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C. Brinckerhoff's

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Mr. BrinckeihoiT, anxíoíiá to mnko known and to extend the use of the Henlth Restorative, and feelhg and knowii g that its remedial effect (by the favor of Providence) has been the only availnble means of restoring to healtli and lifo many of the young and endeared sonsnnd daughters and almost a niulütude of the niiddle agéd, aged, ond venerable individuals in the lnnd, now places moro convenienily belore tho invalid hia nvnluable remedy. Thnt dreadful scourge of our race, the Consuniption, with its attendant horrors have been swept away- the Restorativo renowing the impaired vi-nl part 30 ihoruughly is to resist aftcrward 1I10 invidious attneks of those diseases. To the humane and tender henrted it is a plunsiug nnd moving sight to view the before hopeiess nnd dispirited suñerer riso from hia eoucli of sickness and pain, nnd tako his place amid the cares and duties of lifé sim - ply bv means of' thls grand Restorative of Naturo's Functions The most severe eoughs al-, most nvmedintely yield uncler its infliteuce, and howcvei racfeiïjg or chronic thoy may have been, yct they vunish the moment the Restorative be-, gins to e.vert and then maintain its power. Thö Propi-ieior earnestly requests all who are aiïllct-. ed with any disease of the T.ungs or Liver, Pain in the Chest and Sidr-, and dnighs, to commenco the use of the Mealih Restorntive. De spite the approbriiim whic h is atmehed to nll , veriised medicines, use this reinedy nnd be convincpd of its power however incredulous you have heen. Tho following ceriifiante is froni Dr. Chillón, the iv&IJ known New YorkCliomist. "] hnve nnalyzcd a bottle of medicine callcd :C. Briiikeihult'8 Health Restorative,' and find that it does not contain Mercuiy. or any o'her metallic preparation; nor opium in ony of its forms. It is composed of vecetable matter entirely." .l,?.ir.s R. Cmrro. M. D. C. BR1NCKERHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. . ITorack Evi-rktt, General Agent. Principnl Ofiiceflfi Hitdson stieet, N. Y. " For sü'e by VV. S. & J. W. Maynard, Agents, Ann Arbor. _ 49-4w


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