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C. Brinckerhoff's

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Mr. BrinckcrhofT, unxious to mnko knowrr and 10 extend the useofihe Health Restoraii,. nnd ieelii and kiiowi g ihat lts remedial effect (I)V ilie favor oí Providence) lias been t he only availnbltf nieans of restoring tn heahh and life n any of' the youhg and endeared &onsand dnughters and rilmost a mnlütude uf tho middle aged, need. nnd venerable individunis in the land. now places more convenien:ly before the invalid his invnluahJe ren:cdy. That dreadful scourge o:' our race. the Consiunpsion. with it nttendont horrors hnve been ewept nwny - the Restoraiiver renewing the impnired vi al part so thorotïghly os to resist aftervvnrd the nvidíous attacka oí ihose discases. To the humane nnd tender henned it s n pleasing nnd movincr sight to view the before hopelesa sntl dispiriied sufTerer rise from hiscouch of aickneas and pain. nnd ke !is phice aniid ihe cires nn duties of life sim - ply bv menns of thls erniul Restoroïivc ef Wature's Fifr.utions. The mosí sevt-re cougíis afmnst iinmedifiiely }ield under u iiflueucp, nnd however racking or c!iron.ic thoy mv.y have been, yet they vnnish the moment the Restorative beyins to cxert and ihen moiniainjt power. The Propnetor earnestly requesia afVwho nre afflicted wiih any disenee of the Lunes orLiver, Pain n the Chest and Sid', nnd Coüghs. lo commence the use of the Herdih Restorntire. Despite the approbrium wbinh if nttnched'io nll ndvertised medicines, use this remcdy nnd be convinced ot lts power however inrrednlons you hnve hpon. The followin cerfifinnte is from Dr. Chilton, the well known New YorkClwmist. "I háv.e nnnlvzod a bottle of medicine olled 'C. BrincrhofTs Health Restorative," and find that if does not contain Mercviry. or any o'her metnlüc nrparation; rror opium in ony of ïis form8. It is compnsofl of veffetable mntter en- lirely." James R. Cmiltois. M. I. C. CR1NCKERHOFF, Proprietor, N. T. Horack, General Agent. Principal Office 96 Hudson stjeet, N. Y. 49-4w.


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