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Selections: Foot-prints Of Progress

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Wliat hnve the abolilionists done by agita-" líng" the slavery qneMion? VVhnt has the antislovery cfiuse gainèd? What are the sjgfl i,f progress?' Wliatae the prornises of the future? Those questinns are asked by the world, nnd antislavery men revolve them in their own minds ivhenevcr ibey look upon the field of their eñbrts. There should be a ready ansuer for all such nquirers. Sixty-threc thousand voter6 hnve remained firm at the polls, under unparalleled trials and temptaions, showin that ibey regard the an! tislavery ó&usé as paraniount to every other j political qnestion. Politiciaiis of theprominent parties, have freely discnssed the subject, and admit that it is the grein question, and thatlhe issue cannot any longer be evaded. The public have conceded the ground thol imniecliate emancipation is practicable, and riglit. Liberty voters are solicited to cast their Buffruges for proslavery parües, becauee by so doing they can inore speedily -effect the abolition of slavcry. The annexation of Texas, is resisted by tbe people, for the countenance it gives to slavery, and politiciana have to bow lo this risifig sentiment. Texas is advocated at the Noth, by unprincipled politi cians, because it will tend raiher to weaken 'j than strengt hen skvery, as they affirm. Tbe gag rule has been rupealed. Antis.'avery , quetions ars freely debaled on tlie floor of ; Congress. Slaveliolders bluster less and speak ! in u "subdued tone." A convention of the people of Massachusetts, without regard to ' party, has been held in Faneuil Hall, Boston, end has declared ita opposition to Texas on I the ground of slavory, and based its proceed ings on the elementnry principios of abolition.' William Lloyd Garrïson, wlio twelve yearjago was led throuh the streeta of Boston witli a rope around his neck, and was only saved from death by bemg sheltèreS by the public aulh'oriliês in the city jai!, was loudly called on to addrps3 ihis convention, and entbusiastically cheered. Far seeing pólitician?, " of extensivo influence, have pnblicly acknowledged that the only va y in which the'encroachriients of slavery can be checked", 'm by tli'e' poücy of the Liberty party. Slaveho!dersVe' declaring in Cougress that throngh fenr of che abolitionists of the Norili, their politicol all1jgare fast them. PoIitiealJy tliQ issue" seems to be fairly made up, between Liberty aud Slavery- other questjonsaro unsettled, oir by general consent are laid aside. In the church also, the arili-slavery cause" is demanding duo consideration. Many rcligioiis associationa have boen formed; on the" basis of no compro mise with' sFnvery. It liae neen demon-trated to thesatisfactibri af Cfirúiians, that nbolition does not spoil a revival.-" Synods, Associations, and Conferences, havve actcd boldly on the subject . SlavehóldeWafè not fttilowshipped as Chrisúaos; they feel th'át christendom narrayed sgainst thern, and that God is not found on their side. Abolitibiilst are fast multiplymgin the siave States. Tho imprisonment of .Miss Webster,' Torrey.and oUiér?, íor sirriply giving assíslance i o th'ose who wish to eujoy tlieir natural nghü, ;s waTiing up all disinterested persons tó the charoctcr of slavery. The nbrtliern State hm regarded s a free highway over whicbthé fugitive hns a ri-jht to travel in searcb of freedom-Uiey wil! be eoon regarded ns free Cernlory on w'oicli the fugitive froni oppressien may rcmaia in t'ic enjysnent of his riglits. There is a prcvailing irnprfssiori that laws which deprlve mcii of their God-givèn' rights are wickcd in ihe sig-ht of God, and eánííót be uptield by a Chrlstjatï commnnity. Sirong eiTurts are being made to ctear the remnanls oVtavcry,;u:c] unjust distindtioitsbe (ween people on account of from the' sliitute books of ïhe freo States. Time vvould fml us to enumérale all tha sig'ns of the progress of onlislavery principies. They nre sucli as to cheer every Chrisüan aiid' patriot's heart, nd lo cause cvery Iaborer to press nn with energy. Let iho peoplé behbld' these signs and undérstand. Let politicïairè bc warned. Let ïonest men be led in the right puih, so íhat when he day of jubileo is proulaimed , thcy v. i! have no regrets ihaÉ they have not aided in this great work. Let' Cltn.-ïtiaiis be udmoniscd that wlieri they are calied to the jndgméiït scat they will not bë' overwiiflmed with remorse, and reretthot they did nbt remember their Savior in the


Signal of Liberty
Old News