the vest aint ainplv rcuvird liim tor his temblé. ' S. E.BItOW'. iMarch 2!, 115. Shecp Slicar, OK a superior qtinHïy for sale ly BECKLF.Y, l'OSTER V Co. Síárch20, I645. Blank Dcecís and ülortgages, WHOLKSALE AND UKTATl., for sale by bf,cklí:y. koster &. Cü. Mnrcli 20, 1815. JDWE1V riSTKY. E. G. BITRGEIÍ, Dentist, HAS removed his office to Crane &Jwett RIock, first room on: iho Second Floor. vvhore beine well prepared to altend' to every branch' af bis profcüSion, wouUl r'pectfuily ey to all WFior linvc nol had ihosa neceHsnry orcariB. THE TETFT-, properlv Bitcn.itd lo,íefay nc longer, but cnfl vipw hmi and pxperien the ■ easeond durability of lus Term? accotmodating anJchargus ionocasö uflnsori able. Am Arbr, March 6. 1 0 13 . i7-'.fC. URIKCKEllHOFF'S TUIS Medicine is n sure, safe and certairt' Rernedy in comphinls of the Livc-r and ..unga. C'insuinption, Liver Gomplnin;, chroric and severe Coughs andCSohis, are almos: immediaiely reliev-d ano ukimntely cuied iy a latihul usef the Restorative. Dr Chillón, the eminent pracücnl cheniist and phyeici.ut of New (ork, attaehes hia certifica' e stating its entiro vegetable conipoeition, afiiïr he hacl node o careul aflalyaiB. Jt ia whoily dév'oid of nriy irf.tnüng' property, and manifesté jo deeided hcaling ond' (urifying quaüiief. es 10 quickly alleviaie the iiO3t aggravating cough and cbange :heexnec'.oation. Pains in tho chest and eide, eo often" attendaiit on Com)]jints. are eflectually removed wiihout ihe lenst incoriviriierce, the seat of the difficaliy being renched much quicker han by any external application. Froin the repitation of ihis Medicine in New York, where it las been sold lor some years. ihe most indubitale testimony ia eiven to iia merit. Certifícales iave been literally showered in on ihe proprictor rom the best of sources, and atatiug the cases of, persona rmsedeven when givyrup by their phy. sirian. Tlie ft et of no one single instnnoe of dissaüflfaciiony known or expressod, is n s'rongguarantee of its merit. Tbr foljowing certifícate 8 írom DV. Chillón, the v.-eU.known New York chenif8U J h':ve or.alyzed a Do:tc of medicine cillcd 'C. Brinckerhoff'8 Heuhh Restorative;' and find that it does not contain Mercury, or any otfier metallic preparación, nor opium in any of its orins. It is composed of vegetable rontter ontirclv " .Iames R Chiltos-, Sí. 0.a! 'C. BRINCKERHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. Principal OiFice 96 Kudson strect, New York, Hornee Everelt. U. S. Agent. 96 Hudson st.,. New Yö:k. hns nppoined W. S. & J. W. Mpjfnard, Druggists, ngents for Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor, Februnry 3, 1845. '4ï 4wDISSOLUTIOUÍ. rpiIE Co-parínershíp heretofore existinp un1 derthefirm nnd style ofBéckk-y & Hicks is by mutual consent thts dav dissolved. All persona indebteJ to snid fi;m. ny nno or otherwise, are to make payment to Guy Beckley, whb is authorized to, and has become -obliga - ted to pay all debts due f rom said firrn. GUY BECKLEY. HICKS. Ann Arbor,. ftforch 6:h, Ic45. 45-3w TASE KOTIEflB.THE Subscnbera hereby give notice thafthey will continue tlie Mercan tile business atth Store xecently occupied by J. Beckley & Eo where they will al all times be found ready tO' watt on tliose who may feel disposed to favofc" them witlv tfreir patronage, SAX. RATÜS, Of a superior quulity manufnctured by lho.m-selvea and constantly for sale,wholesale aud retaïLSIGXAX. OFLIBERTY. AJJ business relaiive to ;he Signal of Liberiy will be attend'ed' to by the subscribers. BECKLEY, FOSTEK', &Co.. .. Ann Arbor, Lower 'lown, Mar. 6, 1345. 46-tf Sugar Coatcd Pilis, vs. Dis ease- ülore Evicfence. MR. HILL, of the flrm of Girley and Hill, 169 Broadw-iy, snys the Sugnr Comed Indian Vegetable Filis are superior to any he has ever taken. Hia wifü haa found them delight-ful and efTrcacíous. Misa Douglass, comer of Walker nnd Ludlovr streets, haa been cured of pain in the head, dim-aees of sight, and dizziness of long standing bj ihese Pilis. Mrs. Simons, of 90 Ilenry street, cured of ' paina and cramps, of eighuyears standing. Mr. Atkiss, of 263 Greenwich street, cured i of dyspepsia, of seven years stnnding. Mr. Carlock's danghter, 8 Staple street, cür-ed of Worms in thei'r worst fórm. Rev. Mr. Bbrnett, of Brooklyn, cured of bilious comploinís, weakness, &c. We need not add more. Evidence crowds upon us from all quarters. No Pilis ever before nccomplislied so niiicli, wifh so little troubleand disagreeablenes, as Dr. Smiih's (Sugar Cönted) ':Iniprovcd Indian Vegetable Pilis." Sold at Guion's corner Bowery and Grand st. : Philip'acorper of Beekman of William streets, Evcrett'a,9o Hud8fin st. : Sírs. Hay's, 119 Ful tori si reet,.. Brooklyn,' and 203 Greenwkh street. Eiinmittö the labeí- look for Dr. Smitu's vvritieiil jignature. 45 DR. SMITU'S (SUGAR COA TED) "IM proved Indiun Vegetable Pill," are daily efleciing some of the most asftonis'hing atd wonderfu! cures that haveever been known. in con- - sequence of which they have now become a shining rtiark ngainet wjiich all tlie arrows of disap-pointed hope, envy. and uncharitablenesa are levellcil wiihout disiinction. The town andcountry are alikc filled with their praise. The pnlacc and pnor-houso alike echo with their Vir- tues. In all climates. unrler all temperaturen, they 8till rctain their wonderful powerá, and;exert them unaltercd by age or situmion. THey are simple in their prepamtian. mild in their actions. thorough in all their operations, and unrivalled in their resulte. They are anti-bilious, anti-dysptptic. and; and thoy are ppculiarly bcrieficial in the followmg complainta: fcver and ague, ycllow and bilious fevers, dypepsia. croup. Iiver coniplkjm, sick headache, jaundico, asthma, dmpsy. spleen, pilés, colic. obstruciions, hcanburn, furred tongue, and foul gtojnách, paiiöea, diarrhoea,. costivencas, loss of af-petitc, sa'.low colds, and in all cases of toipor ofihg bowels where a cathartic or an aperíent ia needed! N. B. [CFNo Sugar Coat'ed Pilis cn be genuino nu loss every box has on it the signature of G. BEN J'N SM1TH, "VI. Dl Sbld WO'Greonwich st., and Rushton Ss. Co., 10sA'8torHouöe, and throughout the Unitod Staleai 4l-tf BROWNSVILLE ÍUIVIATA SRON STORE1. THE SUBSCRIBEN, agent for the Mnnofacturer,.Pitt8Durgh, Pa. bas now on hand a large and woll a6soi(ed stock of IRON, NAILS, GLASS, &c, whicli is oflered to the public ttt ihe lowest cah prices, comprising the followingr. Óqnj'u b;ir iron, allsiaca I. Plow. sliiba, Dandy tire " ' ' Plow wings, Horseehooi Sheei iron, Nos. 135 Saddle tne, " ' m 2&. Round; and Square " Nsils, 3d to 20d, Band and'lioopj. " [ Spikes, uil eizes, Boiler iron ' " -RsiJroad car . axles,. Xail' reda (t TCürriüge " and spiko roa. Cárriage, Springs,, Spades, shovels, &c, Ac. , Tocethar with evory other rticle usually nianfacturerf at au Iran Establishment. The above anieles aro inniHifnetured' st t-h Brov'nwille Jurtinta hrxn Works. Pittfihurgh, Pa. by Iw H-uhe, and are ui the best quality. W1NÜOW GLASS, of aM si?.!1, and of the best brands, consttintly on hand. or fumished fo ordpr. Jífcrchaiiis and'oihers will find it to. their advnntáge to cali and examine the t-ubistmber' stock, as tcell as the paites, bofore going else- where. .TNO. ROBliVSOK, Jr. Agent. No. 1', WardellR Rlock, corner of Woodward Avèinifl and WoodbrKJg Street. Detr.oit. Dcc ÍÍ1. r84í. 38 Tb fo4ïömg' paper wHI picase puhlish th abve to the &momit ol two dollar, andsend their bille to this oiRea: F"Jiir, G?5rtf nrd Jcr'Fonif n, AnnArbo Stf.a. Journsí, Aígvs sná Sicncl nf Libertyr Tack'or;. Gf nd Dcmoctai; Marshall, ?ta:eBra.un and Esfcauder..


Signal of Liberty
Old News