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Objects Of The Liberty Party

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The Editor of the Albany Patriot has been ükinff Gernt Smith to BWÉ forassertiuff tubow-ially íhat the spie object of .the Liberly party s to hbofish Slavcry- that it was fofinec! for n innporary xi'po., W$ tliat if ciUiér iarly vvül abolish Slnvcry , we ougUt tu disband otirselve= R.nd j " )fc. To ihai Mr. Smith is wnjnjroii these posilions, OW 1'at.k.trinn'osilití (fda)Utons ,f varin.H Liberty ConvorJo:-. Tho Ohm Uberty mm, n 18 1-2, Jan. ö, 8 áfi Míess ifc the public, sbv:sThn creed oF our FaUirrs is our crefid. - raith o' fu:üi. in tel X al e -legisla ion wedeirr in nwal tin? oppressive lovv? Aii.cli tipgraííq ilie ihc blnck vvuhont bensjBuins ilie wiii e. WÚ w'otijfl eiïcoil'fage ijfi 0y pëi'.pft in vird.c aiid k-n-wWpfi by s.iirable ppiülativ' pn.virfoiis. VVo thcrejore av.f l !he tlie biinuer of Go:srUuUonal Liberiy. We iucnbo on lis ftMs=, .Libkrty. K{i.-.l Riohts. . Protüctio.n to Fulu: Labok, PUÍÍLIC ECOKOMY. ' Tbnllm-f!, fonrtl). nml fffüi Resolutions of the National Ccjnyentíoñ at Bufialo are expjficitenouaïï. Tliey reiui'thuf: 'Resolved, Thiil ilm I-íbrty pnrty has no! been orgaüheá toi any temporanj piirpose I y interosied poli'üciaiis, but has ariseñ from nmotig ihc peplilejh.fconscqnejicc of tiie contviction. boiirij iiniPg ground, fhat no other party in ilie country regrésent's t'ruly the principies , Amcri-un liberty, or the tnu; spirit of the Cunsiitulion of the United States."'"Resolved, Tímt (he Liberly party has noi '(ten organizad mrrkly for the overthrow of sjaytiry. h? first "I)(1 most decí(Jed efforl must indeed bc dírceieú against. slnveholding, us I he most revolting ond grossest fbrm of deppotism: but it ivill also carkt out the íjuNjnpuM of Equal Ríohts imo all tiifuí PRACTICAL CO.NSKqUENCES AND APPLICATIONS, AND SürrORT KVESY JL'ST MKASURK COMiUCiVK TU SOCIAL .(.M) IMMVIDUAL FrKRDOM." %eo1veJÍ Tlmt the Liberty party is nof a sectional paily, but a National party- has n,d üriginafed in a desire to acconipibh 'a si%le object, but in a comprehensivo regard to the interestsofthe 'wliole country- is not a nev party, ora third pnrty, but ís the party of 177G, reviving the páncipíesor tliat memorable era, and striving to carry thcua into practical applicalibh.!' The Editor of the Patriot admormhes Mr. Smith that he is "two years snd a half behind the times," and f hè has any d ubt on the subject, advHcs him to draw up a resolution ilc'e tiiis, and see if he can gol it through anv Liberty Convention in New York:Resolved, That tlie Liberty porty ís nrrranizrci for the solé parpóse of abdltóHm'g "laven1: 'ñ is not intendcd to be a permanrtit iñrly: that ivhen ciiiier-lhe Whig or HPm,.fruúc uarty will take our position aghinsí sl.iveni, ld 1Ï 'go os n muy m r.íoMi, We wíl! ciisband ourteives, and meige m So Taras we nre nequainted with the feel nirsof the Liberty purty inour State- and our opportuniíies of are equal tothose of ir-Obi men- we can .snfely say thal the Patriot would be sustained agftiust Mr. Smiih by almost every man. We have ijot undertaken onr work as mere children's plffyí lo be commenced, and Ihen liandod over to any interested scliemers who may be lookinjr fora specuiotion, and who r1íy offer to do it for a compensaron. Wc must do our work ourseives; and wheu it shall all have been cone, t will be (mu enough to determine whether u-e will dUband or continuo together.The Signa! of Liberiy wishes to know whv wc co 11 Hie Aboliiionists "misgwded Ja naties.'' We will ansiyer in a few words.- Beca'use tliêir creed consists of biit üie one idea" the uncondiiional emancipa! ion ota the Sloves in the Unit.n; r.nd lo effect . thtë tliev trample the Consiitution in ihe dust, if not leve! tliè whole fabric of our governmeni wilfa the lf men who advocate ineasures havin ohy snch tendoncy as tin.-ore not mis.'uulerl fanuties," we know not to whom it would be proper te npply the term. Uihe&gnal answered?- Lake Huron Obsei ver.We have here nn answer, such as n is; bul wecannot say thal we are properly unswered, we, have a valid réason assigned for cali ing us mUguided fanalics." Adroiiting, lor the argumenté sake, thnt we have but "onp iciea- Ui e uncondiüonal eraañci pation of cl! the slaves itit'.io Union"- how does il appcar Ihat to effect this, we must "trample the Constitution in the dust" or destroy il? We have no ftvidence of ihis excepi the bare assertion of the Editor. Our one idea'' object can be accomplished.wuhüu'. violating one jot or titlj of Uie Cunstitution, in.tliree ways:1. By omenduig iho Constitution so ae to abojish'siavery i)í nll ifie States. This can be done by the Lcgislatuies of two-thirds ofthe States. L. By organizing an emancipation pn.'tyinl evcry Slave'Staie and libcraling the slavcs by Stale authovity. Cassius M. Clay has already commenped ogitating íbr such a party in Kenlucky.3. By the exercise of the ExecuHve patronage of the Naiional Govenmenl in such a mannS that no Slovehokler slinM réceivë amortice Ahatever fro.n the General Government. i This [Principie, if pracliced Vn eírtíest for few cars5 wfiufd strike tbc death-bluw to the nccursod n.stiUilijn.Ncnv we repccifnlly rcq-iestthe Editor of the Observertoshow thnt theaholiiion of Slovery bv nllihcse methode to trample the Contituiioninthe dusi," or el.c retract bw scrtion. It appars to ns pó more Uuu. fair he shoiild do one or tl.e other. W.ll iiC k ili -Q Mr. Pulk la looking nut well for IHp in-eiests of bis rolativcs and acqunintances in Tennee. A d)arge to Naples, Post General, púffS' W ib? Navy, Sccretary tu ston pteiUs, Private Seeretary, &tc. &c, tave i,eon pkep from State. Whot will %vainia say to tin? inmiMon upori her privilege óf furni.shing officers for tVe Union?QT53 Tlie rent war in New York still continúes. In -Déla ware county. o freah outbreuk has recenily taken place. Largc numbers of pcreons tlisgui?ed as Iiulians liave reViated tl.e üiTicers of jnsticc, and commiücc various outrnges. Troops have been callet out in rnany places, tind great confusión om commo'ioi) exist.


Signal of Liberty
Old News