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Report: Of The Undersigned, Committee Appointed By The Detro...

Report: Of The Undersigned, Committee Appointed By The Detro... image
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Mr. liibb h;is addreflsed royara] assrmblie 11 Michigan ulitis narrútive ís grneriíJI} known. Surtió of liid liOíiri --, iIijmi;.' wIidiii wt'in Lil-O I y uivii, !]t doubt ns lo lh: trut uMiis.-i.-itriiieiits. Jí.-fo-t fur iliemruplc ::ifl t!e obli. ilion of ('nty lo t lio jmb'ic iit duccd l lie foMiiatiúo "I" pregent Coiinnit Loe. The Ct'iiir.iiKce f n'orci] on the (!nty con ñüf.d lo ilicin. roíulicrl un a wnrcliinr scru tiny, anJ on nr?ervod inililiciiiion o'iie re sult. Mr. lübb ncqtiK'íCcJ in i lie cnqnirj with n [faijoworthy sijit. He o! tended beibro t.o CoiDioitiee and gOV8 uiliing ciJ lo l$ jiji?ci. lie wns suí'ji?tiO' to a riorous ex(imination. Facts, - d lies, - perFonfi - oru locajities u'orc (J-iii:intcJ nftd pbcrfully íurniihed. Prjjper enqojry - riihor by Icücr, or peiFoinlly, or liirriiLli fhe niodimn of' hitnuö was Ihi-n mide Iroui every per.-oii, and in evey quuricr lilíely :o olucuJate tlie Irulh. Jn fnet ti ) test or jts accerluinnienf, known o tho sense or cxp'riencn of the Coniiniitee, omUttd. Tiü rsult vys the coü.-ction of;i large body uL tcMu.-iMiy from vi.-rv diversified qiprtersi Slaro owikts, - sjaye t'ealers - fugiiive froni lavery, - pWi:ica] triemJnnd )wlii.icül ibes con'ril)::cd loa ni:'.ss uftcstiniony, cvcry juit of which poiijlcd lo a commoi) C('nc]u.-in, - the iwidüubtcd Irutli of Mr. Bibb'á itatemontö-. In Ilie Conimittce's opinión no individiut] can subslnntinic the evenis of liis hfe by te.-timony more conclusivo and liannnnioud tlian is now hefuro Uiom in confirmation of Mr. Bibb. Tl:o miin fucts of his narratve, and many of tlie minor ones are corrobornted bcyónd all rjiicstion. No inconsiátency has been disclosed nor any thing revéaled to créate suspicion. The Committee liave no hesitation n dt-claring their conviction that Rlr. Bibb is amply su.-tained, ai'd is eiuitleá to public confidence and high esteem.No testimony roppecting the paterni'y of Mr. Bibb nor of the existcnco of Jnmea Bibb líos ben recoived. It is nimost impossible for a =lnve to give even orciinarv lestimony óf his male parentnge. lí a Jame3 Bibb Uid ex isL lie was rol a member of tlic present fíibb fnmily of Kentucky.. The buik of the (estimony prechides lis pnblication, bot it is in the Committeers hands for the inppection of any npplicait.Another subject wns before ihe Committee. Mr. Bibb occnsionally presented a claitn for support, in consequence of havinrr devoled his time to lecüiring. On a lew occasions lie also oppealed for fundí, to enable liini tn procuro iiüeüigenco of liis wife and cluld. - The sulo of songs and donations were the sources of remuneration of his time and expenses, but it was very fcant and inadequate. Donations nlone conlributed a fund for bis wife. The bnstic of persons paying a t rifle for songs may have induced an over estímate of the amounl received by Mr. Bibb. The conlributions lo himself would nol pay the wages of an ordinary laborer, umi his expenses. Those for his wife did not exoecd fif!een or twenty dollars. Frienda in anothnr State had placed at lns command a smali sum, but the Michigan contribulionö were as stated. Mr. Bibb thnnkfully acknüwledges as part of ihe abjve some larger than usual donalions. ♦ The funds for Mrs. Bibb have notyet been npplied to their ?esliny because of a disappointment in the proper messenger, and Uial the ctnount io in itself inacieqinte. TheCommitiee holds iíself íesponsible to the donors or iie faithful opplication of the monvy, or Is' bciny held eubjsct to their order. A. L. PORTER, C. H. STEWART, S1LAS M. HOLMES. Commitlec. Detroit, April 22, 1845.(tlt must be that tlie Livingston Coorier has a new hnnd at the bellows. Every weel; brmgs U8 a giist of proslaveryisin. In the last nuir.ber, the Editor quotes from the Boston Clironicle a paragraph approving the help of fugitive-3 to escape from sluvery, njd fimls relief to his shocked ensibilitics in tlie following tirade: "Here is abolitionisin in all its hidoous de fonnities. Any thing ihnt will liring on a discnssion of abolnion musí be resorted to. - Abolitionists would willingly ronder themselves littble to the pennlties of a slávnoldmg law, bui thi-v wnuld by all menn;?, nvoid Uie chuches of that íaw. Siich a cowardly, revolutiouary spirit as this, is revolling to Inimniiity. No party or der.omnalinn ia tlie Uni' ted Stalef, is to ilestructiye (;f yooil order, so ïosfilc to our domeslic nteresïs. nnd mnni fesls 6uch a mobocrntic spirit as the JAbcrly mty. Andyel, thov prelend to be govern ed by Ihe word of God. A'.vay witli fuch old presumption, such darin": profligncy! - The doctrine inculcaled in the Bib'e is, "crvantshc obedient to nin?ters," nstead of stealin? Slaves. L;t us hear no nvr? about he abuce and insult whiclj the Abolilionists eceive from slaveholders." We shall not enter upon our defenre a! resent, bnt will morely propose a single enquiry to the C'ourier. Suppoting all you iiave tnied to be true- Ihat we are niobocrntic, Ie6tructive. presMruptuous and daringly profigale- whil do you inlcnd lo do nhout il?ttr" The Detroit Advertiser finds fauk witli the Liberty pnrty becausR they did not nomínate Julin Quincy Adams for President instend of Mr. Birney. Mr. Adams has tthvays been utterly opposed o all the dist net i ve Liberty principies n their practical application. He was, ndeed a derender of the right of petition, nd an opponent of the admission of Texs: but these objects were in ihemselves f no more interest to the Liberty party ïan to the Whlgs. We should have been bout as vie in nominatjng Mr. Adams s the Whigs would have been in nomi'iting Silas Wright. fie voted for the Vhig in riff. W'hy did they not nomínate


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