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Will bc published oveiy Monday murning, in Ana Arbor. Micliigan, by BECKLEY, FOSTER, & Co. For tuk Michigan State Akti-Slavkky SoCIETT. TEKMS, One Doi-j.ak n yer, in ndvancc: if not paid. in advanceTwj Dollars will be ikvaiuabi.y required. QU" Oíd Bubscribers can hnve their pnpers at One Dollhr a ycar, by forwardmg that ainount, (tfnd pnyinj arrearage?. All subscriber8 will be expected to pay within the ycar. TERMS OF ADVEUT1SING. For each He of brevier, (ihe smallest type.) for tlio lirst insertion, S cents. For eadi subsequent inaurtion, leent. Vor thrce montha, 7 een is. For six months, 10 cents. For one year, 15 cents. 'Orders by mail will be ptomptly attendcd to. Legal Advertiaing by the ioüo. ÏD Manufacturers, üookseilers, Machinists. Wholesale Merchants, nnd all otliers doing au axtensice business, who wish lo advertise, will find the Signal the best possible medium of corninuniention in tlie State. 1D" AH Remittmces nnd Communications should be addressed, Post paid, OSig.val ok Liberty; Ann Arbor. Mich.rji


Signal of Liberty
Old News