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Morgan Manly, Or The Man That Never Said "No!"

Morgan Manly, Or The Man That Never Said "No!" image
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Morgan Manly was nmongthose who figured bet ore the Recorder yesterdny, and a very sorry ligare poor Morgan cut. He ws, as he saul hithself, a uñit in the numérica! nopulation of mankind, but amere cipher in the social aéalé - an affirmative abstroctedly, but a negativo praclically - a m chine incupnble of selfj aciion till put in moïion by oihers - an instrntnent Ümt was mute tiil played on by interested parties - a sound tlmt bot ecboed other men' e voices. Such were some of the attribiitesof'Mr. Manly, ns announced by liimself vvhcn ihe Recorder asked him what he was. "The watcbman saysyou wem típsy wheh he tirrested jou, Mr. Manly,1' said the Recor dér. "Let it bo so writlen,'1 retortcd Aíanly.. '1!b says, loo, that yon wére sbusive to ! him," continued the Recorder. "I havo no deniul toofier," answcred ManI ly"And that in coming tö the wnfch house' yon mude nn attempt to escape trom him.', nddcd the Recorder! Let tlic presnmption bp in favor of the trnlh of the ivatcTiitifainTs allegation éaid Maniy. "Tlion yon adníit ai!," siiid the Recorder. "Èvery vord of it," said Mnnly. uAh have no negative testiinony to offer " said ihe Recorder. "Nol a word,": caid Manly. i([ liave made it a principie of my hfe never to deny nnything: ncyer lo say no.' to onyihing; and it is this pcculinrity thai hjs influenced my wlióle lite. - Ao is a (vord, sir, nol in tny vocabulary, a:id I doubt ifi know its mcaning1. Jfa inun asks me to takca drink, 1 never say no! If a man' asks me to lend him a V, and I have it, I never say no. If a man asks me to play a game ofcards, I never eay no. If I am asked to' go a gimninjf, I never say no, whotever mny be thc personal inconvenience to myself. If I am atlted to subscribo to charity, I neyor saino, howévef' much Í may nccd cóntribuüorrsmysel f lf a quack asks me to reccomraerid bis medicine, I never say no, though it may be sa poisonous as aqtiaf.irlb, for all J know to to theconlrary. Wben asked to endorse for a friend, I never siiid no; and if a travelinr MeítDoriscr cali on me to vouch for his clairvoyance cnpacily. I never say o, tliongh I were to know liitn to be a very jnggler. Why. 6r, niy own miserable, unhappy tnarriage was the consequence of my never sayinp o. It wae leap yesr, sir; alie knew niy weaknesf - took advantanre of it, popped ihc question, oud I enid - yes.r' The Recorder luid Mr Manly ihot he (hougljt him altog-fitVer too pliant-minded for the present liinep, w lien the prevoiling nxium f=eemed to be that every one should take care of liimsf?lf. He dismisired hini, hoping. Jiowever, that in future he wonld not be so charv of his (of" whenever he was asked or invited to do uy thioif to hisj own or the public


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