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Mr. BrinckerhoiF. cnxious fo makc known nd to extend the treeof the Heallh Restoratiye, nd feeliig and knowi. g that lts n-nicdial efiCt by ihc favor ol Providence) hiia bc-cn ihc onlv vailnble mcans of restoring to JimIiIí and lile many of the yoang and endeared sonsand daughers and almosi a iDiiUitude of tlic middle aged, eed. and venerable inrlividuils in tlic land, now píaces more befure the invalid his nvaluable reniedy. Thai dreadful scourge oí our race. the Consumption. wilh iu atiendnnthorrors have been swept awny- ihe Restoraiive renewing tbe impaired vi-al part so thuruiighly as to resist afterward the invidious atiacks ol those diseasés. Ti the humane and tender ïearted t is a pleasiug and moving sight to view the bel'ore hopelcss and dispirited sufferer rise from his couch of sickness and pnin. and take liis place amid the cares nnd duties of lile siró - ply bv nieans of this grand Restorative of Nature's Functions The most severe cooehs alm)st Immediateli' yield under its influeuc, and howcvci rackmgor chronic thoy may hnvehen. yet they vanish the moment the Restorative bcain8 to exert nnd ihcn maintain tts power. The n...T-;-.. .ly .ito all .lio are affl'.cted with nny disease of the Lunss orLiver, Pnin in the Ciiest and SirJr, 'and Coúghs. lo conimeneethe use of the HeaFih Restorative. Despite the approbrium which is ntiached to all ad vertised medic"i!)es, use this remedy nnd be enn vinced ol lts power however incredulous you have been. The followfrig eert i liante is fruuiDr. Chillón, the well known New lorkGhem"I havo ono'yzed a bottlc of medicine ctlled 'C. Brinkcrhorf 's Health Restorative,' and fine! thal ït does not oontain Mercury. or any wher metallic preparai on: nor opium in any of itsfornis. Tt is composed of' vegetnble tnntier entirei." James R. Chh.ton. M. D. C. BR1NCKERHOFF, Propriefor, N. Y. Horaci;, General Agent. Principal Office 9G Hudsón sticet.lí. Y. 49-4w.


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