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American Slavery: For The Signal Of Liberty

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May beabo-lished in five yearsor less by the judicious cfibrts of the Liberty party. Tfris may seem tin unreasonable assertion; but let us fwst kok at a slatement óf existing facts, and then at the means within the power of the friends of Freedom, lor accomplisbing the obyecL First then to the facts. "fhere are in the Slave holding Statesr occording to election re turns, about 1,750.000 volers. Thér are arnong these abont 250,000 slavp holders, leaving a majority not slavefvlders of about 1,500,000. Of the 250,000 slaveholders, a proportion are Ministers, (many of tfhom are opposed to Slavery, and orn slaves more from necessky than from choice,-) sotne lawyers, some merchan's, and some tradesmen or mechanics; constituting in a vast nurober jvho own, eaelí a very few Slaves, fordomestie or house scrvants, and personal' aftendants, and of whom ttfany wditid assoon hire those, or olfiBfs, as voluntary serfanfs, if slavery were aboïished, and' thereforo wöuld npi onpose emancipation.-. Aiïother ivn'porfaiit- fact i, that tiie: of Vasttnujority of 1,500,00 volers, and of all ydters generally, exccpt slaveholders, kvould be greatly promoted. Thatthis is x fact, wili nppear f rom another, which is, thnt the labor of white people in slaveholding communiiies is not only viewed ns degrading hut rendered less profitable; which wóuld be placing the middling and lower classes who need lo hire labor, on an equal footing witli the nabob or man of wealth, i. e. according to his mfians. Still anotlier aod perhaps more important fnct wliich will go to show an advantageous result is, tliat instead of the rich Slaveowner having his i mecbanical business accomplisiied by slaves, at the same trifling cost that his field labour is performed, cach mechanic art, or trade would be carried on by the operator himself, whelher white or colored, and the profits would accrue to the mechanic or operative instead of going into the pockets of thosealready wealthy. Another beneficial result of emancipation to non-slaveholders would be, that those who are unableor unwillingto purchase, could then hire the labor of colored peokple at a rate far lower than is now paid their owner for slove labor and as low as nabobs could hire the same. Yet another and still greater benefit which would result, would be that a comtnon school system for general education might flourish nnd prevail, whereas now it is declared by C. M. Clay and the Governor of South Carolina that it cannot succeed (and for various obvious reasons) in a slaveholding communky. These facts clearly demónstrate, lst. that it is within their power, and 2d, that it would be greatly for the interest ofthis vast majority of 1,500,000 in those States thatSlávery be abolishcd. VVhat mode of operalion, or what means shall the Liberty party employ, to injluence this great body of people in the i Slave States, and move them to uiü uécfgffcJ ncnun! This is tVie u important question, and lt, Let the nbove statement be published by every Liberty press of the North, and oihers who are disposed to copy - wiíh the proposal or request that in all Conventions and Assembliesof Liberty men subsequently to be holden, a cali be made for volunteers who will pledge themselves to corres pond with iheir friends, relativos and correspondent:-; ministers vvith ministers, lawyers with lawyers, busirress men with business men. relatives with relatives, &c. ransmitting the above presentation v.ilh a proposal that eoch correspondent at the South exert his iqluence with liis acquaintance (not slaveholders) to get up meetings for discussion, raising lecturers from among themselves and for mafcing nominations of members to thcir State Legislatures froin among themselves and for mailing nominations of members to their State Legislatures and to Congress, who will opposo tbe system and abólish il by constitutionaí legislation. Plainly, then, among 65 or 100 thousand of Libertv men, from 10 to 20 thonsandormorewill volunteer lo fiood the Slave States with papers as abovc-; (now tbat postnge vill cosí bt lit-lle) ofter reduction of' ostnge, propösing and urgmg tlu's Cöursr, which many at the South are nlready repared fo take. Most of the peopleexcept slaveholders will hear f rom those aised tip from among themselves, } ee their interest, esèrt their power, and he year 1850 shall find our National charaeter cleansed from the foul stair of Slaverv.


Signal of Liberty
Old News