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ATTENTION J. ■ J' rcceived at tho General Depot, fpr the sale of Cïothiers Stook. Mnchiuery, IJyeMutfj#. &c, No. I3. Jeffcrson Avenue. Dtitroiu'tbe following largo, well asb01itíi, ana saieluily selecied stuck, vr.: 10;) bbls St. Domingo Lagwood. Out.. 5 Toas í ' 'i' Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fuatic, Cut, _ , 5 Tona - i; I inSuck, 5(J bbls. Níc. VVootl, Chipped, 5ü " h'uv Wojd, 30 " Red Wood, " 12) ' Grouiul Cumwood, 10 " Qíiercitron Barlt, 500 Ibs. Nutgalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lac Dye, '2 Ccroons Spanish índigo, 3)0 Ibs. Su.'nncSicily, 3 Cnsits M.ulder, S Casks Blue Vnriol, 5 Cssks Aluin. '2 Barrels Ued Tartür. 2 B.i neis Cream Tartar, IS Cáfboys Aqün Fortis, fi ts Oil Viiriol, ;{ í- Muriattc Acid, f!;) m3. Virdigrts, 5) Block Tin, . Teisalp. Tvv'íne, Goppieï líenles, all sizcs, l'.iráon's Shearing Machines, Curtís' Scruws and Press Platea, Cmu'ás. Press Paper. Stee! Reeds, W.rítcd tIanies3,Tcnter Hooks, Emery, all Nu's.. Olive Oil. Cïothiers' Jacks, Sattinett Worp, Clotliiera' llnlahes. Shuttles, Pickcrs, Card Clesners, &c. &c. Tffs a!v)vc. with a variety of other nrtícles beonin" to the trade, have liecn purehnsed this u.v-iiM-by thc subscribers f rom Manuíncturernn1 Firít Haüdeiri thu New York, rhiladelpbjo. n-' Diston Markets, and every ihing hnving res coií-ej liis personalinspection. he can with the u i iv)stc:iridenco offer íhemto purchasers as tkí best and musí compUU stockin the country; and p.3 it is his fixod determinotion (by the low rates n: whk-h lie ivi!lsell)io Drevent the necessity ol our Clothiers and Man.HV'urers lenvmg tho Stato to make their purchases. he wouid merelr sav to íhe trade. CAT.L, examine ijoods and as-ertain beforc you say you can buy ChHÍ"ío pleito ontrnc. r CARDING MACHINES made "g; Si"n oh he Golden Mortar, 139, Jeffcrson Avenue, ■ fir-.íf.]'TO THE VrCTOR BELONG THE SPOÍLS" been before the public, claiming tó'fefire relief and evon cure ihe most invetérate d.seoses, y et none hnve so v.-ell answe.ed the purpost as Dr. S?iERMA;VS MEÜ1CATED LOZEiNGES, Dr Sher'''aAjGFI LOZENGES" cure the most obsii'nnte cases of Cougli in a few kÈrs They have cured n larpe number oi persons' who Kfivfe been given up bv their physicians and fiiends. and many who have been redueed to' the vere of the grove by sputing blood consumjuion and Hectic Fever; by their use Have bad the rose of healih restored to thehag rirdclieek. nnd now live to speak forih the praJSéé oftlns invaluable medicine. Dr. bher1113118 "WORM LOZEHGES" ha-ebeen provedin more üu-.n 4W.0U0 cases to be In'alübie, in fact. the only certain Wormde stmnm medicine ever d.scoveicc!. Ch.ldren will e.u thom when tliey camiot be torced to uke anw oiher medicine, and lire benefit denved from ■ . Aïhniiiistrntiöft oí medicine to ihcm in thu i-":,, s .rer.t iwjl conception. Thev hav, ncver been k ïown to fail. Dr. Shermnü - CAMPHOR LOZENGES:" relieve Hcadache. Nsrvous Sick-her.dache. Fa! pitaMon of ihe lleart. and sicjiness in a very few ininu'cs. Dr. Siiernian's 'POOR MAN"SPLASTER" is acknowledged by all who have ever used it to be i'iie bes: strengíhening Piaster in the world. and a sovereign remcdy i'or painsand weakness in the back, loins, side, b-east. neck, limbs. joints, rheumatism. lumbago, &c. Be Ciireful to procure the above and all Qther medicines ol 7,J iijaii-nl' s. and you willbe snrethere will be no 1nisxílken,qanu;ysoríChír.MAYNARD_ Ann Arhor, Februorr 5. 1844. 41To Clofhiers, ]?Iaiiiiífecturcrs and Merchants. THE sul'Sriber is now receiviug ac his store.. 18d and 190 Jcffirson Avenue. Detroit, the following earcfuHy and well selected stock of Dvk Woons. Dvk Stlits end Woolen Mas ükactürer's Machiseuy. 53 up.s Fusíic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico and Cariliagena. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo aad Honduras, G tons Nicaragua. Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lmta, 3 ons Canuvood, very clioice, J SU barréis Logwood, cui and ground, ]3) ' Fusúc. í: " 10Ü " lied Woods, '%i '.' 1ÍO {i Caunvood, " " 10 t: Q,nereciiron Bark, 45 i; Allum, 42 : Copperas, 30 " Blue Vitriol, 26 " Maddcr. Ombre, and Dutcb. crop, 3 '; Cream Tarier, 2 " Nutgulls, 3 cases Índigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua tímala, 2 : Lac-Dye, 2J :' ext. Logwood, - ' Grain Tin, 30U pounds Verdigris. 15 Ccirliüys Oil Viirio!. Spirits Sea-Saltsand N'uric Acid. ÁLSO; Copper Kettlcs and Clothiers' Screws, Tente, liook?. Jacks and ürushcs. Press Papers, C'ard Cleaiiers,' Shenrs. Isippers und Burling irons, Comb-plates, I'ickers nd Bobbíns, Wjre. Worsted and Cotion llarness. Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power. Hand Looms and Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Einery. ArPúsoos' Siieming Machines, 4, G. ond Oblades. AHen'a doublé and stngle Carding Machines. Machine Cards, Leieester. The above goods have been recently purchas ed directly from the importers and manufacturcrs. EXCi.UbiVEti ïor cash, and will be sold at the New York jobbers' prices, adding transportation only; aml in lonscqucnce of the decline on many oí the American maitufaclured anieles. Wit!, in many enses, be sold at viftekn pkr cest lkss thvx voitMKK pRiCKs. Thirteen years exaerience in the Dye Wood business enables the subscriber to say to his custoiners ihat he is prepared at all limes to wyurast his goodsoi uperior quality. THEO. H. EATON.Dye Wood. and Dye Stuff Warehouse 188 and 190 Jeffergon Avenue. Detroit. Tho Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilanú Sentinel Pontiac Guzeue. Flint Democrat, Adrián Expositor, Marshall Siaiesmnn. Niles Courier and Republican. Gazette. Michigan City (In.) and xhe Knquirur, London, (Canada.) will each publish '.We above noticc insidc. lo tlie amouni of j liree dollars, and eend copy of notice wi!l bilis xo subscriber for 17-tf. "lROMË M".TRË AD W ELL ATTORNEY AXU COUNSELLOR AT UW, And General Land Agent, WfliL attend to the sMc and exchange of Linds, payment of Taxes, and redemptinn of Ji.nnds sald for Taxcs in JackROn and adjolning countie9. examination of Tilles, Conveyancing. and nll business pertaining lo Real Estáte. Oliice in the Couri House. Jaekson, Michigan. 17-tf. CHARLES H. ST E W ART, TT8RNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW ANO SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. ;KFFBftfON AVÜUE DF.TnOlT. 40-tfBU. SMITH'S IJNIVERSITYJPILA.S ii w,„ 1YT Bmith M. D.. laie Profcsnor of Materia Medica and rpiIESE Pulsare prepare! by n;,.fFf c''l , . ür. gtffrfa Wl,„ld sny re U.e prfffiSi UflU :u offeíing Ifaera iLis PUI, (W ;;" , ul,ei . .hcc üale or nono bolo.e, bu. onc f bu is safe.. as wcl! as oU:s iry iKls piU; H wül noi JM - ,)e n,!:,vv,,,r jisses: Bilions. ínterIt , pcClíarly ..n ■! o rempvn JgSSS? S3 Í mittant, nn- Ilcnaaa.a I cvt ,:; f r J na - - ne _ -{ , o1 (;u]c Aeifl[y oj thr PnSS,vo Dropsy. R, u „a;..,", .,.,,.'.,.0 . Uo ■ ' y., i ; -ho, charuc. bpjrièni, ler nt c, Jjf,, "J of lhesu P!s nre ins.rucie.i, SfSSH ilw :li:iy W lheill; lhal lhey shaU lwvc 'iieir money refunded. TESTIMONIALS JN FAVOR OF DR. WM. Al SMÍTH'S ÜNIVERSÏTY FILLS.TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANOON. MoMtoK, rvJiehig.-in, Jünè 12, 1844. Dr Smitb- Dwr Sir.- T miich pleasiire in jxii-ïhk my testimony in favor of your rUw SteMeS ns of thn füf four vears ín n,y piactlc, nn.l ] Bé ew! Ihein o W rin 'i&titïa Zr T tnke much pleasnre in beoringr testimony to the cflicacy of your Dr. SMtTn-Sr ,- I tok ei muw F d irjfr llice Livor nnfi i„ aM oomplaints emanaPiHsin removing bile from the biemacu, ueicioiua JVC TELLER, M. D. ling froin that source. .i.Atiri r v t wpf io' TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WJiiLLiö. 1Lbl Wateukoo, Miei.., March 10, 184.4. To Dr SAHTH-Sir-Foriipnrtls of six manthsl wscruelly afflicied witli Fever and lo Dr. bMiTH-öir x ; fi & lhiar lhot ?ave me permanent rchc'; at Icngth hovvAgue, ndf rmg that t niecouW önö no 1 , Phvsidans .hese ÍIrt yl l"ám hï PV 'n SS able to say, that fro5n the use of one box I wn permanent]TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. 1 Mo.nuok, Midi., June 1, 1844. T herebv certify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith has bern my Family Pl.ysician tbr four ycar? lastpat thathe has sed his Univer.ity Pilis in bis inmy family wuh ..nparalefed and I thfnk thern prefernble to anv pill tor bilious aftcciion m M leiea succes, awu x PANIEL G00DN0W. Innkeeper, M.icomb-St. House.. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSHALL.Flit, M.-ch., Juno .% 134. aSp0K'''lei%rST?MNIALOFMEeRS:NOBLKANDFyFELD Wecertifv Hmtwe are anti fiave been personolly acquamted with W in. flL htnilh, M. D ad w tint he is a man ot eminence iij li profession-and thaWor four years he Me the chairof Materia Medica ml Pharmacy 'in the Willonghby Lmversity ot : Lakc E ie, Sh honor to bimselfand satiffaction to the Trusteen and Fncnty, as we!l as to the StucJems of the above University. As for hls Pi!l, they are 'par NOBLE Monroc, Mich., June 19, 1S44. „,,.„ F' FyF1ELD' TESTIMONIAL OF R(AL B. CMASL. fhi I certsfy, thnt in tl.o month of September last, 1 was attacked wuh BíHSmm F-fir f whi e aVi.1 fSm Lffig at Owa.o to b.,ild a water wlee! ) and wtl, one of s U - vé'tï P US Í roke f up; nnd as many tér vvere sick at ihe Umr, 1 ndnmnstered P.-b tothernaid in all caL it b.oke up their Kevers. I tóe used them many ï.meë s.nce, and with great ucce. They .re the best pillé I ever qgg ya 3 Shiawassee JffiEft ABIGA1L C. WRÏGF1T. This mavcenifV, thar rhvee vears ngo ) wafe attacked with Liver Lomplaint. so severely [h-nfdSerQyleTfinbed; I used muny specifics and such as B andretí'" Roí. Son, olntal, and other pill,, but wilh liüle orno effect. One yea. t "riïnd K Saith called on me on his way to Boston, when he gave me a box of mm M M - d me' g? my Ilr&ili Dpar Docrroii-Justice requires me to stale, that I have fold yourbniversity P.lis forötoj and ï half yïrs bst past, and tha. 1 con sel 1 no pthers whIe 1 baje thom on hand. i hej have supeseded the sale of al! oihers-theu efffct H fa# f yCj:íínLN!tvverTown)and WM. S. fc J. W. MAYNARD, Upne. Town. Ann Arbor. . „ __JLGOODNEWS FROM NEW ENGLANl). Dr. Smiih's Sugar Coafed Lnproved ïiMüiUi Vegetable Pslïs, TRIU.MrH.VNT FOIl CONSUMPTIOXS, COLDS, RIIËüaiATISM, DYSPJÍPSIA AND FEYERS. ÍTOOK a severe colci. ihis fail. wliich seulecï in my limbs. and brought on ilie i tism. accoinpuuied with severe pains nd a baci cough. whicu obiiged me to give up my business l tritd many remedies without nny rtlie(, uruil i procured a box iï Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Ind.aa Vegeublel'ills. svhicli. Í ani happy to say. immediaiely relieved me, anti enablet) me, ii) tliree days, toretorn 10 my business. 1 ain now entixely weli. E. F. FIILL, VVasbington st. Boston. Nov. 4. 1844. I have been considerc-d in the Consumption for cbout nine years, with a severe cough every rail. which did not leave me till the next 6prinr: wiih. an almost constant Ileadac!ic:-not being able to sleep many niglits djiiring the wiiiters, in consequence of ilie severe fits of coughing. 1 have tricd most of ilie cough remedies, with cnly temporary relief. My usunl cough commenccd abouifonr wesks sincc. wiih an ineixaerngsoreness to my lungs; and w::s urged to try Dr. Smith's Sngar Coaieci Pil Is- which l liid. 1)U1 without any faith in iheir cff.cacy. I toolï ;ui Pilis beiore retiring; and. whbin furty-eu1. hours, my cou::h wusentire'.y broken up. which has not rêturned, and the severe turns ot licadache have lei ine. I never have found a remc.rn Jy before thalbroughtso sudden relief. Í do nol believe there is any cure for the Coutuniption; Inti ntm satisfied, tliere is no temporary rcüof equal [o these Piíls. I have since admiriislercti them to members of my fatnily, for Cuida and (Jonghs, with the most happy rcsult. IJ. K. WELLS. Bos'on. Having been aiïücied for severa) years with a Weaknets in the siomach and Ljmgs, witii Costivenes9, HeadacHjc, nnd Depression of Spirits, ihought by many tu be in a Gonsumptipn, and was obiiged to pive iii jiiy business. A.'fer trying a numbr.r of the vious Sarsnnárillas and Bnlsnms. wiihout any permanent rehd, I was prevailetl upon to try Dr. Snih's Sugar Coaied Improvcd Judian Vesetable -Puls; and, to mv astonishment. they immediaiiih' reüevcd n;e, and, after tnkiniï a few dosts. aiiix;iiiirely recovercd, ann able to return to my busixess. JÜSTUnCLAPJC.The dircctinns and trcatincnt of thèdiseases. accompany evcry box. I'HICK S5 CF.NTS PJ'R TÍOX. No ';SUGAR COATF.D PILL." cnh bocnuine without tlie sifinn!iii: of ihe 8ole inventor "G. BENJAMÍN SMITH. M. IX. PresideiK of the N. Y. College of Health," upon every box. OfTices devoted exclusivcly 10 the sale of this mebicine. 1-9 GREENWICH STRF.riT. New York. No. 2 WATER-STRKE l', Boston. For sale in all the villages and tovas in the New Englnnd States. N. B.-No travelling pedlars ore allowed to sell these Pille-. ! KTFor goVeby W. S. & J. W. Moynard Ltind& McCoIlum, F. J. B. Grane. Ann Arbor Perrin &. Hall, Nnrthville: Thos. P. May, Jr. Plymoutli; D. C. Whitwood, Dexlerr G. & j G. Flil', Detroit. DRAB BROAD CLOTH for carrioge trim minsr, Cords and Tnssels for wiiidow shades for eale by y. A. RAYMOND, 32 tf 148 Jeflerson Avenue. Detroit. Uve Créese Feathcrs, OF a superior qnnliiy. for sale by ÜECKI.ET, FOSTER, & Co. 1 March 3, l345u 45-3wAïikEBASFS MEDICINES. '1 HES E MEDÍCIVES ARE efleciing sut-ii asionishing cures in imii litudcs oi'oiil öasfts long since abandonad by Pnysicinns and Surseonas utif-i'.y hopejessj. ihgt no medicines, where ihese are Uiiov.-u. stand s dtóorveüy high. They cönsist of th i: black, on alleu.ísi'S salve.. PMCE 55 CENTh. Whieh cures olmosl universnlly. Fever Sores, oi the most mal:gnaií lúiu_ Felons, Ulcera. Abbcèssëa, Tumors, Fincuncs, CiUs, l'uiu-turcs _nrns, Sculds. Sota 'J&roat, Cliiil-lains. Qnin ey.Dropspy? ínfi.imnmMry ftlieuminism, inflüin iiatious and twelüngs of evoy descriptiom Scpld leadj Ague in iheraee, NórvoHs'l.'ooth Ache. Agueiti the 'BfêSèt, Brokcn Bi'ëasS, S;c. &c. A LLEÚÁSrS IIEA TIH PILLS. 25 Cents. These Pi Is have acq'uirod a popnlntjty vviihin lie last year or lvo, wijich no olbsr L'il'.s pos esa. Tbe reasons ;:e obvióos to ül! who usiItem. and iriáy Ke íearneo rom ihc pamphtet ihqi ccotnpanies thc-ni. Thcy cure Bilions. Pcnrli-i nd oihcr Feyers, Fever and Ague, Dy.pepsv. Dropisv. Acid Stotntich. Disordcrerl Bovels, gi Siomacli, Jauiidice, Hend Aehc. Üzziiiess in i'nt f end. Wornis. Lïiféii Cbmplaint. learj; Bnni Cliolie. Bowel eoiflpíifímtj General Debiliïy, Cos ivencsè, á.c. &c. They purify i!.e eiitire sysmin. lei'c :!e howelöin i vigoro us and heahhj ondiiion, &c. Sec pamplilet. ILLEBA.Si'S Jr'&ötËt ACRE DHOPS ERICÉ, 2Z CENTS, iViHcurean ordinary case of Toolh AcliPinfrom Inee 10 ten minuies. For Kervous and olhei iinds of" Toi!) Acl;e. sce lampiile!. ILLEBASr.è POOÜ BIAN'S PLASTER PI! IC E lá J CENTS, Are warratiled to le superior to any other Plns ers in ihis or any oiher couniry. for pain o. veakness in (he Back. Sido, Cl.ot. Boycls jqTúb, Mu.scles. and for ItliëuniftUsrh. Lungaricl Liver Complainl8, Coughs. Colds, Acthma, &c. Sec pnini)!ilet. N. IJ. Plenst to ask (hear'ent for a pamplile viiich givcsall 'lic iufonnaiion necessyry reepec ng the usea of the medicines, the víriúés the )üsscss, cío. Picase to follow . directioiis ir. the tse of the medicines, and ycu nay reiy upou all liat is proinised. A liliernl discount made to nicrcliants andeis. who buy lo scll mam. LYMAN W. GILBERT. Proprietor. Wliolesnle Drugcisi, '214 Fultonst. N. Y. O Por sale Ky tho subscriben who hns been nppointed general agent for ihe Ciiy of I)eiroi and lis vicinity. Country dealere supplied on iberul terms. C. MORSE. Micii!.';ii! Booli. Store. The abovë medicines are sale at the Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Villagc. December 0, 184-1. 34-ly.' MRS. C B13.FFÍNGTON would retfieáiaily inform the Ladicaof Ann Arbor and iis vicinity that she has received the fall and winter fashions. MRS. C. BUFFINGTON. Nov. 14. 1344. 3[)tf. Flax Secd Wantcd ! .' THE Sihscriber wiÜ pay ONE DOLLAR in enah lor good Flnx Seed delivered at the fiure of Beckloy &. Ilicks in Ann Arbor, or C C. Waldo at Pomiac. D. L. LA TOURETTE. Fcb. lat, 1846. 41-3mPólice ío Merchanís. T;IE Subscribers encouragud by the patronee thcy have hitherto received ín tho vMi.j.esule cleparinientofilioir busiiie&a, will hu tt'&l day of'Mny ncxi. open the sioro iiosv ntcua'ied by Gco. GienVülo. fronting on Uuror. streel, nnc! connecung vyitli thcir prosent store ín ihc'. excluaivolv f"i' u ■WKOLB SALÍS ROOM, wlieie ihey will Uccp til uli tunes i luíl assortinenl of Drij ■ Goods. Bools, $ SAocí Carpct!' IJa.Cps, Paper íJcng'u', Bolina, Cracker bji I lie Crale, Kan ware and G'oceries, fyc, he. S"c. uli of vviiich wiil be sn!l oñ as goot) tonns as ai ;uv poiui tlíis s.ileofNe'vv Ym-k Güyí G. O. Í1ILL & CO.. Ann Arbor. M;,rch 20, 1M I. 4Stf. T6MS fotlowiiiyindispeiisublo t;inu!y icniedies ninv be 'ound ut Mjïsaku's Druggisi Siore. ñ Ann Albor, wliero none will be sold uniess krowr. to be of ihe best kind :md no èounterfeitnnicll'éver oficred. patent mcdicihí iiva;ably pro.cuFcd ol Uic orígnj I inventor or liis regular succsqr! tn? A'o ftimilj áhould be uiccc'i icil.ltout tlicsi rencdib'sïjTT BALUNESS. Bidvi of Co'nmhi,!. for ihc Tic ir. whieli vvil op it i! Tallin" outj or restore ton bnld p-'aces; ul on children make íi grow npidly, or on lose who havo los: thelmii fcoin nny cntise. A--LÍÍ V'íOiíMíiX thiuinlest ihcPlienils of cbilren in schools, n;c prevenicd or killed by i', ai nce. Pina 5se ñama ol' COMSTOCK on n r never ti v it. Hcntciulicr tiiis altcutjá. PILES, &c. ro wholly prcvcntcd, or govorned ifthe aMack 108 cunao n, i' yon uso the onij truc Iíays' Linjk.vt. froni Conistock & Co All SORES, id evciy tliiri'g rc-lieved by it íhá( admits of an aiardapplica'ioji. Jt aetslike a chajsn. Use RHEUMATISM AND LAMÊNESS posivelycnrtl"; all shrivelled nuisclcs nn-i linib.aie estored. n the o!d ír vqynor, hy the hulicv, VejíInhlc Etiririntt Nnrre and Hoúe Linhncnt--hi ever without thc:iarae oí' Com.stock & Co. on KOLMST.OCK'S Vf-RMÍFUGE will oradinte all WORMS in chüdrcn or adulis with a pnaintv quiie sfoniphinsí. TOOTM DROPS. Kukks- cures efiectunlly Ann Arbor. Feb. n, 1844. 4Hediraied Finster, spread ( for immcditttc 'une, RICE OXLY OXE SHILLING, IX OUDER TO PLACE THEM WÍTHIÑ fÜÈ 3IEANS OV AÏ.L. 'tS7 slight ailmcr.n, bv whercthe patiënt prélerë . ;i iess e.vpënsive nítido tinii ilie i:Anti-iniimatory ontl Rheuviatic Piaster," these wijl' be bund hiclily lienclicial. Beiiifi alrendy spread br immetliüte applicniion. théy vvill be ionnd eiy convenicn? Tor WKAK BACKS. Pain or Weakness in the Sidc. Broasi. Siomach. bcveen the Shoulders, or wherever thcie is Pain, r where a Piasier is necded. Thoy mny le ren éred more setviceable hy 'past ing a pirce of otii on the bck of tbem be-t'orfi tliey nre pp}]-}(]. íMulti'.udcs'have bren relieved of pain and ïftbrini; tif ihcse ClieapPlnsters. For öaic ntMosely's Booksioie. and by J. T. i tockin". Travelling Agent for Michigan. Hi-ly W II O L fèk &ÏM &"k ETAIL. A. M' FJ1 iiRAr, B00KSELLERAN;STATi0NEB9 x.m a hts nr.acK, S7 JEFFRKSOÍ AVKNUK, DKTKOIT Ceeps constuntly for salen .■oinpice Mssoruiiein of Misecllaneous. School and Classic-al Books; Let ter a lid Cap Paper, plain nnd ruied. Qnil's. Ink Sealin; Wax, Cuiiery. Wi-.ippin Paper. Printing Paper. ; :iil sizis; aud Iuo!;. News and Canister luk. ut va rious kinds. Fiilhüid hall bound. ol every vaneivol Pi ui ing M E M O R A .v: DU M BC O K S . & c. To ?rlerc!ian'i; Tencheijs.-ind others. buying ín imntities. a :rm. discount made. SABBATH SGHGOL & B1BLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOF. f)!-tf.HARTFORD W&fopMuirájácie OonipaayIncorpora led in 1810 - Charter perpetual - CapJa, #150,000, witk power to inefcase ü io 8250,000. TÍJIS we!l knowii andiontí cstabiished Insti tuüori; with ampie cash capital, have es.ablislioil in at:u:y in Ann Arbor. and oiicr u, uiFUio Dsvu-lliriiia. Furniture, Siores. Merchnn Jise, JVIiÜs, Wheat. Flour. Ac , on ve'ry favova ule tenns. The luah charncier of tliis compain ■ís well Uiinvvn, and its extensivo business is con rlncted on tbs most just nud horioráofe princi pies. Ownersof property ia Ann Arbor and vicim:v wlio wish te irisiireit agninst loss and dam :iffe by tire, aro invited to cali directly on ihe suhscj-ilier, ai bis Srorc in Ann Arbor, who is nu '.iiurized tü issue policios vyilhout delay. F. J. F. CRANE. Arent. An n Arbor. Jan. 1, 1845. 39-6m. "WÖÖffiiï WOOÍi! CíOTH! CLOTHÍ! nrwiE Subsetib.e?a would nform the Public X thal thby will continue to manufacture good at iheir Manufactory. iwo nnd a hall miles wei ol' Ann Arbur, on ihe Huron, on the tullo win TER MS. Unlil the fiist day ol November. A. D. 18-14. the price wíll be !17 cents per yard. or halt the djihllie vi'ool will make. Froni the J st ol November to ihe lfih of May. 1845, the prics will be 3.) cents per yard, or nine iwonüeiiis ot the cloih the woil will makc, thatis, 45 yards out o' I OO manufacturad. 'J'he wool will bc nianutac tured in turn i.-j ü may come irito the lactory, as near as may be with reference to tlie dtiierent qualities. Any person who wili furnish one or more parcele of wool from 80 to lÖÖ 'poundsof one qunlity -enn have it nmnufacturcid by itsoll. Woui will bu rece ved at Sei . Wool sent by Röüroad will bc attended to in the sanie m;:nuer as i'f'thë öwrier Wérê io come vi'itii t - it should be care.'uliy niarked. We have nianufactured clotii durjng the past year íor a very large nuniber of cuatoniers, to whom we believe we have given very general satisfaciion With these facía and the ad van i ages oí'eied by thé Iow price at which wo offer to mannfaciure cloth, we hopefor a lnrge shnre ot pairon.'ige. SAMUEL W. ï'OSTER & CO. Scio. Wnshtenaw Co., Jnly 25. 1844. 3-tfThe IBarucy Portráits. mllK Subspribere hovon iinncl a qunniity oí JL these large and splendid engrnvings.befiutif,jüy executed on Plooi nu excellent nrtisl. iröi) a paintingby H. W. Cüü Ksq..of Alba'hv N. Y. Thcy nrc a striking üumiüss oItii Man, and makc an elegant ornament ior tl) pailur. For sale, wholosale anrl retai!. at $8 per ( or&l.OO cach, !)y A. McFa'rfèn. Booksftiler Deiroit, and by BECKF.EY & FOSTER. Ann Arbor, Nov. J, .1344. .. 2S if lSOOlbs. Gecsc Featlicrs-! OF firat rate qunlity for snlc by iho -pound o himdred weigbt in quantitics to snit purebï kcjk. niny b foimd nt mrT' RAYMOND'S CASH STOÍM-. '2-if MS Jeílcison, Ave. DelitoWRIGHT'S FOOR MAN'S PIX.&S, Au excullen; vcjc:uble l'annly Medicine, in cnses ol liuii gestión, üyspepsia, Livcr Coinplainis or Janndico, Ague I1IU' FftVWi CqjU.04 Tongue. Sickreiss at ihê Sloóiacli, Sick il er. rinche. Remitiamanu I tirorniittent !''evers,Coui.'lis. Colu's. Catanli. c i!v.c. Emiiely vegetable. lüey afèenipTmlical'v .o nd nci n i ' lu'.aith mul cjúínteíaciin" tascase by juirÜying t he blood, cleimsing the eysietn of vitialcd huinors. rei)iuviiig cbstvuclions. stiiif'u11 ing llic orgnns oi'soci-elitm. niingliug wiili ih fuod iind aciing every wuy in harmony with 1U0 i.ytiU'in. Foi; Inflnmntory cüscnfcs iiyed in connection uiih ilic 'Itlieaniatic PJn'ste'r" w i 1 1 be l'oimd gfbaify 10 aid in ihe remcvnl of J]sea8es ior which the Piasier is aiiovc recpniniendedj and p.uiiculnrly are '!iey ca!ciiln:cd fvir íill derañgoinents of the nnd Jülitinj Qfgáns, t lic primory oiiL;i:i ota m 1 i i iide ol' discutes. Price - 25 cenis nnd 5(J cents a Bo.v. For s;:le Qt Üíosely's Booksiore?. nnd liy J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michiann. Certifícate. VVuoisn-c;. Lk..v;;k Co., i Ang. 20. 14"!. ( For twelve ypars 1 liuvc Lten uoublcd witli 8 rhe inatic aileciioii in my Ixick, so tliat ] linve hartly ever been Iree i'ioni pnin duiingllie wholc Lkni and wiilim iwclvn lionrs nffor Í lnd appliet sonie " Wxighi's Riieiinniiii: Piaster. 1 was peili :[iy uaiy. and havu had nu p'njn ifCO. STEPHEN CARY. Jackson Co., ('olumiua, Ang. 2), 7844. S This mny ceriify thnt 1 kave used Wright's Puls in niy faniily in violent tillada of diiü nnd ibilious foyer, nnd have l'ound iliem tobeihe bfisl Pilis that J ever ted. and would reectmmend every Ianiüy 10 keep iliem on hmu!. , jam:h awartout. Tüomi'slin', Ckavov Co.Omo. ? April 28ih, 1814. i This may certífy lint I have nscd VVrights' Poor Ñfní's Pilis and Riitunaiic PInsier in my practice, and would 4-ny 10 ihe pnldic that ihey can rely ijuon iheir loconmiendation with ihe utniosi confidence; in short, tíiey only ncecl tiying to recomniend theniselvef. REV. R. il. SCOTT. VI. D, Lorai.nk Co., Gukkn, May JG. I8-K5. This inay conify 1 'iave uted VVriglu'f Poor Man's Pilis in my practico, nnd find theui 10 be one of. ïl' nol 'niirely. the best pills riovvin use; and would recomniend every fannly to keep thein on hand. especiaüy ihose who liveïear low. marshy lar.d, or mul poncis, or in an Liiihcaltliy climate. JOSHUA BASCOMB, M. D. Without adding nmïe lesiimony o! the efikacy f llie uliove mentioned medicine, we do nol hesitate to sny that wc are not afraid 10 have iis viruies tested by the sido of ány oihcr of the kind ihflt ever has been offered to an American public, and wc w i ! 1 let i', stand upon itsown merits. For sai.; at Mosley's Bookstorc. Ann Arbor. Ey Keiloijg & Broihers. White Pigeon. R. Williañ s, Jr.. & Co.. Su.rgcs Prairie Siineon Gaget, Quincy, Branch councy. A. K. IJuIL VV. A. Eiiss, Jamestown. Ind. Elisha Sieer. Antroln. ;i Chester Müss. Albion. Michigan. A. P. Mann & R. Sibley, ftlarsíioll, Mich. A. (Aaltender. ; ;' K. Piicker, Battle Creek, " C. W. Vining. Galésbürgh, '; Capt. Browi). Pmirieville. " D li. Medw'ood. Adrián, " Quackenboss. & More, Tccuiv.seh '" S. A. Rowluy. Jonesville, " H. Oilbert. Manchester, " W. H. Patterson. Saline.. " Harmoii CooK. litooUlyn, Pierre Teller. Vho;esale Arcnt for Detroit. Geo. P. YVright &, Co.. scle proprietors ioi ir United State?, nt,u Upper and Luvver Crn.idn. II oiilcrs and business leners ('or ibe present, ïay be directed to Geo. P. Wriglu. Colambia 1. O., .laekson Co.. Mieh. It 'm lor salcalso.iM Monrje. Mt. Cleincns. 'tica. PonüaC; ai:d by Diiloiy &. Vyright. JelTeron. Aiientsfor the State of' Michigan. Kn.GouK. Carrol Co.. O., Jan. 25. -18-41 . Ten. years since. I was taken with the Scroiua. so that 1 had no relief dn'y or ñight, tny limbs ein? tmich swelled and covered with Ulcess, my )rcasi and back in great pa.i.n. aud ne ves niuch sliiiitered. I applied to diilnrent Pliysicians, all of whom said there was no lit-lp lor me, anrl ÚU tlie remedios I tiied pmvecl unavüüin until 1 mide use of Wright's Anti Jnflini. aud Rheum. Piaster, which reduced the infiaiiiaiion. iealed the ulcers. broüghi the skin toiis natural coló:-, and ïeüevcd the. pnin. I wguld recommend ii to all eimilarly afflicted, aüd am sure they will !e salisíion nffér eiviiiír it a fñiriWaj; C AT H A RIN E A LL E NS W ORTO.Tjiomis)K. (eauga Co.. Uhio. April 20, 184:5. ' ) f certify that my litlie boy put lils anus iiiï'ri )oiüng water, neariy lo tlie c!boA. so thm wlie.n ie d u'ss was talien oiF the skin emuo wiih it; der a'pp,lyïng sovcral remedies to no purposn- he ;irm beconting nuich swollcn and the child n great pain. Í applicd ;Vright'e Anti liiilumnnTorv ai)d Rhemnaiic Plnstor." and witbin Lyvjj KniiN ho was pcrlbütly easy, nnd went to sleep. Wlör to or Ihree days I reniovod rlie plnsier. nut' ;ipliC'! anoihcr. and when ihni was reaiüvuil tin i ui was liealed, except a placo tbe sizc of a shil ing wliich was soon wñll. 1 lielieve il to be the nrticle fora burn that C)jn be pronuced. nnd vould rwommend all to keep t on band in case of accidents. ELTZABETPI BROUGI1TON. NERVOUS DJSEASEvS aro greatly benefit cd by tbe usc of these piüs; - asNervons Headïche. Tic Doloroux. Sti Vitus' Dance. &c. hcir tt'ndency beinc to sontbo the irritúbilit.y oí lie systeni, aliay min. and induce quid and retose. Those oiHicted witli CougJis. Coldp. Inluctiza. &c, wi!l find r liiM iiuni tlKiuse of :besc ills. Exposuro to ccld eloses the poros pfi ih heskin, checks pcrspimiion. rdards the circuüticii, and producéis yprio'hV inllaniniaiory dis enses. Does finy one perfeive ti cold coming ipon hiiii? Lot hiin on gcing to bed, t.ike sufil cipnt to opérate sn;arlly, and then evciy take cnoiish lo produce a miJ'd opeiation till tin Jisease abates. In ense of' Woims let n tea o '':nk be faken freHy ior lö hutirs, o ml then ad„inister Pilis súfiiclent to produce a brisk cathar lic opojntion. 'cO-ly.ÓSGOOD'S A iYl U-G ihemosi vilu;ibic tjualitics ol tliie J. medicine, is i is restoring vnjlunicc upor, constilurions iirpaired niu' injurcd by previeut atlacksoi biltious lever, or fever ;mrl ague: 01 öy a Icingresidence in thosc cliniates u hich produce them. Tbere are nwny consuui.tions whicfi becónic gradually undeimined ly a HÁiásmal in[lucncc. viiliout even a day'snciualcuiilinetnent. ín such cases, the Cholagogue acis liUc a chnrni - ihe saüow complexion, loss of nppetiic, Ipnrruor, wearincss and depression o[ spirits, witli other unplcnsant syiuptonis wliicli rendor lifc :i burden. nH yit-Uf to 'ihisremedy when laitliCiilly usc.d according to (he direciions of tlicnenoni])nying pamphlet. ïl is emirely avegeialile prep aration, and rnny be taken wih peiïecisffèty uuder all oircuinsiancee of the eyfctein. For salo bv 36 Vv'.'S. X J. W. MAYNA1U). sol.e Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinily. GRANUlTlVËW WILL probably bc navigablc wátliSn five years' asfarsouih us J. T. PItATTS'S STORIO. wbere tlic inhabitants oi Michigan can iiow be supplied wiih 'Dry-Goods, Groceries, Medicines, Boo Is Shoes, Hals, Cahinet Ware, MillSlones. Bolling-Cloth, Palenl StmU Machines, BrisloVs 'Barsaparilla. 20.000 boxes of Pratl's Pilis, single Iox 2 shil Mig8 Life Bitters. -60 ctB_r BaRjfifi a clioiceioto'Cnbol1-: n.ndc in Western New Vmk. 1 he plcdgesbimselfto sell ns high as afiy Merchan 111 ?v')Wji.'_AU kinds of Country Produce, kun ber, brick, lime, wood, bought or sold just o wil! suit custfimers best. A good farm and lor ty acres oí wild land for snlc. Admitinnco No. 1, Hlain's blonk, near Ui River. Jrickeon, Slich. Nov. 21, 18M. -''TUE M1SSES CLARKS' Young ïiadics' Seminary, AXN AIUïOR, MICHIGAN. MARY TI. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vicc Principal. M. L. WALTER. Teacher uf Aiusic o Üic EJ1MY HEI,' ilMAXN, Teacher of nnd the Guiüir. RllüHYF.. CLARK, Teacher of Juvemle ücp;n tinent. F. MAIl.SH, Teacher of Maihematics and Vocal T.J lisie. II. F. SCÍIOFF, Tcnehcr of French and Classics. npi-I'IS lnsMuu'iou luis been in opc;a:ion JL Novpniber í. (39. TJie.schoJastjc yeai fcny-eiühi '.sec-Us, iVd t'jni-s. coinpnsiiiL' loqnaiiers etich - ivvelve wcreksin a quattpr- n vencinl cMiniinaiiou al tlie close oí each icnii - in Febiuary aiicl August. UTIio inst QliSrtér of the present term entn rnencecl November '27). Tr,i.i of Tlmtiox - For the Englisn bvnch;J.rOio.rper quarter. No rc.luction mace !or tft srnre: except in cmse of sicknfss, nnd no pupil (.ken for lessiluin a qu.iricr. Extra cliar L'es are made for niiisic on the Piano, with the use o' the instrument, jp3,00 Frene!), 00 Lafin, :'-(' ])ravinrand Painting, V1() Fancv Work, .OH Board, including wafhing. lights. &.c. .flr' nor Week if aid in advanpe. or ,0ü per week fpnixl at tlie (tlose of the (junrier. Parí-nts and auardinns are invited tovisittliP school everv Fiiday. wlien the studies of ihc week are revicwed - ;.rso semi-monthly on Wednesilay aiio'Tioon. at rcadingof the wéeiily compositioris. ííaviiüj püfclinsöd a' lieaithy and coimnodious Innlclingin a piensant and convenieni part of the j villnue, no pains or expense shall be qpaxQd 'u fneili:ate the studies and ïender the situation.of 1 1 j o vouná ladies profitnble and arceabie. Younjr iadies desirous of entering tlie school and pnrsuing ilie regular of study, would do welt to comrnence at ihe begining of the qnm ter. Belonc;ii!g to tlie Fchool aro a Library of herween iliice and four luindied vo! unies, uud Phioso)hical Appnratus. Electrical Machine, Globe?, Are Scioniilic leclurcs arr deüvored belore the school at proper intervals.The Misses Clark will enden vor, nut onty to proinoie tlie intellcetusl culture of their pupüs tut will altend strictly to their moral deportinent. With n deopsense of religious rcsponsibiliiy. they woulfl give such a tone to dioracter, qs shall :enderit praeticiilly fiiteil lor eve.ry station- yieklinr toduiy but firni to principie. Among the books ü'sed in the school are. Alercrombit: on the 1 ntcllect u;il ;iini Viornl Pftvrs - Kane's Eieii.eiïis of Crhii-ism - YVnyhind's Moral Sdience - Ne.wmaii'? Rbetoric - tieile's Logic-Pnlcy's Nniunil Theology and jf.viáenécf of Oiristiiinity - Coinstock's Cheiüistry and Natural Philosophy - Coiiibe's Plijpjlogy - Mrs. Ltncoln's Botnny - Èntcn's Manual of BotanyBu.'ritt's Geography of the fJenveus - First. Sec ond and Thtrd Books of IJistory- Mis. Wil liard's Tteiii!)lic bfA'm'énca - Phulps' Legal Clag0S_Playfair's Kuelif?. and Davie's Algebra and Ari:hineiic - P;uker's Matural Iliiiosophy. The Misses Clmk haVe tuught a Young InÖteii School for sevcral yeatsin the Ci;y of New York. and ;ue lui nislied wiili testimoniáis Irotn !Lt. fee-V. Betijainin OiulerdonU. D. D.. and John M. Gri.scon. M'. D., of New Yi rk, Hev. J JL Rlüko.orBiooklyn. mtl Mfs. KiifrïWi Willnul, o! Troy. N. Y. ; aiso, refererici' is made, by permissjon, to the followin gnülrnn n : R.t.. llev. S. A. RTnCoskiy. D. D.. fl'olièrt Rúnisej mui [.. 1. Misr.e:-. Dwinit ■ V.v. h.-;-S Ketchaiu. C'L-iilreville ; Rcv. J. JJudson, Wliiu Pigeon , Hev. .7. P. Clevelaiid. and (leo. Keiehum, Marshall ; [on. Win. ft. Dtílnhd! .Tat-Uson; p;ml D. Hing. Mieliigun Centro; E. II. Vii!ii;: Adrián: Daniel Hïxson, Clin'on: Gar.diiie, Whetlcr. ÍB. D.. BfoweH'i Hevj V. H. Cuininc. Grond Rapids; Rev. H. C!ole!azer. Rev. A. M. Ftch. S. Denion. M. D . P. Brighain, M. D.. Hon. VVm. A. Fleichcr. Hon. Vm. R. Thonpson. E. Mundy. Esq.. J ■ h n Allen. Esq.. Gèc VV. Jewett, Esq., Col. ThonuiR Mosely, Capl J. Pcikin?. Thomas JVJ. Ladd, F. fínwyer, Jr. . late Superintendent of Public Inslrucüoi Professors Whitinf?. Williams nnd llouehton. o the Univortiity of Mirjn,;in.. Ann Arbor: Junit Birdsall and Rev. .lolin Bcach, Flint; AmoMead. Esf]., FdTñftngton. T!ie tbii'iwiní,' "cmlonien. Rcv H. Oblelnzei' Rev. O. C. Comsio.-k. Kex A. M, Fitr-h. Rev. Vlr. Cnrtis?. Profcssprs W-hitJng nriri Williams. f the Univcrsity of Micliir-'H. n'n F. Pawvcr. r.. late Superintendent ot' Public lüslnic'ioi). mve consonipíl to.tct ns n visijinp cuniiniücc ni hoscii'.o! to !)( p:esent when the ucekly suvjies re i -cjvicwi;fl; l.ui ('pcciülly to attend duriiig ilu pini-nnrunl pxn'iiünntióiis. Auyust 0r 1K44. fSlltí ANTI-INFLAMMA'I'ORV AND IU3EUMAT1C PLAÍSTER, AN" cíTcient romedy for Rliemuntism. Fevt) Sores. Whue Sucllíiiss. Fclons. Pnin oí vcükncss in i lie Biick, Jjiensi. Sjde or Lmlw. Surns. Uruises, Cramps. Cliiibiüins. Livcr on: jjung aflecuons. Indolent Tunioie. Spina! nfieciosn. iiifiarncd Eyps. etc. &. ít ís unsif'?pnFcd n all ínflinitnatory ' iíisenses. citlier Clnonir 01 Acutc. nsil opcialesby counlcraclivg and mcHg- íiiflamotió'n', nllnyin; P;iin. Swcntinp i ia7ts nlíeoted, and by ts streng!icniiJ and Ano lyne proporties ivingspendy relief. Also invalííiblpasnn anti-mercuri.-il piaster. Price 95 coms per Ilx, - For (urtlirr pnrtirnnis. see circulating Pamphlct.) For snle ni Moscley's Boohstore. Ann Albor, and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michig;n. 1 6t 1 yTHE TRUE VMN WrilCU cuioslikea chaini all BUJRN.Sb) fire ,or water, and cvoiy cxicnu-l S.ORK. P.AJN. LNFLA'MiViATION. ACIJE orlTCÜhG evci yei fouud upon ilie human lamily. -io vvliich it has been applied. must olwaysbe sougl cnuinc f rom Comstock nu'l Co., of' New Yoik or thcir authomed agenta. All are cnutioicc agninst nny spurio'us urticles, wiiich ir.r,y olwuys Itc avoided by knowing ile one yon buy con v iiuni Conistoek & Co . who are now ihe pioprietors and miinufncUiiors. Inquire lor Con :iel's. whidi i's worrnnied io do nll i'. ever wouk vvhencalled liy nny oilier nnine, or the piict-shiil be rei'uiidcd n :iny case ii it does not (ilcase. To place t within rcacli of nll. the price ha iiecn reduccd inoiothan ibur f;;!;!, and is no-. sóld lor 25cént8j the formerprice being too exorbitant. 'Die 50 cent size now coinains loa times us-much as the lornier. and the $1 siz nenr ten times ns much. No tarriily tliat has any tillo to humanity. wil fail to havo Con.nvx's I'nin Extractor Oinimen alwayfl at hand. to save lile, oliscara, and leduc nll neon y from ny btnn in five minutes, proví cied th'tíy havo ?i:t;n il nsod. or v,-ill believe tlios whc havo used it. COMSTOCK & CO.; 21, Couftlnnd Sireet IT Bosnre. theverore. and ask foi Connkl's as ourplue with Da!l?y's name on u hMJ stolen nnd the purious nny oppear wnli tli.. éonit. Know!il.crerore,.ln., comes d, ---.iSÑARD, Aaent for Ann Arbor "Wcslcyan Boil[ï rtnUE Subscriheis have just m-eived n pooi S enpply oí V.'esleyan Books from the Do „ository atiVew York'. Those wisjfnhï'to purAan Arbor, Lowcr Towa. Pee. (■ J6J4. -■' b" ANN ARBOR OIL MILL. TIIEsubscribers would give noticc.thaf tho are engaecd in ilASi.bU OÍÚ. and are prepared to furn:s!i oil of ihe bes niialny to mcrcl.inis and pointers, chenp os i can bc iobtnlned from the East. 0.1 exchanyer tbr Flax seed at the raio of a gallon or oil tor Imshcl of Flax seed. Cash at 11 unies paid io Flax seed. in]LCU}]ER & JUÜSON Ann Arbor, (Lowcr Vilíagc,) Sfipu fi, SálRTew Goods ! TCew Goods ! ? npi-IK undfipigned hasjlet re.ccivcd his snpply jl of Fall Cooils i'iuiniWY. City. Bcsideaa lutfi rai-f 'fisonnicn! S( Shpeiings. Coiton Ynin, Fuikil Clo:hs. E rood Clotlis, nnd othcr Sijib Gouds, he s just pp,cnijig plciulid lot oi Ricli. Woos'cd Damnsk Siiawls, lat (junliiy, Biochn, c!o do Ktilfyl, do do C.Jif!)inf.rc, do FiiphionnMe Cnivuis. Rich lionnct RiLlion Fasliionnlilc lt;u! tiimniings, Velvct ;' ALSO. A lil'AUTll'UI. ASSORTAIi-.NT Jiï DRKSS STUKKS ,',Vfll AS Cnsluucre D'Ecnsse, Muslin DtLaiiie, PfiiissciiiK's. Rubioy Plaid, Piints ol'cvciy (ltscripiion, Plnin, hlfic!; Alnpncii, Tigiircd, black Alapníí,1 1'iíMii. cJuicd Alíipacn, iigured, cül'cl Plaid] and C'lüiniitable Aiapacn. The un(!eisiiiccl hns ín idfliiion to a fírní roie nísoiinuiu o( Siapie and Funcy Di.y Goods a choice lot o Teas ana Coflee. for ínniily usé. Also, a Jar ge lot of Cieese Feathers, Faper llzng ing Eitd Tr&veliing Baskets. Mis Stock 3 well suücd to bullí city ami county tVfttié. Couniry peotile aie nvitcd to cali muí luok and saiisíy theiucelves ihr.t his siock .y.' cóiriparison eilhcr in quality or ytjcc wiúl ñy otlicr 1: llV! wosíerií & untiy. W. A, KAYJIOA'D. 1 48 J,afl'eEsoi) Avenue. Dctioit. Oct. 14. IP'M. ' 4 if1LWAYS OW HAR. J rpiJE siibsciiber hns re iSt -- moveiüiis Shop to Main " Sueet opposite H. Beek'"Wn's Briok Stuie: Where O Jïj-Vfrï1 In? may be found ready to I J$&-4 wa'1 pon aJl líiat may ijive asjBV n cnl1- -'s HnvKiííjust receivöü uicet iïom lovv Yoik ancleaiit sioi-k of ■ff TP" "?S7 "3"1 TB" "C8 "V nd Fiincy Aiticlos, wliith he iuit'iid6 to Ktl otrer ihiin lifis ever been sold wcsl l Bnifnlo or lauly l'ay (hilij: Aniong %!i'cli mtiy li bnnd a gdod ;t.ti!in eni ui Gold uijtl Ci.n.jnon .'aich Kcy , Gold l''iner Iüuas nnd Bjfom 'lus, Gumd Clmins. Süvtr Ten and Tnble JpooiK'sl Sngiir Toi!iLs. ]!uiier Knivrs. Silver 'encil cfisep. Silver aud Con-nion TlñniLles, Siiver üjccinilt-s. Gcminn. clo. Steel. do. Hair linslus. Cloihes. do. Tooi!), do. Luther, do. ?ine ÏIükoi s ütit! Ptxkrt Knives, Fir.e Slu-iirs in'd Scisscrre; i.ihcr lïoxcs. Riizor Strops, Waletl6ir Tuipcs. Violins and Bows. Flmes. Violin ind Bass Viol Si ings. Claronet Rteds. Perciihsion O'i'S. J'ockiM Pisiols. liiittonnia OandlcSirfiks, VVaicl.eí. Lotit r Simrps, Steel Pens nnd 'i'wtizcrs. SiHifl' nnd Tyi)ncco Boxcs Fine Ciulis. Dresajr', ílo. Sido. do. B.ick. do', Shdl, rio. jíeVdies íiíiil Cr.ivs, "Waicr Pninis, Toy Vv';!cli.-s; Kid Dolls. a ;iet vnriciy of Toys too ninneious o njeutioJi, Jji!.ds, N'tel'.laces, Fancy Do:es. &c. &c. (' r.nd "Watcmes f ovnry dtsoriptic ep-.irc.-! and v, airaiited, ulïO, Jcv. uhy íepaiiL-don siiori noticc. C.W.YÍN BI.ÍSS. N. V. Cash vaid kou ÜLD CÍOL1) AiVD SIJUV-E.R. C. B. Aun Albor. Oct. 24. IS'M. 28-tr.CAK'T Bfi BEAT i WÉ VBOOT, SH O 'É A?D LEA THER S T O m E , Ann Arbor, Lower Town. cLs Q FFLCH has removed ,? IT O his. establishment l'n.m li t lie Upper to ihe Lowcr VilIcigc. No. 4. Huron B!ockr %%J UfisSi %v'lt:ie 'ie Sulcis lnnifcclt ii V-'ÏJ í ' rtii'tHrie'ss't'o 'dress the '-i-'n(!i'.i-liii(ligi;" oleveiy Man, W'oiuün uiïd Cl.ilcl who wilp tl s:'üi..'3f give hi in a cali. in the ncattstr ■üi.ï lif-s! i;iri;incrtli;it c;;n lië lniie in Michigan. l.KA'l l-IKü anil FiNDliGS oï all kind onsiüiilly on hnnrl. WANtri). Cdihaná Hi'des, in imy qunntiicf.-, fbr whicli (lic hihesi pnces will be given. [LT' i'.'iuc ixirclüit-u nnnl ihoy have callcd U Felch'p. Nu. 4. lluion .Hluck. Ann A.lK.r. Miifi. WW. 3-1y Besdy SWade Clotbingül Tl:r LA-iiö-liST !iul hesi ssorinieni olrca dy inp(ÍcÍotíiing 5 er bt-loie ofleit-rf in thia Siüic lu.w opening, and ('or f a!c, Wl.olcsale or Rei;iil. at the Clhing Emporiiun oí ihc : subsexihfera, cnsisiirig iiv tWW üT plfiin tnd fsnicy 15u.-ivei-.rilo!. Jiroad Cluilisand ü.ihcr stj Jt s ot Over Coais. , Kil] Tweed Cnssimere. Bcnr., Pilot, Doniesuc Cloth. Union Cussiniere und aiineti Fruck and Bn.siii'.ss Coals. , ■ Fine Plain and Faney Cassm.ere, IHuc nilri Blaek Broad Cluih. Twecds and oihcr siylcs otPT;;!ni;!;uilnncvSilUrr,,lSilkVelvr,.Wot;lc Wlvel Merino. S.-.lin and Cassihiere Yests. &e, &c &c. tom-iber wiih a yëry toree stock ftl ■ommo low prjVed Over Coats. JW( hmtnluons and Vesis, such as blue orld UncK Elufihjng, Sniiner, Kcnuicky Jeans, Con:iioii TweecW&e. &c. Also; on aisoitn.cnt olllosieiv. Slocks, Scnrfs, I-hmdkercl.u'K Collnrs. Lanil-'s Wcol and Dravers nnjl wülbesold verv loV for Cash. Tlioy ou.(í ,e,pcct..l!v mvue all in wan of rcady mndo „'.„cn.s t cali .nd camine U.e.r s.ock be ore piirc-li:iKincolspwl.ere. s il h.isbecn selccicd mi t Comer oí JefTersori and Avenues nrJOei. 10. _ -Jl" ""flCCaution to AU!=L0 T ET ALL THE WORLD TAKC NOTICE,JU XP BK.CAiHryi. NOT TO UU Y THE (s WO A II Lfeè iviiKY i.ox Iris on il .hewrutcnsaauu oltlieoriginnl inventor and pnientee, G. B1;N.IAMIN SMITH, M. D. These plc.snni WA, fsggs powers to . opert" U'NGP KfDNTO'S. SKIN and 130 WELShií,eo-.ü fi in .he ol med.cme: I Vn con.pleio has been il.eir trumnh over aH,5cs. .ha. manv hnvc been led fop,hey coniain son.e powerful nnneral: buV un'oncxn.ninuüonbyDrs. Chu.ton, 1volth. llrNTINCTON, lltl OlllCS, llllS 61ippOb1tlOH 18 af onc'o pruved to bc groumllrss. Sc!d in New York. at the pnncipal Offlec. 1 J Greenwich streel, a!so by Rushton & -., Bicmdwny. corner JHth street. Pnmphïeis tb be lmd of agente gratisN B. - Persons will alao notice on tlie _top Iftbel an engravecí Indinn figure, ciossed wilh hne 'eVien''on.iine mny also bc honglit witl. feiy ai Dr. Guion'8, corner of Bowery and Gram street. Brooklyn.and nt respectabie stores tliroiin out llie United" States.WE want fióme from sub.scribors unincdiateiy Oei 12. 184-1. __; j}TTORjVE'ü AjVD COUJYS1-J LORÜ AT TMfPi . foFKirr, LOWER TOWN, A NN B0(B'. „ wmtu,,,! :o all business in thëir pvole.on wiih nfideluy and despnich. ]cct. l'nricular oitcniion will be givcn iu nonr.KTP. Pivfr.Ai-n, cww } MarchSO, IS-M.


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