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I1SSOL,UTIOIV. f I iHE Copartnership bcre;olore existing unJer i tbo finn nnd style of Knapp, ilnviland & Co. 8 by mutual consent tliis dy dissclved. - All persons indebtcd lo eaid finn. by Note or othenvise, ore to make pnyment to Knapp. &. Hnvihnd who nre authorizcd to reecivo it and have beconic obligated to pay all dub:s due froni said finn. W. W. KNAPP, T. A. I-IA VI LAND, J. E McLAI:V. Ann Arbor, April 24, IS 15. i C. BRINCKERHOFF'S r I 1H1S medicine being productive of tho mos! JL powprful aiid ceriain remedial effect in tht cure of Livcr Compluint. Consumption, Pain in the Cheat and Side,Cuughá, Colds, profuse Niglit Swcais. and Astriñía, its importancc wil! be admitted by all. Ha ving for iis commendation the icsümony of many of our most iruth-loving nnd respected citrzens, w nre bound to aclmoAvIedge that there must be sorne great causo for their praiee, or it would not be given so frcely nnd Irnnkly. The ilealth Restorative.. from its first inlroduciion to the presont day. has never been known to fai! of iis intended eflects, and wLre it hes not fully cured, it has been traced mosi concluaively to the fault of the patiënt in not complying with tne simple directions aitachcd to the botile. So prolific a diseose as Consumption. and so dnngerous a one to afllict the humnn race, has induced the neetly nnd sou'fess trafficker to invent and reco innend his nosirutns. wiiich only palllote ihe more arruravating1 symptoms, or else are entirely uacless: and thus to gain money ihey deceive their sick and dying fcllow-inen witlioui even a thought of tlie baseness of their trade. We ji?avc euch demons to the stings and Upbraidings of their ovvn confecience. The Proprictcr baving experienced the curative pmperty of the Restorative in his own individual ense, and in numberlees oihers csn reconnnend it to llie cotifidcnce of the sick, fec!mg sensible that ifa faitiiíul trial is made, the most huspicious result is certain. The following ceniflrate is from Dr. Cbiltou, the well known New York ehemist. "J hnve airalvzed a hoitle of medicine cilled ;C. Brinkerhoft'8 Health Restorative.' and finrl that it does not contain Alercury, or any oher mctolJic preparatfon; nor opium in any of its It ís com;osed of í-esLibíe mntter entirely." James R. Omturn. M. D. C. BR1NCKERHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. Mok ace Evkrett, General Agent. Principal Office 9G Fludson eticet. N. Y. For safe by W. S. & J. W. Maynard, ARcnts, Ann Arbor. J-4w MJtS. C. BUFFINGTCN would resperrfiil ly inform ihe Ladies'of Ann Arbor and its vicinity thai she has rece! ved (he fall onJ winter fashiuns. MRS. C. BUFFJNGTON. Nov. 14. 1314. ülaplc Sugrar! irf Ibs. just received. and for sa!e by 4fJ BfcUKLEY, FOSTER, & CO. Aun Arbor, April 2G, 1845. 1 Take lYotsce! WHEREAS my wife, Mary Whitlark has ' t lrs day le.ft iy bed and board vviihout niv euve or consent, this is to forbid uil persons laboríng' or tn;sting her on iny accouut. as I =hnll pay no debts of her contracting aftur ;!iis Jaiü. j. S. WHITLARK. Ann Arbor. April 22, 1845. l-3w c . iGOODS ARE CHEAP! At 3o. 1. llawkin's fillock, NJi ARBOB. GARLAND & LE FEVRE HA. VING taken iho Store nbovc named, formcr!y occnpicd by J. S. Dickinson. are nów prepared to aell to tücir oíd cusioniers ana the public generally. Slapte and Faucy Dry Goods, Groe rie, Ctockery. Haidmnc, liools and Shots, 4'C. $'C. m tlic most reasunnMc terms. All kisuls of Produce laken in exchange for Goodt nnd Cash. The hiuhest innrkct price pnid for Whcnt by GAIÏI-AND & LE FEVRE. Aun Albor. Api il 16, 1845. N. B J S. Dickinson s. notes and accounts ire in tl:C hands ol Messrs. Garlnnd & Le Eevro, A-boare duiy authorized tö seitlq the snnie. J. S. DiCKlNSON. Ann Arbor, April IS. f$4o. 8Q8-wANN ARB'OR OIL MILL. THE svib6crilHT8 v.-oulil tr.e tiulico JÍmt iliey are engagcd iiv manDtiöHufl UNSEED OIL. mul ;iro prgparéd 10 furnjsh öu af üie best quality to niercliants nnd [jniniors, chenp íio n cun be obtninc-l Irom !hc Oi! cxeiiangcd Tor Flax seed at the rnto o( a gftllon of oil for n bushei ui' Flax seed. Cash at all tunea paid for Klaxsecd. tjp0fpHjER & JUDSON. Ann Arlior, Lowc; Town, Scpt. 6j ] 1. 2J ly. LOOK HERE ' THK Subsirilicr has two llorses wliicli he wishes to ttll, TermsuccommoiLuini;. . D L I.A TOURL'TTR. Ann Arbor. April 10. 1S4.'. 51 6w rALLEBÁérs MEDICINES. MEDICINES ARE eflecting such astoníshing ruresín multitudes oí oíd caifs Jong since abandonad by lhy6icinn3andSurgcon8 as hopeless. that no medicinea, where (hese aro kñown, stand s,o dettervedly bigh. They consist of THE BLACK, OH ALLEBÁSPS SALVE, Pricc 25 Cents, Which cures ülmoai nnivertally. IVer Afires of iIíc most malignant kind, Keions, Ulccr, Ab3, Tumors, Frn. im:9, Cuis, Punclurps Biirns. Sralds, Sore Tluoai, OiUblnins, Quiusey, Drop-y, Inílamntory Jihcuaiatikm, Inflammnnons luid SweHingj ofovary decriptlor, Scajd Head, Aguo ín thc Face, Ncrvyus Tootli'Ache Agüe in the lire;,,,:, IJrcksn Ctenst, &O-&.C LlEBKSTS UEAVr'ñ ITLLÖ, í O-nifl. 1 These Pilis have acquired n populariiv witliiiv tlie Inst year or two, !iich no oiher Pilis ' sesp. The re.ieons are obvious to all who ustí them. Thev cure nll Hilious, Scnrlet and othe.r fevers, Fcver and .Agüe. Üyspepsin. Dropsy, Acrl Stom!.chr Disorder. d Bowels, or rioninch, Jaunoice, Head Ache, Dizziness ín thc Hend, norms, Livor Compluini, Heart Burns, fholiu, iJowrl comphiiíit, Gfeneral Dcbihty. Cosiivcnces,. kC'i Theirpuiüy ihe entire syetenj, lenve tho bowde ín a vigorous and healthy condiiioa.' &.C. eepoinph!ot. ALLEBASl'S TOOTII ACI1E DROPS ■fríce 25 Cents. Willcure an ordinary cas ol Tooili'Ache, n' from three to (en mimuea. For Nenmóa and otherkinds of Tooth Ache, see Pamplilet. ALLEBASrs POOR MAN'S PLASTER, Pricc, 2ó Ctnfs. Are warranted to be superior to any other Pía?:iT3in ::i8 or any other country, for poin or WeoktièM in, tlie Back, Sidc, Chc?t, ' Bowels, Loins. Mujrcles, nnrl fnr Rhsiimatism. Lung r.ná Liver Complnints, Coughs. ColdS, Ásthma, xc. bce pamphlíit. N. B.- -Pleasi; to obk iho opent for apnmphlet wlnch gives all the infurmation necesearw respecting the us-s of the Medicines, thc vírtuca t hoy po&sess, etc. Pleasc to íollmv direetions in tho U9o of the medicines, and you may rcly upon all that is promised. A liliera' discount made to merchants and others. who buy to sel! apnin. LYMAN W. OJ1BERT, Propriotor. vhulesalt Druggist, 214. Fulton st. N. Y. ICTFor sale by ihe suLscriber, who hns been appointed general ngent for the City of Drtroit and its vicinity. Country dealera supulied on liberal terms, C. MORSE, Michignn iiotí Store. The above medicines are for sale at the Book Storef WM. R. PERRY, In Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9. 1644. 34 1 yUyspepsïa of ten years standing. ryUIE Wife of Cm. tam. Roberts. _on Vino JL Street, r.uir Wa-er, Cincinnari, has been nnheted with dyspepsia in its most aggravatrtl fonn, for the last ten years. She was recomen1: - ed by celebrated physicup.a of Boston, New York, Philndelphia, Bahimorc and Cincinnati to travel,, na they could do nothing for her. She did go, but ii done lier no gjod. She then cotnmenccd using the niO3t popular medicines of the day for her coinplnint. bui derivcd no benefit from their use. Sueinj an a'dvenisement of Dn. SmITIi's SUGAR Co.VTKD VtGKTAKLE Pll.LS i.T tllO papers, s'.ie concludcd to try tnem. She sent 10 G. F. Thnmaa. Main st. betv.-een Third and Fonrth st?.. Ur. Smith's Agent for Cincinnati, and purchaned n bo.t. took-them accordiug to the direciion, and can with heartieh joy state that she derivad more benefit from the use ofone box of Doctor Bmnhs S'un Coatko Vegetaui.k Pn.i.s than from all other medicines ahe hus ever made use of for the last ten ycars. The above was sent to G. F.' Thomas, December Htli. 1844. ICTPRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. No J'SL'GAR COATED PILLS" can bO genuine wtiliont the signarure of the solé inventor, "G. BENJAMIN SAIITIf. M. D." President of the S. Y. Coiicge uf Health, upon cverv box. Offices devotod exclusively to the eale of this medicine Tor ealo by W. S. & J. Y. Maynard, Drng5!sfs, Anii Albor. March, 26, 1845. 49. tfDR. SMlTirS(SUGAR COATED) IM proved indinn Vegetable Pilis," are daily etïeciinj some of the most astonishing and wonderfu! cures that have ever been known, in consequence ofwhich ihey have now becomea shilling mark ngaiii3t which al! ihe arrows of . pointed hope, efivy. and unehariubleness are levelled without disiinction. The town and country nre alike fiïled with their praisc. Tho palace and poor-hou.e alike echo wilh ilieir vtrtucs. In all climaics. under all tempera) ure, they siill retain their wonderful powers. and ■ ert ihom unaltered by age or situation. They nre simple in their preparation, mild in their r.ctions, tliorough iu all their opcraiions, and iinrivalled n their result3. They ore nn:i-bilious, ] nnti-dyspep'.ic, nnd onti-mercurial; and thry aro peculiariy beneficia! in ihe íblluwing Cümpláinis: fever and ngne, yellow and bilioufovcis. dypepsia. croup, liver complaint, sic-k lieadaehc, jaundice,, dropsy, spleen, puts, coüc. obstructions,' hear'íiurn, furred tonque, and fouï 8tomach, nnusen, dinrrhoea, costiveness. loss of apptiíe. sillow complexión, colds, nnd in a:l , cases oftorpor of the b.nvels where ncathcriic or an nperit-nt is needed. N. B. Ojio Sugnr Coated Pilis can be gemdne unless every box hnson it the siennture ofG. BENJ'x SAÍ1TH, M. ü. Sold 179 Grccnwich st , and Kushton & Co., 10 Astor House, and throughout the United States. 41 -tf C5Caution to All ! .L$ LET ALL THE WORLD TAKK NUTÏCE ' and be careful not to bny the (Sugar Coaved) improved Indian Vegetable Pilis, unless evfry bes his on it the written eignature ot the ori' ginai invrn'or nii'l p-'frniep, G. BENJAMIN SMITFL M.D. These plt' Pilis possess powepa.'to o vll the nritural drains of ihc syeeni viz--'ihx LUKGS, K1DNJ:TS, SKINS and ÏJQWmJï - hitherto unknown in the practice of medici: : nd feo coinpietc ha3 been their trruinph wer!uil jiher medicines, th t nuniy havo been ledtttjaupi05c iliey coniam wme powarfnl mineral; but ipon einmiñatíbn Ly Dns. Chilton, RjkXiLrH, [1vm:m;to.-, and oihcrs. tliiá suppositioo ia at inoe proved to bo eroundless. Sold in New York. m the principal OfHce, 179 Sreenwic'.i street, by Ruslitvi & Ch ' LJroadwny, corner of J3th Street. Pampnlcts to bo bad or. aguate gratis N. B.- Peisons yri} ;.!:,0 notaron the top In)el an engraved Indjan figure, crossed witb fine od print. The genuino niay Alf0 bc bougnt %ri;H Werjr it Dr. Gnior,'s corner of Üovvry and Grsnd1 itreet, Urof,iynf ar„j al reSpectable eiore iroujiour tae iTnleü Siate.jeutfistry: E. G. BURGER; Dentista HAS removed bis office to Crano & Jtwetl'a Block. íirst room on the Sccond Floor, wiicrc being well prepared lo nttsn! o ewry brancb of bis peofiutstpn, would respecjtiülly eiy lo all who have noc had tbosv nccissjuy urgane, THC 'l'LETH. properlv a tended to, deljry nb Jonger, btit culi f.jiMi hun nnd experiencê ih easc and durabilhy of his operaiions., '1'kkms Bceommodathig i.r4oharges iiino case unrcasJiiable. - ■ Ann Arbor. March fi, 18-15. -17-tf. SPEEÏAlJNOTiEEr ALL thoso u!,n h'ivf ttrsetiled n,cconnfi f'r Wool ('artUrar ör Clofh l)ret.sinr wuh the laic linn ol J. lieckiuy & Co., nre htroly no'.ified ilmt iihnsHscomo iníispeí;sablv r.ciMRT' thiit ihoy s!iould hi closcd by noie or othorwiso, fis carly is ïiUili of April ne.xt. Let there ba a prompt atteitlion 10 tin; obovo, will be for the mutual bcuedi of ilie parties c-mcerned. SUMNKR IHCKS &- " Ann Arhor, Marrh . 1845, f0 jw Blank lïecclsaiid.Tlortaes, WEJOLESA'lE AND RB'iIL, f..rMlebv PKCKLKV, KOSTER & Co. Mardi 20, 184?.


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