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SPECIAL NOTICE! ALL tliose who have unsettled accounts for Wool Carding or Cloth Dressing with the lat lirm ot .7. Beckley & Co., are hereby no'.!lied that iihnsbcconio ihd!SI'ersa.bly nkcf.ssaky tliat ihey should 03 closed by noie or othcrwisc ns early as 'üth of April ncxu Lei there be o prompt aitention !O the abovc, nnd it wil! be for the mutual benefit bftVe panif concerned. SUMNER 11ICKS &■ Co. . Anh Arbor, Mnrch 7. IS-15. 50-3wBlSSOLtJTIOIV. rpHE Co-parmeiship hermolore existins unJ_ der thelinn nml style of Bccklcy & Hiclis s by mutual consejil thisdav dissolved. All persons ndcbted W snid iirm,. by nteor otherwisc. ara to niakc paymcnt to Gtry Beckiey, who is authorizecf to r'eccivr it, and has becoinc obligated ti üav all debts duc Irfirn snirl firm. 1 GUY fifiCKLEY, SUMNElt ÍHCKS. Ann Arbor, March C li, 1645. 45-3w TAKS WOTÍCB, rpi-TESubscriborsliereby give noiie: ihal (liey JL will continue the MercantilO business ;ii tk Store recen'tly occupied hy .K. Beek ley fe Owhsre tliey will ai all tunee be foönd rep? w waii on ihoae who mfty feel disposed 'avur ihein with thcir putrunage. ÖAÏ JBRATU& Of n superior qiinfily tnanulacrtired by themseKvcs and consianily tors.)Ie,wlxJtesale and rolail. All business relaiive to the Signal of Liberty wui -LL?;ï!siS: &co. Ann Arböi, Lower 'I own, Mar. 6, ÍS45. 46-tf Shecp Shcai's, O Y a superior qu;ility for sale by BECKLEY. FOSTER Si Go. Marcb2'.', 184-,HARTFORD F i re Insurance Company tNCORPORATLD IN 1Ö10 - CHAKTKR PKRPLTUAL - CAPITAL $150,000, W1TH POWER TO INCREASR ir TO '250.000. rFIHIS well known and long estnblishcd InstiX turion. wiih ampie cash capital, have established an agency ín Ann Arbor, and ofii'r to insure Dwclliaga, Furuiture. 8torca, Merclinndize, Mills, Wheai, Flour, Ac. on vcry favorflblt; terms The high diameter of tliis company is well knowri. ond its extetifivc business is onducied on the most jusi aucl honornhle principies Owncrs of property in Ann Arlor and vicinity sh wtsh ' insuro i( Mgjiinst loss nnd dumage tiy Ure. are invited to Cali dirccily on the suliscnbr. at his Store in Ann Arbor, who is auihorizetl Vj issue policies wnhotit detoy. F. 3, B. CRAiNE, Agent. A nn Arhor, Jan. 1. M-( . J1844._ WIIOLEsTlE & RETAIL. A. M' PARREN, BOSKSElLER&KDSTfiTOm SMART'S BLOCK, 137 JKFFRRSON AVKiiUB, PKIROIT. KEEI'S constantly forsnlen complete assortment of Miscellaneoue. Schooi and Classical Jiooks, Letier and Cap Paper, plain and rul ed, Qniüs, Jnk. Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wrap ping Paper, Printing Paper, of nll sizc?; and Bouk, News and Cannister Ink. of varions kinds BLA.VK BOOKS, full nml Half bound, of ev ery variety of Ruling, Memorandum Books. Sic. To Merchante, Teachers, and oihers, buymg in q'janiiiies, alarge discoiinl made. Sabbalh School and Bible Society Deposiior. 51-tf


Signal of Liberty
Old News