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HARTFORD Fise I lis is va sa ce Coanpany INCOKl'ORATEl) ÍS JSiO - CHAUTEK l'KRPLTUAL - CAPITAL $150.(;0Q, WITH POWER 10 (MCRKASJS ir 10 $?óü,00O. rriHIS well knovvn ;;nd long established InstiJL uitioi:. wiiii ampie cash capital, hnve csml lished nn ncncy n Aun Arbür. and oíler to insure Dwclloys. Funiiture, Stores'. Mercliniulizc. Mills, VVhoai. Flour. &c. on very favomblí lerms Tlie high jlarauicr of iliis compaii) is wcll known. and iis cxtönsivc business isonducted on the most just .tih lionor!f!)lc principies Owncrs oí' property in Ann Arbor and vieinuy w&ó w'sli to insnro it igaiust loss nnd dnmnge by fire. aro inviied to cali dircclly on tito subscriber. ;ii his Store in Ann Arbor, who ia auihonzcd lo issue polieics without delay. F. .1. IÍ. CHAÑE. Ageny, Ann Albor, Jan. 1. 1845. :ií)-fi!_1844L_ W II OLE $ A LE & R ET A 1 L. A. M' F AR REN, BOOKSELLERAHBSTATiöSOJ SMART'S BLOCK, 1S7 JHFFEIfSOS AVBKUE, DETROIT. KEEl'S constantly for salen completo nssorimem of Miscollaneous. Schooi and Classi-f cal Jiooks, Letter and Cup i'npcr. plain and rul eil, Quiüs, luk. Scnling Wax, Ciulciy, Vvrnp pin Paper, Prinliüg PapjCi, of all' sr.cs: and BodIv. News and Cnnniatcr lul;, ofvarions kiiuls BLANK 13OOKS, i uil and hH bound. of cv ciy varicty of lluifnu, Memorandum Books. &c To Mcrchiinis, Teachers, and otheis, buy:n; in (i'ianiiiics. a ttirgc disnoniU made. Sabliaih School and Biblc Society Deposilor ■VEWBOOT, BllOEAD LEATHFAl STORE, Ann Arhor, Loiver Toiètri FKLCH Vias romóved O his cst;iMishnicni from iho Upper iu„ilie Lowcr Vill:igc. No. 4, lluron JJIock J'Sh wbere lie holds lninselt in agLjBig!y icndincss to 'dress the "vndersjiïLnd'mgs" of.cvery Man. v Woman and Chijd Vlio will 5"3 give him a the nculcst, and beu nuinncr that c:ni bc ilmc in. Michigan LKATHER and FIN DIN GS of all kiufc conalamiy ou hand. WANTED, Cashanü Unie, in atiy qiiand!u., lor which ihe bighest pricea will bc given. fCTLe' none piirche until tluy have called at KélcU's, No. 4, Hjtron Block. Ann'Arbor. My4. 1814. 3-lyWOO&! WOOX.Ü CLOTH! CLOTHÜ THE Subscribe ra wonii! inforfri the Public lliat tliey wilí continuo ró manufacturé good Fulleci Elotli? mi tlieir Mnmifhclory. twpjmd n hal" milos wpst of Aun Arbor, on the Hurön, on the followin tkiim's. Uoiil ibe íirstdny ol November.. A. D, 18 14. the price will be 27 ccii'S per yard, ur hplf tbe cloih the wool wi!l inokp. Front the Isr of NovnmbiT to the 15 h of" May. IS-lij, the price will be 'Si) c'üits pet yard, or tune tvveniieths of(he cloth the wool.wjll mnke, th:it is 45 yarda ont of 100 nianulactuiwr. The woul will be mamif.icmred in turn as it mny come into the faciory,'os ne;ir ns muy bo wiih reference ío tho diíicruui qualilies. Any persoii who vill furnish onwr more parcela of wool Trom 80 lo IUC poiihdaftf' onequnliiy can have it flianufactured by.itsclf.f Wool vill be recéived ai Scio. Wool sem Ly RÜrond will be atlénded to ip lbo same mtinncr as if the owner vejee to fume with t- it should be eareCulJy niarkéd. Wc have mannfnetured cloth during the past yenr for a veiy lárge numofctislomers, to vhoin webelieve we have giveti very general saiiefaclioa. Wiih thest; facts and the advaniages oflered by the low pyceat which we oficr to nianufficiure cloih, we hope for o Inrge share of patronase. ÖAMÜEL W. POSTER & CO. Scio, Washtcnaw Co., Ju)y25, 1844. 3 tlGRAND RIVER WUA. ffobobly be navigablc wiiliin a few years. as far souih as .1 . T 1'itATT'S STORE, whcrft the inhabitante orMicliigau can now bc supplied witli Dry-Goods. Groceries, Medicines, Iiooiê, Shoes, Miils, Cahinel Ware, MiliSionr liotnir-Clolh, Patent Smid Machines, BrisloVs Sarsaparilla, 20.000 boxes Pinit's Pilla, single box 2 sliillings, Life Biltere. 50 ceqts per liotllc, a cho'ce lot ofCHERfcJE, made in Wrsior New-York. THe jiroprieror pledges himaelf to scll as high as any niercham in W.wiu N. B.-AU kinds of Cöunlry Froduce. ltimebr. brick, lime, wood, bouglit or sold jusi as wijl suit customers best. A good farn and 'ony aeree of wild land for sale. Adiniaanco No. l Blains' block, ncar the River. Jackson, Mich. Apr. 13, 18-45.Sngar Coated Pilis, y, iíasease- 'ülorc Evidencc. MR. HILL. of thefirm of Girley and llill1G9 B.-oadwjy. aays the Sugar Coated Inüian Vcge'.able Pilis are superior (o any ho has ever taken. ÍJis wifo has found them dclightful and effieacious. Miss Düugla?s: comer of Walker and Lmliow sulcis, hns been cured of pain in the hend, dimness of .pi gift, and dizziuess of long standing by tliese Piüs. Mrs. Simons, of 93 lienry streef cured of pains and ernmps, of eight yenrs standing. Mr. A TKtNs, of 263 Greenwicli sireet, cured ofdyspepsia. of seven years standing. Mr. Caiu.ock's dangiiter, 8 Staple slrcet, cured of'Wornis iri their worst form. Rev. Mr. Boiinktt. of Brooklyn. cured ol biliouscomplaints, weakness, &c We need 'not add more. Evidence crowds toiv-i ■[ .---. - 3li-liill_eiuu' belorc nccomplislicd so much, wifh so linie troul!e nnr Jisng)-ccablenc-sj. as Dr. Sniitb's (Sugar C'onied.i "Improved Ihdjari Vegetable Pilis." Sold nt Gnion's rorner iiowery nnd Grand st.;Pbilip's corper of Beekman of Willinm strcrts, Kverett's. 9.5 Hudson st. : Mrs. Hay's, '119 Fuhon stree' Broollvn; and 203 Greenwicli street. Examine the label - look for Dr. Smith's writien LJgimture. 45SAL-KRATUS. Wholesale Sc Hetail. THE Subscribers aio now ir.anufuctnring a' tlicir cstLblushnicnl in Ann Arbor, un anide SAIiERATUS, which is equaj in puiiiy and excellence :o any ihat eau Ue produced ia MiShigan. li wül lo kept consiantly on liand in quanütics to supply cuatoiiiers ai aslow a pnce áé can be aflimled. To render it convenient for trsnspnrtaiion and retail iigr. ihc nriiclf. will oe suld in kegs oí one Imndreil pounds wciglit each. As the Saleratus made by the subsc-i ibers is pcrfcctly Pnïj - purchasers will not be cumpdled loset ihe kogs out of door? lo keep their floors from lieicji spoiibd by ilie constant drainingout of ihe ley iraní the caska, as is soinctuncs the ca?e wiih ah adulterated r-.rt;clt', Thósewliu wish for A fi rst-ratc ariicle fpr retniling will do weÜ to culi on ua bofore purcliasinnclsewhere. DECK LEY. FOSTER & Co. Ann Arbor. Lover Tovvn, Apr. 13; '45. 51- tfDISSÖLUTIOltf. THE Co-p;ir!nership heretofore e.xislinr under the iirm ;nd stylc of Becldey & Micks s by mutnJil coufënt tliia ilay dissolved. All persons indebted (o s;nd firm. Ivy nnte or oilierwisc. ireto malie pnyment to Guy Bfckiey, wlio is tullionzed to receivcit, and has becorne obliga-, led to-pay all debts due Trom said firm. GUY BECKLF.Y. SUMNER HICKS. Ann Arbor, March (5ih. 1645. 45-:w TAKË HOTIOE. npiHE Subscribershereby give noiiod thnl tbcy 'i will continue iho Mercantilo business at thr Store recently ocoupied by J. Becldey & Co. where tlioy will at all times bc-found ready 10 yv'áil on tliose who may teel disposed to lavor tlicin v.-iili thckpaironage. : SIO.AEf' SÜMLIBERTY. - All business relativo to ;l.c Siynal of Liberi) will beatiended w by iht subsoribers. BECKLEY. KOSTER. Sc Co. Ann Arbor, Lower 'lown, Mur. C, 1345; 6-tiSTOLEN, F ROM the Subsciiber, about fotir weeke since, a black sniin vest. ít is. supj osed to have been t;ikcn by nn intempenitc man, o strnngor vhi was aboui here at that' time. and hos probalily pawned rt ciiher for inoncy or liqr. Any Önewhó will yive mforniatjoftconcerniii" it. ai tliis o(Tice. isinibrmed that' l will redetnn' the vest and amly rewaid him for his „onblc. S. E. B110WN. JVIareh :ï!, Iil.'. 1SOO Ifes. Cíctísc ï'ealhcrs OF firsi ratc qualhy for sale liy ihe poiind 01 luitiifred wóigti i" qiintiiies to suit priirchaa eis, m-iv lie fuund at ' RAYMOND'S CASH STORF., 148 Jufibrson Avenue, 3J_if Doiroit. The Birncy Portvaiis. TH F. Subscribcrs have on liand a qutnuit.y ot tlieu lui go and splcndid engriivings. beau lil'ully exeented on sieel pioles, by au excelloni nriisi. trom apainting by E W. Gooüwus, Es. of Albany.N. Y. TUcy are n striktng likoneas oí Tuk Ma, and meke au elegant oinaiiiein lor the parlor. For sale, wholesule and retail. at $3 per dozn, or.üjl.00 each, by A. McFarren, Bookseilcr. Detroit, and bv BKCKLEYw-fOSTEll, & Co. Ann Arlior, Nov. 4, 18 14. 'M tfLOOK i THE Sulismber his two llurscs wliu-h he v.i CS to fcll. Tcffnsnccomnicxínljng. D L. LA TÖOR-BTTB. Ann Aiboj, Aprit 10, I8'15. 51 6w liivc CreesO R'cathcrs, O F a superior nualily. for sale hy BEpíLKy; FOSTER, & Qó. Mnrch H. l?iÓ. ' Í5-ÍWALLEBASl'S MEDICINES, THESE MEDICINES A HE efiecling sucli astunishing cures in nril1 X. tiíudes o'f oíd cásea long since abondoned by l'hysicians and tíurgeons a3 iKtprív liupcless, that. no medicines, where these are knovni, stand so dascrvedly bi'gh. They consist o( THE BLACK, Olí ALLEBASÍ'S SALVE, PAcí'. Cijiti, Wlnch cures alease universal!)'.. Ferer Sores, of ilic most mnlignant kind, Fclons, Ulcera; AbBccssea. Tumors, Frncturcs, Cuie, Punctures. ButníB, Soalds, Sore Throat. Chílbltiins, Quinsey. Drop y, Ijiflimaiory llhtumatísm, lntfam-; malions and Swellingsofcvery description, Scald Head. Agüe in ihe Face, Nervuus Tooth Achc, Agüe in ihti Brensi, Brokcn Breast, &c. &c. ALLEBASl'S HEALTH FILLS, Cen's. Tliese Pilis liave aequired n popularity within the lasiyenr, or.ivp, wliich no other Pilis possess. Tiie rea?ons are obvious tê all who usq them. Tliov cure all liilíoiis, Sea riet and otber Fevers, Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Acid Siornnch, Disordcr.-d Bvels. or Stomach, Jaundice, Hoad Aclie. Dizzinesa in the Head, Worms, Liver Complainr. Henrt Burns, Cholic, Buvvel complaint, General Debility. Costivcnesa,. &c. &c. Their puiífy ihe fentire qptein.leave the bowcl8 n a viorouá and heahhy coíidition, &.C. Seepatnphlet. ALLEBASl'S TOOTH ACHE DROPéV Prícc 25 Cents. Will cure an ordinary case of TootlAche, iii frorn ihree lo ten minutes. í'or JVürvous and odier kinds of Tooth Ache. sée Pamplilct. ALLEEASrS POOR MAN'S PLASTEE, Pricc, 23 Cents. Are warranted to be superior to nny .other PJas-. ters ín íhis or anv other country, for pain of' weakness in the Back, Side, Chest, Bowcl?, . Loins, Muscles, and for Rhoumatism, Luirg nntl Liver Compininls, Coughs. Colds, Aslbnia, &c. See painghlet. , , , N. B. - Píeaáé to aag the oent Apamphlet v%'hjch gives nll (he informatíon necenry rea■pecting the uses of ihe Medicines, the virtues, they possess, etc. Please to follow direciions in,. tlie us; of the medicines, and you may rely upon all that isproinised. A libera1 discount made to rnerchanta and others. who buy to se!l again. LYMAN W. Gil BERT, Proprietojr, Wholesale Druggist, 2J4, Fuitoh ef.'N'TY.' [CFFor snle b_v the tubscriber, vilio has beeriappointed generul agent. lor ibe City of Detroit and its yicinity. Country dealers supplied on liberal terms, C; MOftSE,.,., Michigan Bock Store. The nbove medicines are for snlc at the Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Vill8ge.December 9, 1844. 34 1 y .I) yspcpsïa of ten years standing. rpiIE Wife of CüDtain Roberts, arVine J_ Street, neir Water. Cincinnati, has beevrt' niihcicd witfi dyspepsia in its mos; aggmvatad form, for the last i,en years. She was recomendcd by celehrated physiciuns of Boston,. New, York, Philndelpbia, Baltimore and Cinciiinati to travel, aa they could do notliing for her. She, did so, but l done her no g-iod. She then coaimcnced using the most popular medicines of the day for her cornplaint, bui derived no benefit irom thoir use. Seeing nn advertisement of Dr. Smi-i u's Suqxr Coatkii Vegktaklk Pij.i in tho papers, she concluded to try them. She sent 10 G. F. Thomas. Main st. between Third and Fourth sis.. Dr. Smith's Agent for Cincinnati,. and purcharied n box. look them aecording to the direction, and can with hearifeli joy state that alie derived more benefit trom ihe use of oue box of Doctor SmitWe Sucvr Cuatf.u Vkcktabi.e Pn.i,s ihan from all other medicines sbe hád ever ma)o usc of for the last ten years. The above was sent to G. F. Thomns, December 14th. 1844.KTPRICE 25 CEPÍTS PEU BOX. No "SCGAR COATED P1LLS' can be gcnuine without the signnture of tlie solé inventor, "G. BENJAMIN SMITH. M. O." President of the N. Y. College of Health, upon every box. Offices devotad cxcluaively to the eale of this medicine ■ - '■ , For sale by W. S. & J. W. Moynard, Drnggisls. Aun Arhor. p, tf " March. 26, 1845 49-tf -r tt. SMITH'S (SUGAR COATED) '-Iftí proved Jndian Vegetable Pilis," aredaüy effectjng some of the nieset aatonishing and wonderfuí cures that have ever been known. in consequeuce of which they have now become a ehininc mark ngaiñst which all the arrows of disappoTnted hope, envy. íind uncbarílablenesa aro. levelled without di?tinction. The town and , country are alike filled with iheir prntse. The pnlace and poor-house alike echo with theirvirtues. In all climates, under all temperalurea. they siill rclain iheir -svonderful powers, and ( ert them unaliered by age or aitualion. They, are simple in thcir preparation, inild in iheir acr. íions, thorough in all their operntions, and unri- vaüed n their resultó. They are anti-bilious,,. anli-ilyspen'ic, and nnti-mcrcuriul; and they arp -eculiarly heneficial in the following complaints: . "ever and agüe, yellow and bilious fevers, dj',pepsin. croup, liver complamt. sick. neaaacm?, aundice, asihtna, dropsy, spleen, pile3. coic. ohsuuctione, heartburn, fürred tong.uc, nnd fp.ui stomach, nausea, díarrhoea, costiveness, losa.qf, appetile. sallow complexión, eolds, and in . all, cases of toipor of the bowels where aenthortic or in aperient is nceded. B. BZTNo Sugoir Coated Pilis can be genuine miless eveiy box has on it the siirnnturc of G. BENJ'N SM1TII, M. Sold 170 Green wich t , and Rusjiton &Co., 10 Astor House, and throughoui theüniiel States. 41- tf Caütion to All ! D LET ALL THE WORLD TAKE NOTtGE itn:l tic cnrcful notlo buy ihe(Sugar Coated) i mpro ved Intlian Vegetable PjUs, unleeseve-, ry box has on it the writien signatureof the oiiguiát invenior and pntentee, G. BENJAMIN' SMITH, M. IX These pleasant Filis possess pówers to opön . vit. the natural dr,ains of the system - vizi tfie I X'NGS, KI DN CYS, SKINS and BO WELS - hilherto unknown in the practice of medicine: fiüd so complete has been their triumph over all other medicines, th'.t many have been led to9uppose ihey eomain somc pnwerfnl minerul; bul npon esaminaiion by Dns. Chu.tox, Ranio;.pji, FIiTntington, and others. tliis suppusition iá ít' once proved to be groundless. Sold in New York. nt the principal Office, 179 Greenwich street also by Kushton &, Co.,' Iiroadwny, corner of 13ih strect. Pampnlets io lo had of agcn;6 grntis. pi. B. - -fersons wilt also notice'oh the top label au engraved ladian figure, crossed with fine red pi int. ■ . The genuine may ftlso be bouglu with safety al Dr. Guion's corner of Bowry and GraTid sireet, Brooklyn, and at respectable BÍorea' ihioughout the United Suites.SPECIAX NOTICE! A LL tliose who have unsettled acconntafor A Wool Ciirding ot Cloth Dressing wiih ike !;iio firni ol 3'. Beckley &, Co-, are bereby. no'.ir ried thai uhashecome ihdispensably necèssar;? thnt thoy should b3 closed by noio or otherwisd na early us 20ih of Apri.l ncJjt. Let thcre bc af pfowpt fttioiiiion. 10 ihe obove, and it will t}0 lor the mutual benefil of the parlies concerneeï. SUMPÍER HICKS & -Co. Ann Arbor, March 7. 1Ö45. 50-3w Blüiik Decds jinil rttovtgasjès, YxTUOLtSALE AND RKTlL, for-sale by W - BECKLEY, FÖ&TETl' & Co. : Mnrh'2ü. 1Ö45. . . _ Wóslcvaiit Boèks TUE S.UjIiscrihcrs haye jijst received a suppiy rf Vesleyan Books froni New York. Thosc wishiu to purchasc will picase cali and examine for theni-' scivcs. . , - KECKLEY &ÏIICKS. Anii Arbor, Lowcr Town. Dec. 6, 1844. 3HV 81iccp SUcár's, OF a superior qunliiy fiir salcliy ■ BECKLEY. KOSTER' fe Co' AJarch 2 , 1 15.


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