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DR. SMITIl'S V NÏVBRSSTIT PIX.&S., irpUKSK l'ül-.uo pitjpnred by Wttil M. .Sniiih. X late Profeèsoroi Materia Mctlkarnnd Ptiiir: juucy in the Univursiiy of Lakt: Kiio. Ghlt?- Dr. Smith woidd aay 10 iho public, iliat in ofloring theni this Pil!, hc prcsenis do quick ii.üiruni tfaai will, by ilfi irrttatln;; cüec-ts upon the Biomach nnd liowels erante lseae wheM was Iut!c or none Kefitjro. 'out onc ihut ifej mild, silut;ny and tiüiionn in itscficcis upon lic wholc syatent. Ue wuulii sny tlmt lio has now sprnr twenty ycori in research nnd investjgntton, il.rcctcd ii the l'nthology vi diaeas, nnd the proper i medicinal sulisiances. and their aáópiátiort ío the icinovul of mnlndicf' tü which'flcsh'iai ir. ;a ihe result of iliese Ia!ors. hc is now a!lc to ie lo ihc public u fcomblnotibn of uic.i ciml vogetablc snbstances wluch is as noar plgfection, as cnrcful iidy and clo;c investigution. ïctits .-tiii x,,criniciHt', can brïng it. He youltl say to l'hysiciatis, ns well as oihers, try tbispill; it will nüt doceivc you. It is peculiarly odnptcd to (Jic rcmovnl nnd provention of ti e following disiTiscs: Biiqta intcnnittnnt, and Rcniittant Fovcrs, Fcver Qnd Ague, Cougbj Livr Complninis, Sick lïead achc, Paasive Drqpsy, Rheutnurism, Epli ment ol tlio Spleen. Intcrnal Piles. Colie, Acidi ty of the Stomai-li. Incipiont Diarlura, Habitual ('ostiveiicfs. and in all c.iscs of Tor por oí inq Bowcls. when a entharüc. .-iporient, 01 ilioraiivc. is necdod. TUcy ore nuld. yct ceriain i:i tlieir operauoñ; produerng neitlter nausea. t;ripinp, nor debility. The nents of these Pilis nre instrticpcd. inense fullsaijsfection is not givén w nnv icrson who may urchnso them, thiit llicy shall have their nioney refundcd.TESTIMONIA LS IN PAVOR. OF DR. S.MITIl's IN1VKRSITY l'ILI.S. Testimonial of Dr. Lamlort. 'Monrok, Micliignn, June I'. 1 ■■! J. Dr.. EThÍth - Dear Sir,- 1 tnkc pieosure n piviog niy tstiniony ir. favor of yonr valüablej Univtrs ti l'ilh. I most cheerfully rëcommetid ilicin to tïic public as o safe, easy, and efficiënt catharric for most of the disensos in'cidonl tu.tfaia región of country. 1 havo made exfonsivi ofthem for four ycars in my pracii'O, and i Inlieve thetn lo be ihebeal ónötiiHoud Cathnnffc óij Aperient medicine ever cor. :'ii!cd and offored for ccnurnl use. Yours, &c. GEORGE F. LANDON, M. D. Te-.limnntal of Dr. Teller., Ohio, May i, 18-14 Dr. Smitj - Sir, - I take inuch pleasaro in bearing testunony lo the efficacy oi your Pilis in removing bile frorn Üie sloinach, dcterptn thi Liver, and in all complaints cmanatiuj frpm ihat source. J. V. C. TELLER, M. D. Testimonial of F. L. Wclte. Wateri.oo. Mich;, Moroh JO. I84-Í. To Dr Skitii- Sir, - For upwards of six months 1 was crudly añlictcd with Fter and Ague, and durihg tiiat linie could find noih ng that gavo mf ern anent relief; n length. liow - ever, your Univcrtity Piüs were recotnmendcd to me by onc ui the !cst Pliysicians in ikse jiarts; and I nm happy in being abic to'sny. thai froni tHe use of onc box l whs permnnénü curcd of my agaoj since ilion c niiniber of my funiiy have been as signaÜy bencfitted. Yourfl, &c, F. L. WELLS. Testimonial uf Daniel Gondnow. MoJriïOJÈ, Mich.. June J. 1S-!4. I hercliy errtify tliat Dr. W'i.i. M ÍSinitli has been my Tliysician lor four years last yast; iKü he has ucd his Univertity Pi!1b n Ui ■praciice in my laniüy witli unparalleltd succ(ss: f.nd 1 thinU thern preciable to any f ï LE for bi'lious oflixtions ia the world. DAM EL GOODNOW. Jnnkeeptr, Macuynb Si. House. Tcslimohid of D. fi'. Parshull Fi.isr. Mi-ju., Jiüie5. 18 11. Dr. Smitii. - I ani bappy to givu yrfu i:.y cordial -approval of your Unuoisiiy Filio. I am nblo to keep ofl" Fcver and Ague, and Fevcrs to wli-ch all of usare subject in ti-is Western coun iry, by the timcly use of your Univorsi'y Piüs. - Send an Agent this woy ns soon as possible, for we are all out. Youre &a, D. S. PARS M ALL. Terl'monial of Messrs. Noble and Fuficld. Wc certify thai wc are and havo bcesi personrdly acquaintcd wi:h Win. M. Smith, M. D. . and knuw tbat he isa man of eminence in lus profession - and hnt for four years he fillcd t!-.' chair of Materia -kdica and FharmGcy in the Willouijhby Utiiversity of Ijiikc Erie. with honor to himself and satisíaclíon to the Trustceb and Faculty and ns wcll as to Studems of the abovc Univereity. As for his Pü!s; they are 'par excellence."CHARLES NORLE. B. F. EYFIELD. Monroe, Mich., June 19, JS41. Testimonial of Mal B Ckasc. This I certifv, iliat in the month oi September lnsi, I was attacked wiih JBilioua Fcver. (whils away froni liorna nt Owasso to build a water wheel)and wíih one dose ol Smitli's Uni vcisity Pilis, I brohe it up; rind as iimny oiJier.were sick at thc (imc, 1 edministored theso Pilfs t them, and in all rases it broke up their fevers. I lia ve used Ü)ènï miny times siiice, and wíth grcat succcís. Thcy ure the best pilla I cVer ussd. RTAL B CHASE, MUhcright. Shinwassce, Miel)., June Jst, 1844. Testimonial of Mrs. Ahiguil C. Wfigiti This may ccrtily, llmt threc ycare aj'o J w,-:nttnckcd wiih I, ver Complaim so BoveíBljCjtliat ] could ecnrcely turn myself ín 1'cJ: I used many epecifics and remodioa, such ns JJrandreih's. 11=urrection, Oriental, and other pilld, bm witli littlc or no efil.ct. Oneycnrago, my fricad Dr. t?mith cnllcd on me on íiis way to Bos'.on, wlicn lie ave me a box of his University Pilis, whiclpcrfectly restored me, and my bcalih has noi ngain suílered Irom like cause. Rochestcr, N. Y., No. ]3. ) Franklin Street. June 21, JS44. $ Testimonial of John W. Miller. Dear Üoctok - Justico reqtiiies me to state. thnt Ihave s-)Id your Univera'uy Pilis íor onc and a half ycars lust pnet, and tliat 1 can sell n other8 whilo I have them on hand. Thoy have superseded ihe sale of all othors - tlnr l ' truly wonderful. JOHN W RJIIXÈII, Druggist. Monroc, Mich., June 12, Ítí44I Forsnleby J II. Lund. LoWer Town, and "Vm. S. and J. W. .Maynard. Upper Town, Anu Artior. i'.i-]y JNTBRESiTING; TO WOpL 6R0WËRS. rETE Subecribora wonld respect fu II y innounce w thc Wool Growcrs al' Ann Arbornnd its vicinity, thnt thcy continue the business of Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing nt thc oíd stand ofj. líecklcy &. Co., wliere they may bo 'ound at all scasonnblo honra to wait upon thoso wlio may favor them wiih their patronage. They níiarantec that tlioir work wilj be done with neatness and despatch. To thcJr oíd frtends anJ 03 many ncw customera aa lecl disposed to give tJiem a trial, they Avould say.comc 011 witfi your VV'ooi. and Cloth nnd w wü! do you ampie justice in the e.xccution ofyonrwork - tl.c pricc and ternis ot pavment. Twcnty llRoissnsicl ponesíls of Wool wantod in c xchan'ge ior Full Cloth Flannel, &c. N. H. - GLve as a ca!l before pnrchaeirt" elsc ■wherc. SUMJÍER IIK'KS & CO. Ann A rbor Lnwcr Tow. Mar. 2G, 1 645. 2ti vmh Wcsleyan Eicoks; nnin: Snbscribcrs have just received a gootj X Su; Ij ni Wcsleynn iJuoka from theDeposítorj vYork. Tboee wishmg to ptírllllí" v e cali and ior theiiibclves. CnCKLr.YA-HICKS. Ann Arl)or, LowcrTown, Dec. (i, I.l 33-6w 82iccp líears, CF a Buporior quaJiíy for ealo hy { BEÍSKÚEY, F08TBÍÍ t Co. filarch 2', 1S45.Wright's Poor EEass's FiDs. A N excellent vegetable iatnïly Mediciné, in . j.. crises of Intligrfiiion, DySpèpsia, Li ver j Coinplüiiiis 01 Jnutidtcej Aguc rmd Vcvr, Cont■ éd Tonque. Sickncss nt i!ip Sunnafch, Sick i odie. RdVriittant nnd lut.wmitieni C'iiiijhs. Colds. Cat.irrh, &■■ Sic. Y.uün Iv w■ "CimiIi -, !.. nws nipboíically NATI fll'VS ' KftlËND, eotwHlcifig to [icitflH ;;:u! cxuirrraciiti'.' ■ disenso by jm!)itt;; the ÖhiuÜ, dtjnswg iho ■ sysiem of viüaiad túintAM, icniuviii ofcéirucn ! lio", pïjrmikitn;;: i)ü cr;di: ui 8 roiicnr'. niii:; Ijng xn!i iln1 f'"l and nctnig everv w.-o' ll! 'ir u i'i i!ic sysieiji. li,;: ! riatoi v lieèH in wi(! i;'o 'U'i ■riui.-itïc: P'a.ier' iln v will ! fou:jd , in nul ni Iho raaipval pf iii 1 which iho "íaVer is ö5'vo )ou'n,:n-i!.loJ. and pariicularly are ility !' t lor ;;!! (ïctungcnicnts "" 1) ; ond i!:i:-.ry i ' THir. l'primriry órtgin "I ;i hiitUiludp ol dièertèeè. l'iii'f- 'Ti cruis n oOctu's .t '- PorsaJc ál Mopcljf.'s BüuUb,íüp mui by .'. T. StockiDg, Tiavclling Agcni ior Michigaii. i ü- 1 y Certifïcates. WooifcST'uK. Leoaweo (Jo. A uu. 20. 1 '' I. Forlwêlve ycaté liavè b"ccn iroufijeH-wiih o rhouinnsic nlJcciii!i n hiy ' pk.'isd fli-t Í Inv 'i.-iriily èvfer hoen Iree firou'i pain cïarhitj ilic Ik!o linie stid witLin iwulvc h ! hiïi .ipj!:t'( S.HH0 i(' Wrígbt'f Ill.onni."c Piaster, I t Icclly cííí-v. ar.d liad h !nin sineft BTEPHEMiQAttY. Jacicsov Co., CoJuinbi i. Au. 20. IS44. ' T.'iis muy c.i il y lililí IwVe ii.f Wj Pilla íh iny Ibinily in violent atiacks ui' chili rtJld bilions h ver, nn.l havo fouijd tlic:ii (o Ie tfiebcsl PilU ihai ] ievor uM, nnd Wou!d cronnuoiid eve ry faUi'üy to ;cc) üarrii hand. JAMRS AWARTOÜT. ■■■on. Gca'ngd ■ .. O., April 2Bdi; I , . .ii:v [bat l li. ivo v J r.':ii'.Iits" Pooi .Muis Piilaahd Jïliciimn:ic Plaatci-in my practfeè, mul w.-uld s.ny t ilic public ihai iImí can ruly upoii iLcir iccoininondsium wnli ilie ut most coojidencej in í-hori. iluy oniy ntou uyiug to recümnit-nd i!ieni8clvcs. D.KV. R. 11. SCOTT, M. D. Louaisk Co . GroöD, Muy 1(, 1 This inay ctTiiiy ihat 1 liive nnd WViyBt'8 Poor Man8 PiHa i my prr.rt'ce. -':nd find them to bc vm. of. il höt fcmfrely, ilic bost i'l now ín uso; ond wonlcl rocomnicinl cvory famüy' to kcop them on iinnd, cspcclaüy -ilxc wh'o live' ncor low. marslry Innd er mili ponds, or in an unhoaitby cliotate. JOSIIUA BASCOMIÍ. M. D. AVitliout rddinc; moro Kstimony of the efficacy of iho obove iiitniioned rncdicino. -vc du nol In slalc to say that vu ere not aíraid lu mts tesicü by the tid? ol ü:iy otlu;r of ilic kinc! ever hos been i ff-ret! o :in Anicricnn pu'uic, ani! vo will lel iistund upon ilsown nicrils. '. Foi alü at Mos ley's liooksiorc. Ann Arbor, By Keíiogg BfWbefe; Wliitc Neon. R. Wüliams. Jr. Si ('o., Slürgèfi i'irnrie, RnVieoh Gaget, Quincy. Utnndi couiity. ■ A. K. Hall, do do ' V. A. Jïlic-", Jiincstown. I idinna, Klisha Stoer. Angola, tío Chestcr Moss, Albion, M;thi;:iii, A. P. Mii:i!i, Sí, R. S.bley. MafshoHj Mi :.. A. Caüoiider, do !o K. Packcr. Batile Cjeck, d C W. Vnupg, Galeeburgb, do Capt. Brown. l'wiiricMlie. tlo D. II. MédwQpd, Adriau] óo Quackcnbofis and More,. Tccunweb 'o S. A. Ilowlcy, ïgnuBviljó, do H. Oilbcrt Maóchcèter, do W. 11. Pattersoh) Siiline, do Elárñon .V C'ook, Brooklyn, do i'ierrc Teller. Wliolt-salo Ascnt ivf Dctioir. Gco. P. Wrigbï Go., . ■-■ íi;.j.íoi'I lr i!n; i lle Unhcd. States and Ui'pcr and {.owei . Al! orders and business leners tor tho r;scnt, inay bc dirccied to Gco. 1 Wrighi. Culumbi.T P. O., Jack son Co.. Midi. Tt is fjr s'jle a!so at Monroc. Ml. Clomons. Uttca, Pontiac, and by Dubois& VVriglii, Jtiljrson. Aaenis lor the Stuic oi Michigan. ' Kii.o-KK. Carrol Co.; O.. Jan 2f; f84). Ten yeara sincc, 1 was taken wiiii the.Scroliila 60 thai I !iad no reüef day or i ■ i j 1 1 1 . my liinb beinginucJi swellcd and covcred with Ulcers, my íiicriát nnd back in gri-at puin, n n'erve's tuuqÜ sliatiercd. I oppjifid to differepi phyéicjans, all ! of whoin satd ineré was no help for me, and nl. ihe remedies .1 trled piovcd únávaUtñ'g i;:itil J made use of Wnght's Anti-Iiiflnniatory fiiu! RheuDiatic Piaster, whith reducod the inflamation, italcd the Ulcers brought the ekin (o its inural color, and re'icved the pain. I wquld recomüiend it to all s-imilarly afllictcd. and nin sun they will be sntiesfied a:'t3r giving il a fair trial, CATHAHINE ALLENSWORTÍI.Thompíov, Geauan Co., Oh o, ) April 20. 1843.' ) 1 ceruTy that my litilc boy put hie arms into boiling water, rcarly to the clbow, so tb: wlicn ihe árese was taken off the skin cameith il: after applyine .overal remedies to no purpor,c- the onnbecointng ïnuch swoilun and dio cliiin ïri great pain, Ia'pplïecHWright's Aiui-lnHiir.ctory and Rhouruaiisin PJasier.' nmf; wiihin tv.-o hotte lic was perecily easy, nnd went t- e1fcp. A icr twd or thicc ïtaiya I removed the piaster, ;nd app'.ied anotVicr. and wben ihatwns retuoved the arm was hcaled, excépt n place the siz o! . shilling wliich was eoon wèll. I Uelieve il io be the bett article for a burn ih'at can be produccd. and would recoromend all lo keen it on hand in case of acerdents. ELI ZA BETI1 BRO UG 1 1 TON. NERVOUS DISTASES aro fcfrètflj beáefirtcd b'y the of these lilis; - as Neivons Fíoadaehu, Tic Doloroux, St. 'iius' Dance, fee'.1, iheir teudcticy bèlhg ö sootiie ilie irtJtabHily ol the systcni. allay pain, and induce quict nnd repose. Those nflïictcd with CöDg}is,"Cotrt8p; In tinenza, &c:, will iind rclicriroin the use oí these p:l!s. Exposurc to cold closes the p.res ofth: the skin, .cbecks perspiratiun, retords che ctreulaiion, and produces vuiious inflninntory discases. Does any one rjcrccivb n cold coming uppn hiin? Le: hTni on gbing io Kei. takc sufHcï:::t ui ojietatc nnrily. and ihen every nigiit, lako cnongh 'o produce a mild opcraton t:il the diseaseabates. In case of Wonus let a tea of Pink bn laken freo ly lor ISboufs, and 'hen adtnjjtiatpr l'ills salüeient to produce a bri&k catharuc ope:otton . 521-Iy. The True Palia Extractor Salve. WriICII cures liko a cliarni nll RITRXS l.y tiro or water, and cciy cxtcríiál HOIli:', PAIN, INFLAMxMATlUfS', ACIJE or lTCil l.G ever yct lotind np.m iho human fin which it hasbeonapplierl. mum nlways besougui genuine from Comsuick Sc Co. of New York. or ihcir auiiioriztd rgenis. All are cauiMiicci againat nny fpnrious argeles, wlüch mhy alwava le avoi'.'cd by knpwiog the one yon bny from Comstock & Co. , who are howr (Ho omy proprietors nnd manuhciirers. Inquireib; ' 'r ncl'8. whicli is worranted io do all ii cvei would when callcd by any ether name, or tlu prico sholl be rtlunded in any case if jf does nol.1 To place t wüliin rcach of all, i!ic price lins tecn rcduced more than four fold. and is nousold at 25'cents, the iörmer price beirg too ex - prbitant. Tiie 50 cent size now conrains füiu times as many iislhc former, and ilie .l size iiear ten times ns niuch. No famil that has rmy t.lle lo lmmr.nify, ivilli fail to have Oo'ftjn&'s Pnfn Exirncior OVjtmcni ahvny8at hand, to snvelrfo. cll scars. and teiJiife a íagony any burn in five m:nn;cs. p.nViU-d ihcy have eccu ii uscd, or beileve thoso'who have ustd it. COMSTOCK t CO.. VJ, Courtland Street. O Bc surc thcrclore, and ask for Connki 's nsour wiih Dallcy's uame on it has bern stolen, nnd'uhe spurious may qppear with ÜM3 "f.niconit. ICnow; iliereS.irc, tbat it comes di rectly (roin C nètoak As Co., or ehun it. V, 'M; S & J. W. MA VA'ARD. 0 Agent for Ann Arbor. f OST on the HU, jPst. probnWv between J4 francs an.l Coona iu t,0 vicinity ofl'lvm Morocco Pocket Book, ni tnining Db,oi &r,0,(fó bank hoteé on CmkhM.Any person hnamg tito same and Irnw'nc it ni the of the Sigi,al of Lilr.y shall it-eeiv,the üIjovo icwanl. H. KQMr.Y, Ann Arbor Dcc, VJ, ÍSA4í. Jsv-:;rStfew Goods ! EJew Cxoods i ! T'.u: ■ o! i los ;' l,r-i lm " "-:- Cofion rurn. PulJetl i ; ■' ' ■ ' ■! ''■ ftiyk iilii i iplendid oi pi K; ■■ .'.:!in,k SriaWli, ' lói (j'i'!.'1.-, !''"■ ; Msh ];' ' .,..- ...irro, di ■ ClUváláJ ftlth BtfOOTi ;ü'!'Mi--. ' Llc Jiaail TriminingS; Vclvci gw .AÍ..-ÍO, V i OCHAS Farissenncs, !ío'i")p Piaid, Printa of ■ .''i'1"; PJbiij, binéis Afepd . ;. black Alapk-n, ■ I Ai ip ■ i,i D'i ' cui'd Aiapacj. . Tlic iimleii-viud 1i;s iïi.'Vidinon r.i a firs;' irtnic-nl of Stapíp nnïTniicy Dry (Jioi!s. i ciioico lot of Tciib ami Cönce, hu iamily ugo Asp, n largc tol of OceseFcai&oyesper HangiiïSrsf aiad Trsirellüig baskets. Ffis'Siúck fá v..! áiíitcd ió Lm tti 'cfty iirtd ciin : . (iiin!ry jv-0'iíi! : 1 1 ;: i ! o .■ i!l nilil look ;u( pn:;:'y the.nsoivi s liiM hitf Btotfe Nvill comüridwn citlicr ui ;uali:v Qrricc wiih afiy thcr in tho yc$u m ■, r.n'.i y. AV. A. ltAY.AIOiN'n. 148'Joíll-ríroii Avenue. Dctmii. Oct. ! !. ; :!. 4 ifguüd News from;nev england. 7r. SmUli's Coaled Lnyrored Indien Vegetable Filis, -Il'MANT FOK COISSUMPTIOXS, COLDS, KHKUMAT1SM, 'DISPEPSIA AND FKVKRS. 1TOOK n severo cold. tliis f.iü, wM.-h seulal in tny lh.ihs. ond brought on the 'lüicuniausm, accu-1 ,'iv: il whh eevgie p;iiiis pnd a bod cough. v.liioii ubliged me to give ijfiniy bu l trie'd tnaïiy fctíicdicá vvitffodi ;my reüof. iiHtil J pmi-uu-da bolL ol .'r. SUgfci Goatèd lnüiau Voficiahlo Pilis, which. 1 nm Ijappy to say. immediaiely riücvid :io. and cnnhlcd me, in threo daj8, 'to icturn i niy busiïléeè. I am now eiuiroly wc'.l. E. y. 1ULL. Waihington st. lijsten, Küv. 4. ISi.i. 1 have been coiisidjod in tho Consumpiion for abo ut nine ycarn, with a sc'vere cougo evcry (uil. wh.oli did iiot lcivc nu; till the next spring, with ;m ;il; cupjtant ( lon.hicliG; not bvïnu . ! 1 ■ tn ..loep lu.tiiy ni; !.iá durillo the winters, in óngCqiifiHcc 6l the i?evcVc fi'.s Af cöügliiiig. Í Imvc iricr! mast of'r! . ni-!i remedios, witli only iGinporary rclcf. JVIy ireunl QOtlgfa coniiiicn eed .iIkhU iujr VQckf, ïiiirc. v.iih un iiirreusiiig sovenoss to niy liiuis; anti wag ur'gcd to ;y Dr. Smíth's Suar C'oniei! I'iüs - whicli I di'J, bilt without noy íaiih in liicir c iïïcnr'. J took four Pilla lioí'uu re iii i ti ; a;nl wiiiiin foiïy-duhi houre, njy c; 'tircly biokon np, vliich hbs noi rciuriièd. nn3 tlic Bbve're n'dins ofhéailacho liavc ieft me. J nevnr li.-ivo fcumd a'rciriedy hoñitá f.'iat brought s ruiLU:u ñliaE I J not be.Ui'.vc iU--ro i; ,my Ur tlu: C-'onsutnution: ! . but sin Botifieu, ihere no (niporni y reíiel i qiial to these Pilla. ] have since r.dminitcrcd ilierii to mcmlicis ofiny larriily. for Cokls ndCouhs. witli the most happy goattLr. 11. F, WF.LLS. Uoston. Ilaving been niïücted Cpr sevoud yc,ats with a Wealíness in ihe stoinacli md L'uhgs, with ('.)■ tivciicys. Ifcauaclie, nnd Dépffession of Spirit?, liouulit ly many lo bc m n Contiuniptioii, and wiu obüytd lo ;ive up my businc;i3. Alï:r trytti r. tuiniber oi üio v;irious fnirsap,arjll,ia and Baisams, without ii:y pcrnVancnt reïief,'as prcvitlcd npon to try Dr. SiuhIt's Súgáf UinCtëa Improvod Lidian Vegetable Pilis; and. lo my astonis!imcntj.dtey immcüiaiely rciioved me, nnd, nCter taking a k-w iosca, am eniiruly recovered, and ab!e to return to niy buslnïês. JUtíTUS CLARK.1 lie dircctions anti treacncnt of the discases, ncconipaiiy every box. run r. ''.' cr.-Tn PER BOX. No i(&CQ-AH CoX'ÏEd PILL," can be geniiinc v.itliont !!■(! siírnÁhiVo of thc Solé inventor. G. BENJAMIN íSMITÍI. M. D.j President of the N. Y. CkIIoííc of. Hcaltli," Upon every box. Offices devo tea exclusiveiy to xjfg sale oí ibis medici do. . 179 Grccnv.i.-ú Siicc!, New York. N. 2, VVaicr Stront. [ osion. í-"(ir salo j ti oTl ÍE vnícsand towiis ñilbc' Píevy língbnd Sia'.cs. N". '..- Vo trúVcTlíng pedíais nre a'lowcd to scll íHeefe Pilis. G "j'For snlc bji W. S. r.rd J. SWi Miiynard, LuikI & iMcL'oÜnr.i, 1'. J. B. Crnnc, Ann Ai Lor. í'i'rriü Hall, .'.' th vil !. : 'I liotuas P. Mny, .Ir. Piyrtiïutli: Ö. C. Wliiiwood, üexter; GK - J. G. Hill. Detroit. "TQ .THE S ! T( ÍS J'ELOI G 'l'l 1 1 SPO1LS." VLTHOT'GÍÍ innnv propnrntions in (he Fonri bcen before tlic puiilic. claiuüng (o give relief and evon cure hu mp8t in'vcfefa'to clisensca, yet nunc liave bó wrll hüsWbfe9 iTi'é v'Jfposcas Dr. STIERMAN'tí MKÜICATKD LOZEiüES. Dr Shürnian's COUCIILOZE.YGES' nurc ilie most obatniti' casesof Cüughin a kw uours. They li.ivc cured a l'irgonunibcr of persona who liaví) !iucn giveifóp by'tnéit' j)hyfeíciaTi5 a'n'd friendí?. and inany who have been rednecc! to the vergeif the gKtftfi by sinf blood consuinpiion and íJectic Fevci. .y úiciy use liavt liad th'í roso oí luihii rostored to tiie nag; Til check, ariil n'ó'W livu to Epenk lonh :1k prnises of ihíf iiivulitable i)c-dícinc. Dr. Slier inniú "WORM LOZENGEïy'Itnvo !een provea m more tïinn 4 JU.UU! msrs u bfi in nüiLilo. In (net. tiic pnb ceuain Worm desimyiiig medicino over discovered. ChijdVc'n w II ene tlic.ii wlicn Uiey canrfói 1j fo;c.!l ld tu :.o am othcr medicine, a'hfl llie benefit doriveci Iroiii the adminisrrntion-of metiicino to iht!in in this íotn. i.s beyonil touurp'.io!). Tlicy have ncvci been lcnown to fuiï. Dr. Si'érmnn s :CAMPI1OR LOZÏÏNÜES," nl'vvr Hraflache. iVcrv.iiis Sic!;-l.c;uliiolic. Vn]liitnijdu ui' tin; Huwt, ntul sicUnetb mai, ihinútes. Dr. Shé'rmarrs FOOR M'AiS TLASTKR" s acknowlecígcH ly all who lmve ever use] t tn bé tHe lort itïëttglhehlng Pln?!er in tho world. nut! ,i snvcroign rtniedv lor puns and wenkneos in the Imck. !on3, eidc, bronst, neck, joims, rlicumntisrit, lunibaco, &. J3e corcfiil: to procuro ilié nbovè mid ;.l! oiht-r medicirios nl Bfinjnártts, étid yon will bc snre thete will hlitSb niistakc in qtinntitv or üliaixrc. VV. S. & .f. V. MA Y AARD. Ann Arbor. Fel). :'.. 144. tf ■ Wright's VfZcdicated Piaster, 8PRKÁO FOR l.MlIi:uiATE L'SK. Prke aili mr. sïijltfvg, hi order to place fliem willlin l)ic rrièans of II. Ïlitailmenta. ör w]i vc ilir j atTcnt riroiei's n less cxpeiiiivc iriic!-: tlum t!ic 'Anti-iiillriinïtory and Rheumatjc Piaster,' iln tt will bc found u;'hly Uuiug olrtady spread A)r miicfiieate opplientiori, tli.;y will bn fotiml vnv ïonyenientor WEAK 15ÁCK.S. Pain or Weakio6s in the Sidc, Bruist. STöTnódi, bolweti: tin ïihoulders. or u -Iitrov r t'icro is Pain, or wlicrc d ?taster i niicdcd. . 'J hoy m.iy bo nnderctl moie a-rvicr.blc by pnsting a píceo 'öclöth on fhcba'ci; A thcin bcforc A'fè ;ip;,lied. Aliilimidrs brivo ice rdicvfed üÜ pain and Bnflemig by ibesc Uhenp PJastcrp. 's J]nOk?trrr. r:nd ,y J. 'J1 StooKiïg, TraVcnngjAfgénl íor Michigan. 1G-IyTIÍE MISRES CLARKS' Yonn? Ladics' Scminary, ANX ARDOKj MICHIGAN. MAR Y IT. CLARK, Principal. (jri LOF. A. CLARK, Vico Principal. M. 1.. WAli'HÜ, TemJWr oí Music o ihe I'mio. fiEÜRÍVIAífi, 'IVi'Iici ol Gorman nml tfifl (,'uu-r. i;íI'!': K CLAliK. Teacher of Jtivcnilc.De pnrín í'. m V'KSHi Teacher ofMatIioin;ic!í iiid Vocal Wíj ■ ■■■:. ií F. S;ÍOFF. Tjeacíier ofFrendi and Clasnios. TÍI13 ínsiinitiori luis Ix'cn in opurajion since Nuvi-inlifir -8. ISfáf] Tfíe vclolnsiic ycar };iii:ii''i;i:.' foriy -eurht wi; '■! l'-vo MTITI9) crm►rising fwq Qíinrfpre enc]-Mwclve weeks in pi ■ --ti Prrorfíl ':i!uii:ittin ni t.'ic clooe a, ■ n-ii u-n.-i - in ■'■ímiirv uud August. fust quarter ot liie present vorm commened November vïr,. ok 'Cuinos. - 'ie Fnslisji hrancli'S.Q.'iO to jr pór'i.iiur. No rochi'ëriö'n made -i. vi i ti c.ts.t oí sickiK's. nul rio i':;1:! liíkei) fo Ic3i ' 'i i'i i (;niri'r. l''.xir:i Hnrcg nrc ifi'nité for injiái'c üii illb Piano, witli tlie iihp f ilic insiriiinuiit. 8,0 ! l'n-nch, :;.()! I.-iiin. ft.Óa ].':ri.i:ii,':nii! Painlin"-, n.Vti Tniicy WO lu :}.().' ii'.'i . iiicliuling w.isliins, liglits. fie, $l.7"i ti if i;:i,l til :l]v;mfc. nr $U,00 per V.'cck f paid ;ii t lie close ríF Hié qutífftVj riv:i!8;)ii(l :runif!ini)s ;inMi;vifil to visit ihr -■'ii. I every Fridqv, wlcn tho suidica of ilio (i -.i ! - ;.!s s'Miii-monthly on Welneo 'hy aftornoon. nt rcíiJinj; vP llic ueokly com Haviiy purena cd n halJiy nnd , ons Buitdirfc in n plonsnnt ninl conVeníént pnn of thií vilincro. no pains or espei80 sh.ill be ;:farr(i to fueiütate the studies aml render (he sinniioii oí tlic yonisfí Jadíes profítable andagreer,h)c. Yoiiiiij tatlicd dcs'rous nf nnlcring tlic scl'-ool and i;isu:ij ihc rwjular courqe of siiuly. wpuld ■lo ul! ! to commciicc at tlic beginning of thc (liiniKT. Eylp.ngÍHg lo tlic srliool a'c a Library nf bctwi i . '!i ' '■ iii'l l'ur liuiulrcd voliunea, and Plii( A",ini;mis,E]cciricnl Mncliino. Globes. &c. Scieniiñc leciures aic dtliercd lici'orc thc achool r proper intervnlg. Thc Alisses Clark will endnavor, not only to pramoie i he iindluclunl cnlnire óf llinir pnpils 'mu v.ii! Bttcnd íim-ily to thetr niornl dijiDrtment; Wiih a dccpwíiisp of roligious rt-ponsibiliiy, tnèy would gf'c sucli ñ tono ol cliaractcr, as shall ii jirncticaíly fmoil lor every siation - yield i; to (!;uy lut linn t principie Ámoug tliL books used in tho school aro, Áb.ér?i tWbro on the Intcllcctiml and Moral Powere - Kunc's Elementa oí Critioisin - Wayland's Moral Se.ic.iiec - Ncv.'nian's IUietoric. - ]lcdg's Logic - Píiley'á HniuFal Theology and Evidences fíF Cliriítinnitv - Comsloek's Chcníistry and ;i;urnl t'hUnsophy- ConV'e's ['hysiolopiy - Mrs. Iincoln'.s. íiotany - Eaten'b Manual of" Houmy - Duffift's Geógraph'y of tiie Hcavcns - First, Sccond and Tltird liook ol Jlistory - Mrs. Williaid'ft Jlcjiublic of A (9 erica - Plielps' Le$;al Classics - Playlair's Eucrtn, an,d Dayie's AÍ'gelua and Ariilnuctic - Párker'o Natural Philosophy. Thc Miise.s Clark have tauht a Young La1k b S ;hó'ol fo: sevenil yenrs in thc City ol New orlc. fiiu? .-iré rtirrrüíhéd uitii (eMfintbmals (rom lit. Úcv. Ik'iij.ijTiiii Oiuiertlonk, U. !., ;md Jolin I. (Irixí-.rn. },]■ 1).. oí' iNcsv Volk. IÍ.2V. J 1-1 ih.lvi', oí CüiokKii, and Mis. Emiua W'ülnrd, ,1 Tmy. N. V.; nlso. reTereh"cc 8 mado, líy ieinissioti lf the !:illívinp; gentlemen: lt'. líev. -1. n .Mlí'osIí'v. 1). 1).. Ilul)ert Riin.eey and L. J. Miéner, K.'KS-. Dctroití Rev. L-i:rc S. Kétehum, Ceir.rLviilc: R'eV. J. HihIsoii, VVlme l'iíjcon; Rev'. J. ['. Cleveland, and Ceo. Ketch uv. Marshull; 1 1 ti . Wni. lt. Dclancl. Jackson; l'aul I!. Ring. Michigan Centre: E' H. Win;in. Adrián Daniel JJixson. Clinton; Garsine Whcel ier. M. I)., llowcll: Itev. F, II. Cutniníí. C!iaud Rapidti: liev. H. (jolctflZfcr. Hcv. A. M. Fiteh. S. Dentón', M. ]).. P. Rriham. M. D., Ron. W:n. A. Flclcher, líon. Wnv R. Thompson, E. Mundy, Eaq . Col. Thomas Moscly, Capt. J. Perkius. Thomas M. Ladd, F. Sawyer Jr. Esq.. late Superhi'endent of Public Instrtictiort. Piofeesors Whitiinr. illiams and Houghton, of tkc Univcrsiiy oí Mie'iigan. Aun Arbor: James Birdsall and Rev. John Beach. Fiint. AntosMead, Ejq., Fií The follövviric; gentlemen, Rov. H. Cólttazer, Rev. O. C. Comstock. Rev. A. M. Fiteh, Rev. Mr. Curtiss, Professors VVhiting and Williams, ;f the Univei8ty of Michipan. and F. Sawyer, Jr., lato Superintendent of Public lnstrncüon. iiave eonsented to act asa visiting conmiiitec of hoschoulto be prcaCnt when the weekly sludies iré reyiew'cüj but especiñlly to altend during the scmi-anninl fxnmtnatiuns. ...AuguatJLLSJlA. :íl-tí"WRIGHT'S' ; 1'T IXi-L.lMATOM Y AND IUIEUMA1 ic plast i:n. A N rfPicicni renicdy Hir Rhoumniism, FeVe l'x. Sores, "W hito Swellins. Felons. Paúl o wcaknesa in the Cnok,. lircasi. Sidc or Linibs Uurñs. Bruises. Cramps, Chill.lains, Live: nn Li!iiLr nfftièlfóira. Indolent Tumors. SpinalafFcL tion.a. lnflnmcJ Kyes, Vc. &c. it is unsurpaesc u ::!! Inilarnitintory diseases, cithcr Chronic o Acute, as it üperates Cy coü'ñferactÍQg and rëiln cing ioflumirmiion, allaying Puin, Swèatliig tli parta ailuctccl. and by its sirenftihcning and Ano 'lyiic propcni.s ;ivinr spcudy A!so ii valuüblo ns n anit-mcrcnnal piaster. l'iicc 2 'i conis jicr Uox. Für i'urther particu Iar6, sec eire ulnting Parriphlct. For sale1 nt 'Moseloy's Bookstorc, Ann Ar lior, nnd J. T. Stockiug, traVcliiug agem fot Michigan. 16-1 y BROWNSVILLE JUWIÁTA IROIV STORE. Til!. SUBSC1UDKR. nent for the Manuuier. Pitistnrh, l'a. has now on hand a ISrgÚ and wt:ll dösorféü ntock of 1RON, NAILS, GLASS, &c, which is ofTufcd to the public i;t tlic lviwcst cash prices, cotnpriaiiig ilie iollowing: Oüin'11 b.ijiion, allsizcs I'low la!)J!, Daudy tire " " l'luw wings, Horseöhoe, '; " Sliect iron, Nos. 13 Öaddlc troe, " i: to 26. Round ;i;kJ Square " Nails, 3tl to 20d, i'aiu! anti hoop, ;; ; Spikes, all eizes, Boiler iron " ; Railroadcar a.!csi, Xail rods í%' I Cariiage '; Deck ünd spike rod?, Ca.rrjnge. Springs, Spades. Siliovels, &c, Sic, Togother with cu-ery oihcrnrticle usuaíly manfnctured M nu Iron Kstablisliinent. The aboye anieles are mnnufaciured at tlir Brown8ville Júntala Iron Works, Pittsbirgh. Pa. by E. Hughes, ixtiil aic of the best rfuality. WIN DOW GLASS, of all si'zes. and of the best biands, constantly on imml. w fnrni.shed to ordor. ilrchants and others will find it to Ihcir advnnlag'e to cali and cxnmine ihe subseriber'f stock, as ircll as Ihc jjiires. beforc going olscwliere. JNO. ROPINSON, Jr. jent. Xo. 1, Wnrdell'B ]5!oek, corner ol Woodward Avtnuc and Woodbridgc Street, Detroit. D, 31, 1844. H8 Tiie follov:ing papers will piense publish the iltove to tiie ainounl ol two dollar, and scud iheir bilis 10 tlu's ofllce: Pcnii.c. (,';. mc nnd Jnckfoninn, AnnArlm Staic Journal, Argua and Signal uf Libenyi laek-on. Gazette and Democrat; Marshall. Stniosnmn and l-.xpoundcr. jeromi: m. tk i:invELL, ATTORNKY AND COKNKKLLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the sale and exchano of J.iind piivmcnt r.j' Taxes, and i-edcmpion of and . bold for 'l'a.xcs in Jiickson and nddining conntirfi. cxaininatiou of Tules, Convcynictiig ahd (dl business pcitaininato Real Estáte. JÍÍice in the Oouri House. Jacksbn, :. 17-tf.ATT E i Tl ON C LOTHIERS! JUST reeeivsd at the Gencinl Depot, 'or ilie unie of Stock, Mnchinery, Dyetiiulfs. &è'. Sc'., No. Kil). Jéftor&ön Avenue Dctmii. thfe'fbllOwSng larirc, vvcll assorted, and carefully sclcciod stock) viz: 101) lbld. St. Domingo f,ogvood, Out, ", Tons " " in Stick, 150 ll!s Cuba Fustic. Cut, 5 Tons " " inStiek, HO bbls. Nic. Wood, CHipped, 50 " Li:na Wood, " { :ü) Rod Wond, R'O " Gianp.d Coniwood, 10 ' Qucrcitrori Buik. f)!)!) iih:.)ü.-. I') Cnsês Cxiract of Lo'wood, 303 Ib. Dyo, 2 Ccrociu SpinL-Ji Iudiyu, ODO l!is. Sumnc Sicily, :$ Gosks Ma tdor, 3 C.t!;ó Klwe Vitrio!, 5 Coökö Aluni. 2 BrM Hod Tartar, 2 HnreU Ciciiiii T-n : :-, 3 Carlioys A(ju:j Koilis, f) 5 ();i Vitriol, :5 li 7uri:itic Acid, 5flö Q)s. 'inlin-, r) " lilock 'J'in. 'IVascls., Twine, Copjior Kcttlcs. uil sizes, l'iiiuii's Slioarin;j AIjcIjíih'o, Curlis' ;i ' ' Scicwsatid Pitss Platea, C'i.uiks, l'npcr, Ktccl ftceds, Wjorsled Jianxss, Tcnter Uouks, Kmcryj al] iV"., Olivo Oil, Clotliicis' Jack. Satiinctt Watp, CJothJor' Ijruliis. Simules. I'icki'is, Cara Clranuis. &c. &c. TliCfibo%Fc. widi ! variciy of oihcr artit'os lo longtng to the tr.idc, have been purohnsod iliis .sumiller by iha öitb?cn !! (rom Manüíacuiccrs ard Fiist Hands mtlic Noy York. l'hl.d( Ipiiin. , iuid" l{.) Markots, and Very tHIng liavtn'grël ceived liis personal inspi-ction, lic enn witli the utraiist coiuidciico ofler tlu-iri lo pinchadura nsr br..l and 11101 completo stodi in tlie country, and as il is his (ixcd deieniiinatiön (by the low rote at wliinli hewill sell) 10 prevent t!ie ncceisity ol our Clothieis and Mniiufactuics leaving tUe State to make tlieir pnrciinses. lic wou ld inoicly 6ay 10 ilio trado. f'Al.L, CNaniine the goó'ñi and aseertnin n.rices itefoie yon say yon can buy clicaper umj toffere else. Hti is ftlsó prepáred (o contract for CARDING MACUliNEtí niadfin thi Siatc or En3t. PÍK11RE TiJLLER, Sign ui thu Golden Mollar, 139, Jeflcrson Averaè', Detroit. [17-if.] To ClotSiiers, Manuihciiirers aiail Rlcrchants. TUK subvribcr s now receiving a' his stores. 183 and 19 ) Jift'-reon Avenue. Detroit, the oüüwjng earpíully mul well selectcd stock of Dye VV'oou.s. Dvk Sirirs and Woolk Manuk.(T!'i:kk'h M xciiim.iiy. 55 tons Funic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico Carihdgenn, 10 tons Logwoó'di Canipcach, Si. Domingo and llondunis, G t s Nicaragua, ' Uunair, Coro, li.iche and Lfnm, 3 tons Camwood, very choicc, V&ti barrels LögWbodj cut and ground, 130 i; Fi'.stic. ' ' 1ÜÜ " Red VVoods, " '" 120 " Camwood. " ♦ J0 ' Qncrcitron;, 45 li Alluin. 42 ' ('n;'j:. - - 9) "" Blue Viiriol, 28 i - Modder, Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 ': Crcani Tiartar, 2 '' Nutgalls, 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Munila and Guattimala, 2 " Lac Dyc, 20 ext. Lofrwood, 1.2 '; Grim Tin. 300 pounds VordigfJB, 15 Córbbyfl Oil VííriolJ Spirits Sca-SaHs and Nitiic Acid, AI.SO. Copper Ktttles and Clothiers' Scrcws, Tenter Hooks, Jacks and Jirushcs, Press Pajiers, Card Cleaners, Weavers' Siiears. Nïjïp'ors and 1 5 u r- ling lrons, Comb ])lates, l'ickcrs and Uobbins. Wire, Worstcd and Cotton Harness, Steel ju Canc Reeds, Broad Power, Hnnd Loomsand Fly Shuitles, Steel and Cupper Mails. Emery, &c. Parsons' Shearing Machines, 4, G, and 9 blaJes. Allen'" doublé nnd 6nlc Carding Machines. Mi.chine Ciirds. LeicCster, The above joods have been roccntly purcliapcd directly from the importéis and ii;auui';icturers. rxri.irsiVKi.Y kor caíh, and will bc eold at the New York jobbers' prices, addinp; tiansportation o.nly; api in consequenoe of the decline 011 niany of the American mnnufaetured articles, will, in mnny cases, be sold at kiktkün rr.n cknt i.i:í-s Tii1.1 iTWtvMr.u f.lUflfe. ThirtcL-n j'oari; ;i.:!once in the Dyc Wood business Hables thosnbscriber ib tíny to his custonicrs that he is od at a'.l timos 10 wauh.vnt hisgood3 ot' superior quality. THEO. II. EATON. Dye Wood nnn Dye Stuf?' Waiehuusc, 188 andino Jeíleisaii Avonue, Detroit. The Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentincl. Potffiac Gazette, Flint Dcmocvat. Adrián 'Kxpusitor. Marshall Staiesman, Niles Courier and Kipublican, Ga.etto, Mjchican City 'Jn ) and the Énquircr,.Londojij (Cui;kj,i.) will cach publiyh theahove iiotico insidc. to the anionnt of three doll.ira, and eend copy ot noticü with billa to subacriberfor paynient. 17-tf.ALWAYS ON SIAXi. JJ rilHJ'J 8!;bscnber Jjas rc2 J_ moved liis Siiop to Main kC} y'rcct opposite II. Bock'jV l'rs Bíick Storo, where O )H&K& 'c may be iound rcady lo 1 ?#{L wa1 llI)0 11 that may givc ; - ■ IJaving jiist rcceivod direct froin New York an elegant stock ot JEWSLRT, and F;inry Anieles, v.lilch lie internis to sell loiccr ilmn lias ever been sold west of Dufialo fjr Readij Pay Onli. Among wliich ttify be iound a pood nssortment of Gold and Comtiion Watcfi Keys, Gold Finger li'.ngs and ÍWoni Pinë, Guard Clitiins, 'ilver Tea and Táble Spoons, Sngar Tongs, Butler Knivcs. Silvcr i'cncil cas'.-s. Sllvorahd Comnion Thinihics; Sil ver Spccincles. Germán, do.. Steél, do., 'Huir ÍJruslics. Cloihea do., Tooih do., J.aiiior do.. Fine K;izors ;ind Pocket Knivcs. Fiuc Shcaift ind Scissois, Lnihcr boxes, R-.r.or Stn))5s. V;illetis. Purscs, Violiny and IJows, Fluics. Yiu:n pud liass Violin Slrini-s. Clarionel Reeds, l'crcussion Cnps, Porkct'l'isiols, Jïiittnnia C.iticUcsticks, Warchcs, Loitor Siainpp, Sienl Pons and Twec7.eri,.Siiiiil'niKl 'J'ulnn-co l)oes. Fine conibs. Dressing do., Sidr dot, Bock Op., Shell do.! Picedles find Cases, WnierPoints, Toy Wntclics, Kid Dollh, a gr ot variciy oi 'J'us [90 niuporous 10 men (Ton, BcaAs, NccU'lacès, Fancy Jioxcs. &c. &c. Cl ckí and WatchÍs oT cvery da-cripiion rcaired and wanotitcd, alao, Jcwclry repaircd on ehort notico. CALVIN IJIJSS. Ca:h r'uv E0U 0LD UOLD AND SILVKll. c. II. Ami Arlmr. Oct. LM, 18-14. 2?-tf. CHARLES II. STEVVART, ATTORINEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND S0L1CIT0R IN CHANCERy, JKFKEneOiV AVEUE DETKOIT. 2_J 49-tL VfS. C. UUFPINGTON woufá-rpeMrfí TX ly inforra ihc Lndies'of Ann Arbornnd it iciniiy ilmt shc has receivcd the fali and winicr aanioiis. MRS. C. BUFFINGTON. Nov. 14. 18M. Jbcrly Almaiiais for 1815. [70R aalc by tho dozen or fiij"lu lyWOOI, WOOZ.Ü CLOTH! CLOTH THE Suhscribcrs wonid inform the Public Lb at 'hey wil! continuo tn ninnufacturc good Fwïlcd Cloth, il ilicir Manufnciory. two and n half miles vc;t of Aun Albor, un die Hurón, on the i'oilowing TKRMS. Untii ihe first dnv oí November. A. D. 1814, ihc ptico will Be 71 cenis per yard, or h;i)t' the cloih the wüoI utll make, From Ist ol'Nov. ember to the d' M iv, IKJÖ. piice will de !M cents per yard, ór rime twontieths oflh doth tlio wool will-innku, ilini is -ir yards ont o 1 0 The waoi will bc nunuifdi turca in min :;s it tnay come into dio factory. a nearns' may bc with rcfercncc In the clirTcrci qunlitics. Any pcrson who will iuinis.ii onc o moto pruccls of wool froin 80 lo l-(JÍpp,rnds o rinfe quality can havo it uir. niifiurt nrcd ly itself. Wödl will Sé recfived at Scio. Wool sent b R'iilroad will bc atie:ided lo in tlio-nine ïnaimi ris il tlif (iwncr ye re lo come syiili it -it pioi; bc crirfeftlHy innrked. We b;ic innrtu'rncturet cloth durin the pnsi yenr !or n vory laie min of cnslonicis. to w!io:n vuUclii-ve wo Liavciiivc vciy tiencral satipractïon. WkIj tlics; facto anc iho iKivnntiiijcs ofihred bv iTve lew pnce at whic we ollor to iiianufaetuie cloifi, we hojio ("or Inrge aliare oí naironnce. SAMUEL V. FOSTRR & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., July 25, 1844." 3 GRANDR1 VER WUAj probably be noviíinble wilhin n few ygars, as far so.uh as J . T l'RATT'ii STOIlf'. wliere the inhabitants oí Micliigau can iuiw bo siip)lied witli Drij-Gooï$. Grocerics, Modi cines, fíoas, {$ hoes, Hals, Cabine t Ware, MillSiones, Iioltivg-Clolk, Patent Smul Machines, BristuVs Sarsojjurilri, Jfl.Oli) boxea Pratt's Pillb. .-.lüiN'box 2 shillins, Jjile JJitterK, T)0 cents per bottlc, a cho'ce lol of C 11 F, ESE, mnde in Wesiér .ew-Yoik. rl'Uü propi 'iiKor jilodyes Inmself to sdl a5 higfl as any merchnrit in imvn, N. li. - All kinds of Conntry Produro. lumebr. brick, lime, wood, bought m solJ jnst a.s will .snit custoinore best. A good iur.n üiid 'orty acre of wild land lor sale. Adiuittanoc No. 1 Ulains' Biocli', ncar the River. Jackson, Mi;!i. Apr. l', Ii-Í5. Sugar Coafcd PïIIs, vs. Biscasc- Klorc Sviclcncc. MR. MIIiL, of the rum ofGirlt-y and Uill. 1GÍ) Drondw iy. s;iys t!ic öngnr Coated Indian Venretabïe Pulsare superior to any be has ever taken. Hs wub has lounJ them dcliyhtlul anrl enicacióYik Miss Douci.ass. corner bF-WollÁr'bn'á Lndlow streets, liaa.bcen curcil oí puiii n ibe ditnI1C83 of" siglit, aml dizzinéss of long standing by shesc Piü.'i. "vil-.-;. i-Vio.-,, o!03 riemy streel, curcd of pains and cramps, ol oi;;lu years Btanding. Mr. Atkiks, of 2G3 Green wich .sin;i.t, ciiicíI oi'lyKiinisi:i, ol eeven ywtra ranclmgc Mr. Carlock's cfjinghxcr ti oircel, cnrcd ofWoimsJ ihuir'wftrsi l-.riu. ji. .. iMr. UuiïNK.jr, of Urooklyn, enred ol !Ioiisconiplain(8, we.aknc?s, iVc. We necd nol add mótö. ] v-i!cnce crowds upon ns from all ]uarters-. No iMIs ever before nccom'plished so miicli, wilh so Ütilo-troH&ieond disairrecablencH:. as Dr. Önn'li's (Surcar Cu ■' -1 : "Improvod Indian Vegelnhje Pilis." S;M al Guion's corner iJowcry and Grand &t. ; PLiHp't coi per of lrrkin;ai of YVi!Ii.-u:i mi-v.tB, Kverell'i;. 9j Iltidsoi) st. ; Mts, I Ivy's. II!) Fiiltpn mtce BróóklyH; nnd zO3:ftr'eèrlwrcri streot. Rjt&Vnihc (he label - leuk lor Dr. üiuii'h'.s writtch i-ienatnre. 45 VJholesale êc HoiaiL THE Siibscnbdrs a.e now manufiictnrijte a' their estublishmerit in Ann Arbcr. an driicle SAÏiERATIJS.,'. wliicli ïs cqtial in piirlVy nhtl txcëHtncé ro nny ihr.t can be produced inMiciiicrin]l will bo kept constamly on liand in qnaniitiff to supply custoniers al as low a prietas can b aíTorded. To rcndei it cuiivenicm ior (runpportaUon nnd rewi] ng, the anicle will 6e sold in keys of oik Inindied poniii!. wciglil eacli. As the Salcratus made by the ewbsci ibers it pcrfecily i uy, - pqrchnrp will not bo corppojled IO8OI the KCgS out of doórd lo keep llieir floers from heirii spoütd by llieeorisinnt drniniiiL' oui ol the ley from thu cfibka, aa is somctiines iho case with an adiilienitbd Rrt'cle, 'I'hoso who vfiih for afust-ntlc arlicic fbr re i;ii!u:a wil! do well to eall on ua bcforc purebas i;í-.-kt.i-.v FORTP.ll ,v ('- Ann Arhor. Lowcr I'own. AprKi, 'jr.. : i-t TIÍE po.;partnor8hip bcretofórc t:xi =i i nir un der the firm and styly of Peckley A HfcRi is by mutual consent thiaduy dibsaivecl. All per sons indebtcd to said iinn, liy nieor o.ijiijrwise are to ntakd paymeni lo Gify Üccklcy, wSó i. authürizcdio rfceivc i, :ind hu.s boooihe obligated to pay all debta frprti unid íino. CUY ÜECKbEY-, SUMNF.R UH'KS. Ann Arbor, March Oth, lrtíf). -ir-:?w 'TAK2S HTGTXCË. TIlESútiacrjbprshqreby give noiice ilm tlie wil] continue iho Morcirniic BrtsÜtbsa ál ili Store recenlly occupied by J. Öcckley & Co whic tlicy wijl at ;i!I linie? le ioimd ready ti wnit on tliose Vlio tnay féél dïspósbd 10 favb them with thcir patronage. 'SICWAI. OMTiïBEKTY. Al! Im.sinoss rcliUivo to ;ho Siijnnl of Liberl) will bc altcnded to hy t!ie subscfibers BKCKLEY, FOSTEK. íBÜEót Ann Arbor, Lowcrlown, Mar. (i, H15. 4G-i F ROM the Subscnber, nbout iour wccl? since, a blak satín vest. ]t t, supposcd to hovö boen taken by nu inicnipeiatc njOD, u strangei whu was abont licro at that :imo. aiu lias probably pauncl i oiihor ('or nionvy or li(ar. Any oijowho will givë inlbrmation concern, ing it. at tliis oiücc, is informed that I will rcilfüui ilic vest and amply rewnrd liiui lor hU 8, E. BliOWN. iM.ucl 21, IK45. _ __ 1300 ils. ecse Fcatlicrs.r OF fiifit iai; (jii.iüty j'or gale by (lio ponnd oi nunilred weightin cjantitics tu &uit pinchas :ts, niay bc fonnd ni RAYAlüiND'S CASn STORK, Jlá Jclibrson Avenue, 32-f Doiroit. The Bianey Poi-irais. rllli Subscribers have on liand a quoiuityol ihcsc-lnrgp and eplcndid chgravíhgé, benuifully c.vccutcd on snel platcs, by nn excellent rtiat, (toni a pftiqüng by E. V. Esj. f AlUiny.:,'. Y. Tbcy are n striking Ijkpneaifll iik .Man, and meke on elegant ornaincm Cói ie parlor. For sale, wliolcsalc and rctail. al $8 por dozen. r$l,00 c.icii, by A. McFarrèn, Hooksc'ller. ►ctroit, and by KCKLEY. FOSTER, &. Co. Ann Arjor, Nov. 4, 18M. 24 ,f 3P LOOK HERE n IHÍtR Subseribcr Ims iwo Uorcs wlurli hc L wishes to eJ.{. Tcnm accommodatie. . . , DL. LA TOUitETTK. Ann Albor, April 10, 1845. 51 6w i'ivc Cícese Fcuílicrs, "F a superior fiifiliiy, for salo by J ÜKCKLLJY, FOíáTí-K. .V ('o. Marcli 3, 15. ■ i ' X-UvBUFFAÏ.O NÈWSPAPEItg ruiii.iaHKD o.N nu: casH svstkm. TIIE NATIONAL PILot, DAIL.Y, WEEKLY, AND TRl-WEEKi4y4 MANCHELTER &. BKAYMAN, Proprietore II. W. IIASKINS. Editor. Commercial Dtptrtmtnt, ly J. C. 13UNNEH. This paper is ncw and peculiar. Jt is the ónly paper in tlic United States upon the filan t i8 conducted. Al! others tnko their Eimipoun intelligcncc Trom the English Press, thus lcaving (ts ignornnt ofrtltefirKjrrorttn! a'flrrjcept wlmt it suits iho lOnglish ïntercsts to detail. IriPóliuc'stftie Fifot, l)okiMr AI!0VE amf BB. 7? llC pV'i!t'in irirt' ii'snii'-tions iims at NAIIONAi-11'Y; mul ús motto s - "Fok ouii OlüCrilV AT Al.l. IIMKS; té AP8oV HKR WI1KN uhwIt; to hioiit ur.u WDZH wuono." The ''„'.s party is iin citiwm oí thifl Rcpublid, agmnst my and ill its cnérnieS. Lorally, the i'itol wül uspi-cially consult hc interesiPj commercial :ind .iinwiicc, (t IJttfThío öhj'thc gfcai ariil roVi-hïg VaUcy of the lakes witli v.liich ilic fonner is mseponibly t:onnectc ''lic Filit is Mippüril wiili regular doily liles of i!io Pruis Papers öïevèty pbJrttcal p.irty, nnd wilï tlierelorc funilsli not only oti-:mal sourcea, and Ity 'luis giving both süfei. cinblu ity readers to jndfie more correc-tly tiran tiicy pcw&ibïy eau by rcníJiiiií uily ooco. T!kj Commercial Drp.iriinent 'gCjlho PiloL is in' l'uliy onipf'tcnt Imt-Os, s ;ill tvill adniu; hrfcfihc fMfkei iiiiciliüuuix' will bc econd to do ot hei sheet; eithcr in accuracy or its early proiiiul ga1tion. TKJt.MS. Doily Paper, per year, _qq Daily Puper, per rnon;h, 0Í40 Daily Paper per week, Qjo Tiiwcculy por year, ;00 Wcckly, poryenr. qjn 5copips diêily pi r ;n:iil, J venr. 20,00 11. r The Daily P1J01, iö dtlivored to eubscriliers evóry weeU-rlay morning. Subscribers wha pny svoukly, pay at the end ofeach week. Those who pny niojiihly or ycarly pay in advance.-Sin'gle topics can be obtained tor tiro cents a copy, ciihor at the Ofiicc. orofthe news boys. To Ejjitohs - PnblisuL-13 of wuckly papera who remil $2. in miruua-, shall beemiilad lo au cnchntige lor ohc ycar wiih the Ihiilij Pilol, LL Any puper printed west ot BufTilo. by copyiug the nbpvg (our inios, wiih ibis note, wilï be cnriil-'d to an excharige for'nne year wiih the Daitij J'i'ot, on acndint; n eopy of the paper, nontaiiuii ilio advoriisunifiit, niarkcd. lo ibis ollice. Or tlx: -piiijhslicr may on our columns for 2 in ndverttsing. Q. rrilJNCKËKHOFF'S" Mn [ïfincliprhnii', nnxiuji ( makc known iiid iö c.mijiiiI the n.-roi 'itn: llciilih Ke.stornrive nul íi';li nnd know: ff'thrti lts remedial efllct (by ilio l.ivor ol I'idvk!,!!.) lias been the only ïvailnble mouns of K-storing to héaJth and lib many of the yotiffg' nixl tii(!;ired ft) n s rd d.niirhlers nnd Imofll a muhit irde of tbo imddle aged, niicc!, ;.n.i vcnorable iiuJividuals in t!io land. now linces moro caiivcnienily TjofoYé the invalm his invnluable remódy; That drcadliJ scomge of hii liiiv. iho Consiiiujnion. wiih tt aitcndaiu tuMioi-, liávc beoñ gtfcjjl away- ihe ïlcstorative the iiiipairc.1 vial part so thoroiighly as to risist aficrwnrd ihe invidious uttjicks o( ihose diseases. To thu Ihimané and tender hen r ted ir ;s n pieasmg-nnd tnoving irghttoviow the licltirc Uopólesa ;nnl di8)iiiied .tllerer riso trom Ij ik i;..i;,'i o(' bicknus.s and pain, nnd mku bii pfcciJ a'üi'l tbc cuta nhíl diiiiea of lile sim - ply bv ineans of ihis yraiiu Rrstorative of IV'auiiv'.s fgnotions The niosi scvere cnugna alinosi imiM (li.ttcly yic-ld unrdtr iiè influcuce, and Inwcvci ïückiniior chiiüiic liicy may have benji, yct ihey vauisli [ue niSinént iKe Restornive bei;ii)y toexert and ihon maintain itspowen The Propiíetor eorneHy requerís all who are afHIcted wiih iiiy dif.o;.s; i( the Lunys or IJver. Pain in ine Cnc8t tiiid Hidc, pnu Couchs, to comnicnrr ihe use of' thé llealih Restoraiivc. Dcspito fic ;i'pru!n mi. whii h ifi nttached to all nd vértisetl medictiiès. usa this mnèdy uña bo'cnnvinccd ol il power honcver inrndulDiis yon b.ivc boei). The iullouing certilicate is . fron I)'-. Chillón, ihc uell káown New York du-mist. t:l liiivo nnaJyzfid b bóitjti of medicine cilled C; 1;iÍi)UmIi..IÍ'ü í!i-íi!iIi Roíiorative.' and fint! lliat it does nut contáin M'ercuiy, or any o'her inciuüic 'prfmr.iiitni; nor opium in any of' its 'ornis. [3 '.I vegetable niatter cn"K-Iy." J'ahf.9 R. Chilton. II. D. C: BRIiS'CKERHOFF, „ Proprictor, N. Y. Houw:. Kvi.i.iiT, Crucial Asent. 1 rmcippl Onjcc.9( Ihuláon street, N. Y. Fui ,.., rl.y V. S! .V J. W. Alaynard, Agents, Ann Arbor. 49-4wHARTFORD rjjgá Insurance i osiipaiiy tNCORFORATJCU IN ' lÖIU-cHAlM Kli UUUa.TUAL- caimtai. ÑlóJ.rüO, u-uu r)w;n to iM.i:a:Kiviü -250,000. npIIISwulI known ind long csiublishcd Insti1 tulior. witli ampio cnsli capital, have estnb. iislicd ai ngeney in Ann Arbor, nnd offer to indure Dw. l,,.. Fuiniture. Atores. Merclntndize, Mills, WJicai. Flüur, &c. on very favorable ■erins TI, o )r, character of ibis company :s ivéll known, and iis exicnsiw business s conluctcd on tho niosi juta nnd honornble principies. Owners ol propuity in Ann Arbor and vicinity vh i wih lo insurc it íigaiiist loss nnd thimnge ly liro. uie invitüd to cali dirccily un tlic subscriber. aliis Stprp in Ann Arbor, wlio is auihonzud to isuo policios withoui delny. I'1. J. II. CRANE, Agent. Aun Arbor, Jan. I. lSr. 30-6iii. ' Í844T WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. M'FARREN, BOOKSELLEB AND STATIONER. KJART'S iíLOCK, 137 JKFFKUSON AVENUE, DETROIT. K'EKI'S consiantly for salea complete nssortmrniot Í.J)Scclaneo.i5r Schooi nnd Classici Mutis, Leucr and Can Paper, plam an.J rul C(l,-Qnil!8, Jnk. Scnlinnr Was. Cullery, WrnpPing Vaam, IViniins Pnpc-r, of all sizes; and BLAiNK JÏOOKS, ful] nnd hnll botiml. of evcry vurjciy oí Ruling. Memonmdun. Books, &c. lo Mordí !ihh, Tcncliois. nnd otlicrs. buying n qnaniüica. a lingo discount made. Sab&Qth Schuul and Jïjblc Society Dcposiior. TVJW' BOOT, SIWEJ.YD LEJTHER STORE,. Ann Arbor, Toion. r -,, -i O FIÍLCH lina removed O. lus establishment from tJ ƒ thc Uppor to thc Lower Villaje, No. 4, IJ uron Bloclc W _Jfeá#& wherc he hotels himscli in 'J tíJf icndincíifl lo 'dress the "jmdèrstandirigg" oí every Man, ggh Wötnon and Child wJio will " give him a tho ncatcst, nd best mnnncr tbat can be done in 'Michigan IiEATHER and FINüliNGS of all kinds onaiantly on Iiand. WANTFíD, Cash at:d Ilida. in r,ny quantics. for wliich he highest priecs will be given. rtlFLci none purelinsc nniil they havo callud t Fclcli's. No. -I, 1 1 uron filock. Ann Albor, MnyJ4, 1811, 3-Jy


Signal of Liberty
Old News