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Fashionable Amusement

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The sober and ploddinjj sous of induslry, v!io labor at agricultura 1 employmente, hnve littlc concoplioi) of the sensatio occasioned in llie prrut citics by ilio npproneh of a rnce beiwecn iwo celebrnted horses. it is Imiled as a matter of the groatest interest b}' tens of tlioiib-nnds, and vast Mim.4 are frequent Iv staket on the issue. The merits of Ihe repective tmgs are ennvatsed with beenrnng gravity, and daüy bullotina of thcir health, appearance nnd spirits ore issued for the ben efit of uiixious thousands. Tlie N. Y. Evening- G.tzetto iias the l'ollowwg noticc bf a match nÓW pending:"Tur. Gret Match. - The Spirit of the Titnps has accounts trom boih Fashion mul Peytona, of their cnutinued ffood heallh, and Ihe increasing confídonce of Uicir respective friencls. The betting is very spirited, especially in this city. Onf gentleman here, wlio despaiied of lnying; out his tnoney on bottrr term?, bot A1OÓO lo L750, tl;en $1000 to &700, on Faehin vs. the Bi Mare. He iinallj oiFered to lay 81000 to 8000 twice over, which offer bluffci! off llie party. Stich odiis, liowever, are ceptned extravngont, and .we doubt if the fjenileman referred lo would care togo on at 10 to R. On lime (lie botting can bardly be quotod, it is so varied; $100 to .30 is oflerei! - witliütit regard to the state ofths course or fho wcather - that no ie&t is run under 7.35. Stiniilatinpf that the dn)' nnd course are fine, r51000to800 bas been ofTc-ed that Boston nnd Fnshioifs time is not braten. A pnrfy offers #2000 to S00 that if Fashion wins the first heat fIir wina the race. Among quiet prople, ulo fancy Fashion's nrre mny teil upoii her, offers to take a snit of clothes againsi a cofit, that Pevtona "pops" her, are current.i:05a" ls our Cusa Cóunty Ailiomto mnn. in favor of sendmsr negroes to our Leptslaüires ond to Comrrpss' His motto is 'Uni versal SSuffrage," and that woold inclnde neroes, nnd lead to negro legislaticn - a kind of visionnry fclime whic'ri we are not yet pre'iarcd to advocate. - Viles Rrpublican". The prrcediiigf ís a specimen of that uCutaneous Democracy," wliicli is so prevalen n tlíis country. "Universal SinTrage" for while men - the Republicnn lias no objection to thiü; but "Universal Suffrage would incHide pgroe.", and lead to Negro legisla tion!"- IIow horrible! What enlarged views of Democracy nnd Equal Rights that Editor must have who would excludc a portion ofhis fellow citizens from all pohtical rights merely on accomit of their color! The more re?pecíable papéis of the party seldom appeal to viere neprophohia - a hatred of a man on account ofhis complexión: but (lien the talents of men are various, nnd the Ropublican u doubtless more usefnl and efficiënt in serving its party by crying "A7g-- JYiggcr!" tíian it would be in the field of argument eud reason.CC? A commitlee of Councils of Pittsburgh have investigated the amount of loss by the recent fi re, and have reported the valueof the buildings, 928 in number. nt 1,466,500 Personal properfy burnt, 913,450 Total, #2,379,950 The orea burnt over was upwards of fifty acres. ÜJ The Detroit Advertisor says ihat "in the nature of things there can be but hvo 'permanent political parties." The Editors are therefore waiting for the Liberty party to die,"':atiently, but with entire confidence." They will have need to "let patience have her perfect work," befo re they cense to wait.ÜCT Some time since we publislied n etory of a Calholic priost of Russia who was snid to have bef n knouted Uttdè&th, haviiig been condemned to eufFer 4,000 blows. Dr. Baird, w lio !ius been n resident of Russio, nnd is now It'Ct uring ju Boeton, suvd there was no truth in th? story, inaemuch as thero is a law of Russia whicli forbids the punishment of the K-nout beiner npplied to priests; nnd besides the greateet number of blows ever infiicted is fif ten, wlnle five h the usual number.


Signal of Liberty
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