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In Dcxter, Mich., Marcht8t!i, Mre. AlmíriA LiTcHFfRr-D, wife of James Litchfield, in the 29th year of her age. Mr?. Litchfield was bom in Pompey Hill, Onondaga Co. N. Y., and ia yet remembered ihere witli affection. Slie was of that clasejof persons known on !y by those who can read leseons of the dcep etl interest in a life of unostenlation. ühe s undcd 110 trumpet- sbe wore o phylacteries - nnd vet slieknew ihe power and privileges of a heort. tu her (e-itli, the svffenngaud the wrmiped hnve one les hcart 10 pity- one less hand to reliflve,uccordiiig to its utmost abilityEarly in life she gnve her nfifections to the Snvior of Sinner?, nnd manifested the friiits of sucha relation, in au every-day Christian life. Sinceslie came to ihis plnce, as is ton often 'the case with those-who hsve been Christinhs eastj she has proefastinated her unon with thechurch, partly Trom her mtural fliffiJence, and feeUng of unwortliiness, andfrom iil hcalth. For this, duriiig her linees, s?he oftcri expressed regret, and among her last word?, said- "Teil Chtistians to bc moro faïthful than I hnvebecn." When she sow tliat a lirigerih díñense was imparting daily admoniiious, the thought of being transplanted from the midst of the little ones growing arontid lier, revealed a mothers solicitude, and n molhers tearsibtit when compelled to believc she was indeed a tnarked object for deatl.'s urrow.a sweet resigna'.ion was seen to cheer her. She knew that there was a heart that cnred for her husband and cliildren, that will never gmw cold n dcath. Her last hour was one of decp interest. Some wlio had longed to we the characteristicö of a Christian's deah were lrd to pray- "Let me ie the death of the righteous.' She seemed to linger about thn confines of he Spirit world, to teil with a mortal tongue,ome of the gloriesthat roee to her view, as he neared Jordan's opposite shore- "Hear them," "Hear tliem," nnd ilO see thetn," was often repcated. One could turn nwny from sucli a scenc, wilh new and proper views of the tvorld, ile worth, the object of an existence in t, and the vast interests hanging upon this brief state of probation."What is Ufe? let skeptica say- 'Tis a fleeting April day: 'Tis a fading eummer flower; 'Tis the viBion of an hour. What is life? let truth divine Teil us of its wise design; 'Tis a warfare - not n rest - 'Tis a struggie lo bo biest. 'Tis the SDace hx merov oíumÍ 'Tis !he epirit's path to henven; What ie life bevond the sky?- Let eternily reply!" Com.From tbe Auburn Journal. Jn this village. on theöth of March, inst, in hts 4lstyear, Henry Mili.kiid, Fsq. Counsellor at Law. Tlie death of Mr. Millerd caUed out from his brethren of ihe bar, the follotting appropriate tribute to his mernory: At a meeting of the Members of ihe Bar, of the county of Cayuga, held at the Western Exchange in this' villuge. on ihe evening of the 7ih of March instant, called in consequence of thedeath of Ben-rt Mili.ekd, Esq., Senaca Wood, Esq. was called to the Chair, and P. W. Hopkins. chosen Seeretnry. On motion of Christopher Morgan, Esq. ii was Resolved, That a committee of ihree bc appointed by the chair, to draft and report resoluüons expressive ol the sensaof the meeting. Messrs. Levi Walker. S. A. Goodwin and B. F. Hall, Esqrs. were thereupon appointed by tiie chnir, such committee; vho, after having retireo and deliberated, reiurned and submitted the following resolutions, which were adopted by ihe .- ....Resolved, That we have heard with (Jeep sensibiliiy, of the decease, at his residence in this village. on theGth inst., of Henry Miilerd. Esq. late a Meniber of the Bar of the county of Cay uga; that in his dea'h -we rcognse the loss of an amiable. upright and intelligent citizen, and i worlhy nnd reepected brother and associate-, who amidst all ihe confiicting interes:? of society, of I whichhe was a useful niember; and the exciting 1 scènes of politicalstrifo, in which he wns nctively J engaged, has ever enjoyed the respect and estoen. of all who knew him. Resolved, That we tender to the family and relatives of the deceased, the expression of oui aympathy on this afflicting bereavemnt; and as a lesfüncrny of our respect for the deceased, we will altend his funeral in a body, and wear the ] usual badge of moiKning on thnt occasion. Resolved, That the prociecdings of this meeting be sicned by the fihairman and Secrctary. and published in the sevcral village papers: nnd lint a copy thereof bc preseiued to the family o. the decöased. ■" , SENA CA WOOD, Cha'n. Pktek W. HorKi.NS.


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