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The Liehtnhg Talk.- Dr. Lockr, finding t inconvenient lo walk eo often to and fro, from liis dwellingr house lo his lecturo room, in the medici! college, hng plared a conductor of ivire over the roofs of the honses betwoen the two, and ca nnw eet n his arm chaii at home, and talk to his studenls in the college, by simply calling electricity to his nid. He tnakes the lighthing ralk to Mie boys and throws his thoughts and his vvords over our heads, and over severol squnres of the city, in a less fraction of time than can be tneasured or conceived of.- Cin. Atlas. it?5 The ship Constittilion, at Ballimore, brought newa from those wlio went out to the const of the Spanish Main to raise the Spanish mnn of war Sun Pedro, rank abom 50 years ogo, wi.h 2,000,000 in specie, bullion, and olher materials. They have succecdod in getting tip an anchor, sotne brass cannon, and several dollars in silver. One of the dol lara was embedded in the timbers of the vesscl about four inchep, cnused, as is pre9umed by an explosión of the mngazine, which snii!; the ship . The Baltimore 6tockholders rcfu6e S1000 per share for the stock, which originally cost Si 00.- Fr ee Press.Extruordinary Fact. - On Friday last an extraordinary ci-cumstnnce occurred at the corn mili of Mr. Brownbridge, in the Town of Doncat-ter. It wns observed that a rat belonging to the mili had 'sel' at a rat which vas secrefed under gome encks. These ere removed - and the rat beingd ven to extremities to preserve its lifp, ran up the troisers of one of the miller., John Roy .ion, and forced lts wny op to the top of hia back, next his skin, but could get i;o furiher in coneequence of hie neckerchicf. The horo of Ghuznec - for John Royalston foupht both there and at Cabul - cnlled onl most histily, and ran in the direction of the office. Another of the men secing the ornücompfit in which he vvns placed, struck tlio rat vvith his fisl and killed it. Ro-olöton was not injured. - Dancaster Gazetle. A Scrcamer. - The Louisville Journal of the 21st soys: - "Miss Itawmng, theKentucky giantess, haa arrived in this city, and can now bc eeen ot Washington Hall. Miss B. is seven fcet liigh, weigfha nearly ihiee hundred pounds and is wel! proportioned. We advise every one to cali nndeee herasnnother opportunity may never be prosenled. She is by far Ihe most wonderful human spectocle that ever we Ljazed on.The Wüfliinglon pnperscontnin an advertisrment of a runawtty slave, a girl bet ween 16 oud 17 yenra old, tchile xviih straight hlaclc ha ir, and datk ryes, weig'iing about 1 10 or 115 poiinds, of rood coimtenance, reads the Bible lolerably well, and has prclty good use vit"'i her necdlp. A reward of'i&SOO is ofifered Tor the delivery of the girl to Geo. Fichün, 'l'hotnp-íonville, Culpepper counly, Virginia. TijJ oward is CO be paiil lf 6he IS foind mi nny non sluveholding State, but if found in Virg-ini.i, thcroward is to bu only 50, and if in Mtuylund, $75.Washington, Marck IQ.- The triai of Cnpt. Sangster, f'or assault and battory on Jolin Quincy Adams, d uring tho last session oí Congress, was brought before the Criminal Courf, Jüdge D'iulop, lo-day. Mr. Adams apponred i court, and stntcd that he fiad received a letter froiu Mr. Sangster, npologising fcr his condiict. Mr. Addins said that, asfar ür he wns personally coricerned, the cxplunnlion was snfticieiit. Tho judge, however, sentcnced biiri to tliirly dnys' impri-.onment anda fine of $100. A pctition was got np, asking br cxecutive clemency, which Mr. Ad ams conciirred n by hissign manual. It is s ipfioscd that the sentcnco may be commu'eJ or remitted to-morrow. - Tribune. Legislative Civilily. - Tho legislature of New Jersey adjourned on Suturday. - The papers say - The usual vote of thanks was given lo the speaker, clerk, and door-keepers, who severally responded in appropriaie rema rks. VVhy dd they omit the printer, and the man that made the fires and lighted the candles? - Bost, Chron. Characlerisfic. - The Express hns the following parograph respecling our most unfil U. S. Senator: "Mr. D. S. Dicktnson s claiiiiing doublé niilengc, as he has bren et Washington under two appointhiehls; the last bcing made wliile he was eitling under the first! Mr. Mntigum dcclincd to certify, and the Comniitice of the JudiciRry have given a unaniiuoue opinión thal the charge was illegol, and could not be allowed under tho rules of the Senate. T hen Dickinson proposed to leave the atFair out to Danil Webster; Mr. Mangum agreed, and 'the great expounder' guve otir craving Sena tor an exposition not at nll to his liking. A!l this is vory pretty business for a Senator of New Vork! Odd Enough.- The Odd Fellows of Boston aro expending $150,000 in crecting a magnificent Hall. But that is tot quite so odd as Democratie Legislature incorporating a secret society as 'a Proltc institution. - Movroe Advocate.On the 25th2of October last, a daughterof Mr. E. S. Hildreth, of this town, about three years of age swallowed a cent, which lodged in her throat, where il re-, mained until Tuesday last when by some unaccountable good fortune, sho threw it up while at play. U remained in her throat 4 monthsand 7 days, causinggreat pain and difficulty of breathing, ar.d every method was tried to dislodge it with out success. The cent was shown to us - it appears lo have been bcdded into the flesh about a quarter of an inch on the two opposite edges, while the centre appeared to be covered with a kind of a coating caused by the food passing by it. It seems to bê almost a miracle that it was dislodged in the manner it was. - Taunton Paper. Occidental Dcnths.-h most important bil! bas been preeented to ine Lords by Lrtl Lyttleton, for the purpose of securing the rifjht to recover compensation to the families of persons who are ''killed by accidenta.' At present, as is wcll known, no ac;ion at law is mointainoble Bgainst a person who, by hi? wrongful act, nlecr, or default, may have caused the death of another pereon. The preamble seis forlh - that the wrong doer ir: sucb enees should be nnawerable in da.-nages for the injury caused; and Lord Lyttlcton's blll is to effect lliat object. The several clauscs provide thnt an action mny be maintained againslany person who may cause the dealh of another, through neglect, wronfu) act, or default, !,nolwithstnndinr tho tleath of the person injnred. Every Rtich nction is lo be for the benefit alone of the wife or hmband, child or children, of the deceased individual; and the jury is to divide the amcunt nmong the claitnants, according to their judgment. - Lon. Mom. Adv. Illinois Man Markct. - We iinderstand thal the man speadotion in Kendall county, like tiie one in Chicago two or three years ago,did not turn out very profitable. The fugitive mprisoned in Kendall county jail atBri3tol, was sold a few days ago for the siim of 8l,50. This appears to be the market valae of a man innonhern Illinois. Although there are but few in the rnarket, purchasers are 6carce, and therefore the priceis low. The expense of the ccunty attending thie sale couid not have been lees than f -20; deduct from this the proceeds of the sale, aud there is left 18D0 dend loss to the county. The people of Kendall county will have to do a large business al this rate to get forehanded, so as to have moncy to let. The drivers must think by this time that thoy have brought their cattle to a poor market. - Chicago JYetcs.Folly andtvaste. - The steamer Princeton 8 kept at coat ofone hundred thousand dollars a year, for wliat purpose we are at a loss to imogine. She is going to England for exhibition, and to receive a new gun now Leiog constructed there. Yet the Princeton cannot venture out to sea wiüiout two sailing vessek as protcctorB,one of tbem we suppose cn.rryinw the "great gun.' - IIov much longer ia this foolei y and waste of money to continue. If oiïlcers wieh to travel. Iet the government pay their expenses and not incur the outláy of fit i ing up a vessel of war for their accommodation. - .V. Y. Sun. Juvenile Depravity. - A number of boys have been arresled at Cincinnati, on charge of incendiarism,and by confession ofone of them, it nppears they have frequently comniitted this crime. VVhen questioned aa to tlieir motiven, they answerd thal it was for the piirposo of getting the fire engines onf, and io get their favorite apparatus ihere firft! The moment that fíiv was cried, they ran to their fuvorite engine for the purpose of assisling in dragging it to the conflagration. What terrible depravity itexhibits, and how great a warning ngauist permitling boys to bo hanging about engine houses or running with the apparatuses. The ruin of propeny, thotigh that is great, is not ncar so disastrous as the moral dobapemrMit of these wrelchcd youlhs. - U. S. Gaz.Amvsing Freak of an Insane Pntient, relatcd by Dr. Enrle of the Bloomingdale Asy lum, in the January numbcr of the Journal of Insanity: - An insano lady in the middle ogc of life, appaceablo, quiet crcaturc, willi aheari ovefflowinjj witli ' the niilk of human kindness,' occpicd a room in the Asylum. She had a Jurge quarto Bible, which when she was not rondinor from if, luid upon the table. One morning, I was somewhat eurprised on findÏDg her scated in an arm chair, the table in ht-r !ap, and the Bib!e on the flooi., Asking her the cnuse of thia ncw arrangemen:, ehe told me that 'the table was so lired with Iiolding the Bible, that she was llending xt,' for lhe p'irposeofgiving it some relief. This proce?s was often repeatcd afiervards,and the benevolence that protnpífd it snon extended to the bcdslead, to which bhe frequehtly ffave opporUintlies of 'rest,1 by holding up for Koofs in succession, the corners of the bed, and the superinciitiibent clothing. Thistnay appear like a burlerque or curricattire, hut it is not intended as í-úch; for truly, ifever an act of kindness was induced by the pure spirit of aflèciion,I believe such wa6 the fact wilh thosn liisl relnt ed.


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