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Buffalo Newspapers

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PUBM3HED 0ï TUK CASH SYSTEM.. TUE NATIONAL PILOT, DAJLY, WEEKLÍ, AND T1U-WEEKLT. MANCHELTER &. MIAYMAN. l'roprictors. Ji. W. I1ASK1JVS, Editor. Commercial Dtp.irdnonl, ly J. C. BUNNER. This paper is ncw and ïcculiür. Il is the only pnper in the United Slaies upon the phn it. i.- conductcd. ' All uilicrs tnko their Efrcipoan i nic'ügencr Ironi the Kin-li-n Prets, thua [ohvídíi m ignornnt ol'nll Contiüeriial nlFnirs excepi wliát it suits tSó Engüsh interests to d(Mil. In Politics the I'.lot, looking above and bkyond the present pnrty istinct lons aims ni NATIONAL1TY; jind ts motto is- "'Fiik ouk C1UXTRV AT ALfcTJMKSj TO APP11OVK HKR WJIK.N RIOHT; TO KIÖHT UiM WIIKN Vli()N." Tlie fi'nt's party s ihn citiJienü o( lliis Repullic, ngninst any and all ts ent-mies. Locally, the Pilot will especi'illy consult he inlercsts, commercial :ind o'herwise, ofJ5ufliilo and thegreat and grinving" Valley of the lakes. with whirh the former is insejnr;iyy connocied The Vila is supplied vvlth regulnrdaily files oí the Paris l'npers of overy politicul party, nnd will iherefore furufsh not only original sources, nnd hy 'hus giving botlt .sio-r. enable its readers te judge more correctly thao they posaibly can by ronding only once The Coimnercinl Dcp;iriinoiuof he Pilo' iain fully competent hai ds. as 11 yill admit. andthe market intcllÍLrem;e will bc second to no ot her sheet; cither in accuracy or its carly proinul gation. TERMS. Daily Paper, per ycar, $4.80 Daily Paper, per nionih, 0,40 Daily Pu per per woelc, ürl0 Tri-weekly per year, ;5:0) Weekly. per year. ■ 1-00 5 copi!8 dïiily per ninii. 1 ycar, 20,00 ILTThe Daily Pilot. is ddivered io subscribers evcry week-day tnorning. Sulsc:nbyjfcwho pay weekly, pay at t!ie end ofeach wriek. "iiosc who pay nioiitlily or yearly pay m {Ivanee. - jingle roics can te obtained lor Uro ccnls a Cöpy, eilher at the Dffic&, or of the iiews boys. To EutTORS - Publisiiers of weekly papers who remil fgZ.inudctuicc, shall beemiilad to an cnchange tor one ycar with the Daihj Pilut, ILTAny paper printed west ol BnfPiIo. by copy'mg the abov; four .imes, wiih ihis note, will be c-ntiiledllo an cxchangc for one year with the Daily Mot. om sonding a copy oí the paper, containing the advertiseruent, marked. to this olüce. Or the pubhsher may duw on our columns for $2 in advertising.


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