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Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Incorporated In 1810...

Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Incorporated In 1810... image
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HARTFORD Firc Insurance Eoinpany. Incorporated in 1810 - Charter perpetual - Capital, 8150,000, with power to incrcase it to $'250,000. TíIIS well knúwn and long eatablished Insti tution. with ampie cnsli capital, liave established nn aaenoy in Aun Arbor. and ofier te nsure Dwellius, Furniiiue. Stores. Merchan liso, Mills. VVheat. Flour. A. c , on vciy favo-ra ile terms. The high character of this company s well known, and its extensive business is conlucted on the most just aad honortble princi píos. Ovvners ofpropcrty iiíAnn Arbor and vi einity who vvisli to nsure it against loFsand dnmíge by hre. are ínvitcil to cnll dlrecily on fh íiibícnber, ai bisSioie in Aun Albor, whoia au horized to issue policios wiihoiit dèlay. F. J. R. GRANE, Aznr. V.T n Arbor. Jan. 1, 1845. 39-6in. wooz.: wooiTT CLOTH! CLOTHM THE Subscribers would inbrm the Public that they will continué lo manufacture good at ihtir Mnnufncfory, twoaricJ á hall' miles weii ot Ana Arbor, on the Hurón, on tlie f'ollúwini! TERMS. Until tlie first dny oí November. A. D. 1844. he price will be 87i .cents per yard, or half die lnhtlte ,vool will niakc. Froin the lst of November tú the Jóílí of May. 18-15, thc price wili be 3J cents per yard. or nine twcntieths of the cloih the wool will make, thatis, 45 yards oui oí" (;0 inanufactured. 'J'bo wool will be luanulacured in turn tu it may come into the íactory. as near as may be with referonce to the different qualiues. Any person who wili furnish one oí nore pareéis ót' wool from 80 to lOOpoundsoi one qualiiy can hnvc t Hinnufactured by ítself. Wool will be rece ved at Sci ). Wool geni y Rnilroad will be attcíided toin the same manieras ifthoowner were tf come with it - ii should be careJully marked. We have manuactured cloth during the pnst year for a very arge number of custoineis. tu whoni we believe we havegiven very general satisfnetion With hese faets and the ndvantages oííered by the low H'ioeat which we ofler to manufacture cloth, vc lopelbr a large share ot patroneó. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. Washtenaw Co., July 25, J844. . 3- tí Tlie Birncy Portríiits. THE Subscriben hnveon hand a qunntity of ihcse large and splendid engravings.beautifully executeil on steel pintes. by an excellentartisi. írom a paintingby Ei W. Esq..of Albnny. N. Y. They are a striking likenessof tuk Man, and makc an elegant ornament for the parlo r. For sale, wholesale and retnil, at $9 per dozen, or$l.0() each, by A. McFarren. Bookseller. Detroit, and by BECKLEY & FOSTEll. Ann Arbor, Nov. 1, 18-14. 28 tf 190Oll). Gecsc Fcatlicrs! O F firs: rnte quality for 3nlu by ihe pound oí hundred wcight in quantities to suit purchasers, may be foiínd at RAYMüND'S CASií STORE. ?,2-:f 1-13 Jefforpon, Avo. Dctiiot.WKIttHT'S POOR MAN'S PILLS, An excellent, vegetable fannly Medicine, in cases ol Indigestión, Dyspcpsia, Li ver Cúniplaints or Jaundieo, Aguc and Fever. Coüied Tungue. Sickncss nt the StomncJi", Sick Iieadache. lii'jiiiuf.nuind hm ■rniiitfiit Fcvers.Cöughe. Colcis, Cntairh. &c. &c. Entirely ytjfigjobtej they aie empluti ic:tll' MMTURJVS WRM-mJYB, eonducing u healih and cuiinteiaciing (iiauose liyjMirifyin!,' ilie bloot), deansing iho sysiem of. vitiated huinois. rtmoviiig chstmetions. stimunring. t lic organs of secrtiiion, mmgling wühthe lood md accilig eveiy wny in haimony with the sysicm. For Inilnmntoiy dispases uscd in connection wiili ihc Rhe'umó'tic PJjisicr" thcy wil] l.e found uuünly to aid m the remc-val óf diseases for which the Plasler is abovc recommended. nnd p.irticulnrly ar-j -bey calculrüed lor ;ill dcinncementsofthe L%gtSt(tc and BiJin Organs, Ihe prjrhnry üiiairi of'a m-iliiiude of disawcs. Pricc - '25 cenis and ;0 cents n Box. For sale at Mosely's Bookstoro. and tij J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agcm for Michigan, ""16-ly Certificate-ii. W..oi si(.ck, Lk.vawrk Co., ) Aiig. 20, I84Í. S For twclvc yirs I have been troubled wiih r, ihe rnaiic afiection in my back, 6o t lm t 1 have fraït ly ever boen f ree fi om pain during the wholc t nnt anti wiihm twdve houis nl'ier I hnd app'ie sonie of Wrighi's Rhcumntit: Plasler, I was peilt itly easy, and have had no pain fince. STEPHEN CARY. Jackson Co.. Cor.uAini.v, Aug. 2), 1844. l This mny cenify that f kave us-ed Wriffhi'fc PiMs in my faiuijv in violent aiiacks of chili nnd ibilious icver. arul have found theni to bc ihe best Pilis 'that Í ever used. nnd would recom-, mend eveiy lamily tokerp ihem on hntifl. JAMKS AWARTOUTThcmison. Guato Co.. (Dhío. April -2Hih, 18Í4. 'jj Tliis may certify that J have usrd Wrights' Ponr Man's Pilis nnd Rluuuiaiic Plasler in my praciice. and would sa y io tlie .public thnt thcy cari rely unon ihcir recominendaiion wiih the utmost confidence; in short, they only need trying to recominend themselvcf. REV. R. R. SCOTT. M. D. Lohusv Co.. Ghkkn, May J6. IHK). This ruay certify tlm I 'utve uted Wright's Pöor Mnn's Pilis in my practico, and find ihem to be one of, ifpot entircly. ihe best pills now ín use; and would rccommênd every family to keep theni on hand, especially ihose who live near low, marsby lar.d, or mili ponds, or in ati unhealthy climate. JOSHfJA BASCOMB, M. D. Without adding rnoie testimony ol the efficacy of the above mentiojied medicine, we do not hesitate to say that wc are not afraid io have its virlues tcsted by the sidc of any other of the kind that ever has been orïered to an A.cnerican public, and we wil! let k stand upon itsown merits. For sale at Mosley's Bookstore, Ann Arbor. By -Kellogg & Broihers. Wbite Pigeon. R. Willian SyJr., &■ Co., Siiirges Prairie Simeón Gnget, Quincy, Branch councy. A. K. Hall. W. A. Bliss, Jamestown, Ind. Flibha Stecr. Angola. " Choster Moss. Albion. Michigan. A. P. Mann &. R. Sibley, Marshal!, Mich. A. Callen der. '' ' E. Packer, Batile Creek, C. W. Viiiing, Galesburgh, " Capt. Brown, rrnirieville, " D. IJ. Medwood, Adrion, Quackcnboss, & More, Tccumseh " S. A. Rowlcy. Jonesville, " . H. Qilbert. Manchesier, " W. H. ratierson. Saline, " Harmon & Cook. Brooklyn, " Pierre Teller, Wlioiesale Agent for Detroit. Gco. P. VVright & Co., soíe proprietors ftír tho United State?, arid Upper and Lower Crnada. All orders and business letters for the present, may bc directcd tó Geo. P. VVright, Columbia P. O., Jackson Co., Mich.. h is for sale also at Monroe, Mt. Clemens. Uiica. Pbntiac, am! by Dubois S Wright, Jeflerson. ygents for the Smte of Michigan. Kii.gouk. Carrol. Co., O., Jan. 25, 1841. Ten years since, I was taken with theScrolula. so tbat I had no relief day or night, my limbs beingmuchswelled and covered with Üleess. my brenst and back in great pain, and neives much shattfired. I npplicd to different Physicians, uil of whom said there was no help for me, and all the remedies I tried proved unavailinr until 1 modo use of Wright's Anti Inflam. and Rheum. Piaster, whitli reduced the inflaination, bealed the ulcers. brought the skin to iltí natural color, and ielievcd the pain. I would recommend il to all similarly afñicicd, and ara sure they will be satisfien after givinr it a fair rinl. CATHARINE ALLENSWORTH. Thomison. Geauga Co., Ohio. ? April '20, 1843. ' j f certify that my Jittle boy put hls örrn's into boiling waer, nearly to the elboA. so that when the dress wa,i taken off" the skin camp with it; alter applying several romedies to no purposn - the arm beconiing much swollen and the child in great pain. I applied "''Wright's Anti Inflammalory and Rheumatic Plasler," and within two hours hc.was peifectly .easy, and went to sleep. After to or thrce dnys I removed the piaster, and npplie.I another'j and when thai was removed the arm was hcaled, except a place the size of a shilling which was soon well. J believe it to be the best article fora luim that can be produced, and would recommend all to keep it on hand in case of acetdents. ELTZABETÍI BROUGHTON. NERVOUS DJSEASESare greatly benefit ted by ihe use of ihcse pjlls; - asNervous Headache, Tic Doloroti.v, St. Vitos' Dance. &c. thcir tendency being to soothe the irriti.bility of thQ system, alLmj pain, and qnict and re ■pose, Thoso aííüctcd wilh Co,ughs, Colds, Influenza, fec. , wül find relief from the use of hese pills. Exposiire to cld closes the pores of tluthc8kin, checks perspiraiion, retardsthe circu lation, anti produces varions inflammatoiy dis oases. Does any one percetve a cold co'mini; npon . hirn? Let him on going to bed, take snffi ci nt to opérate smartly, and ihen eyery ni.ohl. tnke énöfi'gh lö produce a mild operation till the disease abates. In case of Worms lel a tea oí Pink be taken freely for 12 hours. and ihen administer Pilis suflïcient to produce a brisk cathar tic operation. 20-1 y. DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOUE. AMOiSG the most valuable (jualities ol ïhit . medicine, is its rcslcnivg injlucnce upor. consiitutions impnired and injured by previout altacks of billicus fever, or fever and nguc; oí by a long residence in those climates which produce üicm. There are many constituiions which becoiiïc gradual ly undermined by a miasincl iniluence. wiiiiout even a day's actual conlinement. ín such cases, the Cholagogue acts like a chárrn - thesallow complc.ion, loss of appetite, languor, wearincss and depreesion of spirits, will; yther unpleasant symploms which renderlife a burden, al! yield to this remndy when faithfully used according to thedirections of thenccompanying pamphlet. It is oniircly a vegetable prep iration, and mfiybe taken w;th perfect si fetyunder all circtimsiancrs of the systeni. For sale by 36 W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicmity. GRAND llTVER WILL probably bo navigable within five years, as farsouth as J. T. PRATTS' S STORE, where the iuhabitanis oí Michigan can now be supplied with Dry-Goods, Groceries, Medicines, Boots, . Shoes, Hals, Cabinet Ware, MülSlones, Boüwg-Clotli, Patent Snut Machines, BrisloVs Sarsaparilïa, 20.0C0 boxes of Pratt'a Pilis, single box 8 shillings, Life Bitiers, 50 cis. ]er Bolllc, a clioice lot or CHEESE, made in Wesiern New Vork. The proprictor pledges bimself to sell as high as any Merchant in town. iV". B- Alt kinds of Country Produce, lutnbor. brick, lime, wood, bought or sold jusi as will suit customere best. A good farm and lorty acres of wild land fjr sale. Admitinncc No. 1, Blain's block, ncar ihc River. Jackson. Mich. Nov, 21,1844.. itMB nmt THE M1SSES CLARKS' ; Yotins L.idies' Scminary, ANN AIU50R, MICHIGAN. MAR Y II. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. M. L. WALTER, Teacher of Músico ih'e Piano.. .,,.-., EMMY BEURMANN, Teacher of Germán nnd the Guitnr. RIIÜBY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvcnile { pnrtmcnt. F. MARSII, Teaclier of Mntheinatics and Vocal Music. II. F. SCHOFF, Teacher of French and Classics. ■ rjlHIS lnstitu'ion lins heen in operntion since ( X November 16, . I Híií. Thescliolnstic year ■ enibiacinii forty-cight vveeks, tw.o tenrs. , sing ivo qnai Iers eaeh - twelve wceeks n a quarter - a general examinaiicn nt the close of each term - in February and August. The Inst quarter of the present term com menced November 25. Tkirh of Tuition. - For the English branches. %'?,r0 to $5 per quartrr. No reduction mac'c lor al sonco : oxeept in case ofsicknoss, and no pupil ükcii tbr lcsthan a qiurter. Extra char ges are made for niusic on the Piano, with the use o' the instrument, $B.0( French, 8;0Q Latin, 3,00 Drawing hnd Paintïng, r,()0 Fancv Work, 5.00 Board, including wnshing. liglils?. &c. $1.75 per week if yiaid in advanco, or )J2.Ü0 per week , ifpnid nt the close of the qüarter. Parents and aunrdians are invited to visit the school every Friday, when tiie studies o.f the veek are revicwed - n'so semi-montlily on I ncsday afternoon, at rcadingof the weekly compqsitions. IJaving purchaseda healihy and commodioue bmltlingin a plensantand cunvenient part of the village, no pains or expense shall be gpá'rc'd to facilítale the studies and render the siiuation of ihc voung larties profitabele and agrceable. Youngladies desirous of entering the schooi and pur?uing the regular courso 'ofstudy, would do well to commence at the begining of the quarter. Belonging to the school are a Libra ry of herweon ihree and four hundred volumes, and Phi osophical Apparatu?, Electrical Machine, Globes, &c Scientific leelures are delivcre.d befóte the school at proper intervals. The Missc8 Clark wíl! endenvor, not only to promote the intcllectu! culture of their pupüs jut will auend strictly to thcir moral deportment. With n deep sense of religious responsibiliiy, they would give such a tone to character, os shall' renderit practical fitied for every station- yiclding toduty but finn to principie. Among the books ttsed in the school are, Abercrombie on ihe Intclleclual and Moral Powers - Kcine's Ëlen ents of Cii:icism - VVayland's Moral Science - -Newman's Rhetoric - Iledue'p Logic - Paley 's Natural Theologyand Evidencc? of Chrrstianity - Comstock's Chemistry and Natural Philosophy - Combe's Physiology - Mrs. Lincoln's Botfiny - Eaton's Manual of BotanyBu.tíu's Geography of the Heavens - First, Sec ond and Third Books of H story - Mrs. Wil liard's Republic of America - Phclps' Legal Classics - Playfair's Euclid. and Davie's Algebra and Aritlinietic - Parker's Natural Philosophy. Tlie Misscs Clark have taucht a Young Lndics School for several yeais in the Ci;y of New York, and are furnished with testimoniáis Trom Rt. liev. Benjamin Ondtrdonk. D. D . and John M, Griscon, M, 1., of New Ycrk, Hev. J L. Blake, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Emmn Willard, o) Troy. N. Y. ; also, rcference is made, by permission. to the following gentlemi n : Rt. Rcv. S. A. McCoskry. D. D.Robcrt Rumsey and L. B. Misner. Esqrs., Rpv. Isaac S. Ketcham. Centreville ; Rev. J. ÍJndpon. Whito Pigeon , Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and Gco. Ketehura. Marshall ; Flon. Wm. R. üeland. Jnckson; Paul B. Ring, Michigan Centre; E. II. Wman. Adrián: Daniel Flixson, Clinton: Garriine. Whecler. M. D.. ■ Howell; Rev. F. H. Cuminp. Grand Rapids; Rev. ÍÍ. Cololüzcr. Rov. A. M. Fitch, S. Dentón. M. D , P. Bng', M. D.. Hon. Wm. A. Flctchcr, Hon. Wm. R. Thompson, E. Mundy, Esq., John Allon, Esq.. Goe. W. Jewctt, Esq.. Col. Thomas MoseJy, Capt. J. Perkins. Thomas M. Lad(i, F. Sawycr. Jr. Esq-, late Superintendent of Public Instruction, Professors Whiting, Williams and Houghton. ro the Univcrsity of Michigan. Ann Arbor: Jamef Birdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint; Arno? Mead. Esq., Farmington. The followina gentlemen. Rev H. Colclrzor' Rev. O. C. Comsiock, Rev! A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtiss. Professors Whiting pnd Wjjltítuns! of ihc University of Michigan, nnd F. Pawyer Jr.. late Superintendent of Public lnstruciif;n. have consenmr) toact ns a visiting coniniiürn oi the school to be present whrn the weekly s'u-iies are reviewcd; l)tit especia I ly to atlend during the spmi-anrual p.vnminations. Augusti), 184-1. Mtf ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND RHEUMATIC PLASTER, AN efficiënt remedy for Rhcumatism. Fever Sores. White Swellings. Felons. Pain or weakness in Back, Breast. Side or Lunbs. Btirns. Bruisès, Crampa. Chilblains. f-iiver and Li'.ng affections. Indolent Tumors. Spinal affectiosn, Inflamed Eyes, &c. &. Tl is unsuspasscd in all Inflnnimatory diseases. cither Chionic or Acute, asit opérales by count 'er ucting and rcdyc'mg Infla mat ion, allaying Pain, Sweating t!.( paris ailectcd, nnd hy its streng'hcning and Ano dyne properties givingspeedy relief. Also invaluableasan anti-mercurial piaster. Price 95 cents per Box. - Pof furlher particulnrs. see circulaling Pamphlet.) For sale ai Moscley's Bookstore. Ann Atbor, and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigtn. lfi-ly TI-IË TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR SALVE WHICIJ. cureslikca charm all BÜRNS b fire or water, and every externtl SORE. PAIN. INFLAMMATION.. ACI1E or ITCH[NG ever yet found upon the human faniily. V which it has been applicd, must always be suugh genuine . from Comstock an'l Co., of New Yoik or their authon.ed ugents. All a.-e cautionetl against any spurious articles, which may alwayi bc avoided by knowingthe one you buy come; from Comstock & Co , vho are now the only proprietors and manufaclurers. Inquire for Con nel'8, which is warranted to do all it ever wouU when called by any other name, or the price shal be refundcd in nny case if it does not picase. To place it within reach of all, the price haf been rcduced more than fonr fold, and is now sold for 25 cents, the formerprice being too exorbitant. The 50 cent size now coniains. foui times ns much as the tonner, and the $1 sht near ten times as mucli. No fatnily that has any title to humanity, wil fail to have Connel's Pain Extracior Ointmen always at hand. lo save life, allscars. and reduce all iigony from any burn in five minutes, provi ded diey have scen it used. or will believe those who have usedit. COMSTOCK & CO-, 21, Counland Street Q7T Bc surc. tlierefnre. and ask foi Connkis as our plate with DaHey's name on ii has been stolen, and the spurious may appear wnh tin name on it. Know. therefore, that it comes direel tan, MJSSl. gg Aiient for Ann Arbor. iVcslcyaii Books! THE Subscribers have just received a pood 8npply of Wesleyan Books from the Depository at New York. Those wishing to purchase will picase cali and examine for ihemSc! ves. BECKLEY & HICKS. Ann Arbor, LowerTown. Dec. G. J844. 'V Cn ANN ARBOR OIL MILL. THE subscribers would give notice that thev are engaged in manufacluring LINSEED OITj, nnd are prepáred to furnsh oil of the bes quality to merchants nnd painlcre, cheap as i can be obtained from tho East. Oil exchangec for Flax sced at tho raie of a gallon of oil for a bushei of Flax seed. Cash at all times paid for Flax sced. PULCIPHER & JUDSON Ann Arbor, (Lower Villoge,) Sopt. 0,1841 20.-1 y.New Goeds ! New Goods ' ! WêÊêèB THE uiioVsigned has jusi reccived his nnnlv of Fall Coods from N. Y. On-, BesidÏBu iisf raie nsortment of SbectingB, CottonYain Pulled Cloths. Blond Cloths-. .nd oihcr Smpl Söotla, lie is j tist opening a f-plcncííd lot o' Rich, WoóBicd Damask" Shawls,Jst qualiiy. Brocho, do do Knbyl, do do CatOnnere, do Fnsbionable Cravats. Kic'h 'Bonnet ïtibhom Fatliionable hc-iid trimnungs, Vclvet " ALSO, V BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMJÊNÏ 01' J-RKSS STUKF3 1,UcH'A$' CnsKmere D'Ecossc, Muslin DeLaini' - P;irisscnncs. Rubroy Plaid, Prints ol' eveiy' descriplion, Plnin. black Alnpacn, figuut', black AJnpnca - Plain, colorod AInpnca, figured, coj'd Akpuco, rltfid, and Chnngcablc Aliipnca. The undeivígncd has in ïddition to a firet?1 mie nfsoitnitnt of Siap!c and Funcy Diy Goods-i clioico lot of Teas ana Co fice, í'úr family uteíAlso, a Jorge lot of Gees e Feathers, Fapcr Hsngings and Travelling Baskets. lliü Stock is well suiled loboih ciiy rmel cóun[iy trnde. Country pcoplc aic invited to cali nnd' 'óók 'ana sdlisfy theinselvcs ihst his stock willi bear comparisnn eiiher in qualiiy or piice wiiljt any oilcr in the western cc umi y. W. A. HAYMOND. 148 Jofi'erson Avenue. Dctioit Oct. 14. 18-14. ?4 t(; AiWAIS OIV HArVIK EJ nPlilE subseribcr has rc&J3 -L moved his Shop toMaiu jfE Mt Slreet "l'Posiic 11. Beckffp. 'WÉf (Jrs ■Click Stoie, whcro Iuf 3 ISBffi '1C ma-v C (ütIIU' rcy l (ÍRvVC I fflïËui Wn'' Updn a" lIiat n'" 'vc ■saiii - -b J laving just receivod djrect from New York an elegant stock of JEWELRY, ind Ftincy Anieles, which he intends to stl oiusr thnn bus ever been sold west of Bu"ffnl br llwthj Ptiy üutij, Among wh'ch niay. bo bnnd a good asoitncni of Gold and Cui nion Watcli Keyp, Gold Fingcr Rings and B o's on ?ins, Guiiid CIipíiib, Silver Ten and TrtRIe Spoons, Sugnr TongsT liiuter Knives. SiWer Penoü cases, Sihcr and Con:nion ThimUes, Silver Spectarlep. Germnn, do. Sfèèi, do. üois [5rush's, Clothrs. do. Tooih. do. Lathor. (Ier. Fine Rnzors and Pocket Knives, Fine Shears nnd Scissois, Inher Boxe's, Rozor Strops, Wnletis. Pnrseg. Violins nnd Bows'. Flntes. Violin nnd Bnss Viol St ing?, Claronct Reeds, Percussion Caí s, Pocket Pistols. Brittnnnia Candlcsticks, Watel'.ep, Lei'Kr Stiurpp. Sifcl Pens nnd Tsvetzcrs, Snuff and. Tobrceo Boxes, Fine Comks, Dressing, do. Side, do. Back. do, Shell, do. Needies and Cnt-es, Water Paintp, Toy Wotches, Kid Dolls, o greal varicty of Toys to nunicrousio. nifinion, Beadí, Necklacee, Fnncy Boxcs. &c. &c. Ci.oiks nnd Watciit.s of eveiy cic scriptio repaired and warrantod; also. Jewchy repaircdor short nolice. CALVIN Bl.ISf. N. B. Cash i-aid ron OLD GOLD A1SD SILVER. C.B. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24. 1844. 28-tr. C A 7%T BÊTmËA TT XEWB00T, SEOE.J.YD LEmTHER STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Toicn. Q FIOLCII lias removed - :f f Ï3 his estublishnient from J ƒ the Upper to the L(ver Vil. hio. No;. 4: Jluron Block, rj liK ivlierè lic holrls liiir.sfll in & Ö& re;idincss to 'dn-Bs the ''tfpíil der láiiilf.vsst" ol every Man, s;s?. VVoiruui nnd Cliild who wül ífr'J) givo hiin a th'e ncateptj and best mnnrer thnt esn le done in Michigan. LEA'i HER nnd FiNDINGS ol ,11 kinds constantly on hand. WANTKD. A ano Il!c'es,.n j-ny qi-antiliis. lor wiiieh iho highesi piiccs will Ue givrn. (LTI-ot none pn'rt-liai-e initil ffioy have called ai Feléb's. No. 4. Hnron Bleek. Aim Aibor. Mny 4. H4. . tft gfn-ly Reaáy M&&è Clcthsngüï TH-K LARGLST nnd best assórniiè'tit ol ready made clothing S er before ofleied in WaState now opening, and for rale, WLo'.csale.or Rctail, at the Ch-tbing Ërh'poriiiih ot ihefiihscribers. consisiing in pnrt of pínfri &nd l'ancy Ueaver, 'Pilot. Broad Cloihs and oihcr si} les. of Over Coals. Tweed CoFsimere. Eenver, Pilot. DomcsticCloth. Union Cassiinerc und Satinen Frock and' Business Coats. Fine. Plnin and Fancy Cassin.erc, Bliie.nmu Black Broad Cloth, Tweedsand oiher stylcs of Pantaloons. Plain nnd faney Silk nnd Silk Velvet, Woolen. Velvet Merino. Satín and Cassimcrc Vcsis. &c. &c. &c. togetber with a very Inrge stock o common Iüw piiced Over Coats. Business Coat?r Pantidoons nnd Vests. su,cl) as blue nnd black Flushing, Sniinet, Kcntueky Jeans, Comnioiv Tweeds, &c. &c. Also. an oxtensive OFPortment ol llosiery. Stocks. Scnifs. Handlterchielsr Collnis. Lnmb's Wool nnd Merino Drf.were and Shirts. Comfoneis. Gl.pves, &c. &c. all of whiclr willbesokl very low for Cash. They wou.d respectmlly invite all in want of rene y mudocrarmen'sto cali and examine iheir stock helorc purchnsing elscwhere. es il has been setectcd wit i reat care in the Eastcrn mnikeis, nnd mnmifnctuicd in the lhtest st vies nnd most durnble m.nner.. I1ALL0CK & RAYMOND, Corner of Jeilcrson and Avenues Detroi. Oct. JO. 1844. 3mo_ ÖTCautipn to All ! L0 T ET ALL THE WORLD TAKE NOTJCE, B A AND BK CABJBFOL NOT TO BUT THE (SUOAR COATEü) I.MPR0VK1) ÍNDIAN VeGKTAIU.K 1 M.1.5, unless kvkky i:ox hos otti.t the miuoiistgaaiure OÏ tliQ briguinl inventor and patentce, G. BKNJAMIN SMITII, M. D. These Puls possess powers to open,u, ,hennt„rnl dmins of the syst i-v e I ÜNGFi K1DNEYS, SKJN nnd BOWJ-.LS- hithertp uK■o' in the. prac-ice of mediciner and -o complete has been their trumph over a!D oiher medicines, thal many have been led to snpposo tbey coninin soine powerful mineral; bnt uponexnmination by Drs. Chu.ton. Randou'H. HuN-mcTOM, : nd others, this suppobition is at once proved to be groundlcss. Sold in ÍS7ew York, at the principal Office. 1J Greenwich stieet, also by Rushton & Oo., Brondwny, corner K?tb streef. Pamphiets to bc bnd ol'agents gratisN. B.- Persons will also notice on iho top label nn engraved indian figure, cioised with fin red print. . r , Thegonuine mny also bo bought with eaiety at Dr. Guion's. corner of Bowcry and . Grnnü strect, Brooklyn.and at respcctnblc stores throiigliout the United States. _____ : WÖOD! V7OGBH WE want some from suDscribcrs tinniechatcly Oct 12. 1844.


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