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CArVT BE REATr ■S'EWBOOT, SHOEJIJVD LEATHER STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Toum, tQ FELCH has removed O hisjjestablishuient from the Upper to tlie Lower Village, No. 4. Uuron Blocfc. ■fflr-ri Hi--" he bolds hiineell in 53iF readinesa to 'tress the "w7deril:nul'nigs'J ofevery Man. V Woman and Cliild who' wiTt %sLü give him a cali. in the neatest, and best marmer that can le done ín Mícnígnro LKATHFJl and FINDINGS of M kind conatantly on bond. WANTKD, Cafh nnd Hide, in sny quanti" ties. ior which the highest pricea will be givenÏÏTLe' none parchase until iney have aaÏÏ'ed at Feicli's. No. 4. Huron Block. 'Ann Arbúr, May4, I844. 3-Iy Swgar Coated Pilis, vs. Iisease- jTlore ETidcncc MR. HILL. of the firm of Giriey and HUI. 1G9 Broadwiy, says the Sgr Confed indian Vegetahle PiUs nre superior to anv ho has ever taken His wife hns found them dclightful and efficncious. Miss Douci.aís corner of Walker and1 Lmüow streets. has been chrcd of pnin in the head, dimness of sight, and dizziness of loirg standing by shese Pilis. Mrs. Simons, of ÍK) Henry stiret. cniïed of pains and crarnps, ofeight years Ptanding. Mr. ATKtNS. of 263 Greenwich streetr eured of'ilyspepsia; of seven years sianding. Mr. Cari.ock's danghter. 8 Stnple atreet, cured of Worme in their worst form. Rev. Mr. Burnett. of Brooklyn, citred of bilious complaints, weakness, &c. We need not add more. Evidence crowd üpon ns fioni all No Pilis ever befar nccomplisbed so much, wiíh so linie tronb!#ird disaereeablenes. as Dr. Smirh's (Sognr Conredf) -Improved Intlinn Vegetable Pilfo." Sold at Guion's corner JJowery nnd Grand st.: Philip's corper of Beekman of Willram streets, Kverett'a, 93 Mudsxin st. : Mrs. Hay'e. 119 Fulton 9tre% and -203Greertwidi street. Kxamïn the label- lcok for Dr. Skitk' efpnature. 45DR. SMITH'S (SUGAR COATÊÜ) "IM pr'oved Indian Vegetable Pilis," are daüv efteciiiïg some of the most aslonishing npd wondertu! cures thnt have ever been Rnovtfiï, irr consequence ofwhï'ch they have nove hceomeft shining mark ngninst which nll the nirrows of rfisappoinled hope. envy. and unchnrïtiinfei'iess aro levelled wiüiout dUtinction. Tire fort and country are slike fiHed with tlieir prnise. The pnlace and poor-hotrse alike echo friih their virtues. In all crimates. onder nfl temperatttTM, they s;ill retnin heir wonderful powor.s. arncTexert ihem unaltercd !y ase ot sirnntion1. They are simple in thefr prennrntion. mild rn ihcir actions, thorough in alf thefr operafions, and nnrivallcd in their resulls. They nre nntf-biliou, nnti-dyspepiic. nnd ami-mprmrinl: nrrdf thoy nr peculinrly beneficinl in the follmving eompinints: liever and ngne. yellow .ind lilious fevers. dyspepsin, croup, livcr romplnini. sick liendache, jnundice, nsihma, dropsy, ttpen, pües, colic. olistrucüonp, henrtlnirn, furred tongue, and foul stomncli, nnusen, costivoness, loss of ;v pütiie. 8aow compiex'ivïi, colds, nnd in all cases of toipor ofthe fVowèls where n oaihartic or nn appriftnt is nerded: N. B. BIFNo Sngar Copfed Pilís c;iñ Le genuine iinless every hdx Ims oYi it ihe sinatnre of G. BENJ'N SMITIf, M. D. S-ld 179 Green wieh et , nd Roshto VtCo., 10 Aetoc House. and,throghoit the Uiie I S'.ates. 4ltf BROWNSVILLE JUiïATA ÏRO STOKJE. THE SUBSCRIBKR, ogérvt for the Mnnufaciartir, Pitteonrgh, Pa. has-jvow oq hand a lurge ansí well assorted stock of ]RONfNAlLS; GLASS. &c, wliich is olTered to the pr.Lüc at the lowes! cash prices. comprisiQg the iollowingt Coin'n biriron, allsizes I' Plow slaüs D.indy tire " " ] PIuw vvings, Horseslioe, " " Sheet ironT IS Saddletree " '" 10 L6r Round nnd Square " Naiïs, 'i to 20dr Bami nnd hoop-, ' ' Spikes, afl eizes-, Boüer ron '; RaiJrond car axlep, KFail rrdá ' Cnrriage Deck :tnd spike rod"?, j Carriitge, Spring, ypades. sliovels, &c, &c. , Tbtetlïèr vriih every oiher article nsnatfy mnfaetnred n( au hou Êstabfishmeftt. The above urüclcs are mnntifnctured t the Brosvnsvülc Janinta Iron Works. Pifisburgh, Pa. E. tíoghes. au are of the been qnslity. WINDOW GLASS, ,of all s'zes. nnd dl ibe best brauds, constantly on hand. or fqrnished to order. Merchants nnd'others will find it to fheir ailv,nniae to culi nnd fxnmihe the sübucriber's stook, qa locll as the pii:es. before going elf?- whore. JNO. ROBINSON, ,tr. Agent. No. 1, Wordell's JJIoek. corner cl Wnmiwird Avenue nnd Woodbride Sircet, Detroit. Der. SI, 1844, 38 The fo!lonng papers will pleaje puHlish th nbove to the amomit ot iwo f!oüar6, and ?ep4 iheir bilis io ihis oíTicí: Por.finr, 0;?n ; rrl Jrckfrr.ii r . AnnArho Sta(e .loiinml, ArgUB and Sign.-1 of Ljherfyr Jnck-on, G.izeite end Dt-jitscrut; Míha!l, Öiatccman and


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