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The Livingston Courier, which claims lo be Democratie paper, and is said to be under i snpervision of a legnl gentleman, is down pon us with great severity. It soys: "No doubt, if the Liberty party snecoed in heir mensures, they vvill efl'eot a diísolulion nfllie Union, and the consequent destruction jf this Government. Their motto is (immïdiale abolition;" & thjat too without regard to consequences. Men ayowW and promulgaino- pnch sontimeiils, onglir. to meet thn wt.henng ioáigíítfCión oí community, and the severest penatties of ;he lavv."To this indictmcnt we onswer, thnt while vuo Jo nut in the asldesire tlie dissolution of the Union, our motto i?, indeed, "immediajé ahoïïtioii,'' by tlie exerlion of the competent constitiuionul authonty of each State, om) of the Nalion. As to the '"const'qwnces' of immcdiote ctnnrcipotion, we are not nt al) fearful. We believe it is always safe to do right. Besidcs, we have the example. of the West Indies befoie us, whero nearly n million of shives have been made into freemen. - Will the Courier teil us what evi! 'consequances' resulted f rom that iransaC.ion? Didinstirreclion arvl bloodshed tike place? DM idleness, beggary, and pillage prevail througl the Island? Or was there a g-enernl improvement of the wholepeoplp, intelli-ctually, mora]]y, socially, and in thfir pecuninry offiiirs? Our sentiments are thnt imniediate emancipa - tion wonld be beneficia] in al! respccls, and ught to take place without delay. We "avjvv nd promnlgaic svck sentiments" without hes ation. Bat whal therc is in tliem deserving ie ïndignalion of community and he severest pcnalties of the hw, ve aro enrely imable to concfive. The edilormust e a tine fellow fora Demon-til ! Inflici 'thk EVKRKST PKNAIriRS OF TriK ïsAW' Upon US, ecanse we advocate the Liberty ond Equn] Rio-lns of al! men, and express our belief thaihe whole commnnity would be a gainer by he freerJom of all! Por raying tliis t seems ie would have os fined, imprisouoc], or hangec.' Why, thc man nuisr. be a Bari)arian or some other wild ai)imal! HTs Democratie brethren would llave done wel! to civilizehm before making him conductor of a public uurnal.


Signal of Liberty
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